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DTD的规范化   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
一个设计良好的DTD对于XML应用来说是必须的,从消除文档内数据冗余的角度出发研究了这一问题。函数依赖是数据语义的重要组成部分,将它引入到XML的领域中。给出的函数依赖可以是绝对的,也可以是相对的,键只是它的一种特例。讨论了逻辑蕴涵及其相应的推理规则,并证明了推理规则集的正确性和完备性。基于函数依赖,提出了规范化的DTD概念,并给出了一个将DTD转化为规范化形式的算法。  相似文献   

万静  刘芳 《计算机应用》2015,35(8):2345-2349
有效的模式分解算法设计中应着重考虑和解决成员籍问题,时态类型间偏序关系在强偏序时态模式中的存在给解决成员籍问题带来了困难。为了有效解决强偏序时态模式中混合依赖集的成员籍问题,提出了给定时态类型上的偏序混合依赖基、强偏序模式混合依赖基、偏序时态函数依赖和偏序时态多值依赖的混合集闭包、强偏序模式混合闭包等概念,给出了求混合依赖集中属性的依赖基、属性集的闭包的算法,并在此基础上给出了强偏序模式混合依赖集成员籍问题的算法,证明了其正确性及可终止性,对该算法的时间复杂度进行了分析。应用实例表明相关理论和算法能解决强偏序混合依赖集中成员籍问题的判定问题,为解决强偏序时态模式规范化问题以及时态数据库设计提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

针对模型驱动体系结构中的模型转换问题,提出一种从PIM关系类图到SQL关系PSM的二步转换法,通过依赖、泛化、关联 3类关系的初步转换,使其脱离关系线,得到仅与属性类型相关的PIM类图,并对不同类型的属性制定相应的转换规则,利用一个具体示例展示了转换过程及其结果。实验结果表明,与简单的关联关系转换相比,该方法更全面,能够完整实现模型转换。  相似文献   

基于键的XML模式到关系模式的规范化转换   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文针对XML模式向关系模式转换过程中形成的冗余和不规范,提出一种基于XML键的XML模式到关系模式的规范化转换算法。该算法以键为基础,根据XML函数依赖的一组推理规则,扩充函数依赖的集合,避免XML模式向关系模式转换过程中语义丢失的情况;再利用一组消解规则,消除冗余的函数依赖,使其满足极小函数依赖集;最后以键为中心划分关系属性,得到关系表,并且保证得到的关系模式满足3NF。  相似文献   

网络计算系统中涉及的操作复杂,很难直接给出一种的语义描述框架.作为一种网络计算模型,Ambient演算主要刻画了计算的分布性和移动性.目前关于Ambient的语义研究很多,但均是基于规约规则的语义形式.这种描述方式尽管简洁,一方面却具有不确定性,不利于实际的网络计算系统的设计和直接实现;另一方面,这种语义描述方式均在一个层次上描述Ambient演算系统中的各种行为语义,使得Ambient演算中各种计算行为纠缠在一起,复杂而难以理解.根据Ambient演算的结构特点,给出了Ambient演算的一种分层语义描述形式,系统以ambient为单元,分成3层进行描述,分别给出不同层上行为的语法定义、语义定义、语义方程以及不同层间的转换函数的定义,从而给出Ambient演算系统的指称语义描述形式.这种描述方式从层次化的角度分析了Ambient演算的计算行为,有助于对Ambient演算中行为的理解和实际应用系统的实现.  相似文献   

以C++程序设计的教学实践为基础,研究了C++中常量的语法形式及其在程序开发中的应用,并给出了相应的程序代码示例。讨论的内容包括两种形式的符号常量、函数的常量形式参数和常量与类的关系等内容。  相似文献   

XML模式到关系数据模式转换的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
分析和研究了DTD模式到关系模式的内联映射算法,提出一种带约束条件和函数依赖的映射方法。该方法结合给定规则对XML DTD进行简化,构造带约束条件的DTD图,并依照图中的一些函数依赖关系以及函数依赖关系的讨论得到最终关系集合,在引入映射方法的同时给出实例进行介绍,从而得到更加完备的关系模式。  相似文献   

赵洁心  潘正华 《计算机科学》2013,40(12):59-63,85
对于模糊知识中不同“否定”的认知与处理,文献[1]从概念层面上区分模糊知识中3种不同的否定关系,并提出一种具有矛盾否定、对立否定和中介否定的模糊集FScom。对FScom在股票投资决策方面的应用做了研究,以表明FScom处理实际问题的适用性。并基于FScom,讨论了决策规则中的模糊集及其不同否定的区分与形式表示;给出一种确定模糊集及其不同否定集的隶属函数以及阈值的方法;采用模糊产生式规则,讨论了实例中的模糊推理与决策。从而表明,FScom用来处理具有模糊性并且存在不同否定的实际问题是有效的。  相似文献   

潘正华 《软件学报》2014,25(6):1255-1272
在模糊知识表示与推理中,否定信息扮演了一个重要角色.从概念层面上区分了模糊知识中存在的3 种否定关系,即矛盾否定关系、对立否定关系和中介否定关系.为了建立能够完全描述这些不同否定关系的逻辑基础,提出一种区分矛盾否定、对立否定和中介否定的模糊命题逻辑形式系统FLCOM.讨论了FLCOM 特有的性质与意义,给出了FLCOM 的一种语义解释,并证明了可靠性定理.为了表明FLCOM 处理实际问题的适用性,进一步研究了FLCOM在一个模糊决策实例中的应用.具体地,基于FLCOM讨论了决策规则中的模糊命题及其不同否定的区分与形式表示,给出一种确定模糊命题及其不同否定的真值及其真值范围阈值的方法,并采用模糊产生式规则讨论了实例中的模糊推理与决策.从而表明,运用FLCOM 处理具有模糊性并且存在不同否定的实际问题是有效的.  相似文献   

数据质量规则是检测数据库质量的关键。为从关系数据库中自动发现数据质量规则,并以其为依据检测错误数据,研究质量规则表示形式及其评估度量,提出以数据项分组及其可信度为依据的最小质量规则计算准则、挖掘算法以及采用质量规则检测错误数据的思路。该数据质量规则形式借鉴关联规则的可信度评估机制、条件函数依赖的表达能力,统一描述函数依赖、条件函数依赖、关联规则等,具有简洁、客观、全面、检测异常数据准确等特性。与相关研究相比,降低挖掘算法的时间复杂度,提高检错率。用实验证明该方法的有效性和正确性。  相似文献   

This is a companion paper to Braüner (2004b, Journal of Logic and Computation 14, 329–353) where a natural deduction system for propositional hybrid logic is given. In the present paper we generalize the system to the first-order case. Our natural deduction system for first-order hybrid logic can be extended with additional inference rules corresponding to conditions on the accessibility relations and the quantifier domains expressed by so-called geometric theories. We prove soundness and completeness and we prove a normalisation theorem. Moreover, we give an axiom system first-order hybrid logic.  相似文献   

OLAP中基于FP-增长的关联规则挖掘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关联规则挖掘是一种发现属性问关系的方法,主要用于在商务事务记录中挖掘事务问关系。本文将已经广泛使用的FP-增长(frequent-pattern growth,频繁模式增长)算法进行改进,实现了OLAP中的关联规则挖掘。改进算法分别针对单维、多维、混合维三种关联规则,将多维立方体转化成不同的关系表,通过关系表产生关联规则.并利用立方体中的事实值作为进一步约束,生成了更有价值的规则。  相似文献   

We propose a normal form for nested relations, called NF-NR, which removes undesirable anomalies from a nested relational database schema. Both functional dependencies and multivalued dependencies are considered. NF-NR reduces to 3NF/4NF if the nested relation considered is actually a flat relation. Especially, NF-NR removes global redundancies among a set of nested relations. Two approaches to NF-NR database design, namely the restructuring rules approach and the ER approach, are discussed. We relate NF-NR to ER-NF, a normal form of ER defined earlier, by defining a simple mapping from an ERD in ER-NF to a set of nested relations in NF-NR. This approach effectively removes ambiguitics and redundancies on a semantic level and hence gives a set of nested relations with clean semantics and yet in good normal form. A set of desirable properties for any normal form for nested relations are described and an evaluation of several existing normal forms is given based on this set of properties. The evaluation shows that NF-NR improves over previously proposed normal forms in various aspects and is a more practical normal form for nested relations.  相似文献   

为发现Web使用记录中所蕴涵的用户访问模式,在深入分析日志本体中事件间的抽象关系后,提出适用于原子事件和复合事件间整分关系推理的ALC传播规则扩展已有的推理模式,并在此基础上提出一种挖掘日志本体的ILP方法.该方法结合描述逻辑和Horn规则在知识表示和推理过程中互补的特点,采用AL-log混合系统构建知识库,利用约束SLD-反驳消解和扩展ALC传播规则从日志本体中学习用户访问模式,达到站点商业智能和个性化的目的.最后给出验证该方法的实例,实验结果表明了该方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

SQL/N is an expressive nonprocedural data base language that is upward compatible with SQL. Its expressive power is derived from both the use of natural quantifiers and the quantification of subsets of relations, in particular the subsets that are the groups of related tuples that occur in associations between relations. We show that SQL/N is also very expressive in specifying requests involving attribute-relation associations, and that attribute-relation associations are implicit in functional dependencies. We show that an attribute-relation association may be derived from the association between an algebraic projection relation and the relation on which the projection operation is performed. Two common cases of attribute-relation associations are investigated: first the case of an association restricted to a single relation, and second a more general attribute-relation association where an attribute from one relation is associated with a second relation.  相似文献   

Traditionally, a conditional rewrite rule directs replacement of one term by another term that is provably equal to it, perhaps under some hypotheses. This paper generalizes the notion of rewrite rule to permit the connecting relation to be merely an equivalence relation. We then extend the algorithm for applying rewrite rules. Applications of these generalized rewrite rules are only admissible in certain equivalential contexts, so the algorithm tracks which equivalence relations are to be preserved and admissible generalized rewrite rules are selected according to this context. We introduce the notions of congruence rule and refinement rule. We also introduce the idea of generated equivalences, corresponding to a new equivalence relation generated by a set of pre-existing ones. Generated equivalences are used to give the rewriter broad access to admissible generalized rewrite rules. We discuss the implementation of these notions in the ACL2 theorem prover. However, the discussion does not assume familiarity with ACL2, and these ideas can be applied to other reasoning systems as well.  相似文献   

With the ability to deal with both numeric and nominal information, rough set theory (RST), which can express knowledge in a rule-based form, has been one of the most important techniques in data analysis. However, applications of rough set theory for analyzing electricity loads are not widely discussed. Thus, this investigation employs rough set theory to analyze electricity loads. Additionally, to reduce the time generating reducts by rough set theory, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is used to generate a reduct for rough set model. Therefore, this study designs a hybrid discriminant analysis and rough set model (DARST) to provide decision rules representing relations in an electric load information system. In this investigation, nine condition factors and variations of electricity loads are employed to examine the feasibility of the hybrid model. Experimental results reveal that the proposed model can efficiently and accurately analyze the relation between condition variables and variations of electricity loads. Consequently, the proposed model is a promising alternative for developing an electric load information system and offers decision rules base for the utility management as well as operations staff.  相似文献   

函数依赖和规范化在关系和XML间的传播   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
谈子敬  施伯乐 《软件学报》2005,16(4):533-539
XML和关系的结合是一个重要的研究领域,讨论函数依赖和规范化在关系及XML间的传播问题.首先引入XML上函数依赖和键的定义,并进一步定义XML上的数据冗余和规范化DTD的概念.分别讨论在关系和XML相互转化的过程中,函数依赖的传播问题.针对一种一般化的关系模式DTD表示,证明原有关系中的函数依赖可以在生成的XML文档上得到表示.针对一种常见的XML关系存储方法,说明最终生成关系上的函数依赖与原有XML上函数依赖的对应关系.函数依赖传播的核心意义在于规范化的传播.证明使用上述方法时,若原有的关系是满足BCNF的,则发布得到的DTD也是规范化的;若原始的DTD是规范化的,则得到的关系存储也满足BCNF范式.  相似文献   

空间关联规则与传统关联规则的主要区别在于空间关联规则挖掘需要考虑空间实体的距离关系、方位关系和拓扑关系,而空间概念层次的形成往往是基于多个空间数据层或面向特定主题的。该文在研究空间关联规则算法的基础上,提出一种基于概念树的多层次空间关联规则挖掘算法,设计和实现一种基于J2EE的空间关联规则原型挖掘系统,并以某市土地利用为例说明了系统的实施过程。该系统挖掘出来的8大类土地利用类型的空间关联规则具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

One of the key elements of the Semantic Web technologies is domain ontologies and those ontologies are important constructs for multi-agent system. The Semantic Web relies on domain ontologies that structure underlying data enabling comprehensive and transportable machine understanding. It takes so much time and efforts to construct domain ontologies because these ontologies can be manually made by domain experts and knowledge engineers. To solve these problems, there have been many researches to semi-automatically construct ontologies. Most of the researches focused on relation extraction part but manually selected terms for ontologies. These researches have some problems. In this paper, we propose a hybrid method to extract relations from domain documents which combines a named relation approach and an unnamed relation approach. Our named relation approach is based on the Hearst’s pattern and the Snowball system. We merge a generalized pattern scheme into their methods. In our unnamed relation approach, we extract unnamed relations using association rules and clustering method. Moreover, we recommend candidate relation names of unnamed relations. We evaluate our proposed method by using Ziff document set offered by TREC.  相似文献   

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