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装备无故障发现与间歇故障诊断技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无故障发现是装备单元在某维修级别被认为故障而拆卸,却在下一维修级别测试没有发现故障的现象,日益成为装备测试与保障领域的突出问题。间歇故障是无故障发现的主要原因,也是故障检测诊断领域面临的棘手问题。介绍了无故障发现和间歇故障的基本概念,总结分析了无故障发现和间歇故障的产生诱因、分类及对装备的影响,概述了无故障发现、间歇故障检测与诊断技术的国内外研究现状,指出了间歇故障确定性检测的发展趋势,深入分析了间歇故障诊断领域的关键技术与发展方向。  相似文献   

复合故障诊断技术综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
复合故障诊断是故障诊断技术中的难点问题,因为实际工程和复杂系统中多个故障经常存在.本文对复合故障的故障机理、表现形式、诊断思路进行了概述.将故障模式识别存在多输出可能性的求解问题定义为复合故障诊断的科学问题.分析了复合故障诊断的难点.讨论了复合故障的研究现状,按照基于解析模型、基于定性经验、数据驱动的分类方式分别对现有的典型诊断方法和相关技术进行了综述,指出了这些方法的适用范围和优缺点.并探讨了复合故障诊断技术的发展方向.  相似文献   

针对带有未知扰动和噪声的导弹间歇故障诊断问题,设计了一种基于未知输入观测器的导弹问题故障诊断方法,系统的输入部分或全部未知情况下也能获取系统状态的称为未知输入观测器.首先,为实现对外部扰动的解耦,设计降维未知输入观测器,并通过滑动时间窗口得到对间歇故障敏感而对未知扰动解耦的残差信号;然后,在满足误报率和漏报率的条件下,通过假设检验,确定了间歇故障发生时刻和消失时刻的可检测阈值;最后,对所提出的方法进行了仿真验证.仿真结果表明,在误差允许的范围内,设计的方法能够实现对间歇故障检测,满足实时性和准确性的要求.  相似文献   

微小故障诊断方法综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对微小故障的特点,提出将微小故障分为缓变微小故障、突变微小故障和间歇性微小故障,并进一步提出微小故障诊断方法的分类框架,将微小故障诊断方法分成了3类,即定性诊断方法、定量诊断方法和半定性半定量诊断方法.对每一类中现有的微小故障诊断方法再次归类,并对每种方法的基本思想、研究进展、适用条件和应用等进行了介绍.最后探讨了微小故障诊断有待解决的问题.  相似文献   

目前, 绝大多数动态系统的故障诊断方法仅利用系统的输入输出数据, 当数据中包含的故障特征不明显时, 诊断效果不佳. 动态系统的主动故障诊断方法通过向系统注入适当的辅助信号, 增强输入输出数据中特定故障的表现来提高对该故障的诊断能力. 主动故障诊断的研究不仅对于丰富与发展动态系统故障诊断理论具有重要价值, 还对故障诊断技术在实际中的推广应用具有重要意义. 本文阐述了主动故障诊断的思想, 介绍了用于增强故障表现的辅助信号所具有的特征, 分类概述了现有文献中的辅助信号设计方法, 分析了故障表现增强的形式与主动故障诊断技术的实现方式, 探讨了主动故障诊断中亟待解决的问题与未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

对网络故障诊断技术进行了概述。介绍了网络故障诊断的基本概念及一般过程,重点对网络故障诊断中的故障检测、定位、原因诊断三个主要阶段的关键技术和方法进行了深入研究,总结了相关领域经典主流方法,并给出了方法具体过程和细节。  相似文献   

鉴于传统的故障诊断方法对复杂系统或设备进行故障诊断时,有诊断速度慢、对多故障同时发生的情况难以准确定位等缺点,提出了基于故障字典法和神经网络理论的综合故障诊断方法;在叙述该综合诊断方法的基础上,以某型飞机自动驾驶仪飞控盒的主要故障为例,分析说明了运用该方法进行设备故障诊断的具体过程,并进行了仿真研究;实现了对此设备单故障和多故障的快速准确定位;结果表明该综合故障诊断方法解决此类故障诊断问题是有效的.  相似文献   

闭环系统故障诊断技术综述   总被引:40,自引:17,他引:23  
周东华  刘洋  何潇 《自动化学报》2013,39(11):1933-1943
本文着眼于闭环环境下动态系统中的故障诊断问题.介绍了目前闭环系统故障诊断的研究意义, 特别关注了开闭环故障诊断的不同,并概述了现有的闭环系统故障诊断方法. 通过仿真实验比较了典型开环系统和闭环系统中故障诊断的不同性能.最后探讨了闭环系统故障诊断研究中 亟待解决的问题以及未来可能的研究方向.  相似文献   

针对间歇过程的非线性和时变性特点以及故障易误报的问题,提出了一种将移动窗-核熵成分分析(MW-KECA)故障监测与基于变量贡献的支持向量数据描述(SVDD)故障诊断集合而成的故障检测系统.MW-KECA方法构建局部模型能有效处理数据的时变性,同时保留KECA优秀的非线性处理能力.故障诊断中以各变量对CS统计量-向量间角...  相似文献   

针对间歇过程的在线故障诊断需要预测过程变量的未知输出问题,提出了一种数据展开和故障分类器数据选择相结合的方法。首先,对包含批次信息的三维数据进行数据展开,对间歇过程的多阶段分别建立PCA模型并进行过程的故障监测;然后,选取故障发生时刻之后的部分长度采样时刻的数据进行故障的特征提取,离线建立LSSVM的故障分类器模型;最后,通过故障分类器进行在线故障诊断,实现故障分类并确定发生了某类故障。该方法提高了间歇过程在线故障诊断的实时性和准确性,通过青霉素发酵仿真过程的应用,进一步验证所提方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

离散事件系统的间歇性故障诊断能够将系统中发生的间歇性故障及时诊断出来,但在诊断期间的系统可能会执行不安全操作.针对间歇性故障在诊断期间的安全性问题,提出一种基于事件的安全诊断方法.首先对发生间歇性故障的离散事件系统进行建模,并给出系统间歇性故障的安全可诊断性的形式化定义.然后通过构造非法语言识别器对系统的非法操作进行识别,并在此基础上构建一个安全验证器,由此得到一个关于系统间歇性故障安全可诊断性的充分必要条件,实现离散事件系统对间歇性故障的安全诊断.这种安全诊断既保证了间歇性故障一旦发生即能被及时诊断出来,又确保了在故障诊断期间系统不会执行任何不安全操作.  相似文献   

一种软件故障诊断过程框架   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
软件在国民经济和社会生活中发挥着重要作用.软件出现故障给人们的工作、生活带来不便,甚至造成严重危害.但是当前所进行的多为软件故障诊断中单项活动的研究,较少有对各项诊断活动及其相应方法进行有效集成的研究.文中分析软件失效机理和软件故障产生原因,讨论软件故障模型,提出一种由故障检测、故障定位、故障排除、交付等组成的集成化的...  相似文献   

针对目前飞机交流发电机排故工作过程繁琐、效率低下的现状,提出将Petri网理论应用到飞机交流发电机故障诊断中;利用Petri网的并行处理能力来提高排故效率;改进了一种适合故障特性的Petri网模型,以Petri网的变迁激活规则进行故障诊断推理,从而分析出异常行为过程间的因果关系,推理出故障的原因;最后,以飞机交流发电机的失频故障为例,建立诊断模型,通过仿真分析验证了该方法的可行性和高效性。  相似文献   

The enormous energy use of the building sector and the requirements for indoor living quality that aim to improve occupants’ productivity and health, prioritize Smart Buildings as an emerging technology. The Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) system is considered one of the most critical and essential parts in buildings since it consumes the largest amount of energy and is responsible for humans comfort. Due to the intermittent operation of HVAC systems, faults are more likely to occur, possibly increasing eventually building’s energy consumption and/or downgrading indoor living quality. The complexity and large scale nature of HVAC systems complicate the diagnosis of faults in a centralized framework. This paper presents a distributed intelligent fault diagnosis algorithm for detecting and isolating multiple sensor faults in large-scale HVAC systems. Modeling the HVAC system as a network of interconnected subsystems allows the design of a set of distributed sensor fault diagnosis agents capable of isolating multiple sensor faults by applying a combinatorial decision logic and diagnostic reasoning. The performance of the proposed method is investigated with respect to robustness, fault detectability and scalability. Simulations are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in the presence of multiple sensor faults applied to a 83-zone HVAC system and to evaluate the sensitivity of the method with respect to sensor noise variance.   相似文献   

陈维兴  曲睿  孙毅刚 《计算机应用》2016,36(12):3505-3510
针对机坪地面空调间歇故障引起的使用效能低、维修滞后等问题,提出了二次关联累加数组(AS)-Apriori与聚类K-means相结合的间歇故障预测方法,并基于此实现了延误维修预测。其中:AS-Apriori算法解决了Apriori频繁扫描事务库的低效问题,通过实时构造间歇故障数组并对其对应项累加求和;延误维修预测是为了估计出永久故障临界区以安排合理维修,可采用正态分布求出不同间歇故障变量的维修波及延误概率并进行依次累加而实现。验证表明,AS-Apriori提高了运行效率,且二次关联规则支持度提升了20.656个百分点,能更准确预测间歇故障,同时参照数据分析,预测的维修波及延误累加概率呈线性分布,即可预测性高的间歇故障更便于预先维护管理,减少永久故障的形成。  相似文献   

网络故障涉及的原因很多 ,查找故障原因的思路尤为重要。从网络故障的原因分析开始 ,到网络故障现象的识别诊断过程、实用诊断工具的介绍 ,为读者提供了面对图书馆网络故障时的一般诊断及解决策略  相似文献   

变压器故障分为放电性故障和过热性故障两大类别,它们均会在变压器油中有所反映。本文通过对变压器油中主要气体的分析,判断变压器的故障类型。具体方法是:利用改进算法的BP网络和信息融合技术,以变压器油中五种主要特征气体作为神经网络的输入,以六种变压器状态作为相应的输出,通过加入动量因子,可以提高学习率系数,充分发挥改进算法的BP网络具有自适应学习能力的优势。仿真测试结果表明,本方法能够在较大范围内准确有效地进行变压器的故障诊断。  相似文献   

Diagnosis of Intermittent Faults   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The diagnosis of intermittent faults in dynamic systems modeled as discrete event systems is considered. In many systems, faulty behavior often occurs intermittently, with fault events followed by corresponding reset events for these faults, followed by new occurrences of fault events, and so forth. Since these events are usually unobservable, it is necessary to develop diagnostic methodologies for intermittent faults. Prior methodologies for detection and isolation of permanent faults are no longer adequate in the context of intermittent faults, since they do not account explicitly for the dynamic behavior of these faults. This paper addresses this issue by: (i) proposing a modeling methodology for discrete event systems with intermittent faults; (ii) introducing new notions of diagnosability associated with fault and reset events; and (iii) developing necessary and sufficient conditions, in terms of the system model and the set of observable events, for these notions of diagnosability. The definitions of diagnosability are complementary and capture desired objectives regarding the detection and identification of faults, resets, and the current system status (namely, is the fault present or absent). The associated necessary and sufficient conditions are based upon the technique of diagnosers introduced in earlier work, albeit the structure of the diagnosers needs to be enhanced to capture the dynamic nature of faults in the system model. The diagnosability conditions are verifiable in polynomial time in the number of states of the diagnosers.  相似文献   

Bias of data location and increase in data variations are two typical disturbances, which in general, simultaneously exist in the fault process. Targeting their different characteristics, a nested-loop fisher discriminant analysis (NeLFDA) algorithm and relative changes (RC) algorithm are effectively combined for analyzing the fault characteristics. First, a prejudgment strategy is developed to evaluate the fault types and determine what changes are covered in the fault process. Two statistical indexes are defined, which conduct Monte Carlo based center fluctuation analysis and dissimilarity analysis respectively. Second, for the fault data containing those two faults simultaneously, a combined NeLFDA-RC algorithm is proposed for fault deviations modeling, which is termed as CNR-FD. Fault directions concerning bias of data location are extracted by the NeLFDA algorithm and then corresponding fault deviations are removed from the fault data. Then RC algorithm is performed on these fault data to extract directions concerning increase of data variations. These fault directions are used as reconstruction models to characterize each fault class. Particularly, the compromise between these two algorithms is determined by the Monte Carlo based center fluctuation analysis. For online applications, a probabilistic fault diagnosis strategy based on Bayes’ rule is performed to identify fault cause by discovering the right reconstruction models that can make the reconstructed monitoring statistics have the largest probabilities of belonging to normal condition. The motivation of the proposed algorithm is illustrated by a numerical case and the performance of the reconstruction models and the probabilistic fault diagnosis strategy are illustrated using pre-programmed faults from the Tennessee Eastman benchmark process and the real industrial process data from the cut-made process of cigarettes in some cigarette factory.  相似文献   

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