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IP组播技术及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周恒 《福建电脑》2003,(2):16-17
IP组播技术实现了IP网络中点到多点的高效数据传输。本文简要介绍了IP组播技术的优势、传输特点、原理等相关知识 ,并以实例来说明组播技术在网络视频会议系统中的应用。  相似文献   

程连贞  刘凯  张军 《计算机学报》2007,30(7):1064-1073
为了解决低轨卫星网络中现有典型源组播算法的信道资源浪费问题,提出了一套单核共享树组播算法,即核心群合并共享树(CCST)和加权CCST(w-CCST)算法.CCST算法包括动态近似中心(DAC)选核方法和核心群合并组播路径构建方法.DAC方法根据组成员在网络中的分布情况自适应选择最优核;在核心群合并方法中,以核节点作为初始核心群,通过核心群和剩余组成员的最短路径方法逐步扩展直至整棵组播树构建完成,从而使得组播树的树代价最小,大大提高了网络的传输带宽利用率和传输效率.在w-CCST算法中,可以通过调整加权因子来适度增大树代价、降低端到端传播时延以满足某些端到端时延要求苛刻的实时组播业务.最后,通过仿真与其它算法进行了性能对比,仿真结果说明CCST组播树的平均树代价比其它组播树显著降低,平均端到端传播时延比其它组播树稍高;w-CCST算法的平均端到端传播时延性能好于CCST算法,树代价性能稍差,说明使用加权因子可以在组播树的树代价和端到端传播时延性能之间作折中.  相似文献   

张京军  王立国 《计算机仿真》2006,23(12):129-132
组播是一个源节点将同一信息传送到多个目的节点的通信方式,IP组播技术减少了网络不必要的带宽开销、网络资源的消耗以及大大减轻了源主机的负担。网络仿真是网络研究者验证网络协议在各种情况下是否具有健壮性和可靠性的有效手段。NS2是面向对象的大型离散事件仿真器,它不仅能实现复杂的网络数据传输和拓扑结构的仿真,还能近乎真实地模拟各种IP网络环境。用NS2实现了一个20个节点网络拓扑的组播路由协议PIM—SM仿真,并获取数据对PIM—SM组播网络性能进行了分析。仿真结果表明了组播网络性能的优越性。  相似文献   

基于稳定路径的MAODV协议改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡杰  陈兵  马向南  何小菁 《计算机应用》2009,29(11):2904-2907
移动Ad Hoc网络组播路由协议MAODV中,组播树在节点移动速度较快的情况下会频繁重构,使得路由开销、传输时延显著增大。针对基于邻居节点变化率的稳定路径选择方法,提出一种新的节点邻居变化率的检测机制,不需要周期性地发送Hello消息,并在此基础上设计和仿真实现了基于稳定路径的MAODV协议SP-MAODV,新协议选择的路径稳定性好且跳数小。最后从数据分组传输成功率、路由开销、平均端到端时延和时延抖动四个方面对两个协议进行了仿真比较,结果表明SP-MAODV协议减少了路径中断概率,提高了协议性能。  相似文献   

P2P的技术把视频会议服务器的功能分散到客户端,从而解决视频会议系统中存在的网络和系统资源瓶颈问题.本文综合利用P2P技术和传统视频会议的优点,提出一种有中心管理服务器的P2P视频会议系统结构,并对节点间的数据交互和控制机制进行了研究.根据当前的Internet跨网段间不支持IP层组播的实际情况,提出在局域网内采用IP组播、在子网间采用单播的应用层组播方式进行媒体流传输.考虑P2P网络中每个节点都有自治的、动态的、自利的等特性,本文提出一种基于投标-招标机制的媒体流组播树的生成与维护算法.  相似文献   

吴克军 《测控技术》2010,29(4):56-62
提出了一种基于分层结构的Ad Hoc网络应用层组播路由协议HALMP,将网络划分为多个子网,利用虚拟成员节点和延迟响应机制优化子网内共享组播树,以最小生成树方式构建子网间的源-群首组播树,数据分组转发时对组成员节点分布密集的区域引入本地广播机制。仿真结果表明,这些策略的采用优化了组播树,提高了分组转发效率,协议具有较好的可扩展性。  相似文献   

目前,不少企业或政府部门.通过自建或租用线路,开发属于自己的宽带IP城域网,并在其上开展视频会议等应用。一般来说,搭建一个星型网络.进行点对点的TCP/IP数据包传输.并非难事.只要能Ping通对方就行,因为TCP/IP提供可靠传输.接收方如果没有收到数据包,发送方会重发这些包。但是在组播方式下,采用的是不可靠的UDP传输.发送方没有重发数据包的机制,如果传输环境不进行优化,或者网络交换机的配置不很合理,就很容易造成数据包的延时或丢失,导致传输视频会议的图像时,在接收端出现马赛克、停顿,甚至黑屏等现象。因此,笔者愿把自己总结出的一些组播应用的管理经验与读者共享。  相似文献   

IP组播是将数据分发给一组参与者的非常有效的通信方式,有着廉价、高效的特点。组播网络监测对于增强组播性能、安全具有重要意义。为此,本文分析了组播监测的需求和功能要求,开发了组播监测系统MUL-Monitor,能够有效监测网络和组播应用。其结构包括收集处理数据模块、数据传输模块、分析模块、可视化模块。针对端到端组播监测的需求,MUL-Monitor支持多管理域,采用主动和被动相结合的端到端组播监测机制。测试和试用表明,能够满足组播网络和应用监测的基本需求。  相似文献   

李小勇  张卫 《计算机工程》2007,33(17):125-127
提出了一种可扩展性较好的基于MPLS的稀疏模式的IP组播算法,利用分枝节点和隧道相结合的原理,实现了共享树的组播。通过使用隧道技术,实现多点到多点的MPLS共享树组播,解决了MPLS组播中的关键问题:mp2mp的标签分配。基于网络仿真软件NS-2,实现了该算法的仿真模块。实验证明,该算法是可行和有效的。  相似文献   

异构环境下层次编码多视频源多共享信道分层组播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
视频组播是许多当前和将来网络服务的重要组成部分,如视频会议,远程学习、远地展示及视频点播,随着网络传送基础设施的改善和端系统处理能力的增强,组播视频应用日益变得可行,组播视频传输中存在的主要问题是网络送资源的异构性和动态性,其使得视频流的多个接收方都达到可接受的流量特性变得异常困难,目前该问题的一个有效解决方式就是利用自适应的分层视频传输机制,在该机制中,各源产生层次媒体流,并在多个网络信道中传输。对视频会议类的多点到多点视频组播应用,信道往往被所有潜在的发送方共享,任何发送方都可在任何一个共享信道中发送其视频层次。在该多点到多点、共享信道、分层视频组播模型下,一个关键问题就是如何动态确定各视频源层次到各共享组播信道的映射,映射策略直接影响到会话整体视频接收质量和网络带宽利用率。典型的方式是顺序映射,该映射方式同等对待各发送方,但利用该方式,随源数目的增加,在各共享网络信度上会出现带宽可伸缩性问题,而且顺序映射方式无法适应网络传送资源和会话状态的动态变化。为此,该文设计了一种基于接收方反馈信息的自适应的层次映射算法,接收方周期性地将其当前感兴趣的发送方及接收速率的信息反馈给某控制节点,而控制节点就利用当前反馈信息动态地调整映射策略。经证实,该算法始终能比顺序层次映射算法获得更高的整体视频接收质量,并具有高的带宽利用率和很小的复杂度。  相似文献   

In general, content distribution and multicasting can be implemented from proxies and gateways in the network on a static host in wired/wireless network environments. However, if an end point host moves to different wireless access networks, it will have a problem in many situations. For example, consideration of contents like the level of required service quality for network search, handoff, connection and call time, and caching and load balancing is necessary. Unlike previous studies, this article analyzes additional costs related to Fast Handover and compares the performance of group of pictures and data transmission delay time. For this, first, the total additional cost was divided into signaling cost and packet transmission cost, and results of the comparison calculated for video data transmission delay time and traffic overhead are presented. This article proposes service quality improvement methods by acquiring multiuser channel state information for multicast video-streaming transmission with a method implemented between network layers. Channel state information of each user in the multicast group is used as information for the transmission of multicast packets. Thus, through simulation like real-time traffic, the optimum traffic transmission state is maintained. As a result of the simulation, we found that video-streaming service performance for multicast users improved by applying the approach method between layers. This article proposes optimization methods of a cross-layered approach for wireless network multimedia communication systems and video-streaming application services.  相似文献   

针对目前Internet未对多媒体应用提供QoS保障的问题,分析了视频流组播的难点,提出了一种基于缓冲区管理的网络自适应组播发送速率控制方法.该机制可以合理控制服务器的发送速率,既能自适应网络状况的变化,又满足流媒体实时播放的需求.实验结果表明,该机制通过控制发送缓冲区占有率,降低了分组丢包率,提高了终端的接收质量,具有良好的实用价值.  相似文献   

张天伍  刘新建 《计算机仿真》2012,(4):371-374,386
研究交通通信网络,提高网络的吞吐量和数据传输效率。针对传统的单播组网中通信发送者需要多次复制相同的数据包以满足多个接受者同时提出的数据请求,随着数据请求的增多使得发送者的通信负担加重,造成网络拥塞、吞吐量不高的问题。为了解决上述难题,提出基于组播通信的交通通信网络的组网方法。采用Mesh结构构建交通通信网络的组播模型,使得网络节点之间建立有线或无线的连接,然后利用网络编码算法实现网络间的通信,使得源点只需发送一次就可向多个终点成功传输相同的数据。实验表明,组网方法能够有效解决数据请求过多时网络吞吐量不高的问题,同时提高了数据传输的效率,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

组播技术指的是单个发送者对应多个接收者的一种网络通信方式.该组播技术中,通过向多个接收方传送单播信息流方式,可以减少具有多个接收方同时收听或查看相同资源情况下的网络通信流量.对于n方视频会议,可以减少使用a(n-1)倍的带宽长度.“组播”中较为典型的是采用组播地址的IP组播.组播技术基于“组”这样一个概念,属于接收方专有组,主要接收相同数据流.该接收方组可以分配在英特网的任意地方.本文以监控系统介绍IP组播技术中的应用.  相似文献   

Multicasting has become increasingly important with the emergence of Internet-based applications such as IP telephony, audio/video conferencing, distributed databases and software upgrading. IP multicasting is an efficient way to distribute information from a single source to multiple destinations at different locations. In practice IP is considered as a layer 3 protocol. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) replaces the IP forwarding by a simple label lookup. MPLS combines the flexibility of layer 3 routing and layer 2 switching.In order to provide QoS in group communications for real time applications such as video conferencing, reliable multicasting is used. Miscellaneous efforts have been undertaken to provide reliability on top of IP multicast. Two error control strategies have been popular in practice. These are the FEC (Forward Error Correction) strategy, which uses error correction alone, and the ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request) strategy, which uses error detection, combined with retransmission of data.In this paper, we present a new fair share policy (FSP) that utilizes Differentiated Services to solve the problems of QoS and congestion control when reliable ARQ multicast is used. The results should provide insight into the comparisons of the residual packet loss probability between IP multicast in MPLS networks using FSP and plain IP multicasting using the same policy when DiffServ are adopted and when reliable ARQ multicast is considered.  相似文献   

何丹  陈道蓄  谢立 《软件学报》2000,11(6):791-798
许多应用需要IP多目通信.在Internet大规模应用IP Multicast时,有效的路由是关键.这样的多目路由协议必须是有效的、可伸缩的和增量可配置的.但是传统的Internet路由对性能是不敏感的,不能平衡负载和处理拥塞.现有的大多数多目通信路由协议不仅负责数据转发,还负责路由树的构造,这给路由器带来了极大的复杂性,而且协议的配置是手动的、费时费钱的工作.该文提出一个主动层次式Multicast路由的体系结构,采用主动网络技术将多目通信路由协议的数据转发和控制机制分开,根据链路的状态信息用主动报文控  相似文献   

Frequent interactions among the group members of distributed wireless network environment may be facilitated with the help of Mobile Ad Hoc NETworks (MANETs). Some of the group-oriented applications include disaster management, battlefields, audio/video conferencing, e-commerce, e-education, etc. Group communication demands dynamic construction of efficient and reliable multicast routes under user mobility and varying channel conditions. Multicast routing mechanisms in MANETs have been consistently improved by researchers considering various performance measures such as energy efficient route establishment, packet delivery ratio, quicker and faster proactive route recovery, network life time, reliability, Quality of Service (QoS) based on bandwidth, delays, jitters, and security. The paper focuses on most recent reliable and QoS based multicast routing mechanisms that helps in multimedia communication over MANETs. The mechanisms are considered under different topological routing categories such as mesh, tree, zone and hybrid. We provide an overview of existing multicast routing mechanisms based on routing categories and point to directions for future research and development.  相似文献   

Distributed dynamic mobile multicast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traditional mobile multicast schemes have either high multicast tree reconfiguration cost or high packet delivery cost. The former affects service disruption time while the latter affects packet delivery delay. Although existing region-based mobile multicast schemes offer a trade-off between two costs to some extent, most of them do not determine the size of the service range, which is critical to network performance. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, called Distributed Dynamic Mobile Multicast (D2M2), to dynamically determine the optimal service range according to the mobility and service characteristics of a user. We derive an analytical model to formulate the costs of multicast tree reconfiguration and multicast packet delivery. The model is based on a Markov chain that analyzes a mobile node’s movement in a 2D mesh network. As the complexity of computing steady probability is high, we aggregate the Markov states by leveraging mobility symmetry. Simulation shows that the network performance is enhanced through D2M2.  相似文献   

The lack of proper support for multicast services in the Internet has hindered the widespread use of applications that rely on group communication services such as mobile software agents. Although they do not require high bandwidth or heavy traffic, these types of applications need to cooperate in a scalable, fair and decentralized way. This paper presents GMAC, an overlay network that implements all multicast related functionality–including membership management and packet forwarding–in the end systems. GMAC introduces a new approach for providing multicast services for mobile agent platforms in a decentralized way, where group members cooperate in a fair way, minimize the protocol overhead, thus achieving great scalability. Simulations comparing GMAC with other approaches, in aspects such as end-to-end group propagation delay, group latency, group bandwidth, protocol overhead, resource utilization and failure recovery, show that GMAC is a scalable and robust solution to provide multicast services in a decentralized way to mobile software agent platforms with requirements similar to MoviLog.  相似文献   

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