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巨磁阻抗(GMI)生物传感器是基于一些非晶磁性材料的高灵敏巨磁阻抗效应的一类新型生物传感器,具有灵敏度高、稳定性好等特点,发展前景广阔.该文对巨磁阻抗生物传感器的工作原理、研究现状和应用前景进行了概述.  相似文献   

巨磁阻抗效应是指材料的交流阻抗在外加直流磁场的作用下发生显著变化的现象,利用该效应研制的巨磁阻抗磁传感器具有灵敏度高、体积小和功耗低等特点,具有巨大的应用前景.分析了巨磁阻抗磁传感器的研究现状,重点介绍了磁场传感器、电流传感器和生物传感器的工作原理和特性,并指出了其目前存在的问题和发展趋势.  相似文献   

利用单辊快淬法制备了CoFeNiSiB非晶薄带,经过400 A/mm2电流密度、20 ms脉冲间隔条件下的脉冲退火后具有较好的弱磁场灵敏性能.以该带材为磁敏材料,基于纵向驱动方式研制了一种巨磁阻抗(GMI)磁传感器,该磁传感器尺寸小、灵敏度高、频率响应好,±0.05 mT弱磁场范围内灵敏度可达到44.15 V/mT,在高灵敏度小型磁传感器领域具有较大的应用潜力.  相似文献   

不同长度敏感元件的两种巨磁阻抗传感器传感性能研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对采用Co基非晶丝作为敏感元件的传统巨磁阻抗传感器和非对角巨磁阻抗传感器进行比较研究。改变敏感元件的长度,观察两者在直流外磁场作用下输出信号的变化规律,并讨论退磁场等因素对传感器输出信号的影响。结果显示非对角巨磁阻抗传感器具有高灵敏度,无磁滞等优点,且灵敏度随样品长度的减小略有增大,在测量弱磁场方面表现出更大的潜力,为磁敏传感器的小型化提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

本文利用CoFeNbSiB非晶丝的巨磁阻抗(GMI)效应制作了一种新型微磁场传感器。该传感器尺寸小,灵敏度高,反应速度快,且不需要预热。文章中具体介绍了非晶丝的特性、传感器的硬件及软件设计。  相似文献   

针对心磁图仪诊断技术在临床上的普及需求和心磁图检查费用高昂的矛盾现状,提出了一种基于巨磁阻抗传感器的心磁信号采集和信号处理方法。该方法依据心磁信号和心电信号的相关性,通过以巨磁阻抗传感器为核心的数据采集电路,同步采集两种信号,并根据功率谱密度分析结果,自动调整带通滤波器的参数,使其能自适应跟踪心电信号的频率,滤除噪声信号,最后取得心磁信号。通过实验证明了该方案可在常温下准确测得心磁信号,且设备维护成本低,操作简单易行。  相似文献   

利用非晶纳米晶带材的巨磁阻抗(GMI)效应制备一种磁传感器,在输出最大值的特定频率下,研究与带材轴线平行和垂直方向磁场的输出特性.研究表明:在10.5 MHz附近的激励频率作用下,传感器输出取得最大值;传感器对平行磁场有一段高灵敏的线性工作区间,对垂直磁场不响应;纳米晶带材GMI磁传感器的灵敏度高达0.669 1 V/Oe,优于非晶带材制备器件的灵敏度0.1483 V/Oe.  相似文献   

用单辊快淬法制备的Fe76Si7.6B9.5P5C1.9非晶合金薄带,在540℃空气中退火后具有宽线性的磁敏特性。利用纵向驱动的方法研制一种巨磁阻抗(GMI)传感器,该磁传感器重复性好,迟滞误差小,在-0.3~+0.3 kA·m-1范围具有比较好的线性度,灵敏度达到12.65mV/A·m-1。  相似文献   

基于非晶合金非对称巨磁阻抗效应的磁传感器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以CoFeNiSiB非晶合金薄带为敏感材料,测试分析了其软磁性能,经空气中磁场退火热处理,获得了较好的非对称巨磁阻抗效应(AGMI).以磁场退火处理后的非晶合金薄带为敏感元件,设计了AGMI磁传感器,并对其性能进行了开环和闭环测试.测试结果表明,开环条件下该传感器表现出较高的灵敏度;闭环条件下则表现出更好的线性度和更宽...  相似文献   

基于非晶带巨磁阻抗效应的新型弱磁场传感器   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用短时矩形脉冲电流对近零磁致伸缩系数钴基非晶态合金带进行退火处理,得到约114%的巨磁阻抗变化率.同时利用CMOS多谐振荡电路产生窄脉冲电流序列对前面处理过的非晶带进行激励,制作成灵敏度高、稳定性好、功耗低的弱磁场传感器.对传感器的工作原理进行了分析,并设计了信号处理电路.该传感器可应用于对弱磁场的检测.  相似文献   

As a classic weak magnetic field sensor, the fluxgate sensors have great potential application in many fields. This paper presents four kinds of the micro planar double-axis fluxgate sensors based on the MEMS technologies, which have different core materials and core structures. The core materials include electroplated permalloy, Co-based amorphous ribbon and Fe-based amorphous ribbon, and the core structures include single-layer open magnetic loop structure and double-layer closed magnetic loop structure. The sensor with closed double-layer Fe-based ribbon core exhibits a best sensitivity of 238 V/T due to reducing the magnetic flux leakage. The results show that the magnetic core with closed magnetic loop, high permeability and high saturation induction density will help increase the sensitivity of the micro double-axis fluxgate sensor.  相似文献   

Facing the new integrated applications, coordination between three parameters of the micro fluxgate sensor, namely, sensitivity, power consumption and operation range, is the key to make the applications come true. This paper reports a new low power micro integrated fluxgate sensor with low cost solution. A spiral electroplating permalloy magnetic core is introduced to reduce excitation current. Due to the design of little coils resistance and thick magnetic core, the fluxgate sensor exhibits a power consumption of 7.35 mW, a sensitivity of 117 V/T and a linear range of −200 to 200 μT. Compared with the constant-width magnetic core and the multi rectangular ring magnetic cores, experiment results show that the spiral magnetic core benefits both smaller excitation current and higher sensitivity. The newly developed fluxgate sensor maintains high sensitivity and wide linear range with low power consumption.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于永磁薄膜的新型MEMS磁传感器,磁传感器由MEMS扭摆、CoNiMnP永磁薄膜和差分检测电容等部分组成。分析了磁传感器的磁敏感原理和电容检测原理,提出了器件的结构参数并对器件进行了模态仿真。利用MEMS加工技术成功制作了MEMS磁传感器样品,并进行了测试。测试结果表明:得到的MEMS磁传感器的电容灵敏度可达到27.7 fF/mT,且具有良好的线性度。根据现有的微小电容检测技术,传感器的磁场分辨率可达到36 nT。  相似文献   

The influence of an improved magnetic core on the micro fluxgate sensor about sensitivity and power consumption is investigated and discussed in this paper. We have fabricated the micro solenoid fluxgate sensors based on the MEMS technologies, with the electroplating permalloy cores, which are easy to process and used in common; and the amorphous soft magnetic ribbon cores, which have better soft magnetic performances but be hard to be integrated, respectively. Four magnetic core structures are designed, including rectangular structure, unequal width rectangular structure, multi rectangular ring structure and spiral structure. Spiral structure can improve the performances of the fluxgate sensor significantly, both sensitivity and power consumption. The micro fluxgate sensors with the amorphous soft magnetic ribbon cores are promoted in all aspects than those with the electroplating permalloy cores, including ultra low power consumption of 2.4 mW with unequal width rectangular structure, and high sensitivity of 118 V/T with rectangular structure in wide linear range of 0–800 μT.  相似文献   

一种平面四轴向磁通门传感器的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种新型的四轴向磁通门传感器,可测量铁磁性目标经过时产生的磁异信号在四个轴向上的变化情况,通过各轴间的相关性即可判断出目标的运动方向。结构中将四个三端式磁通门探头单元相间45°摆放,使得传感器的任一侧都有四个磁场强度分量的输入,结合分时激励的方法,与传统磁通门传感器相比,其具有电路简单,灵敏度高、稳定性好、功耗小等优点。经实验表明,该传感器方向识别正确率可达85%以上,能够较好的应用于安防及侦测领域中对目标运动及其方向的监测。  相似文献   

This paper addresses sensor information processing in micro and nanomanipulations. The following sensor types are examined: deformation, piezoelectric, capacitive, optical, and magnetic sensors. Their technical and comparative characteristics, principles of action and features of application are described. New tendencies in the measurements of sensor information in the micro- and nanoworlds are outlined.  相似文献   

张铁  邵明  颜波 《机器人》2003,25(6):501-504
提出了一种利用磁力作为机器人运动驱动的新型微动机器人,研究了单自由度微动机器人的工作原理,研究了微动机器人的控制系统,系统包括分析了位移传感器、电磁铁、功率驱动电路、A/D和D/A转换卡等.提出了一种双CMAC的智能控制方式,并用C++和Matlab语言编写了控制程序,经过实验证明所研制的系统能够满足机器人的运动控制要求.  相似文献   

论述了应用单片机80C196KC实现微机磁盘自动称重和配料的技术。重点介绍了电阻应变式传感器的应用和装置的结构、工作原理、硬件和软件的设计思想。详细阐述了电阻应变式传感器的输出信号的处理和可控硅触发电路。  相似文献   

设计了基于三轴磁感传感器阵列的体内微型诊疗胶囊定位跟踪系统,分析了系统的主要误差来源,提出了对背景磁场干扰、传感器灵敏度差异、传感器位置偏差、三轴传感器模块的非理想正交等误差的补偿和修正方法,并进行了定位实验和轨迹跟踪实验以检验误差修正效果。实验结果表明:误差修正后系统的定位与定向精度得到显著提高,对于距离传感器阵列平面150 mm的φ8 mm×8 mm的圆柱形N35铷铁硼永磁体,平均定位与精度达到8mm以内,平均定向精度达到6°以内,并能够对沿模拟肠道运动的内置永磁体的电子胶囊进行轨迹跟踪。  相似文献   

A rapid manufacturing process for the micro solenoid fluxgate sensor integrating multilayer amorphous ribbon core has been established, which combines the micro assembling method and the MEMS technologies. We select Fe-based amorphous soft magnetic ribbons for core materials and have fabricated the micro fluxgate sensors by MEMS technologies, with single-layer core and double-layer core respectively. The micro fluxgate sensors with double-layer core show the advantageous to that with single-layer core and exhibit sensitivity of 1089.2 V/T at excitation current of 120 mA rms, wide linear range of ?900 to 900 μT and power consumption of 24.48 mW. The noise power density of the single core fluxgate sensor is 2.48nT/Hz1/2@1 Hz.  相似文献   

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