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施芸虹  涂耀旭  危辉  白宇 《计算机应用》2006,26(9):2031-2033
将人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, AI)领域的理论和技术与地理信息系统(Geographic Information System, GIS)相结合来设计地理信息系统专题分析模型是GIS的重要发展方向之一。本文基于这一背景讨论了GIS专题知识的表示,提出了扩展的框架知识表示方法以及框架复合的思想,并进一步阐述了通过框架复合操作对概念语义进行限定以达到语义精确化。  相似文献   

杨飞  王青  吴振东 《计算机工程》2010,36(21):188-190,193
在传统智能决策支持系统(IDSS)中引入地理信息系统(GIS),形成“四库一机”的系统框架模式,在此基础上设计开发导弹目标分配智能决策支持系统,实现IDSS、GIS以及决策分析模型的紧密耦合集成,并提出一个包含知识库子系统的编队目标分配智能决策模型,采用推理机原理对专家知识进行表示与处理。模拟计算表明,该模型计算时间短,结果合理,能满足战场环境动态性、实时性的特点。  相似文献   

空间推理与地理信息系统综述   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
刘亚彬  刘大有 《软件学报》2000,11(12):1598-1606
对空间推理SR(spatial reasoning)和地理信息系统GIS(geographic information system)进行了全面的综述.介绍了空间推理和地理信息系统的应用和国内外发展概况,在对大量资料进行分析的基础上,给出了空间推理和地理信息系统的关键属性、主要研究方向和研究热点.  相似文献   

配电线路信息管理系统以地理信息系统(GIS)为基础,结合电力部门的具体情况,具有图纸、文件资料存储,及时、迅速、准确、完整地提供电力部门所需管理信息的功能。 (1)设计思路 利用GIs对地理坐标和空间位置的表示能力及空间分析能力,将电力配电线路资料和相关地理信息以各种专题形式进行管理、使用,为管理部门提供丰富、直观  相似文献   

针对当前油田油水井动态分析流程复杂、计算量大并依赖于经验丰富的专家等问题,提出一种基于CLIPS专家系统外壳的油水井动态分析模型。获取油水井动态分析经验知识并对其分类总结,研究知识的表示、存储、管理技术以及将知识编译成符合CLIPS语法形式的方法,设计数据-事实解释机制实现从油田生产数据库自动抽取推理事实,利用CLIPS内核进行推理并对结果进行解释。最后将油水井动态分析模型应用在油田实际项目中,证明了该模型的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

王凤领  陈荣耀  张剑飞  邢婷  王知强 《计算机工程》2012,38(1):291-292,F0003
基于地理信息系统(GIS)和专家系统(ES)相结合的结构体系,构建公路生态景观评价系统。该系统采用模块化程序设计技术,由人机接口、综合数据库、空间数据库、知识库、推理机、知识获取及解释程序模块组成。利用智能控制界面和应用启发式推理,加强和完善GIS的系统功能,使用专家知识提供科学的决策和咨询。应用结果验证了该系统的有效性。  相似文献   

曹存根  眭跃飞  孙瑜  曾庆田 《软件学报》2006,17(8):1731-1742
数学知识表示是知识表示中的一个重要方面,是数学知识检索、自动定理机器证明、智能教学系统等的基础.根据在设计NKI(national knowledge infrastructure)的数学知识表示语言中遇到的问题,并在讨论了数学对象的本体论假设的基础上提出了两种数学知识的表示方法:一种是以一个逻辑语言上的公式为属性值域的描述逻辑;另一种是以描述逻辑描述的本体为逻辑语言的一部分的一阶逻辑.在前者的表示中,如果对公式不作任何限制,那么得到的知识库中的推理不是可算法化的;在后者的表示中,以描述逻辑描述的本体中的推理是可算法化的,而以本体为逻辑语言的一部分的一阶逻辑所表示的数学知识中的推理一般是不可算法化的.因此,在表示数学知识时,需要区分概念性的知识(本体中的知识)和非概念性的知识(用本体作为语言表示的知识).框架或者描述逻辑可以表示和有效地推理概念性知识,但如果将非概念性知识加入到框架或知识库中,就可能使得原来可以有效推理的框架所表示的知识库不存在有效的推理算法,甚至不存在推理算法.为此,建议在表示数学知识时,用框架或描述逻辑来表示概念性知识;然后,用这样表示的知识库作为逻辑语言的一部分,以表示非概念性知识.  相似文献   

面向对象程序设计的专家系统研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
面向对象程序设计语言(OOP)的特点十分适宜于建造知识库专家系统。本文是在OOP的软件环境Smalltalk/v基础上联系土木工程结构抗震专题探讨建造专家系统过程中的知识表示、推理及人-机界面等关键问题的处理方法。  相似文献   

张富  严丽  马宗民  程经纬 《软件学报》2012,23(3):594-612
通过分析描述逻辑与面向对象数据模型之间的关系,研究了基于描述逻辑的模糊面向对象数据(fuzzy object-oriented data,简称FOOD)模型的表示与推理.首先,进一步研究了FOOD模型,提出了FOOD模型的形式化定义和语义定义,以便更好地在FOOD模型与模糊描述逻辑之间建立对应关系;然后,针对FOOD模型的特点和推理需求,介绍了模糊描述逻辑f-ALCIQ.在此基础上,研究了基于f-ALCIQ的FOOD模型的表示与推理,包括:实现了从FOOD模型到f-ALCIQ知识库在结构层和实例层上的转化,即实现了从FOOD模型到f-ALCIQ TBox的转化,以及从FOOD模型相应的数据库实例到f-ALCIQ ABox的转化;进而,基于转化得到的f-ALCIQ知识库,研究了如何利用f-ALCIQ的推理机制对FOOD模型的推理问题(一致性、包含性和冗余性等)进行推理;最后,设计并实现了基于f-ALCIQ的模糊描述逻辑推理机(FRsQ推理机),实现了对FOOD模型和f-ALCIQ模糊概念知识的自动推理.  相似文献   

基于动态描述逻辑的多主体协作模型   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
基于动态描述逻辑的主体模型和协作过程就是既考虑了智能主体的知识表示与推理问题,又紧密地结合主体的设计与编程问题,把表示与推理应用到主体的具体设计中.它充分利用了动态描述逻辑的统一的形式化框架,同时从静态的知识表示与推理和动态的运行与变化两个方面来刻画主体的心智状态和协作过程,探讨了主体信念、行为能力、目标和规划等心智要素的表示、推理与修改以及联合目标的形成、多目标的规划问题.多主体协作模型将理论和实践有机地结合起来,能够充分体现智能主体的本质特征与运行机制,为多主体系统的设计与编程奠定了很好的基础.  相似文献   

With the advancement of scientific and engineering research, a huge number of academic literature are accumulated. Manually reviewing the existing literature is the main way to explore embedded knowledge, and the process is quite time-consuming and labor intensive. As the quantity of literature is increasing exponentially, it would be more difficult to cover all aspects of the literature using the traditional manual review approach. To overcome this drawback, bibliometric analysis is used to analyze the current situation and trend of a specific research field. In the bibliometric analysis, only a few key phrases (e.g., authors, publishers, journals, and citations) are usually used as the inputs for analysis. Information other than those phrases is not extracted for analysis, while that neglected information (e.g., abstract) might provide more detailed knowledge in the article. To tackle with this problem, this study proposed an automatic literature knowledge graph and reasoning network modeling framework based on ontology and Natural Language Processing (NLP), to facilitate the efficient knowledge exploration from literature abstract. In this framework, a representation ontology is proposed to characterize the literature abstract data into four knowledge elements (background, objectives, solutions, and findings), and NLP technology is used to extract the ontology instances from the abstract automatically. Based on the representation ontology, a four-space integrated knowledge graph is built using NLP technology. Then, reasoning network is generated according to the reasoning mechanism defined in the proposed ontology model. To validate the proposed framework, a case study is conducted to analyze the literature in the field of construction management. The case study proves that the proposed ontology model can be used to represent the knowledge embedded in the literatures’ abstracts, and the ontology elements can be automatically extracted by NLP models. The proposed framework can be an enhancement for the bibliometric analysis to explore more knowledge from the literature.  相似文献   

面向生成的美术构图表达研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
面向美术作品的自动创作,提出了美术知识的简化表达模型和基于符号矩阵的美术构图表达方法,并针对二维图案的自动生成,给出了生成性美术知识的一个具体表达实例,该实例已在美术图案综合创作系统中予以了实现。  相似文献   

In many application areas there is a need to represent human-like knowledge related to spatio-temporal relations among multiple moving objects. This type of knowledge is usually imprecise, vague and fuzzy, while the reasoning about spatio-temporal relations is intuitive. In this paper we present a model of fuzzy spatio-temporal knowledge representation and reasoning based on high-level Petri nets. The model should be suitable for the design of a knowledge base for real-time, multi-agent-based intelligent systems that include expert or user human-like knowledge. The central part of the model is the knowledge representation scheme called FuSpaT, which supports the representation and reasoning for domains that include imprecise and fuzzy spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal relationships. The scheme is based on the high-level Petri nets called Petri nets with fuzzy spatio-temporal tokens (PeNeFuST). The FuSpaT scheme integrates the theory of the PeNeFuST and 117 spatio-temporal relations.The reasoning in the proposed model is a spatio-temporal data-driven process based on the dynamical properties of the scheme, i.e., the execution of the Petri nets with fuzzy spatio-temporal tokens. An illustrative example of the spatio-temporal reasoning for two agents in a simplified robot-soccer scene is given.  相似文献   

文章对专家系统技术在产品维修性设计中的应用进行了研究,提出了该系统的总体结构方案和特点、知识表示和知识获取、推理机技术,并对计算机辅助维修性设计现状进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

The knowledge representation and reasoning strategies in an automatic program synthesis architecture called ELF are described. ELF synthesizes computer-aided design (CAD) tools that automatically route wires in VLSI circuits. The design space ELF confronts, requires it to understand various physical technologies, to select an appropriate procedure-level decomposition, to choose algorithms and data structures, to manage any interdependencies, and to generate efficient code. ELF manages the design space using a variety of knowledge sources, including domain-specific knowledge. The manner in which knowledge is used determines the representation method of choice. The effectiveness of these ideas is illustrated via a tour through the synthesis steps for a specific routing tool, and a brief discussion of the performance of the resulting synthetic router as measured against an industrial tool  相似文献   

There are two distinct categories of knowledge in a design standard: (1) knowledge of the organization of design objects and (2) knowledge of the methods used in reasoning about the design objects. The object-oriented paradigm lends itself naturally to representing the organizational aspect of the design standard. The logic programming paradigm, on the other hand, is well suited to implementing the reasoning mechanisms for design and conformance checking. The object-oriented and logic programming paradigms are combined to provide a unified Object-Logic model for the representation of design codes and the processing of design standards. By storing the design provisions in a knowledge base, the model is capable of performing conformance checking and component design. To evaluate the feasibility and practicality of this model, a prototype system, HyperLRFD++, has been implemented for parts of the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) specification and tested on sample problems.  相似文献   

基于动态描述逻辑的主体模型   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在动态描述逻辑的基础上,提出了一种智能主体的心智状态模型.它充分利用了动态描述逻辑统一的形式化框架,同时从静态的知识表示与推理和动态的运行与变化两个方面来刻画主体的心智状态.探讨了主体信念、行为能力、目标和规划等心智要素的表示、推理与修改等基本问题.该主体模型将理论和实践有机地结合起来,表达能力强,能够充分体现智能主体的本质特征与运行机制,为智能主体的设计与编程奠定了很好的基础.  相似文献   

A reasoning method for a ship design expert system   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract: The ship design process is a highly data‐oriented, dynamic, iterative and multi‐stage algorithm. It utilizes multiple abstraction levels and concurrent engineering techniques. Specialized techniques for knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation and reasoning must be developed to solve these problems for a ship design expert system. Consequently, very few attempts have been made to model the ship design process using an expert system approach. The current work investigates a knowledge representation–reasoning technique for such a purpose. A knowledge‐based conceptual design was developed by utilizing a prototype approach and hierarchical decompositioning. An expert system program called ALDES (accommodation layout design expert system) was developed by using the CLIPS expert system shell and an object‐oriented user interface. The reasoning and knowledge representation methods of ALDES are explained in the paper. An application of the method is given for the general arrangement design of a containership.  相似文献   

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