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The increasing use of mobile communications has raised many issues of decision support and resource allocation. A crucial problem is how to solve queries of Reverse Nearest Neighbour (RNN). An RNN query returns all objects that consider the query object as their nearest neighbour. Existing methods mostly rely on a centralised base station. However, mobile P2P systems offer many benefits, including self-organisation, fault-tolerance and load-balancing. In this study, we propose and evaluate 3 distinct P2P algorithms focusing on bichromatic RNN queries, in which mobile query peers and static objects of interest are of two different categories, based on a time-out mechanism and a boundary polygon around the mobile query peers. The Brute-Force Search Algorithm provides a naive approach to exploit shared information among peers whereas two other Boundary Search Algorithms filter a number of peers involved in query processing. The algorithms are evaluated in the MiXiM simulation framework with both real and synthetic datasets. The results show the practical feasibility of the P2P approach for solving bichromatic RNN queries for mobile networks.  相似文献   

This work proposes the E-Top system for the efficient processing of top-k queries in mobile ad hoc peer to peer (M-P2P) networks using economic incentive schemes. In E-Top, brokers facilitate top-k query processing in lieu of a commission. E-Top issues economic rewards to the mobile peers, which send relevant data items (i.e., those that contribute to the top-k query result), and penalizes peers otherwise, thereby optimizing the communication traffic. Peers use the payoffs (rewards/penalties) as a means of feedback to re-evaluate the scores of their items for re-ranking purposes. The main contributions of E-Top are three-fold. First, it proposes two economic incentive schemes, namely ETK and ETK+, in which peers act individually towards top-k query processing. Second, it extends ETK and ETK+ to propose a peer group-based economic incentive scheme ETG. Third, our performance evaluation shows that our schemes are indeed effective in improving the performance of top-k queries in terms of query response times and accuracy at reasonable communication traffic cost.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a significant interest in peer-to-peer (P2P) environments in the community of data management. However, almost all work, so far, is focused on exact query processing in current P2P data systems. The autonomy of peers also is not considered enough. In addition, the system cost is very high because the information publishing method of shared data is based on each document instead of document set. In this paper, abstract indices (AbIx) are presented to implement content-based approximate queries in centralized, distributed and structured P2P data systems. It can be used to search as few peers as possible but get as many returns satisfying users' queries as possible on the guarantee of high autonomy of peers. Also, abstract indices have low system cost, can improve the query processing speed, and support very frequent updates and the set information publishing method. In order to verify the effectiveness of abstract indices, a simulator of 10,000 peers, over 3 million documents is made, and several metrics are proposed. The experimental results show that abstract indices work well in various P2P data systems.  相似文献   

沈项军  常青  姚银  查正军 《软件学报》2015,26(S2):218-227
非结构化P2P(unstructured peer-to-peer network)对等网络中的节点资源定位的路由查询是对等网络研究中的一个主要难题,特别是当网络中客户端节点由于其频繁加入、离开导致网络结构动态变化所带来的资源查询难题.提出了一种新的基于拥塞控制的路由查询方法来实现动态网络下的资源查询.该方法分两部分实现:首先是网络资源的分组与节点重连策略.该策略使得具有同等资源的节点相互连接,并周期性地调整节点上的节点连接数量以减少同组资源节点上的负载.通过以上策略,使得网络的拓扑结构自动地从随机网络结构进化到以资源组为单位的聚类网络,从而使得网络中形成网络资源组间的查询负载均衡.另一方面,组内的节点之间的路由负载均衡是通过节点间协同学习实现的.采用协同Q-学习方法,所研究的方法不仅从节点上学习其处理能力、连接数和资源的个数等参数,还将节点的拥塞状态作为协同Q-学习的重要参数,并建立模型.通过这种技术,同一组节点上的资源查询被有目的地引导,以避开那些组内拥塞的节点,从而最终实现资源组内节点之间的查询均衡.仿真实验结果表明,相比常用的random walk资源查找方法,该研究所实现的资源定位方法能够更迅速地实现网络的资源查询.仿真结果还表明,相比random walk方法,所提出的方法在网络高强度查询和网络节点动态加入和退出的情况下进行查询具有更高的鲁棒性和适应性.  相似文献   

In unstructured peer-to-peer networks, such as Gnutella, peers propagate query messages towards the resource holders by flooding them through the network. This is, however, a costly operation since it consumes node and link resources excessively and often unnecessarily. There is no reason, for example, for a peer to receive a query message if the peer has no matching resource or is not on the path to a peer holding a matching resource. In this paper, we present a solution to this problem, which we call Route Learning, aiming to reduce query traffic in unstructured peer-to-peer networks. In Route Learning, peers try to identify the most likely neighbors through which replies can be obtained to submitted queries. In this way, a query is forwarded only to a subset of the neighbors of a peer, or it is dropped if no neighbor, likely to reply, is found. The scheme also has mechanisms to cope with variations in user submitted queries, like changes in the keywords. The scheme can also evaluate the route for a query for which it is not trained. We show through simulation results that when compared to a pure flooding based querying approach, our scheme reduces bandwidth overhead significantly without sacrificing user satisfaction.  相似文献   

When a query is posed on a centralized database, if it refers to attributes that are not defined in the database, the user is warranted to get either an error or an empty set. In contrast, when a query is posed on a peer in a P2P system and refers to attributes not found in the local database, the query should not be simply rejected if the relevant information is available at other peers. This paper proposes a query model for unstructured P2P systems to answer such queries. (a) We introduce a class of polymorphic queries, a revision of conjunctive queries by incorporating type variables to accommodate attributes not defined in the local database. (b) We define the semantics of polymorphic queries in terms of horizontal and vertical object expansions, to find attributes and tuples, respectively, missing from the local database. We show that both expansions can be conducted in a uniform framework. (c) We develop a top-K algorithm to approximately answer polymorphic queries. (d) We also provide a method to merge tuples collected from various peers, based on matching keys specified in polymorphic queries. Our experimental study verifies that polymorphic queries are able to find more sensible information than traditional queries supported by P2P systems, and that these queries can be evaluated efficiently.  相似文献   

徐林昊  钱卫宁  周傲英 《软件学报》2007,18(6):1443-1455
对等计算数据管理中的一个重要问题是如何有效地支持多维数据空间上的相似性搜索.现有的非结构化对等计算数据共享系统仅支持简单的查询处理方法,即匹配查询处理.将近似技术和路由索引结合在一起,设计了一种简单、有效的索引结构EVARI(扩展近似向量路由索引).利用EVARI,每个节点不仅可以在本地共享的数据集上处理范围查询,而且还可以将查询转发给最有希望获得查询结果的邻居节点.为了建立EVARI,每个节点使用空间划分技术概括本地的共享内容,并与邻居节点交换概要信息.而且,每个节点都可以重新配置自己的邻居节点,使得相关节点位置相互邻近,优化了系统资源配置,提升了系统性能.仿真实验证明了该方法的良好性能.  相似文献   

With the increasing popularity of the peer-to-peer (P2P) computing paradigm, many general range query schemes for distributed hash table (DHT)-based P2P systems have been proposed in recent years. Although those schemes can provide range query capability without modifying the underlying DHTs, they have the query delay depending on both the scale of the system and the size of the query space or the specific query, and thus cannot guarantee to return the query results in a bounded delay. In this paper, we propose Armada, an efficient range query processing scheme to support delay-bounded single-attribute and multiple-attribute range queries. It is the first delay-bounded general range query scheme on constant-degree DHTs, and can return the results for any range query within 2logN hops in a P2P system with N peers. Results of analysis and simulations show that the average delay in Armada is less than logN, and the average message cost of single-attribute range queries is about logN+2n 2 (n is the number of peers that intersect with the query). These results are very close to the lower bounds on delay and message cost of range queries over constant-degree DHTs.  相似文献   

top-k查询在分布式环境中引起越来越多的关注,但是现存的一些top-k算法大都只适用于集中式网络.提出了一个解决分布式网络中top-k查询的新方法—Histogram-Container算法(简称为HC算法),它不仅网络延迟小,网络带宽花费少,而且能够运行在任何结构的分布式网络中.本文将基于一个树型拓扑网络来说明如何使用本地的直方图和bloom filter信息来优化查询,以及如何在中间节点进行部分结果的合并.实验评估和性能分析表明HC算法在网络带宽消耗和查询响应时间方面要优于其他同类方法.  相似文献   

A sliding-window k-NN query (k-NN/w query) continuously monitors incoming data stream objects within a sliding window to identify k closest objects to a query. It enables effective filtering of data objects streaming in at high rates from potentially distributed sources, and offers means to control the rate of object insertions into result streams. Therefore k-NN/w processing systems may be regarded as one of the prospective solutions for the information overload problem in applications that require processing of structured data in real-time, such as the Sensor Web. Existing k-NN/w processing systems are mainly centralized and cannot cope with multiple data streams, where data sources are scattered over the Internet. In this paper, we propose a solution for distributed continuous k-NN/w processing of structured data from distributed streams. We define a k-NN/w processing model for such setting, and design a distributed k-NN/w processing system on top of the Content-Addressable Network (CAN) overlay. An extensive evaluation using both real and synthetic data sets demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed solution because it balances the load among the peers, while the messaging overhead within the P2P network remains reasonable. Moreover, our results clearly show the solution is scalable for an increasing number of queries and peers.  相似文献   

Recently, a number of query processors has been proposed for the evaluation of relational queries in structured P2P systems. However, as these approaches do not consider peer or link failures, they cannot be deployed without extensions for real-world applications. We show that typical failures in structured P2P systems can have an unpredictable impact on the correctness of the result. In particular stateful operators that store intermediate results on peers, e.g., the distributed hash join, must protect such results against failures. Although many replication schemes for P2P systems exist, they cannot replicate operator states while the query is processed. In this paper we propose an in-query replication scheme which replicates the state of an operator among the neighbors of the processing peer. Our analytical evaluation shows that the network overhead of the in-query replication is in O(1) regarding network size, i.e., our scheme is scalable. We have carried out an extensive experimental evaluation using simulations as well as a PlanetLab deployment. It confirms the effectiveness and the efficiency of the in-query replication scheme and shows the effectiveness of the routing extension in networks of varying reliability.  相似文献   

移动查询缓存处理的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
客户缓存为提高客户/服务器数据库系统整体性能以及客户方数据可用性提供了有效途径。移动环境下网络资源的贫乏使客户缓存的作用更为重要,语义缓存是基于客户查询语义相关建立的一类缓存,提出一个基于语义缓存的客户缓存机制,给出缓存的内容组织,提出缓存项合并策略;然后讨论了基于语义缓存的查询处理策略;最后,模拟结果表明该客户缓存机制能够提高分布式、特别是移动环境下客户服务器数据库系统的性能。  相似文献   

A variety of peer-to-peer (P2P) systems for sharing digital information are currently available and most of them perform searching by exact key matching. In this paper we focus on similarity searching and describe FuzzyPeer, a generic broadcast-based P2P system which supports a wide range of fuzzy queries. As a case study we present an image retrieval application implemented on top of FuzzyPeer. Users provide sample images whose sets of features are propagated through the peers. The answer consists of the top-k most similar images within the query horizon. In our system the participation of peers is ad hoc and dynamic, their functionality is symmetric and there is no centralized index.  相似文献   

Nature is a great source of inspiration for scientists, because natural systems seem to be able to find the best way to solve a given problem by using simple and robust mechanisms. Studying complex natural systems, scientists usually find that simple local dynamics lead to sophisticated macroscopic structures and behaviour. It seems that some kind of local interaction rules naturally allow the system to auto-organize itself as an efficient and robust structure, which can easily solve different tasks. Examples of such complex systems are social networks, where a small set of basic interaction rules leads to a relatively robust and efficient communication structure. In this paper, we present PROSA, a semantic peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay network inspired by social dynamics. The way queries are forwarded and links among peers are established in PROSA resemble the way people ask other people for collaboration, help or information. Behaving as a social network of peers, PROSA naturally evolves to a small world, where all peers can be reached in a fast and efficient way. The underlying algorithm used for query forwarding, based only on local choices, is both reliable and effective: peers sharing similar resources are eventually connected with each other, allowing queries to be successfully answered in a really small amount of time. The resulting emergent structure can guarantee fast responses and good query recall.  相似文献   

In mobile ad hoc peer-to-peer (M-P2P) networks, economic models become a necessity for enticing non-cooperative mobile peers to provide service. M-P2P users may issue queries with varying constraints on query response time, data quality of results and trustworthiness of the data source. Hence, we propose ConQuer, which is an economic incentive model for the efficient processing of constraint queries in M-P2P networks. ConQuer also provides incentives for peer collaboration in order to improve data availability. The main contributions of ConQuer are three-fold. First, it uses a broker-based economic M-P2P model for processing constraint queries via a Vickrey auction mechanism. Second, it proposes the CR*-tree, a dynamic multidimensional R-tree-based index for constraints of data quality, trust and price of data to determine target peers efficiently. The CR*-tree is hosted by brokers, who can sell it to other peers, thereby encouraging the creation of multiple copies of the index for facilitating routing. Third, it provides incentives for peers to form collaborative peer groups for maximizing data availability and revenues by mutually allocating and deallocating data items using royalty-based revenue-sharing. Such reallocations facilitate better data quality, thereby further increasing peer revenues. Our performance study shows that ConQuer is indeed effective in answering constraint queries with improved response time, success rate and data quality, and querying hop-counts.
Masaru KitsuregawaEmail:

This paper looks at the processing of skyline queries on peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. We propose Skyframe, a framework for efficient skyline query processing in P2P systems, which addresses the challenges of quick response time, low network communication cost and query load balancing among peers. Skyframe consists of two querying methods: one is optimized for network communication while the other focuses on query response time. These methods are different in the way in which the query search space is defined. In particular, the first method uses a high dominating point that has a large dominating region to prune the search space to achieve a low cost in network communication. On the other hand, the second method relaxes the search space in order to allow parallel query processing to speed up query response. Skyframe achieves query load balancing by both query load conscious data space splitting/merging during the join/departure of nodes and dynamic load migration. We further show how to apply Skyframe to both the P2P systems supporting multi-dimensional indexing and the P2P systems supporting single-dimensional indexing. Finally, we have conducted extensive experiments on both real and synthetic data sets over two existing P2P systems: CAN (Ratnasamy in A scalable content-addressable network. In: Proceedings of SIGCOMM Conference, pp. 161–172, 2001) and BATON (Jagadish et al. in A balanced tree structure for peer-to-peer networks. In: Proceedings of VLDB Conference, pp. 661–672, 2005) to evaluate the effectiveness and scalability of Skyframe.  相似文献   

In mobile ad hoc peer-to-peer (M-P2P) networks, frequent network partitioning occurs due to peer movement or owing to peers switching ‘off’ their mobile devices. This leads to typically low data availability in M-P2P networks, thereby necessitating data replication. This work proposes E-ARL, which is a novel Economic scheme for Adaptive Revenue-Load-based dynamic replication of data in dedicated M-P2P networks with the aim of improving data availability. Thus, E-ARL considers a mobile cooperative environment, where the MPs are working towards the same goal, and the network performance is facilitated by the economic scheme. E-ARL essentially allocates replicas based on its economic scheme. Each data item has a price in virtual currency. E-ARL requires a query issuing peer to pay the price of its queried data item to the query-serving peer and a commission to relay peers in the successful query path. The main contributions of E-ARL follow. First, it uses an economic scheme for efficiently managing M-P2P resources in a context-aware manner by facilitating effective replica hosting and message relaying by peers. Second, it collaboratively performs bid-based replica allocation to facilitate better quality of service. Third, it incorporates both revenue-balancing and load-balancing to improve peer participation and performance. Fourth, it conserves the energy of low-energy MPs to facilitate network connectivity. Our performance evaluation shows that E-ARL is indeed effective in improving peer participation in M-P2P networks, thereby improving query response times, query success rates, query hop-counts and replica allocation traffic.  相似文献   

The tremendous growth of public interest in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks in recent years has initiated a lot of research work on how to design efficient overlay structures for P2P systems. Scalable overlay networks such as Chord, CAN, Pastry, and Tapestry provide no control over where data is stored and the location of the peers and resources is determined by the hash values of their identifiers and keys respectively. As a result, these overlays cannot support range queries and other proximity-aware complex queries directly.In this paper, we present a hierarchical P2P overlay network called SkipCluster, which is capable of supporting both exact-match and multi-dimensional range queries efficiently without consumption of extra memory space. SkipCluster is derived from skip graphs and SkipNet, but it has a two-tier hierarchical architecture.In both tiers, peers are connected in sequence according to the order of their peer IDs, and related resources are stored near each other without hashing of their resource keys. We design a novel data structure called Triple Linked List (TLL) to store each super-peer’s pointers in the higher tier, which can be used to find the longest prefix and speed up query routing of inter-cluster. In the lower tier, each intra-cluster peer’s routing table contains pointers with exponentially incremental distance. Experimental results show that SkipCluster can speed up both exact-match and range queries in different network sizes.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems highly depends on efficiency and scalability of their search algorithms. Moreover, managing trust is a key issue for wide acceptance of P2P computing. Surprisingly, the majority of the available trust systems ignore the underlying search algorithm and assume it is preexisting. We claim that combining search and trust systems yields significant performance gains in terms of network traffic and query success rate. In this paper, we propose a robust and efficient trust based search framework for unstructured P2P networks. Our framework maintains limited size routing indexes combining search and trust data to guide queries to most reputable nodes. By dynamically selecting reputable nodes as score managers, our scheme tracks the reputation of participating peers. In an alternative approach, we aggregate partial reputation values obtained from reverse query paths to introduce a low overhead method for estimating reputation scores of peers. Through P2P network simulation experiments, we find significant performance gains in using our framework.  相似文献   

为了提高无结构P2P网络中资源查找的效率,同时避免在资源查找过程中出现拥塞,提出了一种基于移动agent的网络拓扑重连方法。网络节点定期进行拓扑重连,同时通过收集其邻居节点的处理能力以及连通性等信息,指导移动agent有目的地在网络迁移,从而使移动agent及时发现网络节点上的拥塞,并使用拓扑优化机制降低节点上的负载。实验证明该方法能优化网络的拓扑结构,避免网络查询过程中发生拥塞,提高资源查找的效率,同时适应网络查询负载的动态变化。  相似文献   

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