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Text is not only an important medium to describe facts and events, but also to effectively communicate information about the writer's positive or negative sentiment underlying an opinion, or to express an affective or emotional state, such as happiness, fearfulness, surpriseness, and so on. We consider sentiment assessment and emotion sensing from text as two different problems, whereby sentiment assessment is the task that we want to solve first. Thus, this article presents an approach to sentiment assessment, i.e., the recognition of negative or positive valence of a sentence. For the purpose of sentiment recognition from text, we perform semantic dependency analysis on the semantic verb frames of each sentence, and then apply a set of rules to each dependency relation to calculate the contextual valence of the whole sentence. By employing a domain-independent, rule-based approach our system is able to automatically identify sentence-level sentiment. A linguistic tool called “SenseNet” has been developed to recognize sentiments in text, and to visualize the detected sentiments. We conducted several experiments with a variety of datasets containing data from different domains. The obtained results indicate significant performance gains over existing state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

情绪句分类是情绪分析研究领域的核心问题之一,旨在解决情绪句类别的自动判断问题。传统基于情绪认知模型(OCC模型)的情绪句分类方法大多依赖词典和规则,在文本信息缺失的情况下分类精度不高。文中提出基于OCC模型和贝叶斯网络的情绪句分类方法,通过分析OCC模型的情绪生成规则,提取情绪评估变量并结合情绪句中含有的表情符号特征构建情绪分类贝叶斯网络;通过概率推理,可以实现句子级文本的情绪分类,并减小句中信息缺失所带来的影响。与NLPCC2014中文微博情绪分析评测的子任务情绪句分类评测结果的对比表明,所提方法具有有效性。  相似文献   

Recognition of emotion in speech has recently matured to one of the key disciplines in speech analysis serving next generation human-machine interaction and communication. However, compared to automatic speech recognition, that emotion recognition from an isolated word or a phrase is inappropriate for conversation. Because a complete emotional expression may stride across several sentences, and may fetch-up on any word in dialogue. In this paper, we present a segment-based emotion recognition approach to continuous Mandarin Chinese speech. In this proposed approach, the unit for recognition is not a phrase or a sentence but an emotional expression in dialogue. To that end, the following procedures are presented: First, we evaluate the performance of several classifiers in short sentence speech emotion recognition architectures. The results of the experiments show that the WD-KNN classifier achieves the best accuracy for the 5-class emotion recognition what among the five classification techniques. We then implemented a continuous Mandarin Chinese speech emotion recognition system with an emotion radar chart which is based on WD-KNN; this system can represent the intensity of each emotion component in speech. This proposed approach shows how emotions can be recognized by speech signals, and in turn how emotional states can be visualized.  相似文献   

针对传统语言模型的词向量表示无法解决多义词表征的问题,以及现有情感分析模型不能充分捕获长距离语义信息的问题,提出了一种结合BERT和BiSRU-AT的文本情感分类模型BERT- BiSRU-AT。首先用预训练模型BERT获取融合文本语境的词向量表征;然后利用双向简单循环单元(BiSRU)二次提取语义特征和上下文信息;再利用注意力机制对BiSRU层的输出分配权重以突出重点信息;最后使用Softmax激励函数得出句子级别的情感概率分布。实验采用中文版本的推特数据集和酒店评论数据集。实验结果表明,结合BERT和BiSRU-AT的文本情感分析模型能够获得更高的准确率,双向简单循环模型和注意力机制的引入能有效提高模型的整体性能,有较大的实用价值。  相似文献   

Weblogs are increasingly popular modes of communication and they are frequently used as mediums for emotional expression in the ever changing online world. This work uses blogs as object and data source for Chinese emotional expression analysis. First, a textual emotional expression space model is described, and based on this model, a relatively fine-grained annotation scheme is proposed for manual annotation of an emotion corpus. In document and paragraph levels, emotion category, emotion intensity, topic word and topic sentence are annotated. In sentence level, emotion category, emotion intensity, emotional keyword and phrase, degree word, negative word, conjunction, rhetoric, punctuation, objective or subjective, and emotion polarity are annotated. Then, using this corpus, we explore these linguistic expressions that indicate emotion in Chinese, and present a detailed data analysis on them, involving mixed emotions, independent emotion, emotion transfer, and analysis on words and rhetorics for emotional expression.  相似文献   

Recently, researchers have tried to better understand human behaviors so as to let robots act in more human ways, which means a robot may have its own emotions defined by its designers. To achieve this goal, in this study, we designed and simulated a robot, named Shiau_Lu, which is empowered with six universal human emotions, including happiness, anger, fear, sadness, disgust and surprise. When we input a sentence to Shiau_Lu through voice, it recognizes the sentence by invoking the Google speech recognition method running on an Android system, and outputs a sentence to reveal its current emotional states. Each input sentence affects the strength of the six emotional variables used to represent the six emotions, one corresponding to one. After that, the emotional variables will change into new states. The consequent fuzzy inference process infers and determines the most significant emotion as the primary emotion, with which an appropriate output sentence as a response of the input is chosen from its Output-sentence database. With the new states of the six emotional variables, when the robot encounters another sentence, the above process repeats and another output sentence is then selected and replied. Artificial intelligence and psychological theories of human behaviors have been applied to the robot to simulate how emotions are influenced by the outside world through languages. In fact, the robot may help autistic children to interact more with the world around them and relate themselves well to the outside world.  相似文献   


Automatic key concept identification from text is the main challenging task in information extraction, information retrieval, digital libraries, ontology learning, and text analysis. The main difficulty lies in the issues with the text data itself, such as noise in text, diversity, scale of data, context dependency and word sense ambiguity. To cope with this challenge, numerous supervised and unsupervised approaches have been devised. The existing topical clustering-based approaches for keyphrase extraction are domain dependent and overlooks semantic similarity between candidate features while extracting the topical phrases. In this paper, a semantic based unsupervised approach (KP-Rank) is proposed for keyphrase extraction. In the proposed approach, we exploited Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and clustering techniques and a novel frequency-based algorithm for candidate ranking is introduced which considers locality-based sentence, paragraph and section frequencies. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, three benchmark datasets (i.e. Inspec, 500N-KPCrowed and SemEval-2010) from different domains are used. The experimental results show that overall, the KP-Rank achieved significant improvements over the existing approaches on the selected performance measures.


目前的情绪词典通常对情绪词语进行情绪类别和强度的标注,但缺乏对词语的情绪表达和情绪认知结果进行区分的能力。同时,直接在词语条目上进行标注经常由于词语的语义歧义导致情绪标注结果存在歧义。该文在对个体情绪产生和迁移机制进行分析的基础上,建立了基于“刺激认知—反射表达”的文本情绪计算框架。并在此框架下对情绪相关词语的功能和特性进行分析,探索了一种新型情绪词典建设方法。首先,引入HowNet提供的词语语义信息,将同一词语转变为不同语义的多个词条进行标注减少情绪标注歧义。其次,将词语的情绪表达方式和情绪认知结果加以区分,分别标注从不同角度观测到的词条情绪类别和强度,同时对词语的情绪表达和情绪认知类型进行了细化分类。最终初步构建出一个具有清晰框架、丰富情绪信息和较低歧义的新型情绪词典。  相似文献   

乌达巴拉  汪增福 《自动化学报》2015,41(12):2125-2137
文本情绪分析属于细颗粒度文本情感分析范畴.传统的基于 监督学习的方法,大多注重从表面词形提取特征,对语言的结构化特征 考虑较少,无法应对特征稀疏问题,也无法挖掘文本中隐含的深层语 言信息(包括词语搭配和语义韵).上述问题的存在导致现有系统 的分类性能不高,尤其对隐性文本情绪分类问题表现出较大的局限 性.本文尝试将基于依存句法的词语搭配特征和基于组合语义的深度 特征应用于文本情绪分类,提出了一种以短语为主要线索的半马 尔科夫条件随机场文本情绪分析模型.为了验证模型的有效性,利 用实际构建的相关实验语料,开展了相关实验研究.实验结果表 明,本文方法不仅可以显著提高文本情绪分类的准确率,而且对解 决隐性情感分析问题也具有重要作用.  相似文献   

多语言文本的情感分析是情感分析领域的重要问题之一,而现有的情感分析方法着重于对单语言文本的研究.本文针对中英混合文本提出了一种细粒度情感分析模型,通过基于大规模语料的预训练语言模型得到上下文语义相关的词向量,将词向量输入双向LSTM网络学习文本的情感表征,使用多语言注意力机制分别针对单语和双语文本提取关键情感表征,最终通过并行融合的方式提升情感分类效果.本文使用NLPCC2018多语言文本情绪分析任务数据集进行细粒度情感分析,对比评测任务中的最好结果,本文模型得到的宏平均F1值提高至0. 581,表明了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   

利用领域本体对产品评论文本中的特征及其评价词进行抽取,并将特征评价词的情感倾向与特征所在句子的情感倾向进行特征表示,得到文本特征矩阵,在此基础上,利用K-means算法实现了文本的情感聚类。为了验证该方法的有效性,在真实汽车评论文本数据上进行实验,结果表明,基于特征的情感倾向表示的权重相比布尔权重和LDA特征权重的聚类结果,在聚类的纯度和F值上有明显提高。  相似文献   

An emotional text may be judged to belong to multiple emotion categories because it may evoke different emotions with varying degrees of intensity. For emotion analysis of text in a supervised manner, it is required to annotate text corpus with emotion categories. Because emotion is a very subjective entity, producing reliable annotation is of prime requirement for developing a robust emotion analysis model, so it is wise to have the data set annotated by multiple human judges and generate an aggregated data set provided that the emotional responses provided by different annotators over the data set exhibit substantial agreement. In reality, multiple emotional responses for an emotional text are common. So, the data set is a multilabel one where a single data item may belong to more than one category simultaneously. This article presents a new agreement measure to compute interannotator reliability in multilabel annotation. The new reliability coefficient has been applied to measure the quality of an emotion text corpus. The procedure for generating aggregated data and some corpus cleaning techniques are also discussed.  相似文献   

情绪分类是情绪分析研究中的一个基本任务,旨在对文本表达的情绪进行分类。目前,该任务是自然语言处理研究中的一个热点问题。已有的研究一般借助于情绪关键词(例如,“高兴”,“伤心”)来进行情绪分类。然而,在实际中,存在大量的没有情绪关键词但表达情绪的文本,我们称这类情绪表达为隐含情绪表达。该文关注隐含情绪分类方法研究,提出了基于情绪关联事件的隐含情绪分类方法,我们认为情绪的关联事件可以用于对情绪类别进行分类。具体实现中,我们首先采用情绪关键词获得句子群;然后,去除情绪关键词,将上下文作为关联事件表达文本;最后,利用上下文进行情绪分类。实验结果表明,以上下文进行的情绪分类结果达到了一定的性能,远远好于随机分类结果。这一结果为进一步隐含情绪分类提供了良好的基础。  相似文献   

随着社交网络平台的广泛使用,涌现出大量蕴涵丰富情感信息的在线评论文本,分析评论中表达的情感对企业、平台等具有重要意义。为了解决目前针对在线评论短文本情感分析中存在特征提取能力弱以及忽略短文本本身情感信息的问题,提出一种基于文本情感值加权融合字词向量表示的模型——SVW-BERT模型。首先,基于字、词级别向量融合表示文本向量,最大程度获取语义表征,同时考虑副词、否定词、感叹句及疑问句对文本情感的影响,通过权值计算得到文本的情感值,构建情感值加权融合字词向量的中文短文本情感分析模型。通过网络平台在线评论数据集对模型的可行性和优越性进行验证。实验结果表明,字词向量融合特征提取语义的能力更强,同时情感值加权句向量考虑了文本本身蕴涵的情感信息,达到了提升情感分类能力的效果。  相似文献   

为了提高短文本语义相似度计算的准确率,提出一种新的计算方法:将文本分割为句子单元,对句子进行句法依存分析,句子之间相似度计算建立在词语间相似度计算的基础上,在计算词语语义相似度时考虑词语的新特征——情感特征,并提出一种综合方法对词语进行词义消歧,综合词的词性与词语所处的语境,再依据Hownet语义词典计算词语语义相似度;将句子中词语之间的语义相似度根据句子结构加权平均得到句子的语义相似度,最后通过一种新的方法——二元集合法——计算短文本的语义相似度。词语相似度与短文本相似度的准确率分别达到了87.63%和93.77%。实验结果表明,本文方法确实提高了短文本语义相似度的准确率。  相似文献   

准确可靠的文本倾向性分析是网络舆情分析与网络内容安全的前提.本文提出了利用中文极性情感词典HowNet、NTUSD以及大连理工大学发布的褒贬情感词词典进行并交运算,选择并翻译为维吾尔语词汇,借助于维吾尔语同义近义词词典,扩展构建了维吾尔语极性情感词典;然后分析总结了否定词、程度副词以及句中的转折连词等情感修饰成分对维吾尔语句子情感极性的影响,并量化为情感词权值;最后设计了基于维吾尔语极性情感词和权值相结合的加权句子情感极性判定算法.利用自建语料库进行测试,并与汉语倾向性判定实验结果比较,证明了本算法进行维吾尔语句子褒贬情感性分析基本是有效地.  相似文献   

近年来,情感计算已经成为自然语言处理与人工智能领域的一个研究热点,而文本情感分析是情感计算的一个重要组成部分.提出了一个基于主题特征与三支决策理论相融合的多标记情感分类方法.首先采用基于主题的情感识别模型判断句子的多标记情感类别,在此基础上结合三支决策理论,最终实现对文本篇章的多标记情感分类.实验结果表明,该方法在文本篇章的多标记情感类别识别上取得了令人满意的结果.  相似文献   

With the explosive growth of various social media applications, individuals and organizations are increasingly using their contents (e.g. reviews, forum discussions, blogs, micro-blogs, comments, and postings in social network sites) for decision-making. These contents are typical big data. Opinion mining or sentiment analysis focuses on how to extract emotional semantics from these big data to help users to get a better decision. That is not an easy task, because it faces many problems, such as different context may make the meaning of the same word change variously, at the same time multilingual environment restricts the full use of the analysis results. Ontology provides knowledge about specific domains that are understandable by both the computers and developers. Building ontology is mainly a useful first step in providing and formalizing the semantics of information representation. We proposed an ontology DEMLOnto based on six basic emotions to help users to share existed information. The ontology DEMLOnto would help in identifying the opinion features associated with the contextual environment, which may change along with applications. We built the ontology according to ontology engineering. It was developed on the platform Protégé by using OWL2.  相似文献   

A set of words labeled with their prior emotion is an obvious place to start on the automatic discovery of the emotion of a sentence, but it is clear that context must also be considered. It may be that no simple function of the labels on the individual words captures the overall emotion of the sentence; words are interrelated and they mutually influence their affect-related interpretation. It happens quite often that a word which invokes emotion appears in a neutral sentence, or that a sentence with no emotional word carries an emotion. This could also happen among different emotion classes. The goal of this work is to distinguish automatically between prior and contextual emotion, with a focus on exploring features important in this task. We present a set of features which enable us to take the contextual emotion of a word and the syntactic structure of the sentence into account to put sentences into emotion classes. The evaluation includes assessing the performance of different feature sets across multiple classification methods. We show the features and a promising learning method which significantly outperforms two reasonable baselines. We group our features by the similarity of their nature. That is why another facet of our evaluation is to consider each group of the features separately and investigate how well they contribute to the result. The experiments show that all features contribute to the result, but it is the combination of all the features that gives the best performance.  相似文献   

Emotions are inherent to any human activity, including human–computer interactions, and that is the reason why recognizing emotions expressed in natural language is becoming a key feature for the design of more natural user interfaces. In order to obtain useful corpora for this purpose, the manual classification of texts according to their emotional content has been the technique most commonly used by the research community. The use of corpora is widespread in Natural Language Processing, and the existing corpora annotated with emotions support the development, training and evaluation of systems using this type of data. In this paper we present the development of an annotated corpus oriented to the narrative domain, called EmoTales, which uses two different approaches to represent emotional states: emotional categories and emotional dimensions. The corpus consists of a collection of 1,389 English sentences from 18 different folk tales, annotated by 36 different people. Our model of the corpus development process includes a post-processing stage performed after the annotation of the corpus, in which a reference value for each sentence was chosen by taking into account the tags assigned by annotators and some general knowledge about emotions, which is codified in an ontology. The whole process is presented in detail, and revels significant results regarding the corpus such as inter-annotator agreement, while discussing topics such as how human annotators deal with emotional content when performing their work, and presenting some ideas for the application of this corpus that may inspire the research community to develop new ways to annotate corpora using a large set of emotional tags.  相似文献   

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