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The rectangle knapsack packing problem is to pack a number of rectangles into a larger stock sheet such that the total value of packed rectangles is maximized. The paper first presents a fitness strategy, which is used to determine which rectangle is to be first packed into a given position. Based on this fitness strategy, a constructive heuristic algorithm is developed to generate a solution, i.e. a given sequence of rectangles for packing. Then, a greedy strategy is used to search a better solution. At last, a simulated annealing algorithm is introduced to jump out of the local optimal trap of the greedy strategy, to find a further improved solution. Computational results on 221 rectangular packing instances show that the presented algorithm outperforms some previous algorithms on average.  相似文献   

The problem of partitioning a two-dimensional area into pieces having certain sizes with a minimum of wasted space is very important, especially in packing components tightly in the manufacture of very large-scale integrated circuits. The purpose of this paper is to examine the problem of placing rectangular objects in a rectangular area so as to minimize the wasted space, from the viewpoint of establishing maximum empty rectangles rather than the standard linear-programming approach. A comparison of our results with those of the Steudel [5] is reported. Empirical comparisons of our results indicate that our algorithm is very simple and efficient.  相似文献   

在超大规模集成电路设计,裁缝裁剪布料,玻璃切割等工作中提出了矩形和圆形装填问题,即把不同大小的矩形块和圆饼装入一个矩形容器中,以最大化容器的面积利用率为优化目标。对这一问题,可采用模拟退火,遗传算法等国际流行算法进行求解,但这些方法计算时间较长,计算结果的优度也不甚理想。利用人类的智慧和经验,提出了一种求解此问题的最大穴度算法。并对3个随机生成的测试实例进行了实算测试。所得结果的平均面积利用率为90.80%,平均计算时阊为8.38s。测试结果表明,算法对求解矩形和圆形装填问题是行之有效的。  相似文献   

针对二维矩形Packing问题,提出了基于占角动作的基本算法。以基本算法为基础,提出了三阶段优化的拟人型全局优化算法。在第一阶段生成初始布局。在第二阶段交替调用邻域搜索子程序和跳坑策略子程序对矩形块的优先级排序进行优化。邻域搜索采用交换式和插入式两种邻域结构,避免单一邻域结构的局限性。当搜索遇到局部最优解时,采用跳坑策略子程序跳出局部最优解,将搜索引向有希望的区域。在第三阶段调用优美度枚举子程序对占角动作的选择作进一步优化。提出了两条优度定理。对于六组benchmark测试用例的实验结果表明,算法的整体表现优于当前文献中的先进算法。针对矩形块方向固定的情形,算法对zdf6和zdf7两个问题实例得到了比已有文献记录更优的布局。  相似文献   

Exhaustive approaches to 2D rectangular perfect packings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we consider the two-dimensional rectangular strip packing problem, in the case where there is a perfect packing; that is, there is no wasted space. One can think of the problem as a jigsaw puzzle with oriented rectangular pieces. Although this comprises a quite special case for strip packing, we have found it useful as a subroutine in related work. We demonstrate a simple pruning approach that makes a branch-and-bound-based exhaustive search extremely effective for problems with less than 30 rectangles.  相似文献   

为了探索更高效的矩形件优化排样方法,提出了一种改进的自适应遗传模拟退火算法。设计了基于矩形件的排样次序及旋转变量的两层染色体编码方法,并采用基于临界多边形的BL定位策略实现矩形件的布局;通过构造启发式算法生成排样初始种群,然后各个种群之间通过相互竞争实现优秀个体的迁移与共享,最终搜索到最优解。标准测试问题的实验结果验证了所提算法的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

布局问题来源于生产实际,优秀的布局可以提高原料利用率,降低成本,提高经济效益,对许多行业有重要意义。矩形件优化排样是一类具有NP完全难度的组合优化问题。人工蚁群算法是对蚂蚁群体行为的模拟抽象,该算法具有分布计算、信息正反馈和启发式搜索等特点。本文将蚁群算法和剩余矩形法结合用于解决矩形排样问题,首先用蚁群算法将矩形件排样问题转化为一个排列问题;然后通过剩余矩形排样算法排出每一个排列所对应的排样图;最后用算法对文献[9]中的两个算例进行了验证,表明了其有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the problem of packing a set of small rectangles (pieces) in an enclosing final rectangle. We present first a best-first branch-and-bound exact algorithm and second a heuristic approach in order to solve exactly and approximately this problem. The performances of the proposed approaches are evaluated on several randomly generated problem instances. Computational results show that the proposed exact algorithm is able to solve small and medium problem instances within reasonable execution time. The derived heuristic performs very well in the sense that it produces high-quality solutions within small computational time.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a deterministic heuristic, a best fit algorithm (BFA), for solving the NP-hard two-dimensional rectangular packing problem to maximize the filling rate of a rectangular sheet. There are two stages in this new approach: the constructive stage and the tree search stage. The former aims to rapidly generate an initial solution by employing the concepts of action space and fit degree in evaluating different placements. The latter seeks to further improve the solution and searches for promising placements by a partial tree search procedure. We then compare BFA with other approaches in terms of solution quality and computing time. We carry out computational experiments on two sets of well-known benchmark instances, C21 proposed by Hopper and Turton, and N13 proposed by Burke et al. BFA gained an average filling rate of 100% for the C21 instances within short times, indicating that all the layouts obtained are optimal. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that optimal layouts on all the 21 instances were obtained by a deterministic algorithm. As for the N13 instances, to date, researchers have found optimal solutions to the first three instances, whereas BFA solved seven, including the first three, within a reasonable period. An additional work is to adapt BFA to solve a relevant problem, the constrained two-dimensional cutting (or packing) problem (CTDC). Though BFA is not for the CTDC in the original design such that some specific characteristics of CTDC are not considered, the adapted algorithm still performed well on 21 public CTDC instances.  相似文献   

基于改进遗传算法的矩形件优化排样   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文利用遗传算法结合剩余矩形排样法求解矩形件正交排样问题。通过对排样问题已知解信息进行统计分析,并根据分析结果改进原遗传算法判断个体好坏的标准,对父代种群进行了优劣分类,针对不同的分类采用不同的遗传操作,构造出一种改进遗传算法。通过实例验证,该算法得到了排样问题的最优解,说明了其有效性。  相似文献   

矩形件排样优化的一种近似算法   总被引:45,自引:1,他引:44  
本文对理论上属于NP-完备问题的二维矩形件优化排样问题,构造了一个效率高、速度快、可令人满意的一种近似算法,该算法的主要思想是在排样过程中根据一种局部最优原则不断地动态产生一些较小的矩形,然后对这些小矩形区域排样,同时也消去一些已排过的矩形区域,直至所有的矩形件被排完,根据本文算法我们开发了一个矩形件排样系统。  相似文献   

求解三维装箱问题的混合模拟退火算法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
提出了一个高效求解三维装箱问题(Three Dimensional Container Loading Problem 3D-CLP)的混合模拟退火算法.三维装箱问题要求装载给定箱子集合的一个子集到容器中,使得被装载的箱子总体积最大.文中介绍的混合模拟退火算法基于三个重要算法:(1)复合块生成算法,与传统算法不同的是文中提出的复合块不只包含单一种类的箱子,而是可以在一定的限制条件下包含任意种类的箱子.(2)基础启发式算法,该算法基于块装载,可以按照指定装载序列生成放置方案.(3)模拟退火算法,以复合块生成和基础启发式算法为基础,将装载序列作为可行放置方案的编码,在编码空间中采用模拟退火算法进行搜索以寻找问题的近似最优解.文中采用1500个弱异构和强异构的装箱问题数据对算法进行测试.实验结果表明,混合模拟退火算法的填充率超过了目前已知的优秀算法.  相似文献   

为有效解决分段单一矩形优化排样问题,给出一个求解分段单一矩形优化排样问题的两阶段方法。第一阶段完成标准子段最佳排样方式求解,并将二维排样问题转化为一维下料问题,第二阶段使用适合于一维下料问题求解的算法完成板材最佳排样方式求解。使用该方法开发了一个单一矩形优化排样系统,该系统既可以解决分段单一矩形排样问题也可以解决其他类型的单一矩形优化排样问题。企业应用实例表明该方法是求解分段单一矩形优化排样问题的一个较为有效的方法。  相似文献   

Two-dimensional strip packing problem is to pack given rectangular pieces on a strip of stock sheet having fixed width and infinite height. Its aim is to minimize the height of the strip such that non-guillotinable and fix orientation constraints are meet. In this paper, an improved scoring rule is developed and the least waste priority strategy is introduced, and a randomized algorithm is presented for solving this problem. This algorithm is very simple and does not need to set any parameters. Computational results on a wide range of benchmark problem instances show that the proposed algorithm obtains a better or matching performance as compared to the most of the previously published meta-heuristics.  相似文献   

矩形件优化排样问题的混合遗传算法求解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩喜君  丁根宏 《微机发展》2006,16(6):219-221
利用遗传算法结合剩余矩形排样法求解矩形件正交排样问题。通过遗传算法将矩形件正交排样问题转化为一个排列问题,并引入剩余矩形排样算法来惟一确定每一个排列所对应的排样图(即排样方案),两者结合用于求解矩形件排样问题。最后用此混合遗传算法对文献[1]中的两个算例进行了验证,表明了其有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, the two-dimensional cutting/packing problem with items that correspond to simple polygons that may contain holes are studied in which we propose algorithms based on no-fit polygon computation. We present a GRASP based heuristic for the 0/1 version of the knapsack problem, and another heuristic for the unconstrained version of the knapsack problem. This last heuristic is divided in two steps: first it packs items in rectangles and then use the rectangles as items to be packed into the bin. We also solve the cutting stock problem with items of irregular shape, by combining this last heuristic with a column generation algorithm. The algorithms proposed found optimal solutions for several of the tested instances within a reasonable runtime. For some instances, the algorithms obtained solutions with occupancy rates above 90% with relatively fast execution time.  相似文献   

刘景发  刘思妤 《软件学报》2018,29(2):283-298
卫星舱布局问题不仅是一个复杂的耦合系统设计问题,也是一个特殊的优化问题,具有NP难度性。解决这类问题最大的挑战在于需要优化的目标函数具有大量的被高能势垒分隔开的局部极小值点。Wang-Landau(WL)抽样算法是一种改进的蒙特卡罗方法,已经被成功地运用蛋白质结构预测等优化问题。本文以卫星舱布局优化问题为背景,首次将WL抽样算法引入矩形装填问题的求解。针对矩形装填物的特点,提出了启发式格局更新策略,以引导抽样算法在解空间中进行有效行走。为了加速搜索全局最优解,每次蒙特卡罗扫描生成新的布局时,便执行梯度法进行局部搜索。通过将局部搜索机制、启发式格局更新策略与WL抽样算法相结合,提出了一种用于解决带静不平衡约束的任意矩形装填问题的启发式布局算法。在布局优化过程中,通过在挤压弹性势能的基础上增加静不平衡量惩罚项并采用质心平移的方法,使布局系统的静不平衡量达到约束要求。另外,为了改进算法的搜索效率,提出了改进的有限圆族法用于装填物之间的干涉性判断和干涉量计算。通过对文献中两组共10个有代表性的算例进行实算,计算结果表明,所提出的装填算法是一种求解带静不平衡性能约束的任意矩形装填问题的有效算法。  相似文献   

We consider the following rectangle packing problem. Given a set of rectangles, each of which is associated with a profit, we are requested to pack a subset of the rectangles into a bigger rectangle so that the total profit of rectangles packed is maximized. The rectangles may not overlap. This problem is strongly NP-hard even for packing squares with identical profits. We first present a simple (3 + ε)-approximation algorithm. Then we consider a restricted version of the problem and show a (2 + ε)-approximation algorithm. This restricted problem includes the case where rotation by 90° is allowed (and is possible), and the case of packing squares. We apply a similar technique to the general problem, and get an improved algorithm with a worst-case ratio of at most 5/2 + ε. Finally, we devise a (2 + ε)-approximation algorithm for the general problem.  相似文献   

We address an important variant of the rectangle packing problem, the soft rectangle packing problem, and explore its problem extension for the fixed-outline floorplanning with soft modules. For the soft rectangle packing problem with zero deadspace, we present an iterative merging packing algorithm that merges all the rectangles into a final composite rectangle in a bottom-up order by iteratively merging two rectangles with the least areas into a composite rectangle, and then shapes and places each pair of sibling rectangles based on the dimensions and position of their composite rectangle in an up-bottom order. We prove that the proposed algorithm can guarantee feasible layout under some conditions, which are weaker as compared with a well-known zero-dead-space packing algorithm. We then provide a deadspace distribution strategy, which can systematically assign deadspace to modules, to extend the iterative merging packing algorithm to deal with soft packing problem with deadspace. For the fixed-outline floorplanning with soft modules problem, we propose an iterative merging packing based hierarchical partitioning algorithm, which adopts a general hierarchical partitioning framework as proposed in the popular PATOMA floorplanner. The framework uses a recursive bipartitioning method to partition the original problem into a set of subproblems, where each subproblem is a soft rectangle packing problem and how to solve the subproblem plays a key role in the final efficiency of the floorplanner. Different from the PATOMA that adopts the zero-dead-space packing algorithm, we adopt our proposed iterative merging packing algorithm for the subproblems. Experiments on the IBM-HB benchmarks show that the proposed packing algorithm is more effective than the zero-dead-space packing algorithm, and experiments on the GSRC benchmarks show that our floorplanning algorithm outperforms three state-of-the-art floorplanners PATOMA, DeFer and UFO, reducing wirelength by 0.2%, 4.0% and 2.3%, respectively.  相似文献   

一种用于矩形排样优化的改进遗传算法   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
矩形排样优化属于NPC问题,在工业界有着广泛的应用,如布料切割、金属下料和新闻组版等。提出了一种基于环形交叉算子和环形变异算子的自适应遗传算法,并将改进的自适应遗传算法和IBL启发式布局算法相结合,有效地解决了矩形排样优化问题。对比实验结果表明,环形交叉算子和环形变异算子对遗传算法是有效的,所提出的改进混合自适应遗传算法能够在一个较短的时间内找到满意解。  相似文献   

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