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STEP模型映射技术及其在开发环境中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
杨子江  李善平等 《软件学报》2002,13(8):1643-1651
针对互操作所导致的异构系统间数据交换构造STEP模型映射算法,为基于不同STEP应用协议的CAX系统集成提供了一种方法讨论,首先对STEP/EXPRESS数据模型作出形式化定义,在此基础上提出了两种STEP模型映射技术-静态映射与动态映射,并阐述了基于EXPRESS-X的实现及其在开放式环境中的一种典型应用,提出了模型映技术独立于具体系统,为异构系统提供透明的集成方式,从而降低了信息集成在系统开发中的开销。  相似文献   

为了解决企业信息集成过程中CAD文件物料清单提取问题,提出一种基于STEP装配特征辨识的物料清单信息提取方法,该方法以STEP作为中间数据格式,采用统一建模语言建立实体类映射模型,利用模型的装配特征辨识实体的装配关系,实现异构数据物料清单统一提取。同时,在XMLwebServices框架的网络服务平台上,利用扩展样式表语言转换自动映射机制,有效实现物料清单多视图转换过程集成规范化。在此基础上建立了基于STEP产品物料清单信息管理系统,并给出了该系统在工程机械制造企业产品数据管理中的应用实例。  相似文献   

根据模型驱动的软件开发方法和核心思想,设计实现对数据映射关系进行独立、统一描述的映射词典元模型.结合映射词典提出了一个基于模型驱动的集成异构数据模型的解决方案.给出了基于模型驱动的数据映射技术,完成异构数据集成中的应用框架.在此基础上,详细介绍了应用框架中异构数据集成的实现.  相似文献   

STEP特征模型及其在集成环境中的应用研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
从STEP特征模型、CAD/CAPP特征建模、STEP工具集的构造、模型映射等角度,论述了STEP技术在CIM领域的应用,在此基础上,阐述了“即插即用”的特征映射及信息集成技术,并讨论了一种在STEP工具集的支持下,以独立于具体系统的方式实现CAD/CAPP特征信息集成的方法。  相似文献   

异构数据资源的语义映射,是大数据时代数据集成与共享研究中的一个关键问题。围绕语义搜索的应用需求,针对海量异构数据资源到领域知识本体的语义映射问题,提出基于中间模型的映射算法,通过模型解析转换、映射规则设计、映射策略选择、映射关系表达等最终获得二者的映射关系。系统面向用户提供基于知识本体的统一视图,屏蔽了底层数据资源的异构性,保证了用户对异构数据资源的透明访问和准确理解,提供了一种灵活、通用、可扩展的语义集成机制,为准确高效的语义搜索应用提供支持。  相似文献   

多数据库系统中基于XIDM的模式映射方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立多数据库系统中多种模式间的映射是多数据库解决模式异构性的关键,而选用一种适用于这些映射的集成数据模型又是模式映射的基础。为了集成数据库、文件系统、Web文档等多种异构系统中的数据,提出了一种基于XML的集成数据模型(XIDM)作为多数据库系统的公共数据模型,基于XIDM模型,给出了全局模式与输出模式、输出模式与局部模式之间的模式映射方法,并对全局映射和局部映射在多数据库原型系统Panorama中的实现进行了示例,最后从数据模型的集成能力和模式映射的可操作性方面对基于XIDM的模式映射方法进行了性能比较和分析。  相似文献   

基于STEP的三维CAD和PDM系统集成方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了基于STEP标准的产品信息模型、CAD数据交换接口、产品数据交换接口,提出了基于STEP中性机制和产品信息模型的三维CAD和PDM系统集成框架,该框架有助于实现广义CAD功能CAD/CAE/CAPP/CAM/CAQ/PDM/ERP之间的系统集成,异地、异构系统在企业间的集成,能够为企业设计和管理信息化提供一体化解决方案.  相似文献   

基于XML虚拟数据库的异构数据源集成模型研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
解决企业数据源异构需要一种公共的数据源模型给用户提供统一的用户视图,XML以其所具有的自描述性、灵活性、强大的数据交换能力等优势克服了其他数据模式的缺点.结合当前数据集成方面的技术,提出了一种基于XML虚拟数据库的异构数据源集成模型,该模型很好地解决了异构数据源集成方面存在的一系列问题,并从数据模型和数据交换上阐述了该模型的可行性.剖析了该模型中的模式集成、异构数据集成视图、全局查询等.介绍了该模型在中国石油QHSE信息系统中的成功应用.  相似文献   

异构数据源集成技术在军事中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军队信息化建设过程中,存在着大量异构、分散的数据信息,信息间关联性不易确定,形成一个个"信息孤岛".针对该现状,结合当前主流异构数据源集成技术,提出基于军事应用的异构数据源集成方案.使用XMLSchema定义全局数据模式,XOuery作为数据查询语言,采用数据映射技术,实现军事数据信息在军队系统中的共享集成.同时,在系统中采用基于角色的访问控制策略,提高了系统的整体安全性.  相似文献   

文章针对虚拟样机中基于产品模型技术的异构应用间集成,提出了模型映射的概念,并结合产品模型的模型表达方式的语义特点,对最常见的模型间映射作了分类,提出了基于原语的描述方法,最后,给出了利用模型间映射方式实现异构应用间数据交换的实施框架。  相似文献   

In many application domains, like for example B2B, B2C, or CASE, a lot of heterogeneous applications exist which have to cooperate and exchange data. A major task of system integration is the mapping of different data models, on which the applications are built upon. In this paper, the Basic Object-oriented Transformation Language (BOTL) is introduced as a mathematically founded approach for the integration of data models. Class diagrams of the Unified Modelling Language (UML) are today established as a technique for meta modelling in the software engineering domain. Therefore, BOTL uses a UML-based notation for the definition of declarative mapping rules that allow reasoning about properties like applicability, metamodel conformance and bidirectionality of transformations.  相似文献   

随着CAX技术的发展,特征技术得到越来越多的重视,特征技术的使用,大幅度提高了产品的设计、制造、集成等过程的效率。目前,基于特征的CAD、CAM系统是市场的主流,CAPP是完全基于特征的应用系统。但是在STEP的众多应用协议中,涉及机械设计、制造、管理的应用协议有很多,但是这些应用协议基本上没有提供对特征的支持。AP224是较早支持特征的STEP应用协议,主  相似文献   

汤雷  ;张勇  ;徐宇婷 《微机发展》2014,(12):238-240
科研院所设计研究中各类异构软件应用系统并存,数据和信息在各个应用系统中同步和共享成为现代企业信息化的瓶颈。针对这种现状,文中采用Java技术,通过建立异构系统底层的消息通讯机制,构建连接异构系统的ESB,实现各个异构系统通过ESB进行通讯,最终达到EAI的目的。实际中,基于该ESB构建了船舶设计行业应用软件系统集成平台,在数据集成、应用集成和业务流程集成中取得了较好的效果,肯定了文中成果的可行性。文中重点叙述了所构建的ESB结构图、ESB内部通讯原理及实现中所使用的数据结构,并给出了以该ESB为核心纽带设计的相关EAI平台架构。  相似文献   

Today's manufacturing enterprises struggle to adopt cost-effective manufacturing systems. Overview of the recent manufacturing enterprises shows that successful global manufacturing enterprises have distributed their manufacturing capabilities over the globe. The successes of global manufacturing enterprises depend upon the entire worldwide integration of their product development processes and manufacturing operations that are distributed over the globe. Distributed manufacturing agents' collaboration and manufacturing data integrity play a major role in global manufacturing enterprises' success. There are number of works, conducted to enable the distributed manufacturing agents to collaborate with each other. To achieve the manufacturing data integrity through manufacturing processes, numbers of solutions have been proposed which one of the successful solutions is to use ISO 10303 (STEP) standard. However, adopting this standard one can recognize antonym effects of integration and collaboration approaches that weaken both integration and collaboration capabilities of manufacturing agents. In our latest work, we had developed an integrated and collaborative manufacturing platform named LAYMOD. Albeit the platform in question was through enough to be applied in various collaborative and integrated CAx systems, its embedded structure hampers its application for collaboration in distributed manufacturing systems. To achieve an integrated and collaborative platform for distributed manufacturing agents, this paper proposes a service-oriented approach. This approach is originated from cloud computing paradigm known as one of the technologies which enables a major transformation in manufacturing industry. Also, to maintain the product data integration based on the STEP standard, a new service-oriented approach is proposed. This approach is in parallel to the new capability of the STEP standard for supporting XML data structures. The result is a new platform named XMLAYMOD. XMLAYMOD is able to support distributed manufacturing collaboration and data integration based on the STEP standard. The different aspects of this platform to fulfill the requirements of distributed collaboration and also to overcome the lacks of the STEP standard are discussed through a brief case study.  相似文献   

Dimensional metrology is an important part of any manufacturing system. It consists of distinct components and requires a large, diverse, and interconnected knowledge base. How to pass information seamlessly with minimal cost and minimal data loss between different components of a dimensional metrology system is a major issue that concerns software and hardware vendors, standards developers, and customers. This paper focuses on the four main elements of a dimensional metrology system: product definition, measurement process plan definition, measurement process execution, and analysis and reporting of quality data. The activities and software modules that are involved in these elements are discussed. Key issues that cause interoperability problems are identified. These issues are discussed as they relate to the current situation in dimensional metrology standards development. The STEP (ISO 10303) standards are the product of an international effort to achieve interoperability for manufacturing systems. Extending STEP is an appropriate way to solve the interoperability problem within dimensional metrology systems. Further development of STEP standards is proposed so that Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) information already available in STEP can be linked with manufacturing feature information, measurement technology, and measurement results. The proposed STEP data model is an attempt to provide a standard that will support automatic measurement process plan generation for in-process on-machine measurement. Some case studies are under way to test the model.  相似文献   

In an iterative design process, there is a large amount of engineering data to be processed. Well-managed engineering data can ensure the competitiveness of companies in the competitive market. It has been recognized that a product data model is the basis for establishing engineering database. To fully support the complete product data representation in its life cycle, an international product data representation and exchange standard, STEP, is applied to model the representation of a product. In this paper, the architecture of an engineering data management (EDM) system is described, which consists of an integrated product database. There are six STEP-compatible data models constructed to demonstrate the integratibility of EDM system using common data modeling format. These data models are product definition, product structure, shape representation, engineering change, approval, and production scheduling. These data models are defined according to the integrated resources of STEP/ISO 10303 (Parts 41-44), which support a complete product information representation and a standard data format. Thus, application systems, such as CAD/CAM and MRP systems, can interact with the EDM system by accessing the database based on the STEP data exchange standard.  相似文献   

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