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链路和节点的故障会导致网络中许多节点无法相互通讯,因此容错性是NoC系统设计中的一个重要问题。基于一种新的NoC网络拓扑结构PRDT(2,1),提出一种PRDT(2,1)容错路由算法以及相应的节点失效算法。节点失效算法通过使较少数量的无故障节点失效来构造矩形故障区域,PRDT(2,1)容错路由算法仅使用了最小数量的虚拟通道并提供足够的自适应性以实现无死锁容错路由。只要故障区域没有断开网络,这一算法能够保证路由的连通性。算法在不同故障率的PRDT(2,1)网络中仿真,结果显示这一算法具有良好的平滑降级使用特性。  相似文献   

自适应路由可以有效地提高片上网络性能,却导致网络中的数据传输乱序.设计了一个两级流水虚拟通道虫孔交换路由器,通过修改数据包的标记位和路由计算单元,使路由器支持确定性和自适应路由算法,简化了数据传输乱序问题;同时,将流经路由器的数据流分为东西和南北2个部分;在此基础上从经典的部分自适应路由出发,增加虚拟通道允许原本禁止的转向,实现了无死锁的自适应路由,并降低了网络延迟与硬件开销.  相似文献   

当网络中的某条链路出现故障时,互联网部署的域内路由协议需要重新收敛,在收敛过程中经过该链路的报文将会被丢弃。针对该问题,IETF(the Internet Engineering Task Force)提出了快速重路由保护框架,利用该框架可以有效地解决网络中单链路故障造成的报文丢失问题,然而该方案并不能完全保护网络中所有可能的单链路故障。基于该框架研究者提出了一种基于隧道的解决方案,该方案虽然可以提供100%的单链路故障保护,但是需要辅助机制的协助,开销较大,难以实际部署。因此,提出了一种基于逐跳方式的针对单链路故障的全保护方案,该方案可以解决网络中任意的单链路故障造成的报文丢失问题。  相似文献   

3D片上网络能有效解决片上系统的通信问题。本文针对3D Mesh NoC中的节点故障,提出了一种无虚拟通道容错路由算法,称为3D ZoneDefense容错路由算法(3D-ZDFT)。该算法建立在3D防御区域基础之上,3D防御区域能够提供故障体的位置信息。根据防御区域提供的故障体位置信息,3D-ZDFT可提前发现故障位置并改变转发端口,实现容错的同时避免引入死锁。实验结果表明,与HamFA相比,3D-ZDFT有较低的网络延迟和更高的可靠性。面积开销分析显示,3D-ZDFT比HamFA的面积开销高约3.1%。  相似文献   

徐明  刘广钟 《计算机工程》2013,39(3):132-136,151
针对三维水声传感器网络中因节点或链路故障导致的路由性能低下问题,提出一种多径容错路由协议。该协议通过为每个节点设计一种称为后备箱的数据结构,并利用节点的路由表和后备箱构造主后备链路和辅后备链路,以便在节点或链路发生故障的情况下修复路由路径,确保数据的正常传输。仿真结果表明,多径容错路由协议可以减小节点或链路故障对数据传输率和网络吞吐量的影响。  相似文献   

针对认知无线网络中频谱的动态性、时变性、多样性以及节点移动性, 提出了一种基于虚拟信道的多路径融合认知无线网络路由算法. 在路由建立过程中, 为解决源节点与目的节点信道同步问题, 源节点在公共控制信道上广播添加虚拟信道的路由请求, 在当前所处信道为虚拟信道的节点中转发. 目的节点对多条路径通过信道切换进行融合, 以规避主用户的活动区域, 减少路径跳数, 提高链路的稳定性. 在路由维护阶段, 通过卡尔曼滤波对节点移动速度进行预测, 在链路断裂之前启动路由修复. 最后通过NS2中CRCN Simulator仿真结果表明, 该算法在链路通信的稳定性、分组投递率、吞吐量、端到端时延等方面有明显的改善, 提高了网络的整体性能.  相似文献   

本文针对一种无缓存的高性能计算机光互连网络BOIN中存在的结点饿死问题,提出了两种不同的解决方法——尽量回避的X优先路由算法和允许丢弃的X优先路由算法。这两种路由算法利用了报文在向X方向发送时其Y方向链路空闲的特点,使得发生冲突的报文可以通过空闲的链路顺利转发。模拟实验结果表明,采用这两种路由算法,能够很好地解决报文在发送时的饿死现象。  相似文献   

为克服片上网络链路永久性错误带来的路由问题,提出一种基于前缀的片上网络容错源路由算法PFTSR。该算法适用于二维mesh片上网络,采用预测路径并根据反馈信息调整路径的方法进行路由探测。在仿真平台NIRGAM上进行仿真,实验结果表明,与传统片上网络容错源路由算法SRN相比,PFTSR极大降低了片上系统的功耗,并且在大多数情况下能减少探测到第一条路径的时间。  相似文献   

针对广义超立方体网络中的同时具有大量结点和链路故障模式,提出了两类新的局部连通性概念。在这两类局部连通性概念的基础上给出了两个广义超立方体网络的分布式容错路由算法。基于两类新的局部连通性概念的广义超立方体网络容错路由算法与基于局部连通性的广义超立方体网络容错路由容错路由算法相比较,新算法提高了容错能力。  相似文献   

基于故障链路缓存再利用的NoC容错路由算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立故障模型是进行片上网络容错研究的基础,传统的细粒度故障模型未能有效地区分链路故障和通道故障.为了进一步提高片上资源的利用率,构建了一种粒度更细的微粒度故障模型,并在该模型的基础上提出了基于故障链路缓存再利用的容错路由算法.该算法为每个通信节点增加4条自收发通道,并采用基于缓存再利用的透传机制,通过复用故障链路两端的正常缓存和通道来透传故障通道上的数据包,提高了数据包采用最优输出端口的概率.实验结果表明,文中算法在高故障比例的片上网络中优势明显,且能以相对较小的硬件开销换取平均吞吐量、平均延迟和数据包平均跳数等性能的大幅度提升.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fault-tolerant routing methodology for both injured hypercube and cube-connected cycles interconnection topologies. The proposed routing methodology efficiently tolerates any pattern of faulty regions with any number of faulty nodes in the network which is based on the best-first search and backtracking strategy. Deadlock freedom of the proposed routing methodology is obtained by only one virtual channel per physical channel. In order to evaluate the proposed routing methodology, a 7-dimensional hypercube network is simulated in various conditions, i.e., different traffic rates, different number of faulty nodes and different message lengths. Simulation results confirm that the proposed routing methodology in comparison with the previous methods provides acceptable performance while it significantly increases the reliability of the network. It also guarantees delivery of messages between any pair of source and destination while the network is connected.  相似文献   

In wormhole meshes, a reliable routing is supposed to be deadlock-free and fault-tolerant. Many routing algorithms are able to tolerate a large number of faults enclosed by rectangular blocks or special convex, none of them, however, is capable of handling two convex fault regions with distance two by using only two virtual networks. In this paper, a fault-tolerant wormhole routing algorithm is presented to tolerate the disjointed convex faulty regions with distance two or no less, which do not contain any nonfaulty nodes and do not prohibit any routing as long as nodes outside faulty regions are connected in the mesh network. The processors' overlapping along the boundaries of different fault regions is allowed. The proposed algorithm, which routes the messages by X-Y routing algorithm in fault-free region, can tolerate convex fault-connected regions with only two virtual channels per physical channel, and is deadlock- and livelock-free. The proposed algorithm can be easily extended to adaptive routing.  相似文献   

A fault-tolerant routing method that can tolerate solid faults using only two virtual channels is presented. The proposed routing algorithm, called FT-Ecube, not only uses a fewer number of virtual channels but also tolerates f-chains in the meshes. Furthermore, the proposed scheme misroutes messages both clockwise and counter clockwise directions to reduce channel contention on f-rings. It is shown that the proposed algorithm is deadlock-free and livelock-free in meshes when it has nonoverlapping multiple f-regions. Further, we conducted flit-level simulations to evaluate the performance of the proposed routing algorithm. As our simulation results show, FT-Ecube tolerates multiple faulty blocks using only two virtual channels per physical channel, and has good performance in terms of average latency. This work is supported by the NSF grant MIP-9705738  相似文献   

Message routing achieves the internode communication in parallel computers. A reliable routing is supposed to be deadlock-free and fault-tolerant. While many routing algorithms are able to tolerate a large number of faults enclosed by rectangular faulty blocks, there is no existing algorithm that is capable of handling irregular faulty patterns for wormhole networks. In this paper, a two-staged adaptive and deadlock-free routing algorithm called “Routing for Irregular Faulty Patterns” (RIFP) is proposed. It can tolerate irregular faulty patterns by transmitting messages from sources or to destinations within faulty blocks via multiple “intermediate nodes.” A method employed by RIFP is first introduced to generate intermediate nodes using the local failure information. By its aid, two communicating nodes can always exchange their data or intermediate results if there is at least one path between them. RIFP needs two virtual channels per physical link in meshes  相似文献   

田绍槐  陆应平  张大方 《软件学报》2007,18(7):1818-1830
在网络可靠性研究中,设计较好的容错路由策略、尽可能多地记录系统中最优通路信息,一直是一项重要的研究工作.超立方体系统的容错路由算法分为可回溯算法和无回溯算法.一般说来,可回溯算法的优点是容错能力强:只要消息的源节点和目的节点有通路,该算法就能够找到把消息传递到目的地的路径;其缺点是在很多情况下传递路径不能按实际存在的最短路径传递.其代表是深度优先搜索(DFS)算法.无回溯算法是近几年人们比较关注的算法.该算法通过记录各邻接节点的故障信息,给路由算法以启发信息,使消息尽可能按实际存在的最短路径传递.这些算法的共同缺点是只能计算出Hamming距离不超过n的路由.在n维超立方体系统连通图中,如果系统存在大量的故障,不少节点对之间的最短路径大于n,因此,这些算法的容错能力差.提出了一个实例说明采用上述算法将遗失60%的路由信息.另外,由于超立方体的结构严格,实际中的真正超立方体系统不多.事实上,不少的网络系统可转换为具有大量错误节点和错误边的超立方体系统.因此,研究能适应具有大量错误节点和错误边的超立方体系统的容错路由算法是一个很有实际价值的工作.研究探讨了:(1) 定义广义超立方体系统;(2) 在超立方体系统中提出了节点通路向量(NPV)概念及其计算规则;(3) 提出了中转点技术,使得求NPV的计算复杂度降低到O(n);(4) 提出了基于NPV的广义超立方体系统最佳容错路由算法(OFTRS),该算法是一种分布式的和基于相邻节点信息的算法.由于NPV记录了超立方体系统全部最优通路和次最优通路的信息,在具有大量故障的情况下,它不会遗漏任何一条最优通路和次最优通路信息,从而实现了高效的容错路由.在这一点上,它优于其他算法.  相似文献   

Reliable routing of packets in a Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) has always been a major concern. The open medium and the susceptibility of the nodes of being fault-prone make the design of protocols for these networks a challenging task. The faults in these networks, which occur either due to the failure of nodes or due to reorganization, can eventuate to packet loss. Such losses degrade the performance of the routing protocols running on them. In this paper, we propose a routing algorithm, named as learning automata based fault-tolerant routing algorithm (LAFTRA), which is capable of routing in the presence of faulty nodes in MANETs using multipath routing. We have used the theory of Learning Automata (LA) for optimizing the selection of paths, reducing the overhead in the network, and for learning about the faulty nodes present in the network. The proposed algorithm can be juxtaposed to any existing routing protocol in a MANET. The results of simulation of our protocol using network simulator 2 (ns-2) shows the increase in packet delivery ratio and decrease in overhead compared to the existing protocols. The proposed protocol gains an edge over FTAR, E2FT by nearly 2% and by more than 10% when compared with AODV in terms of packet delivery ratio with nearly 30% faulty nodes in the network. The overhead generated by our protocol is lesser by 1% as compared to FTAR and by nearly 17% as compared to E2FT when there are nearly 30% faulty nodes.  相似文献   

It is important for a distributed computing system to be able to route messages around whatever faulty links or nodes may be present. We present a fault-tolerant routing algorithm that assures the delivery of every message as long as there is a path between its source and destination. The algorithm works on many common mesh architectures such as the torus and hexagonal mesh. The proposed scheme can also detect the nonexistence of a path between a pair of nodes in a finite amount of time. Moreover, the scheme requires each node in the system to know only the state (faulty or not) of each of its own links. The performance of the routing scheme is simulated for both square and hexagonal meshes while varying the physical distribution of faulty components. It is shown that a shortest path between the source and destination of each message is taken with a high probability, and, if a path exists, it is usually found very quickly  相似文献   

We examine the suitability of three heuristic search algorithms (Greedy Constructive Scheme, Best First Search and A*) for use as routing strategies on a faulty multiprocessor network. Our search space is a simulated 5 × 5 × 5 (125-node) multiprocessor mesh network. Each virtual node comprises a processor and a communications switch supporting explicit message backtracking. Their performances are compared for up to 20% of randomly generated faulty links. The results show that heuristic search algorithms can be implemented as fault-tolerant routing strategies and that the modified Best First Search routing strategy performed consistently better with significantly less degradation than the Greedy Constructive Scheme and the A* strategies.  相似文献   

This research paper proposes a bio-inspired self-aware fault-tolerant routing protocol for network-on-chip architecture using particle swarm optimization (PSO), which considers synchronous, asynchronous, and self-organizing communication mechanisms to intelligently load-balance the traffic on the entire network in the presence of faulty components. By way of experimentation and simulation, this study demonstrates that the proposed scheme can converge to a global optimum, minimal routing path in real time, in the presence of network congestion and faulty routers and links. The basic PSO algorithm was improved to implement the proposed routing scheme, named bio-inspired self-aware fault-tolerant routing protocol (BISFTRP). This scheme uses the synchronous, asynchronous, and self-organizing features of PSO to create a global routing table and intelligent adaptation, which gives rise to scalable, real-time, and dynamic routing decisions with high throughput, low latency, and minimum power consumption. A cycle-accurate simulation system to demonstrate the flexibility and efficiency of the proposed scheme is used. Comparison results with state-of-the-art fault-tolerant routing algorithms show that the BISFTRP routing protocol achieves high routing performance without routing oscillations and throughput degradation. Furthermore, the hardware implementation results show that the BISFTRP router achieves an efficient area and power utilization, compared with state-of-the-art routers.  相似文献   

Double-loop networks are widely used in computer networks. In this paper, we present an optimal message routing algorithm and an optimal fault-tolerant message routing algorithm for weighted bidirectional double-loop networks. The algorithms presented are novel, and they do not use routing tables. After a precalculation of O(log N) steps to determine network parameters, the algorithms can route messages using constant time at each node along the route. The algorithm presented can route messages in the presence of up to three faulty nodes or links. The fault-tolerant routing algorithm guarantees an optimal route in the presence of one node failure.  相似文献   

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