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在基于主元分析的传感器故障检测方法中,Hawk insT2H指标对部分传感器故障的检测优于常用的SPE指标。但目前对T2H指标的研究并不充分,尚需要对T2H指标进行故障重构能力的分析。利用几何投影的概念,研究了T2H指标的传感器故障重构问题,并得出了该指标的故障可重构条件。应用数据仿真实验验证了T2H指标的传感器故障重构计算方法的有效性。  相似文献   

研究了多传感器采样系统在发生一类典型故障情况下的分布式融合估计问题;首先,针对局部传感器,利用Kalman滤波获得的新息进行故障检测;然后在最小方差意义下发展了传感器故障在线递归估计方案;进一步将所获得的估计结果对故障传感器的测量值进行重构,并应用射影定理建立了局部传感器容错更新算法;最后基于线性最小方差融合原则给出了多传感器采样系统的分布式容错估计方案;相比于已有融合估计方法,所提方案不仅能及时检测传感器故障,并且能进一步充分利用故障传感器信息来提高估计精度;数值仿真验证了方法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

导航系统中冗余IMU传统故障检测方法由于数学模型过于复杂,计算量大,存在较大延时,难以实现实时故障检测,而主成分分析法仅仅应用于静态情况下的故障检测与隔离,针对主成分分析法无法在动态情况下对冗余IMU进行故障检测的缺点,提出了一种基于奇偶空间法改进主成分分析的故障检测算法,该方法利用奇偶向量隔离车辆的动态变量,以消除动态变量对故障检测的影响,再用PCA方法检测数据以实现对车辆传感器信息的实时检测,通过将原始数据集转置到特征平面来形成图案,实现了IMU传感器正常与故障模式的准确分离,提高了冗余IMU故障检测的结果精确性和可靠性。实验结果表明,该方法能够较好检测动态状态下冗余IMU的故障,提高了主成分分析的故障检测性能,可有效消除导航系统运动的负面影响。  相似文献   

卡尔曼滤波器用于发动机传感器故障检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪声远 《控制与决策》1995,10(4):381-384
讨论了采用卡尔曼滤波器对发动机传感器故障进行检测,分离问题,当传感器参与控制过程时,必须避免故障传感器输出对其它传感器的影响,并有效地检测出已故障的传感器,还就实时控制时信号重构过程进行了全数字仿真,结果表明所采用方法能有效检测,分离故障,并进行信号的重构与切换。  相似文献   

阐述了传感器网络中节点发生故障的原因并建立了故障模型。将当前主要的分布式节点故障检测算法分成了基于多数投票策略、基于中值策略、基于决策扩散策略、基于加权和基于分簇的算法五大类,详细阐述了分布式无线传感器网络故障检测算法的原理和步骤,并指出了各个算法的优势与不足。最后,对各个算法的性能进行了分析与比较,讨论了算法存在的问题,并指出了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

为了避免机载系统故障诊断与重构中单纯增加余度数目所带来的问题,针对电传飞控系统中应用较多的位移传感器,提出了一种基于特征的检测电路、检测方法以及信号重构方案;方案基于位移传感器工作时两次级线圈回路电压和值恒定的特征,实现了对初级、次级回路的一次断线检测,在检测到次级线圈一次断线时,又利用正常工作特征并根据另一次级线圈所获得的信息对断线信号进行重构;分析和测试表明,所提出的位移传感器故障检测以及重构算法仅需增加极少的硬件电路,且检测及重构方法实时性高,在不增加传感器余度数目的条件下,能大大提高系统的可靠性.  相似文献   

水下机器人多传感器并发故障检测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对水下机器人多传感器并发故障检测问题,提出了一种小波分析和神经网络相结合的故障特征提取 方法,将小波多分辨率分解后的细节系数进行小波重构,对重构后的细节系数进行融合得到整体高频细节信息量作 为一类故障特征值;同时,基于改进的Elman 网络建立水下机器人的全阶状态观测器模型,模型输出与传感器测量 值之间的差值作为另一类故障特征值.为进行水下机器人多传感器并发故障定位,提出了一种模糊加权属性信息融 合方法,将两类故障特征值的重要度与可信度进行模糊合成转换,基于转换结果将各故障特征值加权融合,进行水 下机器人多传感器并发故障定位.水下机器人实验样机的水池实验结果验证了本文所提方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络中的数据故障问题,提出了一种新的分布式贝叶斯故障节点检测算法(DBA)。通过引入Bayesian来计算传感器节点的故障概率,利用边界节点来调整故障概率,提高故障概率的准确性,避免了大量故障节点的负面影响。最后将DBA和分布式故障检测(DFD)的性能进行了综合仿真比较。结果表明,即使在故障节点较多的情况下,DBA也能显著提高故障检测的精度。  相似文献   

倪静  章卫国  李广文 《测控技术》2014,33(8):115-119
针对飞行控制系统的传感器故障重构问题,讨论了基于扰动估计的传感器故障检测与重构方法。首先,通过建立观测器,对已有系统的干扰进行估计;其次,通过干扰的估计值来建立系统的鲁棒观测器;最后,再通过对系统建立多个降维鲁棒观测器来隔离并重构传感器故障。采用某飞机横侧向模型进行仿真验证,仿真表明基于扰动估计的鲁棒观测器能够有效地对传感器故障进行隔离与重构。  相似文献   

基于滑模观测器的车辆电子稳定性控制系统故障重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对车辆电子稳定性控制系统的横摆角速度传感器和侧向加速度传感器故障检测和重构问题,使用T-S模糊系统建立了车辆动力学系统的全局模型,依据滑模控制理论,给出了基于滑模观测器的传感器故障检测和重构方法,且所设计观测器满足给定的从未知输入到故障重构误差的L2增益性能要求.最后通过实测数据,验证了方法是可行的.  相似文献   

This article describes a fault detection method, based on the parity equations approach, to be applied to nonlinear systems. The input–output nonlinear model of the plant, used in the method, has been obtained by a neural fuzzy inference architecture and its learning algorithm. The proposed method is able to detect small abrupt faults, even in systems with unknown nonlinearities. This method has been applied to a real industrial pilot plant, and good performance has been obtained for the experimental case of fault detection in the level sensor of a level control process in the said industrial pilot plant.  相似文献   

基于大气数据计算机、全球定位系统(GPS)和线加速度计,给出了一种高精度和高可靠性的高度确定算法。根据运动学和传感器测量模型建立了高度测量系统的状态方程和测量方程,利用Kalman滤波方法得到了高度估计,并根据测量信息的冗余设计了系统的故障检测和隔离算法。仿真结果表明:该系统的高度测量具有较高的精度,同时有着较好的可靠性。  相似文献   

针对一类考虑输出均匀量化的控制系统,研究了传感器故障下的故障检测问题.首先,从优化的角度出发,考虑残差对未知干扰的鲁棒性和对传感器故障灵敏性之间的折中问题,给出了H∞/H∞性能指标,并通过求解代数黎卡提方程得出最优残差生成器的增益矩阵;然后,利用量化误差的随机过程特性,设计了残差评价器,同时给出了所设计阈值误报率的上确...  相似文献   

This paper is concentrated on two new distributed data-driven optimal fault detection approaches in large-scale systems using a group of sensor blocks, each of which accesses part of the process variables. Towards this end, an optimal fault detection problem is first formulated and solved, which lays a foundation for further distributed studies. Based on it, the first distributed data-driven optimal fault detection scheme, consisting of offline distributed learning and online distributed detection, is developed using the average consensus algorithm. To further reduce communication and computation efforts, the second average consensus based fault detection is investigated. Considering that the iteration computations for average consensus algorithm can lead to fault detection delay, a variation of the average consensus based fault detection scheme is proposed with iterative estimation of the covariance matrices of random variables and implementation of the distributed test statistic during the consensus iteration. A numerical example and a case study on the PRONTO heterogeneous benchmark dataset are used to demonstrate the proposed approaches.  相似文献   

This paper presents a distributed fault diagnosis scheme able to deal with process and sensor faults in an integrated way for a class of interconnected input–output nonlinear uncertain discrete-time systems. A robust distributed fault detection scheme is designed, where each interconnected subsystem is monitored by its respective fault detection agent, and according to the decisions of these agents, further information regarding the type of the fault can be deduced. As it is shown, a process fault occurring in one subsystem can only be detected by its corresponding detection agent whereas a sensor fault in a subsystem can be detected by either its corresponding detection agent or the detection agent of another subsystem that is affected by the subsystem where the sensor fault occurred. This discriminating factor is exploited for the derivation of a high-level isolation scheme. Moreover, process and sensor fault detectability conditions characterising quantitatively the class of detectable faults are derived. Finally, a simulation example is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed distributed fault detection scheme.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the design of robust fault detection system using subspace aided data driven techniques. Because of unavailability of system matrices for the complex processes, a new algorithm has been proposed to identify a robust parity vector directly from the process data. The identified parity vector is used to construct a residual generator having robustness against the process and sensor noises and increased sensitivity to actuator and sensor faults. The performance of the proposed fault detection scheme has been analyzed by simulation studies on a coupled liquid three tank system (CLTS).  相似文献   

张捷  薄煜明 《计算机应用》2009,29(5):1248-1250
考虑一类时延网络控制系统,假定其存在输出时延,对其进行故障检测。通过提高控制器端的采样频率,将传感器采样周期等分,这样可以将网络时延近似看成控制器端采样周期的整数倍。在此基础上,建立了基于离散异步动态系统的故障观测器误差方程,并将观测器稳定条件归结为一个线性矩阵不等式。当系统正常时,只要给定的不等式条件成立,该观测器系统就是稳定的。当系统发生故障时,观测器残差能够迅速发生跳变,从而检测出故障的发生。最后通过仿真实例验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

考虑一类具有长时延的网络控制系统,假定其传感器到控制器之间存在输出时延,对其进行故障检测研究.建立具有时延补偿功能的故障观测器,得到状态估计误差方程.基于离散切换系统理论,将观测器系统的稳定条件归结为一个线性矩阵不等式.当系统正常时,只要给定的矩阵不等式条件成立,该观测器系统就是渐近稳定的.当系统发生故障时,观测器残差能够迅速发生跳变,从而检测出故障的发生.仿真示例验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fault detection, isolation, and estimation scheme for sensor bias faults in accelerometer and gyroscope measurements of quadrotor unmanned air vehicles (UAVs). Based on sliding-mode observer techniques, a robust estimation of the quadrotor roll and pitch angles is obtained by using only accelerometer measurements. Then, a diagnostic scheme is developed for detecting, isolating, and estimating sensor bias faults in the gyroscope and accelerometer measurements. Structured residuals are generated, allowing the detection and isolation of multiple simultaneous sensor faults under consideration. After the faults are detected and isolated, two nonlinear estimators are employed to provide an estimate of the unknown fault magnitude. The stability and estimation performance properties of the nonlinear estimators are established. The sensor fault diagnosis algorithm is implemented and evaluated through experimental results using a real-time indoor quadrotor test environment.  相似文献   

The use of an optimised parity space approach for actuator fault detection and isolation (FDI) is explored. The parity space spans all the parity relations that quantify the analytical redundancies available between the sensor outputs and the actuator inputs of a system. A transformation matrix is then optimised to transform these parity relations into residuals that are especially sensitive to specific actuator faults. Actuator faults cause the variance of parity space residuals to increase. A cumulative summation procedure is used to determine when residual variance has changed sufficiently to indicate a locked-in-place actuator fault. A pseudoinverse actuator estimation scheme is used to extract the actuator deflections from the parity relations. It is found that the optimisation of the parity space approach introduces the advantage of added design freedom to the fault detection algorithm. The approach is applied to the identification of faulty aircraft control surface actuators that remain locked-in-place during flight and is successfully tested both in simulation and practical flight.  相似文献   

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