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针对当前处于大发展变革阶段的新兴城市群时空变化及驱动因素不明的问题,文章基于2012—2017年夜间灯光影像数据,利用数值统计、标准差椭圆和线性回归等分析方法,结合高分遥感数据和其他辅助数据,研究了呼包鄂城市群夜间灯光在地理空间上的规模分布和变化,分析了夜间灯光的灯光变化与经济发展的关系,并进一步探究了城市群夜间灯光发展的扩张强度、方向以及主要驱动因素。研究结果表明:过去6年间,呼包鄂城市群夜间灯光强度呈现“V”型曲线,与其GDP的发展趋势是一致的;通过椭圆重心分析,显示整个城市群的夜间灯光重心向位于西南方向的鄂尔多斯市移动,鄂尔多斯市对整个城市群的经济发展有较强的拉动作用;利用夜间灯光驱动因子分析,并结合高分遥感光学影像以及灯光变化的区域,发现呼包鄂城市群的发展受能源因素的影响最大,是目前主导城市群发展的关键因素。  相似文献   

夜间灯光遥感数据与人口和经济变量具有较好的相关性,已经广泛用于研究城市扩张和人类社会经济活动。采用VIIRS灯光数据定量化地分析了我国30个省(直辖市)的灯光辐射值对GDP、人口统计数据的响应情况。利用线性回归方法从地级市和省级两个尺度分析了灯光、GDP和人口的相关性。研究发现灯光辐射值与GDP、人口在多个空间尺度均存在显著的正相关性。采用经济学研究中常用的基尼(Gini)系数和不对称洛伦兹(Lasym)系数,从地级市和县级尺度上计算各省灯光、GDP和人口对应的得分值,探索各省社会经济不均衡情况。结果表明:各省在县级尺度上的不均衡比地级市尺度上严重;人口加权的灯光不均衡系数表明我国西部不发达地区的社会经济不均衡情况比东部发达地区严重。灯光Lasym系数表明不均衡状况比较严重的省份主要是由个别比较发达的区域引起。研究结果表明:基于灯光数据探索社会经济发展不均衡情况,可以从不同空间尺度分析问题,弥补了常规统计数据时间和空间不连续的问题。  相似文献   

针对如何更加合理利用水土资源以提高粮食产量的问题,基于地理国情监测获得的地表覆盖数据和粮食产量统计数据,从微观角度反映水土匹配对粮食产量的影响。以我国东北地区重要粮食主产区辽宁省为研究对象的数据显示,辽宁省水土匹配状况空间分布不均匀现象明显,中部地区优于东西部地区,东部地区优于西部地区;粮食产量中部地区高于东、西部地区,西部地区高于东部地区。研究结果表明,辽宁省水土匹配系数较高的地区与粮食产量较高的地区均分布在辽宁省中部地区,但东西部地区水土匹配与粮食产量存在空间错位,建议在中部地区保护水资源,东部地区根据地形条件选择适宜农作物种植,西部地区兴修水利,改善水土匹配状况,提高粮食产量。  相似文献   

针对区域经济研究过程中社会经济统计数据存在数据缺失、尺度不统一等问题,利用连续易获取的夜间灯光数据探究区域经济发展时空格局特征。首先,对DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据进行预处理,并与社会经济统计数据结合作相关分析;其次,采用重心、标准差椭圆、基尼系数、变异系数、局部莫兰指数等研究方法,从经济发展方向、差异性、空间集聚性的角度探究2001—2013年陕西省经济发展时空格局特征。分析结果表明,2001—2013年,陕西北部经济总量比南部大,南部增长速度比北部快,陕西经济总量增大的同时内部差异缩小。陕西经济发展区域差异性为波动性减小的趋势,收入分配相对合理,2008年是陕西内部区域经济发展由逐渐不平衡转向平衡的拐点。高高聚集和高低聚集为最常见的两种经济聚集类型。  相似文献   

针对贫困县长时间跨度的社会经济数据统计时低效以及准确性得不到保障等问题,将DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据引入贫困问题的研究。通过对2003—2012年全国的592个贫困县进行分析,构建基于夜间灯光数据的贫困县社会经济发展指数,使用二次多项式模型从时间和空间角度揭示贫困县夜间灯光强度的变化趋势。结果表明,贫困县的平均灯光强度呈现出增长速度持续加快的状态;缓慢增长型贫困县主要集中在我国的中部、东部和西南部地区,快速增长型主要位于东北部和西部;东北部和西部贫困县的平均灯光强度增长速度超过了中部和东部;西部贫困县的夜间灯光强度增长速度与其省会城市差距较小,而东部和东北部区域的差距在逐渐增大。  相似文献   

王成力  周伟  袁涛 《遥感信息》2009,33(6):97-102
针对贫困县长时间跨度的社会经济数据统计时低效以及准确性得不到保障等问题,将DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据引入贫困问题的研究。通过对2003—2012年全国的592个贫困县进行分析,构建基于夜间灯光数据的贫困县社会经济发展指数,使用二次多项式模型从时间和空间角度揭示贫困县夜间灯光强度的变化趋势。结果表明,贫困县的平均灯光强度呈现出增长速度持续加快的状态;缓慢增长型贫困县主要集中在我国的中部、东部和西南部地区,快速增长型主要位于东北部和西部;东北部和西部贫困县的平均灯光强度增长速度超过了中部和东部;西部贫困县的夜间灯光强度增长速度与其省会城市差距较小,而东部和东北部区域的差距在逐渐增大。  相似文献   

2020年“后脱贫时代”,南疆四地州在全国、在新疆地区发展格局中依然属于欠发达地区,因此,对南疆四地州进行长期的经济测量和发展分析具有重要意义。但是传统的测度方式使用社会经济数据存在较大的限制。本研究利用夜间灯光遥感影像客观地反演该贫困地区的经济发展特征。选取南疆四地州为研究区,对NPP/VIIRS和DMSP/OLS数据分别进行噪声和过饱和的校正,在对两种夜间灯光数据整合的基础上,利用33个县(市)城镇用地的夜间灯光总量与第二、三产业之间的相关关系进行基于夜光数据的经济发展模型的反演,采用标准差椭圆、莫兰指数等空间分析方法综合探究2005~2020年南疆四地州经济发展时空格局特征。研究结果表明:(1)2005~2020年,经济重心向西北方向迁移。经济总量以东北—西南方向为主导,经济发展趋势越来越集中连片。(2)研究时段内一直存在较高的空间自相关性和聚集性,主要呈现H—H和L—L聚集区,经济水平越高(低)的区域越容易发生聚集现象。(3)南疆四地州区域经济发展冷点和热点的发生概率具有显著地方性特征。南疆四地州各区域之间的经济协同发展应成为政策重点。  相似文献   

城市化现象是区域经济发展的重要体现,其进程反映了该地区经济发展水平。重庆自1997年直辖以来,经济得到了高速发展,城市化水平也相应迅速提高,寻找一种直观、高效的城市化表达方法,从全局上正确把握直辖以来重庆市的城市化发展成果具有重大现实意义。通过统计数据比较法对夜间灯光数据逐年提取重庆市建成区范围,再根据提取结果构建城市重心模型,计算城镇扩张速度,建立夜间灯光指数。研究发现:重庆市城镇分布在空间上呈点状分布并向四周扩张;城市化水平差异明显,其他区县远落后于主城区;城市重心由渝中区逐渐转移至渝北区内;城市扩张保持较高速度。以此为重庆市城市规划和建设提供重要参考。  相似文献   

矿产资源的持续开发会对当地生态环境产生一定破坏。为贯彻绿色矿山理念,及时修复采矿对生态环境的影响,需要对矿区的生态环境状况进行监测分析。遥感技术是矿区生态环境监测较为有效的手段之一。文章利用Landsat系列卫星影像、高分遥感影像和夜间灯光遥感影像,对缅甸蒙育瓦铜矿不同开发时期的生态环境状况和社会经济状况进行遥感监测分析。结果表明,矿区的开发建设虽然对周边的生态环境造成了一定程度的破坏,但是由于生态风险防范得当,对周边生态环境造成的损失较小。矿区及周边水体面积变化不大,工业水体主要集中在矿区,没有对周边水域造成污染。期间灯光指数出现较大增长,由矿区和城市向周边乡村地区延伸。与外国公司开采时期相比,中国公司2011—2018年在矿区生态环境保护方面和经济发展方面取得了更好的成效。  相似文献   

海岸带是一个特殊的地带,有着特殊的地理位置和丰富的自然资源,在人类社会发展中有着极其重要的作用。本文讨论了在海岸带土地覆盖/利用分类中存在的几个问题:①由于缺少控制点,引起的海岸带遥感影像的纠正问题;②海岸带遥感影像的融合问题;③传统海岸带遥感影像的分类问题。通过IKONOS影像和面向对象的分类方法的使用,解决了这几个问题,并进行了实验。  相似文献   

房屋空置率是衡量房地产市场健康与否的重要指标。基于夜间灯光遥感数据和全国土地覆盖数据,对房屋空置率进行空间识别。利用微博签到数据,通过基于密度的聚类算法和热力分析对居民活动空间强度进行分析,从“鬼城”指数排名靠前的100个城市中随机选择30个样本城市,进行城市内部房屋空置空间识别。结果表明:2013年全国地级及以上城市基于像元的平均房屋空置率为27.3%。东部地区房屋空置率较低,中西部地区房屋空置现象明显;房屋空置在中小型城市更加突出。  相似文献   

Housing Vacancy Rate (HVR) is an important index in assessing the healthiness of residential real estate market. Due to lack of clear and effectively evaluation criterion, the understanding of housing vacancy in China is then rather limited. This paper quantitatively analyzed spatial identification and difference pattern of house vacancy at different scale in China by using nighttime light data and micro-blog check-in data, in order to make up the deficiency of traditional methods in the aspects of data missing and differential approach. The nighttime light intensity for non-vacancy area is estimated after removing the nighttime light intensity from non-residential sources of NPP-VIIRS light data and difference of nighttime light caused by the different urban area ratio. Then, the HVR is calculated for the spatial pattern analysis. This paper analyzed the spatial strength of residents activities by using micro-blog check-in data, based on density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise and heat map. The 30 sample cities were selected to identify house vacancy from 100 cities which ghost city index were high. The following conclusions were drawn through the study: The HVR of eastern coastal cities and regions with rapid development of economy were lower, while the phenomenon of house vacancy in central and western regions were more obvious. The HVR increased from eastern coastal regions to inland areas. What’s more, the phenomenon of house vacancy in middle and small cities were more distinct from the aspect of urban scale. The house vacancy of China were divided into five types: industry or resources driven, government planned, epitaxy expansionary, environmental constraint and speculative activate by taking the factors of natural environment, social economic development level, and population density into consideration. This may shed light on policy implications for Chinese urban development.  相似文献   

We have chances and challenges in the progress of carrying out 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in China and constructing Beautiful China. Systematically evaluating the construction of Beautiful China and finding the key problems are the important orientation. Under the background of participating in the 2030 agenda and constructing Beautiful China, also considering economic, social and environmental development, evaluation index system was built in the paper. Typical areas include Songhua River Basin, Heihe River Basin, Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area. Index system consists of Blue Sky, Green Land, Clear Water and Harmony People. It is a meaningful work to evaluating typical areas on Beautiful China using big earth data and remote sensing data. Research results will give references for constructing Beautiful China and regional sustainable development.  相似文献   

中国在落实可持续发展目标,建设"美丽中国"的过程中,既面临难得的机遇,也面临艰巨的挑战。科学系统评价我国典型区域"美丽中国"建设,识别"美丽中国"建设面临的关键问题,是当前"美丽中国"建设的重要方向。以典型区域"经济-社会-环境"协调发展为导向,面向联合国SDGs及"美丽中国"建设背景,选取东北重点生态功能区(松花江流域)、西北内陆河流域(黑河流域)、京津冀都市圈、东部平原区(长江中下游平原)为研究对象,分析各区域的典型特点,并分析如何构建典型区"美丽中国"全景评价指标体系。从"天蓝"、"地绿"、"水清"及"人和"四方面构建典型区"美丽中国"全景评价指标体系。通过整合遥感对地观测数据以及相关资源、生态环境与社会经济数据,开展典型区域"美丽中国"全景评价,具有重要现实意义。研究成果将为我国重点区域"美丽中国"建设和社会经济可持续发展提供科学依据及决策支持。  相似文献   

Light seine fishing, one of the most efficient methods used in modern fisheries, is performed based on fish phototaxis. In this study, the East China Sea was selected as the study area, and fishing vessel pixels (pixels representing light seine fishing vessels) were detected in five years of Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) day/night band (DNB) imagery according to three indicators: the Spike Median Index (SMI), Sharpness Index (SI), and Spike Height Index (SHI). Subsequently, cluster, barycenter, range and direction, and density analyses were conducted to comprehensively evaluate the spatiotemporal patterns of potential light seine fishing areas in the East China Sea. The following conclusions were drawn from the study: (1) the number of fishing vessel pixels exhibited obvious monthly characteristics that are consistent with the fishing moratorium that has been enforced in this region; (2) at the study area scale, light seine fishing occurred in one cluster, and the pattern in the interior of the cluster exhibited spatiotemporal periodicity; (3) the barycenter of the fishing areas displayed opposing movement trends in the first half and the second half of the year, and the movements were closely linked to water temperature changes. In addition, seasonally concentrated fishing areas were observed in winter, spring and summer; (4) the peak fishing month advanced from September to August beginning in 2014, and the fishing areas displayed a strong tendency in orientation that was highly consistent with the distribution of the Kuroshio Front in the East China Sea; and (5) light seine fishing activities were mainly concentrated in the second half of the year, especially in summer, but the intensity has declined in recent years. Our results are in good agreement with the results of other scholars and provide reliable information concerning where and when light seine fishing occurs. These results also suggest that VIIRS DNB imagery can be effectively used to detect light seine fishing areas.  相似文献   

1997年度“国家地理信息系统软件测评”结果为了促进和发展我国地理信息系统(GIS)软件产业,一九九七年六月一日至六月八日,由国家科委国家遥感中心、中国地理信息系统协会、中国海外地理信息系统协会联合举办的一九九七年度“国产地理信息系统软件测评”在国家...  相似文献   

Global warming has profoundly changed extreme weather events,and remote sensing technology is gradually being applied to the monitoring of ecological and environmental disasters.China is one of the countries with most serious natural disasters in the world.With the development of human society and the improvement of people’s awareness of disaster risk,geological disaster monitoring and risk management has attracted more and more attention.Taking the Adjacent Area of Changsha \| Xiangtan(CXAA),which is the main part of Xiangtan jiuhua economic development zone,as the research area,the road slope and the ecological environment in the area were monitored by using the fusion image of high spatial resolution remote sensing of GF\|2 made in China on March 27,2016.Taking normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI),terrain slope index,soil index and other parameters as inputs,the comprehensive evaluation of ecological environment in CXAA was obtained by simulating the comprehensive factors of ecological environment with the comprehensive index method.We found that the ecological environment of 78.75 % of the study area was good,which indicated that the natural ecological environment on both sides of the road and the surrounding areas was basically not damaged.The road surface,water area(such as Xiangjiang river),construction land(such as Xiangtan high\|speed railway north station) and industrial areas(such as Geely automobile,Tidfore enterprise group,etc.) and other regions of the ecological environment comprehensive index is poor,on both sides of the road in some slope sections still exist the potential risk of landslide.Therefore,we suggest that during the rainy season,there is a need for more time\|phase high spatial resolution of GF-2 remote sensing satellite and other domestic GF satellite continuous monitoring,in order to more fully understand the risk of road slope landslide and provide early warning.  相似文献   

Sustainable use of fishery resources requires the effective monitoring and managing of fish stocks and fish habitats. Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), distributed in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea, are mainly caught by purse seine fishing fleets from China, Japan, and South Korea. This study used fishery data from Chinese large lighting–purse seine fleets and environmental data including sea surface height (SSH), sea surface temperature (SST) from remote sensing, and temperature gradient derived from SST (GSST) during 1998–2010 to develop habitat suitability index (HSI) models. The HSI models were then used to identify hotspots for chub mackerel for each month. HSI models were developed separately for each of the three distribution areas defined for chub mackerel. According to the frequency distribution of the fishing effort with respect to three environmental variables, suitability index (SI) values were calculated and SI models for each environmental variable were established. The three SI models were combined into two different empirical HSI models: the arithmetic mean model (AMM) and the geometric mean model (GMM). The results showed that the AMM was more suitable than the GMM to estimate the HSI for chub mackerel. The monthly latitudinal variation trend of hotspots was consistent with that of the gravity centres of fishing effort in almost all months. Hotspot maps based on the predicted HSI values were validated by fishery data in 2011. This result indicates that the HSI model based on the AMM can reliably predict hotspots for chub mackerel in the coastal waters of China.  相似文献   

基于遥感和GIS的东亚土地覆盖年际变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
土地覆盖的年际变化是以土地覆盖的宏观分布模式为基准,在外界驱动因子的作用下发生的年与年之间的变化,因此,为揭示东亚地区土地覆盖的年际变化特征,首先选取东亚地区时相一致的不同空间分辨率(1km和8km)的NDVI影像进行了非监督分类,并总结了东亚土地覆盖的宏观分布模式,然后以时间序列的8kmAVHRRNDVI数字影像为基础,应用跨平百分率分析方法生成每年5-9月距平百分率分级影像,并以该影像为基础分析总结了东亚土地覆盖的年际变化特征,结果显示,该方法及其揭示的现象比较客观地反映了东亚土地覆盖年际变化特征。  相似文献   

推动区域均衡协调与可持续发展是我国的重大战略之一,植被净初级生产力(NPP)对生态环境是否可持续发展起着重要作用。以“胡焕庸线”为界把我国分为东、西部,从像元尺度和县级行政单元研究分析我国NPP、人口以及人均NPP时空变化,尤其是东、西部的区域差异。结果表明:我国人口增长较快,从1982年的10.05亿增长到2017年的13.95亿,以“胡焕庸线”为界的西部占比由5.91%增长到6.42%;我国NPP整体呈现增长的趋势,总量由1982年的2.69 Pg C增长到2015年的3.24 Pg C,增长率为16.60 Tg C/a,其中东部增长率12.30 Tg C/a是西部(4.30 Tg C/a)的近3倍;西部人均NPP远大于东部与全国,1982、2000、2010、2017年西部与全国人均NPP持续处于下降的状态,但下降速率略有放缓,东部人均NPP则在2017年首次出现增长。据此可知我国整体生态环境处于恢复的状态,但不同区域之间差异较大,因此在相关政策制定方面应该充分考虑区域差异性,以实现我国生态环境的区域协调发展。  相似文献   

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