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ContextSoftware architecture degrades when changes violating the design-time architectural intents are imposed on the software throughout its life cycle. Such phenomenon is called architecture erosion. When changes are not controlled, erosion makes maintenance harder and negatively affects software evolution.ObjectiveTo study the effects of architecture erosion on a large software project and determine whether search-based module clustering might reduce the conceptual distance between the current architecture and the design-time one.MethodTo run an exploratory study with Apache Ant. First, we characterize Ant’s evolution in terms of size, change dispersion, cohesion, and coupling metrics, highlighting the potential introduction of architecture and code-level problems that might affect the cost of changing the system. Then, we reorganize the distribution of Ant’s classes using a heuristic search approach, intending to re-emerge its design-time architecture.ResultsIn characterizing the system, we observed that its original, simple design was lost due to maintenance and the addition of new features. In optimizing its architecture, we found that current models used to drive search-based software module clustering produce complex designs, which maximize the characteristics driving optimization while producing class distributions that would hardly be acceptable to developers maintaining Ant.ConclusionThe structural perspective promoted by the coupling and cohesion metrics precludes observing the adequate software module clustering from the perspective of software engineers when considering a large open source system. Our analysis adds evidence to the criticism of the dogma of driving design towards high cohesion and low coupling, at the same time observing the need for better models to drive design decisions. Apart from that, we see SBSE as a learning tool, allowing researchers to test Software Engineering models in extreme situations that would not be easily found in software projects.  相似文献   

The quality of internetware software is significantly associated with class structure.As software evolves,changes often introduce many unrelated responsibilities to the same classes or distribute tightly-related methods in different classes.These changes make the classes difficult to understand and maintain.Extract class refactoring is an effective technique to improve the quality of software structure by decomposing unrelated methods in one class to create new classes or extracting tightly-related methods from different classes.In this paper,we propose a novel approach for class extraction from internetware source codes.This approach leverages a community structure detection technique to partition software into clusters and extracts classes from the resulting clusters.Our experimental results,which investigate the public well-known internetware PKUAS,indicate that:(1)the proposed approach is much faster than existing search-based clustering approaches(Hillclimbing and Genetic algorithm)and is thus applicable for large-scale internetware;(2)the proposed approach can identify meaningful class extractions for internetware;and(3)Extract Class refactoring candidates identified by the proposed approach significantly improve class cohesion of internetware.  相似文献   

ContextComponent identification during software design phase denotes a process of partitioning the functionalities of a system into distinct components. Several component identification methods have been proposed that cannot be customized to software architect’s preferences.ObjectivesIn this paper, we propose a clustering-based method by the name of CCIC (Clustering analysis Classes to Identify software Components) to identify logical components from analysis classes according to software architect’s preferences.MethodCCIC uses a customized HEA (Hierarchical Evolutionary Algorithm) to automatically classify analysis classes into appropriate logical components and avoid the problem of searching for the proper number of components. Furthermore, it allows software architects to determine the constraints in their deployment and implementation framework.ResultsA series of experiments were conducted for four real-world case studies according to various proposed weighting schemes.ConclusionAccording to experimental results, it is concluded that CCIC can identify more cohesive and independent components with respect to software architect’s preferences in comparison with the existing component identification methods such as FCA-based and CRUD-based methods.  相似文献   

Developers apply object-oriented (OO) design principles to produce modular, reusable software. Therefore, service-specific groups of related software classes called modules arise in OO systems. Extracting the modules is critical for better software comprehension, efficient architecture recovery, determination of service candidates to migrate legacy software to a service-oriented architecture, and transportation of such services to cloud-based distributed systems. In this study, we propose a novel approach to automatic module extraction to identify services in OO software systems. In our approach, first we create a weighted and directed graph of the software system in which vertices and edges represent the classes and their relations, respectively. Then, we apply a clustering algorithm over the graph to extract the modules. We calculate the weight of an edge by considering its probability of being within a module or between modules. To estimate these positional probabilities, we propose a machine-learning-based classification system that we train with data gathered from a real-world OO reference system. We have implemented an automatic module extraction tool and evaluated the proposed approach on several open-source and industrial projects. The experimental results show that the proposed approach generates highly accurate decompositions that are close to authoritative module structures and outperforms existing methods.  相似文献   

ContextTo determine the effectiveness of software testers a suitable performance appraisal approach is necessary, both for research and practice purposes. However, review of relevant literature reveals little information of how software testers are appraised in practice.Objective(i) To enhance our knowledge of industry practice of performance appraisal of software testers and (ii) to collect feedback from project managers on a proposed performance appraisal form for software testers.MethodA web-based survey with questionnaire was used to collect responses. Participants were recruited using cluster and snowball sampling. 18 software development project managers participated.ResultsWe found two broad trends in performance appraisal of software testers – same employee appraisal process for all employees and a specialized performance appraisal method for software testers. Detailed opinions were collected and analyzed on how performance of software testers should be appraised. Our proposed appraisal approach was generally well-received.ConclusionFactors such as number of bugs found after delivery and efficiency of executing test cases were considered important in appraising software testers’ performance. Our proposed approach was refined based on the feedback received.  相似文献   

ContextSoftware networks are directed graphs of static dependencies between source code entities (functions, classes, modules, etc.). These structures can be used to investigate the complexity and evolution of large-scale software systems and to compute metrics associated with software design. The extraction of software networks is also the first step in reverse engineering activities.ObjectiveThe aim of this paper is to present SNEIPL, a novel approach to the extraction of software networks that is based on a language-independent, enriched concrete syntax tree representation of the source code.MethodThe applicability of the approach is demonstrated by the extraction of software networks representing real-world, medium to large software systems written in different languages which belong to different programming paradigms. To investigate the completeness and correctness of the approach, class collaboration networks (CCNs) extracted from real-world Java software systems are compared to CCNs obtained by other tools. Namely, we used Dependency Finder which extracts entity-level dependencies from Java bytecode, and Doxygen which realizes language-independent fuzzy parsing approach to dependency extraction. We also compared SNEIPL to fact extractors present in language-independent reverse engineering tools.ResultsOur approach to dependency extraction is validated on six real-world medium to large-scale software systems written in Java, Modula-2, and Delphi. The results of the comparative analysis involving ten Java software systems show that the networks formed by SNEIPL are highly similar to those formed by Dependency Finder and more precise than the comparable networks formed with the help of Doxygen. Regarding the comparison with language-independent reverse engineering tools, SNEIPL provides both language-independent extraction and representation of fact bases.ConclusionSNEIPL is a language-independent extractor of software networks and consequently enables language-independent network-based analysis of software systems, computation of design software metrics, and extraction of fact bases for reverse engineering activities.  相似文献   

ContextThe software defect prediction during software development has recently attracted the attention of many researchers. The software defect density indicator prediction in each phase of software development life cycle (SDLC) is desirable for developing a reliable software product. Software defect prediction at the end of testing phase may not be more beneficial because the changes need to be performed in the previous phases of SDLC may require huge amount of money and effort to be spent in order to achieve target software quality. Therefore, phase-wise software defect density indicator prediction model is of great importance.ObjectiveIn this paper, a fuzzy logic based phase-wise software defect prediction model is proposed using the top most reliability relevant metrics of the each phase of the SDLC.MethodIn the proposed model, defect density indicator in requirement analysis, design, coding and testing phase is predicted using nine software metrics of these four phases. The defect density indicator metric predicted at the end of the each phase is also taken as an input to the next phase. Software metrics are assessed in linguistic terms and fuzzy inference system has been employed to develop the model.ResultsThe predictive accuracy of the proposed model is validated using twenty real software project data. Validation results are satisfactory. Measures based on the mean magnitude of relative error and balanced mean magnitude of relative error decrease significantly as the software project size increases.ConclusionIn this paper, a fuzzy logic based model is proposed for predicting software defect density indicator at each phase of the SDLC. The predicted defects of twenty different software projects are found very near to the actual defects detected during testing. The predicted defect density indicators are very helpful to analyze the defect severity in different artifacts of SDLC of a software project.  相似文献   

ContextAlong with expert judgment, analogy-based estimation, and algorithmic methods (such as Function point analysis and COCOMO), Least Squares Regression (LSR) has been one of the most commonly studied software effort estimation methods. However, an effort estimation model using LSR, a single LSR model, is highly affected by the data distribution. Specifically, if the data set is scattered and the data do not sit closely on the single LSR model line (do not closely map to a linear structure) then the model usually shows poor performance. In order to overcome this drawback of the LSR model, a data partitioning-based approach can be considered as one of the solutions to alleviate the effect of data distribution. Even though clustering-based approaches have been introduced, they still have potential problems to provide accurate and stable effort estimates.ObjectiveIn this paper, we propose a new data partitioning-based approach to achieve more accurate and stable effort estimates via LSR. This approach also provides an effort prediction interval that is useful to describe the uncertainty of the estimates.MethodEmpirical experiments are performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach by comparing with the basic LSR approach and clustering-based approaches, based on industrial data sets (two subsets of the ISBSG (Release 9) data set and one industrial data set collected from a banking institution).ResultsThe experimental results show that the proposed approach not only improves the accuracy of effort estimation more significantly than that of other approaches, but it also achieves robust and stable results according to the degree of data partitioning.ConclusionCompared with the other considered approaches, the proposed approach shows a superior performance by alleviating the effect of data distribution that is a major practical issue in software effort estimation.  相似文献   

目的 鞋印是刑事侦查的重要物证之一,如何对积累的大量鞋印花纹图像进行自动归类管理是刑事技术迫切需要解决的问题之一。与其他类图像不同,鞋印花纹图像具有种类多但数目未知、同类花纹分布不均匀且同类花纹数目少的特点。基于鞋印花纹图像的这些特点,用目前典型的聚类算法对鞋印花纹图像集进行聚类,并不能取得很好的效果。在对鞋印花纹图像进行分析的基础上,提出一种K步稳定的鞋印花纹图像自动聚类算法。方法 对已标记的鞋印花纹图像进行统计发现,各类鞋印花纹之间在特征空间上存在互不相交的区域(本文称为隔离带)。算法的核心思想是寻找各类鞋印花纹之间的隔离带,来将各类分开。过程为:以单调递增或递减的方式调整特征空间中判定两点为一类的阈值,得到数据集的多次划分;若在连续K次划分的过程中,某一类的成员不发生变化,则说明这K次调整是在隔离带中进行的,即聚出一类,并从数据集中删除已标记的数据;选择下一个阈值对剩余的数据集进行划分,输出K步不变的类;依此类推,直到剩余数据集为空,聚类完成。结果 在两类公开测试数据集和实际鞋印花纹数据集上进行实验,本文算法的主要性能指标都超过典型算法,其中在包含5792枚实际鞋印花纹数据集上的聚类准确率和F-Measure值分别达到了99.68%和95.99%。结论 针对鞋印花纹图像特点,提出了一种通过寻找各类之间的隔离带进行自动聚类的算法,并在实际应用中取得了很好的效果。且算法性能受参数的变化以及类的形状影响较小。本文算法同样适用于具有类似特点的其他数据集的自动聚类。  相似文献   

ContextVariability modeling, and in particular feature modeling, is a central element of model-driven software product line architectures. Such architectures often emerge from legacy code, but, creating feature models from large, legacy systems is a long and arduous task. We describe three synthesis scenarios that can benefit from the algorithms in this paper.ObjectiveThis paper addresses the problem of automatic synthesis of feature models from propositional constraints. We show that the decision version of the problem is NP-hard. We designed two efficient algorithms for synthesis of feature models from CNF and DNF formulas respectively.MethodWe performed an experimental evaluation of the algorithms against a binary decision diagram (BDD)-based approach and a formal concept analysis (FCA)-based approach using models derived from realistic models.ResultsOur evaluation shows a 10 to 1,000-fold performance improvement for our algorithms over the BDD-based approach. The performance of the DNF-based algorithm was similar to the FCA-based approach, with advantages for both techniques. We identified input properties that affect the runtimes of the CNF- and DNF-based algorithms.ConclusionsOur algorithms are the first known techniques that are efficient enough to be used on dependencies extracted from real systems, opening new possibilities of creating reverse engineering and model management tools for variability models.  相似文献   

ContextDetection of an unauthorized use of a software library is a clone detection problem that in case of commercial products has additional complexity due to the fact that only binary code is available.ObjectiveThe goal of this paper is to propose an approach for estimating the level of similarity between the procedures originating from different binary codes. The assumption is that the clones in the binary codes come from the use of a common software library that may be compiled with different toolsets.MethodThe approach uses a set of software metrics adapted from the high level languages and it also extends the set with new metrics that take into account syntactical changes that are introduced by the usage of different toolsets and optimizations. Moreover, the approach compares metric values and introduces transformers and formulas that can use training data for production of measure of similarities between the two procedures in binary codes. The approach has been evaluated on programs from STAMP benchmark and BusyBox tool, compiled with different toolsets in different modes.ResultsThe experiments with programs from STAMP benchmark show that detecting the same procedures recall can be up to 1.44 times higher using new metrics. Knowledge about the used compiling toolset can bring up to 2.28 times improvement in recall. The experiment with BusyBox tool shows 43% recall for 43% precision.ConclusionThe most useful newly proposed metrics are those that consider the frequency of arithmetic instructions, the number and frequency of occurrences for instructions, and the number of occurrences for target addresses in calls. The best way to combine the results of comparing metrics is to use a geometric mean or when previous knowledge is available, to use an arithmetic mean with appropriate transformer.  相似文献   

Hybrid mining approach in the design of credit scoring models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unrepresentative data samples are likely to reduce the utility of data classifiers in practical application. This study presents a hybrid mining approach in the design of an effective credit scoring model, based on clustering and neural network techniques. We used clustering techniques to preprocess the input samples with the objective of indicating unrepresentative samples into isolated and inconsistent clusters, and used neural networks to construct the credit scoring model. The clustering stage involved a class-wise classification process. A self-organizing map clustering algorithm was used to automatically determine the number of clusters and the starting points of each cluster. Then, the K-means clustering algorithm was used to generate clusters of samples belonging to new classes and eliminate the unrepresentative samples from each class. In the neural network stage, samples with new class labels were used in the design of the credit scoring model. The proposed method demonstrates by two real world credit data sets that the hybrid mining approach can be used to build effective credit scoring models.  相似文献   

DIVCLUS-T is a divisive hierarchical clustering algorithm based on a monothetic bipartitional approach allowing the dendrogram of the hierarchy to be read as a decision tree. It is designed for either numerical or categorical data. Like the Ward agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm and the k-means partitioning algorithm, it is based on the minimization of the inertia criterion. However, unlike Ward and k-means, it provides a simple and natural interpretation of the clusters. The price paid by construction in terms of inertia by DIVCLUS-T for this additional interpretation is studied by applying the three algorithms on six databases from the UCI Machine Learning repository.  相似文献   

ContextAlthough SPEM 2.0 has great potential for software process modeling, it does not provide concepts or formalisms for precise modeling of process behavior. Indeed, SPEM fails to address process simulation, execution, monitoring and analysis, which are important activities in process management. On the other hand, BPMN 2.0 is a widely used notation to model business processes that has associated tools and techniques to facilitate the aforementioned process management activities. Using BPMN to model software development processes can leverage BPMN’s infrastructure to improve the quality of these processes. However, BPMN lacks an important feature to model software processes: a mechanism to represent process tailoring.ObjectiveThis paper proposes BPMNt, a conservative extension to BPMN that aims at creating a tailoring representation mechanism similar to the one found in SPEM 2.0.MethodWe have used the BPMN 2.0 extensibility mechanism to include the representation of specific tailoring relationships namely suppression, local contribution, and local replacement, which establish links between process elements (such as in the case of SPEM). Moreover, this paper also presents some rules to ensure the consistency of BPMN models when using tailoring relationships.ResultsIn order to evaluate our proposal we have implemented a tool to support the BPMNt approach and have applied it for representing real process adaptations in the context of an academic management system development project. Results of this study showed that the approach and its support tool can successfully be used to adapt BPMN-based software processes in real scenarios.ConclusionWe have proposed an approach to enable reuse and adaptation of BPMN-based software process models as well as derivation traceability between models through tailoring relationships. We believe that bringing such capabilities into BPMN will open new perspectives to software process management.  相似文献   

ContextLarge-scale distributed systems are becoming commonplace with the large popularity of peer-to-peer and cloud computing. The increasing importance of these systems contrasts with the lack of integrated solutions to build trustworthy software. A key concern of any large-scale distributed system is the validation of global properties, which cannot be evaluated on a single node. Thus, it is necessary to gather data from distributed nodes and to aggregate these data into a global view. This turns out to be very challenging because of the system’s dynamism that imposes very frequent changes in local values that affect global properties. This implies that the global view has to be frequently updated to ensure an accurate validation of global properties.ObjectiveIn this paper, we present a model-based approach to define a dynamic oracle for checking global properties. Our objective is to abstract relevant aspects of such systems into models. These models are updated at runtime, by monitoring the corresponding distributed system.MethodWe conduce real-scale experimental validation to evaluate the ability of our approach to check global properties. In this validation, we apply our approach to test two open-source implementations of distributed hash tables. The experiments are deployed on two clusters of 32 nodes.ResultsThe experiments reveal an important defect on one implementation and show clear performance differences between the two implementations. The defect would not be detected without a global view of the system.ConclusionTesting global properties on distributed software consists of gathering data from different nodes and building a global view of the system, where properties are validated. This process requires a distributed test architecture and tools for representing and validating global properties. Model-based techniques are an expressive mean for building oracles that validate global properties on distributed systems.  相似文献   

BackgroundSoftware evolution is an important topic in software engineering. It generally deals with large amounts of data, as one must look at whole project histories as opposed to their current snapshot. Software visualization is the field of software engineering that aims to help people to understand software through the use of visual resources. It can be effectively used to analyze and understand the large amount of data produced during software evolution.ObjectiveThis study investigates Software Evolution Visualization (SEV) approaches, collecting evidence about how SEV research is structured, synthesizing current evidence on the goals of the proposed approaches and identifying key challenges for its use in practice.MethodsA mapping study was conducted to analyze how the SEV area is structured. Selected primary studies were classified and analyzed with respect to nine research questions.ResultsSEV has been used for many different purposes, especially for change comprehension, change prediction and contribution analysis. The analysis identified gaps in the studies with respect to their goals, strategies and approaches. It also pointed out to a widespread lack of empirical studies in the area.ConclusionResearchers have proposed many SEV approaches during the past years, but some have failed to clearly state their goals, tie them back to concrete problems, or formally validate their usefulness. The identified gaps indicate that there still are many opportunities to be explored in the area.  相似文献   

ContextThere are many claimed advantages for the use of design patterns and their impact on software quality. However, there is no enough empirical evidence that supports these claimed benefits and some studies have found contrary results.ObjectiveThis empirical study aims to quantitatively measure and compare the fault density of motifs of design patterns in object-oriented systems at different levels: design level, category level, motif level, and role level.MethodAn empirical study was conducted that involved five open-source software systems. Data were analyzed using appropriate statistical test of significance differences.ResultsThere is no consistent difference in fault density between classes that participate in design motifs and non-participant classes. However, classes that participate in structural design motifs tend to be less fault-dense. For creational design motifs, it was found that there is no clear tendency for the difference in fault density. For behavioral design motifs, it was found that there is no significant difference between participant classes and non-participant classes. We observed associations between five design motifs (Builder, Factory Method, Adapter, Composite and Decorator) and fault density. At the role level, we found that only one pair of roles (Adapter vs. Client) shows a significant difference in fault density.ConclusionThere is no clear tendency for the difference in fault density between participant and non-participant classes in design motifs. However, structural design motifs have a negative association with fault density. The Builder design motif has a positive association with fault density whilst the Factory Method, Adapter, Composite, and Decorator design motifs have negative associations with fault density. Classes that participate in the Adapter role are less dense in faults than classes that participate in the Client role.  相似文献   

In some applications of industrial robots, the robot manipulator must traverse a pre-specified Cartesian path with its hand tip while links of the robot safely move among obstacles cluttered in the robot's scene (environment). In order to reduce the costs of collision detection, one approach is to reduce the number of collision checks by enclosing a few real obstacles with a larger (artificial) bounding volume (a cluster), e.g., by their convex hull [4, 14], without cutting the specified path.In this paper, we propose a recursive algorithm composed of four procedures to tackle the problem of clustering convex polygons cluttered around a specified path in a dynamic environment. A key fact observed is that the number k of clusters is actually determined by the specified path not by any criterion used in clustering. Based on this fact, an initial set of k clusters could be rapidly generated. Then, the initial set of clusters and its number is further refined for satisfying the minimum Euclidean distance criterion imposed in clustering. Compared to the heuristic algorithm in [14], complexity of the proposed algorithm is reduced by one order with respect to the number n of obstacles. Simulation are performed in both static and dynamic environments, which show that the recursive algorithm is very efficient and acquires less number k of clusters.  相似文献   

ContextExperience curve is a well-known concept in management and education science, which explains the phenomenon of increased worker efficiency with repetitive production of a good or service.ObjectiveWe aim to analyze the impact of the experience curve effect on the Return on Investment (ROI) in the software product line engineering (SPLE) process.MethodWe first present the results of a systematic literature review (SLR) to explicitly depict the studies that have considered the impact of experience curve effect on software development in general. Subsequently, based on the results of the SLR, the experience curve effect models in the literature, and the SPLE cost models, we define an approach for extending the cost models with the experience curve effect. Finally, we discuss the application of the refined cost models in a real industrial context.ResultsThe SLR resulted in 15 primary studies which confirm the impact of experience curve effect on software development in general but the experience curve effect in the adoption of SPLE got less attention. The analytical discussion of the cost models and the application of the refined SPLE cost models in the industrial context showed a clear impact of the experience curve effect on the time-to-market, cost of development and ROI in the SPLE adoption process.ConclusionsThe proposed analysis with the newly defined cost models for SPLE adoption provides a more precise analysis tool for the management, and as such helps to support a better decision making.  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to self-structuring software libraries. The authors developed a representation scheme to construct a feature space over a collection of software assets. The feature space is represented and classified by a variety of the self-organising map, called the Nested Software Self-Organising Map (NSSOM), consisting of a top map and a set of sub-maps nested in the top map. The clustering on the top map provides general improvements in retrieval recall, while the lower-level nested maps further elaborate the clusters into more specific groups enhancing retrieval precision. The results of preliminary evaluation showed that NSSOM is capable of enhancing precision without sacrificing recall. In addition, a user-friendly browsing facility has also been developed which helps users predict the desired components by providing an intelligible search space. The present approach attempts to achieve an optimal combination of efficiency, accuracy and user-friendliness, which is not offered by the existing software retrieval systems.  相似文献   

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