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分布式集成信息系统中知识检索方法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
支持产品设计的分布式集成信息系统中知识库是系统的核心,如何准确检索到所需知识对系统运行性能有重要影响。文章通过将人工神经网络、模糊理论和规则推理相结合提出的快速、有效的知识检索方法,并探讨了知识分层问题,以支撑件知识检索为对象开发了知识检索方法,为分布式集成信息系统的成功运行提供性能保障。  相似文献   

支持产品设计的分布式集成信息系统   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对支持设计的分布式集成信息系统的结构及其实现的关键问题进行了讨论,对系统中数据存储与传递作了详细的论述,实现了基于Internet的分布式集成信息系统中知识的表达、存储与获取,最后,给出了基于DIIS思想实现的原型系统,文中的工作为实现基于Internet快速知识获取、提高产品设计水平、加快开发速度提供了一套解决方案。  相似文献   

鉴于单节点数据库审计系统检索性能低下的现状,探讨应用Hadoop伪分布模式和HBase列存储模型重构数据库审计系统的检索存储体系,重点研究HDFS存储机制、MapReduce运算框架和HBase数据模型三者的集成,以提升数据库审计系统实时检索和综合分析的性能.重构方案有效提升了检索性能,但鉴于数据的高可靠性和大体积,提出结合生产现状应用Hadoop和HBase分布式集群的展望.  相似文献   

为了解决分布式信息系统之间信息无法共享的问题,提出一种基于形式语义的系统集成支撑技术,构建了分布式信息系统的可共享语义平台.该方法保持了源信息系统的自治性,通过构造融合本体为分布式信息系统提供信息解释公用模版.与已有的方法相比,该系统采全形式化语义支撑,奠定了分布式信息系统自动化集成的基础.  相似文献   

为了提高分布式信息系统的性能,加快系统间的数据流通实现信息的共享和集成,需要为分布式信息系统建立数据交换平台.通过对数据交换平台现有的一些解决方案分析,在研究JMS (Java message service)等技术基础上,设计并实现了新的数据交换平台.利用JMS消息模式实现消息持久化,以开源消息中间件为交换中心,在SOA (service-oriented architecture)平台技术上完成了分布式信息系统的数据变换平台.详细介绍了平台设计架构、信息交换过程、数据封装格式,重点描述了发送接口、轮循器以及发送接收功能等关键技术的实现工作,完成了大型分布信息系统中消息持久化、零配置以及快速、稳定消息传送的数据交换平台.  相似文献   

OGSA-DQP是一种用于网格环境、基于服务的分布式查询处理系统,实现了运行在不同平台的分布式数据密集型应用的高级数据访问与集成服务方法,为用户提供一致的虚拟关系数据视图和分布式数据查询支持。文章描述了其体系结构、分析了其查询和优化机制,并在不同条件下测试了查询性能,为寻找系统查询性能瓶颈、提高系统查询响应时间提供依据。  相似文献   

在介绍CORBA相关知识的基础上,从系统信息集成的角度出发,提出了分布式环境下基于CORBA的异构油气田信息系统集成和数据交换方法,实现了多个异构油气田信息系统的资源整合,并在异构数据库的基础上开发了一些新功能。  相似文献   

在Client/Server系统中,CIMS实施中的信息系统的集成不仅需要解决异构数据库集成的问题,而且还需要解决CIMS环境中具有各自独立性的应用程序集成的难题.文章先介绍了分布式技术的概况,并分析了传统的应用集成的方法,在此基础上提出了一种基于DCOM机制的应用集成的模型.文章最后提供了该模型与具体实际结合使用的实例.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一个应用于 CIMS 的分布式智能系统,该系统将 CAD,CAPP,CAM 有机地集成为一体.由于采用了分布式问题求解技术、通讯技术,使在不同地理位置上的计算机性能和资源得以充分发挥和利用.多个处理结点组成的基于黑板结构的分布式智能系统,可以高速、并行地执行分散在不同结点的知识源,提高系统的灵活性和处理能力.运行在三个结点(可扩充多个)的系统大体相同.主要包括:知识获取子系统、前端处理(负责接收与发送)、任务的分解、任务的评估与分配、任务的综合、后端处理(子问题求解)模块以及解释子系统.目前该系统已在由以太网连接的 SUN 计算机上运行,分布式智能系统本身由 C 语言写成,被集成的子系统由 C 和 FORTRAN 两种语言写成.  相似文献   

现代企业信息系统是跨单一企业集成的分布式信息系统,其支撑环境和开发工具的研究是现代企业信息系统的研究重点之一.文章结合工程实践探讨了 Java 独具的分布对象技术特点及其对现代企业信息系统集成的技术支持.  相似文献   

Used to integrate all kinds of knowledge coming from various locations, domains and disciplines, a framework of the Internet-based distributive knowledge integrated system (DKIS) is proposed. Since knowledge repositories are the key components of the DKIS, the efficiency and reliability of the knowledge searching affects the running performance of the DKIS system. We stress methods of efficiently retrieving knowledge from DKIS repositories. Based on artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic and rule reasoning, a novel approach to knowledge searching over the Internet is presented. The issue of knowledge layering is also discussed. Using the rolling bearing as an example, a prototype of knowledge searching is realized. The main aim of this study is to identify an efficient and reliable method of knowledge retrieval for the DKIS within an Internet environment so as to support its perfect operation.  相似文献   

基于知识的鱼病诊断推理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郭永洪  傅泽田  田东 《计算机工程》2004,30(4):23-24,186
知识库是专家系统的核心,如何检索到所需要的知识对系统运行性能有重要影响,文章认真分析了鱼病专家的诊断知识,提出了将专家知识分为规划层—策略层—物理层3层的层次结构,为实现元推理提供了一种机制,从而实现了将规划知识、策略知识与知识库分离。该文旨在探讨一种合理、有效的知识管理方法,为专家系统的成功运行提供性能的保障。  相似文献   

Information provision to address the changing requirements can be best supported by content management. The current information technology enables information to be stored and provided from various distributed sources. To identify and retrieve relevant information requires effective mechanisms for information discovery and assembly. This paper presents a method, which enables the design of such mechanisms, with a set of techniques for articulating and profiling users’ requirements, formulating information provision specifications, realising management of information content in repositories, and facilitating response to the user’s requirements dynamically during the process of knowledge construction. These functions are represented in an ontology which integrates the capability of the mechanisms. The ontological modelling in this paper has adopted semiotics principles with embedded norms to ensure coherent course of actions represented in these mechanisms.  相似文献   

In large organizations, management of large amounts of knowledge is a common problem. This knowledge is usually available in a distributed environment, in structured or non-structured form, and often is not exactly known where it is located and how to retrieve it in flexible ways. This paper describes an architecture to manage typical activities for an organization such as our University. During system analysis and specification, we had to collect a lot of information about structure and content of our organization, information available in various formats and media and not always automatically collectable. Hence, we designed a Document-based Software Architecture to support systems where formalization of information repositories, standardization of information location and management of every aspect involved in distributed contexts are crucial needs. We discuss if the configuration of a central-knowledge centered organization is the right solution or if it is better the choice of a distributed one. Since, all the documents managed in any organization are usually available in a structured way, we foresee a strong usage of XML documents and metadata standard definitions.  相似文献   

基于语义网的产品配置知识表达及检索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于语义网的产品配置知识表达,通过产品配置本体为产品配置领域知识建模,有效地描述产品配置知识库,解决信息检索和信息集成在语义模糊、语义异构等难点上的困扰;强调配置知识的共享和重用;提供异构系统间数据共享和数据交换的途径.从知识本体的角度出发,详述构成产品配置本体的部件集、部件属性集、配置关系、评价规则集合.文中介绍了一个基于语义网的产品配置知识的原型系统SWB及其检索部分的体系结构,并给出其查询语言的巴克斯范式(BNF)描述.最后给出一个SWB上的查询实例.  相似文献   

Extended object model for product configuration design   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper presents an extended object model for case-based reasoning (CBR) in product configuration design. In the extended object model, a few methods of knowledge expression are adopted, such as constraints, rules, objects, etc. On the basis of extended object model, case representation model for CBR is applied to product configuration design system. The product configuration knowledge can be represented by the extended object. The model can support all the processes of CBR in product configuration design, such as case representation, indexing, retrieving, and case revising. The presented model is an extension of the traditional object-oriented model by including the relationship class used to express the relation between the cases, constraints class used in the product configuration knowledge representation, index class used in case retrieving, and solution class used in case revising. Therefore, the product configuration knowledge used in the product configuration design can be represented by using this model. In the end, a metering pump product configuration design system is developed on the basis of the proposed product configuration model to support customized products.  相似文献   

互联网用户使用网络获取信息过程中,搜索引擎已成为必不可少的工具。传统的WWW搜索引擎是“提问——搜索”方式.对于所有用户给出同样的关键宇得到的检索结果都是一样的。本文基于传统搜索引擎Google的基础上,实现了个性化的搜索。论文重点阐述了基于向量空间模型的个性化搜索系统的设计和实现过程。系统返回结果能够根据不同用户的兴趣爱好给出用户满意度较好的结果。  相似文献   

Semantic web and grid technologies offer a promising approach to facilitate semantic information retrieval based on heterogeneous document repositories. In this paper the authors describe the design and implementation of an Ontology Server (OS) component to be used in a distributed contents management grid system. Such a system could be used to build collection document repositories, mutually interoperable at the semantic level. From the contents point of view, the distributed system is built as a collection of multimedia documents repository nodes glued together by an OS. A set of methodologies and tools to organize the knowledge space around the notion of contents community is developed, where each content provider will publish a set of ontologies to collect metadata information organized and published through a knowledge community, built on top of the OS. These methodologies were deployed while setting up a prototype to connect about 20 museums in the city of Naples (Italy).  相似文献   

The rapid growth of Internet and information technologies in recent years provides a solution to support and facilitate collaborative product developments among different geographically distributed enterprises. An effective and feasible tool to aid the collaborative development of injection moulds can be realized by developing an Internet-based mould design system as one of the modules of a collaborative product development system. This paper presents a prototype Internet-based intelligent design system for injection moulds. The architecture of the system consists of an interactive KB mould design system embedded in an Internet environment. A Java-enabled solution together with artificial intelligence techniques is employed to develop such a networked interactive CAD system. In this system, the computational module, the knowledge base module and the graphic module for generating mould features are integrated within an interactive CAD-based framework. The knowledge base of the system would be accessed by mould designers through interactive programs so that their own intelligence and experience could also be incorporated with the total mould design. The approach adopted both speeds up the design process and facilitates design standardization which in turn increases the speed of mould manufacture. A practical case study is presented to illustrate the operations of the Internet-based mould design system.  相似文献   

Engineering design is a knowledge-intensive process, and includes conceptual design, detailed design, engineering analysis, assembly design, process design, and performance evaluation. Each of these tasks involves various aspects of technical knowledge and experience. Whether this technical knowledge and experience can be effectively shared is key to increasing product development capability and quality, and also to reducing the duration and cost of the development cycle. Consequently, providing engineering designers various query methods for retrieving engineering knowledge is one of the most important tasks in engineering knowledge management.The study develops a technology for functional requirement-based reference design retrieval as a decision support mechanism, which can assist engineering designers to retrieve relevant design and associated knowledge for reference in conducting functional requirements of a product. This study involves the following tasks: (i) designing a functional requirement-based reference design retrieval process, (ii) developing techniques related to the technology for functional requirement-based reference design retrieval, and (iii) implementing a functional requirement-based reference design retrieval mechanism. The retrieval process includes the steps of functional requirement-based query, case searching and matching, and case ranking. The technology involves (i) a structured query model for functional requirements, (ii) an index structures for historical design cases, (iii) functional requirement-based case searching and matching mechanisms, (iv) a functional requirement-based case ranking mechanism, and (v) a case-based representation of designed entities. Finally, the experimental example with indexing and retrieving similar designed entities is conducted to demonstrate the proposed techniques worked efficiently.  相似文献   

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