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讨论了多媒体数据并行处理技术的结构和实现方法,并分析了DSP的指令级流水线结构、开发方法和实现技巧,同时在分析和重组数据流的基础上,给出了利用指令级并行流水线优化视频处理中DCT变换算法和运动搜索算法的实例。研究结果表明:采用指令级并行处理技术可以大大加快系统的处理速度,具有较大的实用价值。  相似文献   

针对图形图像处理器中指令与数据加载以及数据收集的问题,设计和实现了一种时钟共享多线程处理器中的SIMD控制器,完成相关SIMD指令的发送、数据的加载和数据的收集。该控制器以实现高效的数据级并行计算为目标,采用有限状态机实现了前向处理单元、行控制器和列控制器的设计。实验结果表明,所设计的专用硬件电路能够有效提高图形图像处理器处理并行数据的能力。  相似文献   

同步数据触发体系结构SDTA将传统指令级并行细化到微操作级并行,具有较高的数据处理能力,但其特殊的指令格式及指令特性,给指令Cache访问带来了挑战。指令预取技术能够有效地降低指令Cache的访问失效率,增强处理器取指能力,提高性能。本文分析了SDTA指令集特性,提出了一种适合SDTA指令集特性的软硬件相结合的混合指令预取机制,采用硬件预取引擎和软件提示相结合进行预取。该方法能够有效地提高指令Cache命中率,且具有实现简单、无效预取率低、不会增加代码体积等特点。  相似文献   

分簇结构超长指令字DSP编译器的设计与实现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
超长指令字(VLIW)是高端DSP普遍采用的体系结构。VLIW DSP在硬件上没有调度和冲突判决的机制,其性能的发挥完全依靠编译嚣的优化效果.基于可重定向编译基础设施IMPACT,为分簇VLIW DSP YHFT—D4设计与实现了优化编译器.其中着重讨论了可重定向信息的定义、代码注释、SIMD指令的支持、分簇寄存器分配以度指令级并行开发和资源冲突解决等内容.实验结果表明该编译器可以达到较好的优化效果.  相似文献   

分布式并行约束归纳逻辑程序设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CILP是关系数据挖掘的主要技术之一。为提高CILP系统的效率,提出了一种基于C3模型,元学习技术和主从式静态负载平衡策略的分布式并行CILP算法,并实现了一个基于COW机群结构的分布式并行CILP原型系统。实验表明该算法是高效的,能获得较好的负载平衡,较高的加速比和并行效率。  相似文献   

抽象机通常用在软件程序编译器中.提出了一个基于硬件抽象机的处理器设计方法,使用该方法设计了一个Java微处理器,并且利用硬件抽象机增强了处理器的指令级并行能力,提高了微处理器性能.描述了用于Java处理器的硬件抽象机设计方法,阐述了它的实现基本原理,给出了 Java处理器的逻辑设计.通过软件仿真,证明了采用硬件抽象机的Java处理器可以获得从78%到173%的指令级并行增强,处理器性能提高平均31%.说明了提出的方法可以用于嵌入式微处理器的设计,提高系统性能.  相似文献   

研究Android平台中密码运算加速方法,采用运算并行化的思想,利用Android平台的RenderScript并行运算机制实现大整数乘法运算,为椭圆曲线密码等密码运算提供高效快速的基本操作。设计并实现了适合并行处理的大整数乘法运算存储结构和运算执行逻辑,以矩阵的方式分割并处理大整数对象,可以一次同步完成所需的乘法和加法运算,进而得到最终运算结果。实验结果表明,与Android平台原生的Java大整数运算库相比,该方法在执行时间上具有明显优势。  相似文献   

协作式全局指令调度与寄存器分配   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
指令级并行是现代高性能代理器的重要特征,对于发挥这类处理器所具有的并行处理能力来说,编译器有至关重要的影响。文中讨论指令级并行编译中的核心问题-全局指令调度与 器分配,并以作者为一种新型的显式并行体系结构微处理器的编译系统为背景,介绍了此类编译器后端设计中面临的指令调度与寄存器分配的时序问题,以及为解决这一问题而提出了的一种协作式全局指令调度与寄存器分配方法。  相似文献   

子字并行能够充分利用多媒体算法的数据精度小、内部循环处理形式规则的特点,是加速多媒体处理的有效方式。然而,如何充分挖掘多媒体应用中的子字并行仍然是一个难题。本文说明传统的并行技术可以有效地开发循环中的子字并行性,同时提出一种基于代价子图的子字并行指令自动识别的方法。与其他方法相比,该方法利用代价模型对子子字并行指令选择进行定量评估。本文在TTA体系结构框架下实现了这一方法。实验结果表明,该方法可以充分地提取循环中的子字并行性。  相似文献   

描述了一种可以有效提高存储级并行(Memory Level Parallelism,MIP)的指令优化锁步执行模型--OLSM(Optimized Lock-Step execution Model)执行模型,并建立了一种能体现OLSM模型思想的层次存储结构.OLSM允许显示并行指令计算(Explicit Parallel Instruction Computmg,EPIC)微处理器实现一定程度的乱序执行,解决了传统超长指令字(Very Long Instruction Word,VLIW)锁步执行的缺陷,可以充分利用结构中的大量计算和存储资源,最大化隐藏存储延迟、提高MLP.  相似文献   

Current trend of research on multithreading processors is toward the chip multithreading (CMT), which exploits thread level parallelism (TLP) and improves performance of softwares built on traditional threading components, e.g., Pthread. There exist commercially available processors that support simultaneous multithreading (SMT) on multicore processors. But they are basically based on the conventional sequential execution model, and execute multiple threads in parallel under the control of OS that handles interruptions. Moreover, there exist few languages or programming techniques to utilize the multicore processors effectively. We are taking another approach to develop a multithreading processor, which is dedicated to TLP. Our processor, named Fuce, is based on the continuation-based multithreading. A thread is defined as a block of sequentially ordered instructions which are executed without interruption. Every thread execution is triggered only by the event called continuation. This paper first introduces the continuation-based multithread execution model and its processor architecture then gives multithreaded programming techniques and the continuation-based multithreading language system CML. Last, the performance of the Fuce processor is evaluated by means of the clock-level software simulation.  相似文献   

32位多线程包处理微引擎的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硬件多线程技术是网络处理器中的核心技术,本文介绍了一个专门面向网络协议处理的硬件多线程包处理微引擎NRS05的设计,详细介绍了其流水线的整体结构,提出了一种基于混合多线程的动态调度策略实现了长延时操作的隐藏,保证单线程性能能够满足应用需求的同时保证了各线程在执行核上运行的公平性,并将多线程技术和流水线技术进行了结合,解决了传统处理器中指令间因控制相关导致的流水线停顿问题,最后给出了设计的综合结果及包处理性能.  相似文献   

General purpose computation on graphics processing unit (GPU) is rapidly entering into various scientific and engineering fields. Many applications are being ported onto GPUs for better performance. Various optimizations, frameworks, and tools are being developed for effective programming of GPU. As part of communication and computation optimizations for GPUs, this paper proposes and implements an optimization method called as kernel coalesce that further enhances GPU performance and also optimizes CPU to GPU communication time. With kernel coalesce methods, proposed in this paper, the kernel launch overheads are reduced by coalescing the concurrent kernels and data transfers are reduced incase of intermediate data generated and used among kernels. Computation optimization on a device (GPU) is performed by optimizing the number of blocks and threads launched by tuning it to the architecture. Block level kernel coalesce method resulted in prominent performance improvement on a device without the support for concurrent kernels. Thread level kernel coalesce method is better than block level kernel coalesce method when the design of a grid structure (i.e., number of blocks and threads) is not optimal to the device architecture that leads to underutilization of the device resources. Both the methods perform similar when the number of threads per block is approximately the same in different kernels, and the total number of threads across blocks fills the streaming multiprocessor (SM) capacity of the device. Thread multi‐clock cycle coalesce method can be chosen if the programmer wants to coalesce more than two concurrent kernels that together or individually exceed the thread capacity of the device. If the kernels have light weight thread computations, multi clock cycle kernel coalesce method gives better performance than thread and block level kernel coalesce methods. If the kernels to be coalesced are a combination of compute intensive and memory intensive kernels, warp interleaving gives higher device occupancy and improves the performance. Multi clock cycle kernel coalesce method for micro‐benchmark1 considered in this paper resulted in 10–40% and 80–92% improvement compared with separate kernel launch, without and with shared input and intermediate data among the kernels, respectively, on a Fermi architecture device, that is, GTX 470. A nearest neighbor (NN) kernel from Rodinia benchmark is coalesced to itself using thread level kernel coalesce method and warp interleaving giving 131.9% and 152.3% improvement compared with separate kernel launch and 39.5% and 36.8% improvement compared with block level kernel coalesce method, respectively.Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

模板计算是一类重要的计算核心,广泛存在于图像和视频处理以及大规模科学和工程计算领域。但是,针对ARM64高性能处理器的模板计算性能的优化研究还很少。为了实现典型模板计算核心在ARM64架构多核微处理器上的并行化和性能优化,基于AMCC X-GENE2和飞腾FT-1500A多核微处理器特点,提出了基于两维度绑定的优化方法,该方法通过线程与CPU绑定以及线程与数据块绑定,减少了线程调度的并行开销,增加了Cache的命中率。实验结果表明,该方法提升了模板计算在ARM64架构多核微处理器上的性能,且在两种ARM64架构多核微处理器平台上都表现出较好的可扩展性。  相似文献   

多核处理器,尤其是单芯片多处理器(chip multi-processor,CMP)能够提供强大的共享内存的并行资源,然而单核处理器上的程序和算法并不能充分利用多核架构提供的并行计算资源,因此必须针对多核体系架构特点,对算法进行改进优化,提高算法的执行性能。以优化程序局部性、减少cache访问冲突、提高线程并行度、充分利用单指令多数据流(single instruction multipledata,SIMD)并行和带宽优化等几方面为出发点,归纳和分析了多核处理器上数据处理算法的相关优化策略,并对多核算法进行了总结评述。最后阐述了该领域亟待解决的诸多问题,展望了未来的研究发展方向。  相似文献   

新型体系结构概念—虚拟寄存器与并行的指令处理部件   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
随着程序对地址空间的需求日益提高,研究者提出了虚拟存储器概念,使程序访问的地址空间免受物理存储器的限制。随着面向寄存器的RISC技术发展以及多发射结构中指令调度的日益重要,我们提出了虚拟寄存器的新概念,使寄存器空间不受物理寄存器堆大小的束缚,有利于指令调度和寄存器重新命名技术,提高指令级并行性ILP。此外,现代新型RISC处理机都着重于加强数据处理部件中的执行并行度,忽略了放在存储器中指令的处理。  相似文献   

An increasing awareness of the need for high speed parallel processing systems for image analysis has stimulated a great deal of interest in the design and development of such systems. Efficient processing schemes for several specific problems have been developed providing some insight into the general problems encountered in designing efficient image processing algorithms for parallel architectures. However it is still not clear what architecture or architectures are best suited for image processing in general, or how one may go about determining those which are. An approach that would allow application requirements to specify architectural features would be useful in this context. Working towards this goal, general principles are outlined for formulating parallel image processing tasks by exploiting parallelism in the algorithms and data structures employed. A synchronous parallel processing model is proposed which governs the communication and interaction between these tasks. This model presents a uniform framework for comparing and contrasting different formulation strategies. In addition, techniques are developed for analyzing instances of this model to determine a high level specification of a parallel architecture that best ‘matches’ the requirements of the corresponding application. It is also possible to derive initial estimates of the component capabilities that are required to achieve predefined performance levels. Such analysis tools are useful both in the design stage, in the selection of a specific parallel architecture, or in efficiently utilizing an existing one. In addition, the architecture independent specification of application requirements makes it a useful tool for benchmarking applications.  相似文献   

This paper presents a practical evaluation and comparison of three state-of-the-art parallel functional languages. The evaluation is based on implementations of three typical symbolic computation programs, with performance measured on a Beowulf-class parallel architecture.We assess three mature parallel functional languages: PMLS, a system for implicitly parallel execution of ML programs; GPH, a mainly implicit parallel extension of Haskell; and Eden, a more explicit parallel extension of Haskell designed for both distributed and parallel execution. While all three languages employ a completely implicit approach to communication, each language takes a different approach to specifying and controlling parallelism, ranging from explicit identification of processes as language constructs (Eden) through annotation of potential parallelism (GPH) to automatic detection of parallel skeletons in sequential code (PMLS).We present detailed performance measurements of all three systems on a widely available parallel architecture: a Beowulf cluster of low-cost commodity workstations. We use three representative symbolic applications: a matrix multiplication algorithm, an exact linear system solver, and a simple ray-tracer. Our results show how moderate speedups can be achieved with little or no changes to the sequential code, and that parallel performance can be significantly improved even within our high-level model of parallel functional programming by controlling key aspects of the program such as load distribution and thread granularity.  相似文献   

We present a parallel architecture for object recognition and location based on concurrent processing of depth and intensity image data. Parallel algorithms for curvature computation and segmentation of depth data into planar or curved surface patches, and edge detection and segmentation of intensity data into extended linear features, are described. Using this feature data in comparison with a CAD model, objects can be located in either depth or intensity images by a parallel pose clustering algorithm.The architecture is based on cooperating stages for low/intermediate level processing and for high level matching. Here, we discuss the use of individual components for depth and intensity data, and their realisation and integration within each parallel stage. We then present an analysis of the performance of each component, and of the system as a whole, demonstrating good parallel execution from raw image data to final pose.  相似文献   

Matching an application to an architecture in structure and size is a way of achieving higher computation speed. This paper presents a combination of a compiler and a reconfigurable long instruction word (RLIW) architecture as an approach to the matching problem. Configurations suitable for the execution of different parts of a program are determined by a compiler, and code is generated for both reconfiguring the hardware and performing the computation. The RLIW machine, consisting of multiple processing and global data memory modules, effectively utilizes the fine-grained parallelism detected in programs by a compiler. The long word instructions control the operation of processing and memory modules in the system. To reduce the data transfer between processing modules and data memory modules, we provide reconfigurable interconnections among the processing modules which permit direct communication. The compiler uses new techniques, including region scheduling, generation of code for reconfiguration of the system, and memory allocation techniques, to achieve improved performance. Algorithms for packing operations into long word instructions and techniques for effectively assigning memory modules to the operands required by an instruction are developed. Results of the experiments to evaluate the system indicate that speedups of 60–300% can be obtained for both scientific and nonscientific programs. The reconfigurable architecture is responsible for much of the speedup. Also, the results indicate that the major problem of memory bottleneck faced in designing parallel systems is successfully attacked.This paper represents work done while the author was at the University of Pittsburgh  相似文献   

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