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张珩  欧珊瑚 《计算机仿真》2003,(Z1):454-457
灵境技术是继多媒体技术之后的新一代人机接口技术及高级仿真技术,它突破了传统的基于二维的人机界面模式和交互方式的局限性,极大地增强了人的主动性和仿真方法的灵活性,是目前计算机科学和信息科学中最热门的研究领域.该文介绍了灵境技术产生的背景,论述了灵境技术的特征和基本构成,并综述了灵境技术在航天、军事、遥科学、机器人等领域的应用,最后对目前研究中存在的问题及可能的对策和研究方向进行了讨论.  相似文献   

灵境(虚拟现实)技术是一各针对人的环境仿真技术,为了自然地向人输出逼真的环境信息,灵境技术采用了全新的人机界面,本文从视频界面,音频界面,触动力觉界面三个方面详细介绍了灵境技术人机界面的种类,工作原理,性能要求,关键技术和现状。  相似文献   

虚拟现实(Virtual Reality简称VR),又称“灵境”技术,可谓是现代计算机科学中发展最快的领域。这种致力于“欺骗”人类感官的技术本身带有神秘的梦幻色彩,又因其在电影大片、游戏巨作中频频露面,再经由媒体神乎其神地大肆渲染,使人觉得,似乎人类将要进化成“鬼”一样的“灵境”人,戴上头盔,不用说话不用动,脱离现实的时空,从此沉溺在虚拟世界中了口事实真是这样吗?  相似文献   

什么是虚拟现实? 虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,简称VR,又译作灵境、幻真)是近年来出现的高新技术,也称灵境技术或人工环境。  相似文献   

通过对虚拟现实和智能多Agent技术的研究,提出了基于智能多Agent系统的虚拟现实技术模型.并在此模型基础上实现了个性化VR推荐算法的研究,从而解决了灵境中虚拟人的智能实现、通信机制等问题,为今后进行远程教学、虚拟实验、仿真研究奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

李东 《中国信息化》2014,(11):48-51
1.虚拟现实技术的概念 虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,简称VR,又译作灵境、幻真)是近年来出现的高新技术,也称灵境技术或人工环境。虚拟现实是利用电脑模拟产生一个三维空间的虚拟世界.提供使用者关于视觉、听觉、触觉等感官的模拟,让使用者如同身临其境一般,可以及时、没有限制地观察三度空间内的事物。  相似文献   

1993年9月中旬,笔者随中国代表团应邀参加在温哥华召开的温哥华国际软件大会(Softworld'93),会后同北美几家从事多媒体技术开发的公司进行了详细的技术讨论,参观了加拿大计算机最高学府Waterloo大学、多伦多大学的多媒体实验室,对多媒体实验的综合技术做了详细的了解。笔者认为多媒体实验室对多媒体技术开发与研究以及教学提供了实验手段,它拥有最新的软硬件技术(从多媒体软件平台到灵境技术——Virtual reality)。本文将通过多媒体实验室的各项技术对当今主要的多媒体软、硬件做概念  相似文献   

发展先进国防系统的一个经济途径是进行“先进技术先期演示验证”。“灵境”和“虚拟样机”技术正是这一革命性进展的重大推动力。  相似文献   

基于Vega/MultiGen的三维仿真漫游系统的研究与实现   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  
虚拟现实技术(Virtual Reality,简称VR),又称灵境技术,是20世纪末发展起来的一项涉及众多学科的高新实用技术,主要针对在软件平台MultiGen Creator和Vega下开发三维仿真系统。论述了基于Creator的实体建模方法、Vega软件环境的天空效果的生成方法、碰撞检测、声音的调用、视景仿真软件的开发过程以及整体系统的实现等关键技术。  相似文献   

面向武器装备系列研制的灵境仿真研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
冯珊  李彤 《计算机仿真》1998,15(3):31-34,54
文章首先阐明面向武器装备系列研制的灵境仿真研究的重要性及其学科归属。将本项研究定位于应用基础研究。基于90年代的计算技术基础设施,将VR仿真开发系统的技术目标设定的自学习、自优化的目标化的自产生式建模与仿真环境。在95年已实现的人工智能嵌入面向对象编程AI+OOP形式化体系中,通过知识封装赋予对象以知识禀赋和拟人的精神属性。把AIOOM开发平台提升到面向智能体层次。文章给出Agents设计及实现的  相似文献   

Recent advances in virtual reality (VR) technology have ushered in a new era of VR gaming. While VR gaming experience represents a burgeoning area of research within human-computer interaction circles, the role of cybersickness, physiological repercussions of VR exposure to users characterized by a multitude of symptoms, such as nausea, lightheadedness, and dizziness, in the effect of VR gaming on game enjoyment remains understudied. In two experiments, the current study proposed and tested a causal mediation model in which the effect of VR gaming on game enjoyment was mediated by the level of cybersickness experienced during the gameplay. Results from both experiments supported the proposed model and showed that increased cybersickness levels during VR gaming led to decreases in game enjoyment, indicating that cybersickness experienced during VR gaming undermines the enjoyment of the gaming experience. Results also revealed that compared to traditional desktop gaming, VR gaming invoked greater levels of cybersickness, but VR gaming did not lead to greater levels of game enjoyment. When the effect of cybersickness on game enjoyment was statistically removed, however, VR gaming was found to be more enjoyable. The current experiments provide preliminary evidence that cybersickness may hinder the enjoyment of VR gaming experience.  相似文献   

基于Visual C#.NET与3DSTATE实现虚拟现实   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虚拟现实技术在军事、航空航天、数字博物馆、虚拟人等领域得到了广泛的应用。但是,由于虚拟现实技术本身的复杂性,使得实现虚拟现实一直以来都是一项较为困难的工作。3DSTATE引擎是一种较新的虚拟现实开发工具,能快速和简便的实现基本的虚拟现实功能,在介绍3DSTATE引擎及3DWoddBuilder的基础上,着重讨论了Visual C#.NET与3DSTATE引擎相结合实现虚拟现实的方法和步骤。  相似文献   

Kari  Tuomas  Kosa  Mehmet 《Virtual Reality》2023,27(3):1585-1605

Virtual reality (VR) is considered as one of the technological megatrends of 2020s, and today, VR systems are used in various settings, digital gaming being among the most popular ones. However, there has been a dearth of understanding regarding the central factors behind VR gaming acceptance and use. The present study therefore aimed to explain the factors that drive the use and acceptance of VR games. We extended the hedonic-motivation system acceptance model with utilitarian and inconvenience factors to capture the pertinent features of VR systems more holistically. We proposed a theoretical model and analyzed it through covariance-based structural equation modeling using an online survey sample of 473 VR gamers. Our findings help explain the role of different antecedents behind VR gaming acceptance and demonstrate that VR gaming is driven more by the hedonic gaming aspects than by the utilitarian health and well-being aspects of VR games, enjoyment being the strongest driver behind VR gaming intention and immersion. Moreover, findings also suggested that use intentions and immersion levels are not significantly diminished by physical discomfort and VR sickness. The findings, which potentially extend to other VR systems as well, also pose important implications for the providers of VR games. As the main contribution, based on our empirical findings, we provide a greater theoretical understanding on VR gaming acceptance and use.


基于Simulink上的虚拟现实环境动态系统仿真   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
介绍了MATLAB中虚拟现实动态系统的开发、运行环境以及虚拟现实工具箱的核心虚拟现实模块,着重介绍了如何利用虚拟现实工具箱在Simulink环境中建立倒立摆控制系统的虚拟现实动态系统仿真的方法,并给出了虚拟现实动态仿真的结果。虚拟现实动态仿真形象逼真,在本地计算机上具有交互性,并在远程计算机上可观察其动态仿真效果。  相似文献   

近年来,随着虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,VR)技术的逐渐成熟,我国VR产业处于高速增长的态势。虽然VR的发展为内容设计提供了许多新的可能性,但由于VR应用的设计不成熟,VR行业的从业者们仍面临着严峻的挑战,VR中的设计仍需要通过用户使用来验证是否可行。因此,用户体验(User Experience,UX)研究对于成功设计VR软件至关重要。同时,随着用户对内容质量要求的提高,VR内容是否有足够的吸引力将在很大程度上影响用户体验,决定了用户是否会进行更进一步的VR体验。因此,如何评估VR用户体验并找到影响用户体验的内容对于提高用户体验和用户黏性至关重要。目前,对VR的研究集中在硬件和软件的改善上,对内容设计的关注较少,对用户体验的评价也没有统一且明确的标准。文中尝试找出用户体验和用户特性以及VR内容之间的关联。首先,定义了4种类型的VR交互事件,并设计了一份问卷来收集测试者的用户特性及其主观评价。其次,将80名测试者分成两组,在固定的时间内体验两种类型的VR产品,在实验过程中,测试者的客观生理数据与参与实验的整个过程都被记录下来。最后,采用统计学方法和改进的Prism算法,找出了用户特性、游戏交互事件类型与用户体验之间的相关性。文中对VR用户体验规范化评估进行了初步尝试,实验结果可以为VR内容设计人员和开发人员提供参考。  相似文献   

It has been noted that restricting field of view (FoV) is effective to mitigate virtual reality (VR) sickness, but it is prone to reduce the immersiveness. We propose an effective FoV restriction approach to mitigate VR sickness on mobile devices. The proposed approach includes a practical and reliable method for measuring VR sickness and a method of effectively limiting the FoV on mobile VR devices. Experimental result shows that the proposed method reduces VR sickness by 31.4%. The method was successfully applied to a VR application.  相似文献   

虚拟现实的支付研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年来,虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,VR)技术发展迅猛,成为炙手可热的新兴行业.VR硬件已达到基本成熟的阶段,VR应用也应势成为新的掘金点,在影视娱乐、游戏、教育等各个领域都得到了广泛的应用.但在支付领域,市场暂无优秀的VR支付解决方案.本文基于虚拟现实的支付研究,旨在利用token技术,通过VR设备内安全模块加密保护银行卡数据和支付数据,并利用3D建模技术构建沉浸式VR支付场景,以寻求安全、便捷、开放的VR支付方案.研究结果表明,该设计解决了现今VR支付产品交互难、安全性低的问题,并且有效提高了支付成功率.  相似文献   

A survey on virtual reality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Virtual reality (VR) is a scientific method and technology created during the exploration of the nature by human beings to understand, simulate, and better adapt and use the nature. Based on the analysis on the whole process of VR, this paper presents different categories of VR problems and a type of theoretical expression, and abstracts three kinds of scientific and technical problems in VR field. On the basis of foresaid content, this paper also studies current major research objectives, research results and development trend of VR in the aspects of VR modeling method, VR representation technology, human-machine interaction and devices, VR development suites and supporting infrastructure, as well as VR applications. Finally, several theoretical and technical problems that need to be further studied and solved are addressed. Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2009CB320805), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 60533070, 60503066), and the National High-Tech Research & Development Program of China (Grant Nos. 2006AA01Z333, 2006AA01Z311)  相似文献   

A hardware-independent virtual reality development system   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Simulating virtual reality (VR) hardware allows programs to be written in a desktop environment without constant use of limited VR resources. Rather than shifting constantly between VR and workstation environments, developers at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) wanted to be able to test VR applications on the normal workstation console. We therefore created a software simulator for VR development. It simulates various VR system features with an interface that runs on an ordinary workstation. The simulator is implemented as part of the CAVE library, the programming library originally written to support the CAVE hardware. It can, however, be used to develop applications for several VR systems, including ImmersaDesks and head-coupled displays. The library itself has been designed so that use of the simulator or any supported hardware is entirely transparent to application code  相似文献   


The experience of immersive virtual reality (VR) can be considered as a communication process between human beings, mediated by computer systems, which uses visualisation and other sensory stimulation. In this paper, we analyse how VR characteristics can be explored using semiotic theory and, with methods of generative semiotics, we explore aspects of narrative and interaction in VR. We propose a semiotic analysis of VR communication focusing on syntax, semantics and pragmatics and considering also some principles of generative semiotics. The syntactic level is analysed as determined by the characteristics of the visual communication adopted. The semantic of VR is related to the functional model chosen to realise the virtual system. The pragmatic of VR is based on the human–computer interaction that changes the user's role. We explore how these aspects can be characterised in the context of VR communication design and what principles can be adopted for a VR application, and we present an analysis and a classification of the iconic signs that are being used in VR. Moreover, we present a framework that can be used to classify and describe different kinds of virtual reality systems and to better understand communication in VR, and we use it to classify eight popular systems for e-learning and collaboration.  相似文献   

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