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杨宏晖  王芸  戴健 《声学技术》2013,32(1):46-49
提出了一种新的用于水声目标分类的加权免疫克隆样本选择算法(weight Immune Clonal Instance Selection,wI-CISA)。算法利用Adaboost算法给予每个样本一权值,每代中根据样本权值计算抗体亲合度和克隆数,且根据克隆复制、抗体更新(海明距离交叉和加权简化最近邻变异)和克隆选择操作指导种群进化。提取了实测3类水声目标的时域波形结构特征、小波分析特征和听觉谱特征,进行样本选择和分类仿真实验,结果表明:wICISA可以选出有效样本子集,使样本数目减少82%左右,并且支持向量机分类器的正确分类率能提高约2%;wICISA具有较好的收敛性、稳定性,所得优化样本子集具有较好的泛化能力且能明显减少分类的时间。  相似文献   

袁帅  杨宏晖  申昇 《声学技术》2014,33(4):359-362
特征选择是水声目标识别领域的重要环节之一。提出基于互信息的顺序向前特征选择算法,通过计算特征之间的互信息和特征与类别间的互信息对所有特征的分类能力进行排序。提取了实测4类水声目标进行特征选择和分类实验,结果表明:该算法能够选择有效特征子集,得到较高的正确识别率,并且运行速度快,稳定性强。  相似文献   

陈含露  杨宏晖  申昇 《声学技术》2016,35(3):204-207
针对水声目标数据的特征冗余问题,提出一种新的近邻无监督特征选择算法。首先利用顺序向后特征搜索算法生成原始特征集的子集,然后利用基于代表近邻选取方法的特征评价机制评价特征子集的优越性。使用实测水声目标数据集和声呐数据集进行特征选择和分类实验,在保持支持向量机平均分类正确率几乎不变的情况下,特征数目分别降低了90%和75%。结果表明,该算法选择出的特征子集,在去除冗余特征后有效地提高了后续学习算法的效率。  相似文献   

利用样本向量的空间位置关系,对目标识别方法进行研究。根据样本向量最小夹角给出了可分类识别率的定义,且应用样本向量间的夹角对样本向量进行筛选,获得了更有利于分类的样本。在此基础上提出了样本向量最小夹角识别算法,以及对样本向量最小夹角和最短距离进行综合的目标识别算法。为了进一步提高识别效果,将特征线之间的最小夹角引入到识别算法当中。所研究的目标识别算法应用到飞机目标识别,若采用奇异值特征作为样本可以得到90.0%以上的识别率,而采用颜色特征作为样本则可以得到92.5%以上的识别率。  相似文献   

张扬  杨建华  侯宏 《声学技术》2016,35(1):15-19
针对水声目标信号复杂、样本获取难度大且富含不确定信息的问题,研究了一种新的证据K类近邻识别算法(Evidence K Nearest Neighbor,EK-NN)。首先在水声目标的各类训练样本中,根据特征距离大小选取待识别目标的K近邻,并构造其基本置信指派函数。然后使用证据理论中的Dempster-Shafer(D-S)规则对各类别下的近邻证据进行组合,最后再应用冲突置信的比例分配规则5(Redistribute Conflicting mass proportionally rule5,PCR5)将所有类别的组合证据进行融合,并根据融合结果和所设立的分类规则来判断目标的类别属性。根据水声目标实测数据,将新算法与其他几种常见的水声目标识别算法进行了对比分析,结果表明新算法能有效提高识别的准确率。  相似文献   

针对用支持向量机集成提高水下目标识别正确率会使识别系统更加复杂的问题,提出了一种以自适应免疫算法(AIA)的支持向量机选择性集成(SVME)算法(即AIA-SVME算法)进行分类器优化选择,对实测水下目标声信号进行分类识别.与分类器全部集成的识别实验对比证明,该算法在选择9%的分类器后仍可以达到分类器全部集成的识别效果,不仅保证了识别精度,还使得识别系统大幅度精简,节省在线识别的时间.该研究对于水下目标分类决策优化集成的新方法探索具有重要理论价值和实际意义.  相似文献   

郭政  赵梅  胡长青 《声学技术》2021,40(1):14-20
为在保证目标识别准确率基础上进行有效特征降维,文章以目标识别准确率为特征选择准则,提出一种支持向量机递归特征消除(Support Vector Machine Recursive Feature Elimination,SVM-RFE)快速筛选出部分优质特征子集与猫群算法(Cat Swarm Algorithm,CSO)迭代寻优结合的特征选择方法,并将该方法应用于水声目标识别的特征选择。实验数据处理结果表明:相比SVM-RFE和CSO特征选择算法,文中提出的方法在平均特征维数降低8%的基础上,平均目标识别率提高了1.88%,能够实现有效降维的目的。该方法对判断特征是否适合用于特定的目标识别也有一定应用价值。  相似文献   

针对鸟声识别算法中提取特征单一、分类准确率低等问题,提出一种基于混合特征选择和灰狼算法优化核极限学习机的鸟声识别方法。首先从鸟声数据中提取大规模声学特征集ComParE,其次计算每个特征的Fscore并进行排序,然后以广义顺序向前浮动搜索(Generalized Sequential Forward Floating Search, GSFFS)为搜索策略,特征子集在核极限学习机(Kernel Limit Learning Machine, KELM)上十折交叉验证的正确率,作为特征选择标准进行特征选择,得到适用于鸟声识别的特征子集,最后通过灰狼算法(Grey Wolf Optimizer, GWO)选择最优KELM参数识别鸟声。在柏林自然科学博物馆鸟声数据库中进行实验,该方法在60类鸟声识别平均正确率和F1-score达到94.45%和92.29%。结果表明,该方法相较于传统自行设计提取的单一特征集具有更高的识别精度,GWO-KELM模型比网格搜索方式更易找到全局最优值。  相似文献   

水声目标分类识别是公认的水声信号处理难题,船舶辐射噪声是一种非线性非平稳信号,具有一定的混沌特性,更好地认识船舶辐射噪声的非线性性质,有助于更好地寻找有效的水声目标检测及识别算法。为了解决水声目标的分类识别问题,提出了利用小波包分形和支持向量机组合进行水声目标识别。利用小波包分解得到目标辐射噪声不同频带内信号分形维数作为特征矢量,并输入到支持向量机实现目标分类,实验结果表明,小波包分形和支持向量机的结合有比较好的分类识别效果,有一定的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

传统的语音情感识别方式采用的语音特征具有数据量大且无关特征多的特点,因此选择出与情感相关的语音特征具有重要意义。通过提出将注意力机制结合长短时记忆网络(Long Short Term Memory, LSTM),根据注意力权重进行特征选择,在两个数据集上进行了实验。结果发现:(1)基于注意力机制的LSTM相比于单独的LSTM模型,识别率提高了5.4%,可见此算法有效提高了模型的识别效果;(2)注意力机制是一种有效的特征选择方法。采用注意力机制选择出了具有实际物理意义的声学特征子集,此特征集相比于原有公用特征集在降低了维数的情况下,提高了识别准确率;(3)根据选择结果对声学特征进行分析,发现有声片段长度特征、无声片段长度特征、梅尔倒谱系数(Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient, MFCC)、F0基频等特征与情感识别具有较大相关性。  相似文献   

提出一种新的用于风机故障诊断的免疫克隆特征选择算法.提取了生产线上实测风机噪声的时域波形结构特征、小波分析特征及听觉谱特征,进行特征选择和故障诊断仿真实验.实验结果表明:在特征选择后的特征数目比原特征数目减少61% 的情况下,支持向量机分类器的分类正确率下降很小,分类时间显著减少.实验结果证明了该算法的有效性和鲁棒性,且能有效地应用于风机故障诊断.  相似文献   

Sentiment classification is a useful tool to classify reviews about sentiments and attitudes towards a product or service. Existing studies heavily rely on sentiment classification methods that require fully annotated inputs. However, there is limited labelled text available, making the acquirement process of the fully annotated input costly and labour-intensive. Lately, semi-supervised methods emerge as they require only partially labelled input but perform comparably to supervised methods. Nevertheless, some works reported that the performance of the semi-supervised model degraded after adding unlabelled instances into training. Literature also shows that not all unlabelled instances are equally useful; thus identifying the informative unlabelled instances is beneficial in training a semi-supervised model. To achieve this, an informative score is proposed and incorporated into semi-supervised sentiment classification. The evaluation is performed on a semi-supervised method without an informative score and with an informative score. By using the informative score in the instance selection strategy to identify informative unlabelled instances, semi-supervised models perform better compared to models that do not incorporate informative scores into their training. Although the performance of semi-supervised models incorporated with an informative score is not able to surpass the supervised models, the results are still found promising as the differences in performance are subtle with a small difference of 2% to 5%, but the number of labelled instances used is greatly reduced from 100% to 40%. The best finding of the proposed instance selection strategy is achieved when incorporating an informative score with a baseline confidence score at a 0.5:0.5 ratio using only 40% labelled data.  相似文献   

提出了两种基于支持向量机集成和特征选择联合算法。联合算法的核心思想是在构建基础分类器的同时选择有效特征。通过对实测舰船数据和公共数据的识别实验,证明了两种算法都可以用于舰船目标识别。算法一更适用于冗余特征较多的情况。算法二在对舰船目标识别时,选择的特征数目降低为原来特征数目的30%,正确分类率比单个支持向量机高近10%。  相似文献   

水下声信号分类是水声学研究的一个重要方向。一个有效的特征提取和分类决策方法对水声信号分类技术至关重要。文章将鱼声、商船辐射噪声和风关噪声三类实测的水声信号在小波包分解的基础上提取时频图特征,并搭建了一个七层结构的卷积神经网络作为分类器。研究结果表明:三种水声信号的小波包时频图特征结合卷积神经网络在不同测试集可达到(98±1)%的总体准确率。因此,小波包时频图特征结合卷积神经网络的水声分类方法可望推广至更多水声信号分类。该研究结果可为水声信号的分类识别研究提供应用参考。  相似文献   


In this paper, a novel grey‐based feature ranking method for feature subset selection is proposed. The classification effectiveness of each attribute of a specific classification problem is proposed and then each attribute can be ranked. Features with higher classification effectiveness are more important and relevant and thus considered as the final feature subset for pattern classification. Experiments performed on various application domains are reported to demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach. The proposed approach yields better performance than other existing feature subset selection methods and is helpful for improving the classification accuracy in pattern classification.  相似文献   

Chemical process installations are exposed to aggressive chemicals and conditions leading to corrosion. The damage from corrosion can lead to an unexpected plant shutdown and to the exposure of people and the environment to chemicals. Due to changes within and on the surface of materials subjected to corrosion, energy is released in the form of acoustic waves. This acoustic activity can be captured and used for corrosion monitoring in chemical process installations. Wavelet packet coefficients extracted from the acoustic activity have been considered to determine whether corrosion occurs, and to identify the type of corrosion process, at least for the most important corrosion processes in the chemical process industry. Feature subset selection is then applied to these wavelet coefficients to achieve a much higher accuracy in the identification of different corrosion processes than when no feature subset selection is applied to the acoustic waves. However, due to the statistical dependencies that potentially exist between the wavelet coefficients, the latter should not be selected independently from each other. Local discriminant basis selection algorithms do not take the statistical dependencies between wavelet coefficients into account. In this paper, we have used several mutual information-based approaches that take these dependencies into account and compared them to the wavelet-specific local discriminant basis selection algorithm. Furthermore, a hybrid filter-wrapper genetic algorithm, which uses a relevance-redundancy approach as a local search procedure, was designed. The highest classification accuracies are obtained with the hybrid filter-wrapper genetic algorithm, for all classifiers used in this paper. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm easily outperformed one of the most commonly used classifiers in chemometrics: partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). A naïve Bayes classifier that uses the features selected by the hybrid filter-wrapper genetic algorithm was able to identify the absence of corrosion, uniform corrosion, pitting and stress corrosion cracking, with an accuracy of up to 87.20%.  相似文献   

Active learning has been widely utilized to reduce the labeling cost of supervised learning. By selecting specific instances to train the model, the performance of the model was improved within limited steps. However, rare work paid attention to the effectiveness of active learning on it. In this paper, we proposed a deep active learning model with bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) for text classification. BERT takes advantage of the self-attention mechanism to integrate contextual information, which is beneficial to accelerate the convergence of training. As for the process of active learning, we design an instance selection strategy based on posterior probabilities Margin, Intra-correlation and Inter-correlation (MII). Selected instances are characterized by small margin, low intra-cohesion and high inter-cohesion. We conduct extensive experiments and analytics with our methods. The effect of learner is compared while the effect of sampling strategy and text classification is assessed from three real datasets. The results show that our method outperforms the baselines in terms of accuracy.  相似文献   

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