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吴琳 《工业设计》2012,(3):45-45
设计素描是设计专业的基础课之一,作为一名从事基础课教学工作的教师,笔者深深感觉到设计素描在专业设计中的重要性,在因材施教的同时更要与专业紧密相连,使学生通过设计素描的学习对专业课的学习打下良好基础。  相似文献   

随着全球一体化和数字媒体时代的来临,传承中华优秀传统文化,避免文化同化是现今艺术教育不可忽略的部分。分析了艺术设计专业传统文化教育的现状,结合“天人合一”思想、“意”“象”理念、“阴阳和谐”思想从课程内容、教学方法和教学管理等方面提出中华传统文化融入设计素描课程的教学改革方法。旨在将中华传统文化以“润物无声”的形式融入设计素描课程,培养学生社会责任感与社会主义核心价值观。  相似文献   

浅谈设计素描教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计素描是培养设计类专业学生创新意识和设计理念的一门重要专业基础课程,分析当前艺术设计方向职业院校设计素描教学改革的意义,明确设计素描课程的特征与内涵,确立“能力培育型”的教学观念,通过科学、合理的教学过程启发学生在设计思维、设计创意、设计表现方面的天赋和灵感,针对不同学生和不同专业有嗣的地开展教学。  相似文献   

在科学与艺术大融合的艺术设计领域里,有些人对现在倡行的“专业素描”或“设计素描”不甚理解,甚至无加思考地进行反对。其理由是历来的素描教学追随着写实主义方法,认为客观地把对象画准确就是素描的标准。还有一些人拿设计的社会实用性这一理由把设计与艺术划分开来。这种把“素描”教学偏向绘画造型基础、或者是偏向专业设计的现象在此姑且不加评判。让我们用眼睛去  相似文献   

让素描为设计的本质奠定良好的基础,培养设计素质应是建筑设计专业的素描基础课程教学的目的和归宿。本文着重论述建筑设计专业的素描课程作为该专业的造型基础课在以设计素质培养的为教学目标的实现过程中,课程内容、教学方法上鲜明的专业特点。  相似文献   

本文从独立院校艺术系基础专业课"设计素描"课程建设中的教学研究与改革入手,分前言、独立院校基础素描教学的困境、基础课程建设实践教学方案的尝试、基础课程建设实践教学方案实施的途径和结论这五部分,结合我系实践经验,对设计专业基础素描教学与改革进行初步研究。  相似文献   

肖毅 《中国科技博览》2009,(24):109-109
本文从设计素描的理念、体系结构、内容三方面来探讨设计素描教学的创新,希望建立起更加完善的设计素描教学体系,为教学改革提供新方法、新思路,为学生今后学习和从事设计专业打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

文章在分析了工科院校艺术设计专业素描基础教学的现状后,探讨了素描教学改革的目的,提出对工科院校艺术设计专业素描教学改革的思路和措施,使学生从素描中认识设计。  相似文献   

高等职业院校是培养适应社会需求、具有岗位职业能力的技能型人才的高等专科院校。技能是高职教育的核心。所以针对高职高专的特点,高职院校的素描基础课开设的是设计素描,而不是传统的绘画性基础素描。通过设计素描的学习,不仅是要提高学生们的绘画能力,更重要的是培养他们的创新思维能力、视觉审美能力和设计思维能力,最终掌握视觉艺术的基本原理,为今后的专业奠定坚实的基础。本文就高职美术专业新生如何完成基础素描向设计素描的思维转换,结合自己多年的教学经验谈几点建议。  相似文献   

陈扬 《包装世界》2014,(1):61-62
随着教育体制的改革,教学的内容和形式也发了很多的改变。因为这样,出现了很多新兴的专业,特别是设计专业。在各个艺术学院里,开设了很多不同专业的艺术课程。在进行艺术造型设计时,学生首先必须从基础学习,而我们的设计素描就是基础的重点。学生通过设计素描的学习,不仅能掌握艺术造型的基本方法,还能够学习到艺术学习的规律和表现形式,为他们在艺术的发展提供重要作用,培养他们形成造型艺术的观念和审美意识。设计素描的学习过程中,因为专业的不同,侧重点就有不同,但是基础框架基本是相同的。因此,在我们设计素描教学的过程中,就存在了共性教学和差异性教学。  相似文献   

肖俊涛 《湖南包装》2020,(2):131-133,136
新课程改革背景下,实践教学是高校课程中不可或缺的环节。"风景写生"作为高校艺术设计专业实践教学的重要组成部分,其意义在于使学生深入生活,积累设计素材,提升手绘实践技能,提高知识应用转化能力,从而构建全面艺术素养。文章立足教学实际、结合当前高校风景写生课程整体开展状况,本着实事求是的研究态度对风景写生实践教学组织与管理进行系统化梳理,探讨"风景写生"实践教学问题与对策,力求形成一篇较为全面的实践教学理论文案。  相似文献   

This study presents an experimental investigation dealing with the support value of sketching activity in the early stages of the design process. The main focus is the process of sketching, including the sketching activity and the simultaneous use of the produced sketches. Sketching has a positive impact on the quality of the designed solution and on the individual experience of the design process. The quality of the solution concepts increases from entirely mental design problem solving without external support over partly supported to completely supported problem solving. On the basis of a representative case, the procedure of sketching and the activities performed while generating a design solution are analysed. A continuous change between internal mental and external materializing activities can be seen in the design process. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Studies of creativity have shown that idea generation within groups produces fewer novel ideas. To address this, we examine ways to stimulate the creative process in idea generation groups, and contribute the new technique of “brainsketching with context cues”, which purposefully adds contextual input into the sketching activity. We build on the existing brainsketching technique, which promotes idea sharing during sketching, by adding context cards into the process. To investigate if sketching with contextual input supports creativity in the design process, we analysed six design sessions with 15 young Interaction Designers. Our findings show that contextual input enhances both individual and group creativity by supporting idea and information exchange in the sketching activity, increasing diversity and novelty of design outcomes.  相似文献   

Sketching and creative discovery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the search for helpful computer tools for sketching in the early phases of design, the approach was taken to experimentally study sketching behaviour. In two series of experiments two mental processes revealed themselves as essential in the creative process: Restructuring and Combining. These two processes are in turn influenced by expertise in sketching and individual creativity. In this article each of the factors: Combining, Restructuring, Expertise and Creativity, will be separately highlighted with respect to their impact on sketching behavior. Finally, on the basis of these results conclusions are drawn for computerized sketching aids.  相似文献   

Design is described as creative design problem solving. The first step of the design process is to identify and analyze the design problem. This step has an important influence on the creation of an effective design solution. In two experiments, we tested the benefits that sketching provides during the analysis process in design problem solving. In particular, this paper focuses on the design process, the act of sketching, the sketch itself, and the final product. In prior studies, the process of sketching has been shown to enhance the construction of a mental representation, and thus the sketch has improved the analysis of the problem. The memory supporting effect of sketches is verified in the second experiment discussed in this paper. Finally, this paper also discusses the support possibilities the sketch offers for the early stages of the design process.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study designed to investigate the structure of idea sketches, here defined as the initial free-hand drawn externalisations produced by a designer of envisioned or partially envisioned entities. In the study, participants were asked to sketch freely from memory a number of chairs and to design a chair. The results obtained from analyzing the drawing process provide clear evidence for structure in idea sketching behaviour which is largely explained by reference to either volumetrical or functional cognitive models of the recalled or designed objects. This suggests that there is an intimate relationship between the cognitive and perceptual processes that are brought to bear on the recall and design tasks and idea sketching. It is concluded that the detailed study of sketching behaviour may provide a fruitful approach to understanding the relationship between cognition, the sketch, and sketching.  相似文献   

在现有的工业设计教育体系下展开CDIO工程教育模式,从而使工业设计专业训练与社会对设计师的能力需求相匹配,培养具有技术与艺术交叉背景的人才.在设计专业综合型课程中开展设计实务项目的设计全流程,串联多元化训练目标的教学内容,从而实施CDIO要素的培养方式.以石膏砌块大型生产设备的造型设计项目为案例,探讨在产品开发设计课程中实施项目制的CDIO工程教育的具体方法,找到适合于工业设计工程教育实践的教学方式.  相似文献   

Observations on concept generation and sketching in engineering design   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The generation of ideas is an essential element in the process of design. One suggested approach to improving the quality of ideas is through increasing their quantity. In this study, concept generation is examined via brainstorming, morphology charts and sketching. Statistically significant correlations were found between the quantity of brainstormed ideas and design outcome. In some, but not all, experiments, correlations were found between the quantity of morphological alternatives and design outcome. This discrepancy between study results hints at the role of project length and difficulty in design. The volume of dimensioned drawings generated during the early-to-middle phases of design were found to correlate with design outcome, suggesting the importance of concrete sketching, timing and milestones in the design process.  相似文献   

慕课教学虽在中国各大高等院校应用已久,但目前仅作为教师课堂教学、学生课外学习的次要方法,无法深入化、广泛化与专业课程相结合,对于课程资源优化与学习效率提升所发挥的作用有限。互联网时代下,慕课教学模式与专业学科教学的深度结合是现代教学发展的必然趋势。文章重点指出了传统艺术设计专业教学模式在教学资源分配、教学管理、学习效率等方面存在的一系列问题,将慕课教学模式引入到艺术设计学科教学当中,将慕课模式同艺术设计专业教学结合以有效解决教学资源分配不均的问题,优化教学管理、提高学习效率,为艺术设计专业教学的改革和发展提供多样化的参考。  相似文献   

目的阐述故事性图形的概念,分析故事性图形的特点和优势,对其在包装设计中应用的可行性进行研究,并总结故事性图形在包装设计中的实现方法,以归纳出一种新的包装图形的设计思路。方法通过对故事性图形传播特点进行分析,阐述故事性图形的概念、特点和优势。通过对品牌形象、产品诉求和目标消费群体的三维交叉研究进行故事的选择与策划,再依据诉求和所完成故事的特点,通过写实型手绘、漫画型手绘和插画型手绘的方法进行故事性图形创作,并以一套以故事性图形为图形语言的衍生包装设计实例,佐证故事性图形相关理论的正确性。结论通过对故事性图形在包装设计中的可行性和实现方法的研究,证实了故事性图形是一种直接且高效的包装图形语言,对于产品品质的提升和品牌形象的塑造具有一定的意义,能为包装设计的发展提供新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

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