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为了研究钢纤维对玄武岩纤维网格布增强混凝土方板双向受弯性能的影响,借鉴欧洲EFNARC标准,利用四边简支方板试验,分别对素混凝土方板、玄武岩纤维网格布增强混凝土方板、钢纤维增强混凝土方板及钢纤维与玄武岩纤维网格布混杂增强混凝土方板的弯曲性能进行研究,同时与传统钢筋网混凝土方板的弯曲性能进行对比,分析了网格布对混凝土方板的双向增强效果,探讨了钢纤维与玄武岩纤维网格布混杂使用代替传统钢筋网的可行性。结果表明:玄武岩纤维网格布可以改善方板的内力重分布,显著提高其承载力,但是破坏时脆性特征明显;钢纤维与玄武岩纤维网格布混杂使用表现出显著的正混杂效应,方板的韧性明显提高;在正常使用极限状态下,30 kg/m3的钢纤维与玄武岩纤维网格布混杂方板的弯曲性能高于传统钢筋网混凝土方板,说明钢纤维与玄武岩纤维编织网混杂使用可以代替传统钢筋网。   相似文献   

为了研究玻璃纤维网格布在混凝土板中的双向受力性能及钢纤维和纤维网格布混杂使用的增强效果,进行了耐碱试验和双向板受弯试验。探究了钢纤维和玻璃纤维网格布混杂替代传统钢筋网的可行性。结果表明,与中碱玻璃纤维相比,耐碱玻璃纤维的耐腐蚀性能更优越;掺入耐碱玻璃纤维网格布后,混凝土板的极限承载力提高了59%;钢纤维和玻璃纤维网格布的混杂使用表现出较好的正混杂效应,混凝土板的极限承载力和弯曲韧性明显提高,板的破坏形态由脆性破坏转变为延性破坏;可考虑用30 kg/m3钢纤维掺量的混杂钢纤维和耐碱玻璃纤维网格布增强混凝土板代替配筋率为0.2%的钢筋混凝土板。   相似文献   

圆、矩形钢管混凝土短斜柱力学性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文对6 个圆钢管混凝土短斜柱、10 个矩形钢管混凝土短斜柱进行了竖向荷载作用下的试验研究,探讨了倾斜角度对圆、矩形钢管混凝土短斜柱抗压力学性能的影响,建议了圆、矩形钢管混凝土短斜柱强度承载力计算式。结果表明:1) 随着倾斜角度的增加,圆、矩形钢管混凝土短斜柱极限承载力和刚度均有下降的趋势;2) 建议的极限承载力计算式计算结果与试验结果总体上较为吻合,可用来预测圆、矩形钢管混凝土短斜柱的截面强度。  相似文献   

基于双剪统一强度理论的圆板塑性极限分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对轴对称弯曲圆板在塑性极限状态下应力和弯曲内力的分布研究,建立了双剪统一强度理论下用弯矩表示的屈服条件,即广义双剪统一屈服条件。该广义双剪统一屈服条件是一条对称的外凸闭合折线,可应用于由各种拉压强度比及剪压强度比材料构成的圆板和环板的塑性极限分析。对均布荷载作用下的简(固)支圆板进行了塑性极限分析,得出了圆板的塑性极限荷载、塑性极限状态时的内力场和速度场,分析了拉压强度比α以及中间剪应力影响系数b对塑性极限承载力的影响。  相似文献   

对平面形状为圆环形的混凝土框架结构在季节温差作用下构件的温度应力进行了研究.从理论上分析了圆环形混凝土框架结构在温度作用下结构变形、梁板中径向应力、环向应力、柱中应力特点,并通过算例进行了计算验证.研究结果表明:圆环形混凝土框架结构裂缝控制的重点为梁板中的环向应力和柱中应力.梁板中环向应力大小与径向位移约束系数成正比,...  相似文献   

16m预应力空心板一般都是底板正弯矩张拉,预制安装后进行板端部纵横向钢筋网搭接及横向绞缝施工。也有的将16m预应力空心板顶板预埋钢筋,先简支后连续进行负弯矩施工。为了提高空心板桥梁承载能力,预防桥墩处桥面铺装混凝土开裂。在不改变16m预应力空心板标准图各部位尺寸的前提下,在施工中将标准图各部位尺寸与顶板齿板设计简图科学合理地组合,反复摸索试验,解决了16m预应力空心板顶板张拉槽的预留及顶板使用钢绞线进行的负弯矩施工。  相似文献   

弹丸冲击贯穿有限厚混凝土靶板后,靶板背面有大块的混凝土剥落,形成近似的锥形坑。为了研究背面弹坑半锥角θ这一作为混凝土靶板贯穿后破坏范围问题研究中的重要参量,将贯穿问题等效为轴对称条件下的冲切破坏问题。采用双剪应力三参数强度准则及刚塑性模型,得到了极限应力圆的包络线方程,给出了轴对称破坏机构,进而求得θ值的表达式。理论计算结果与数值模拟结果、实验数据三者之间吻合度较好。研究表明,θ值由混凝土材料抗压强度与抗拉强度比值决定。基于上述研究,提出在混凝土中掺加钢纤维以提高有限厚靶板抗贯穿能力的实际方法,并进行了弹道实验。实验结果表明,贯穿破坏后靶板碎片的数量及θ大幅降低,显示了高含量异型钢纤维混凝土在抗贯穿方面的适用性。  相似文献   

马亚飞  周彪  王磊  张建仁 《工程力学》2023,(11):120-129
针对抗剪需求较大的钢-混凝土组合结构,改进了一种带横向焊钉的承压型组合剪力键。设计并开展了10个承压型组合剪力键和1个非承压型组合剪力键单调推出试验,明确了混凝土端部承压、混凝土强度、肋板厚度、肋板孔径和焊钉直径对承压型组合剪力键失效模式和破坏过程的影响。建立了承压型组合剪力键有限元模型,在结合试验验证仿真模型可靠性的基础上,进一步揭示了承压型组合剪力键受力机理。以试验变量为基础,建立并分析了108个承压型组合剪力键有限元模型,推导了承压型组合剪力键极限承载力与各参数变量之间的线性关系,对极限承载力分析结果进行多元线性回归提出了承压型组合剪力键极限承载力计算模型。结果表明:承压型组合剪力键混凝土板失效模式为大面积竖向裂缝和端部裂缝,内表面形成由焊钉高度附近向下延伸的斜主裂缝,非承压型组合剪力键混凝土板无明显端部裂缝,承压型组合剪力键极限承载力约为非承压型组合剪力键的1.4倍;与肋板孔径和焊钉直径相比,承压型组合剪力键极限承载力对混凝土强度和肋板厚度更为敏感。该研究提出的承压型组合剪力键极限承载力计算公式物理意义明确,计算值与仿真和试验结果吻合较好,可为组合剪力键设计和工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   

针对目前API Spec 5L-2009《管线钢管规范》中采用冷压平方法测试管线钢管屈服强度的不稳定性问题,采用双肩圆试样拉伸、展平率法板试样拉伸、预拉伸至弹性极限Rp0.02板试样拉伸和预拉伸至弹性极限Rp0.01板试样拉伸四种方法对不同取样方向的管线钢管试样进行了拉伸试验,并对四种方法测得的屈服强度结果进行分析比较。结果表明:双肩圆试样拉伸法由于不是全厚度试样,因而不能真实地反映管线钢管的屈服强度,且试样加工比矩形平板状试样更为繁琐;展平率法板试样拉伸方法由于同一取样角度只计算一个试样的展平率,因而试验结果比较分散,且需要采用滞后环法对试验数据进行处理,工作量较大;预拉伸至弹性极限板试样拉伸方法可以方便、准确地计算出管线钢管的屈服强度,但预拉伸至弹性极限Rp0.02时的非比例伸长延伸率稍大,因此建议采用预拉伸至弹性极限Rp0.01板试样拉伸的方法测试管线钢管的屈服强度。  相似文献   

用双剪强度理论解混凝土板冲切的轴对称问题   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:13  
本文采用双剪强度理论,对混凝土板轴对称冲切破坏强度进行了计算。采用刚塑性模型,给出轴对称破坏机构,得到极限应力圆的包络线为二条直线,再利用虚功方程求得破坏荷载的上限。公式形式简单,与已有结果相比符合很好。  相似文献   

为了研究高强钢丝绳网片-聚合物砂浆对钢筋混凝土(RC)板的抗爆加固效果,对5块加固RC板和1块未加固RC板进行了野外现场爆炸试验,研究了砂浆强度、钢丝绳间距、钢丝绳预应力和界面增设销钉等因素对试件的破坏形态、裂缝分布及发展、跨中位移、钢筋应变等影响规律,并对爆炸试验后的试件进行了剩余承载力试验和爆炸损伤评估。研究表明:高强钢丝绳网片-聚合物砂浆加固能显著提高RC板的抗爆性能,相比于未加固板,加固板的裂缝宽度,板底跨中的峰值位移、残余位移和钢筋应变均大幅减小;加固后,构件剩余承载力大幅增加,其损伤程度大为降低。  相似文献   

Reinforced concrete slabs were cast with a concrete cover of 20 mm. The water-to-cement ratio was 0.40, and the concrete slabs were either uncracked or precracked. A simulated crack 0.2 or 0.4 mm wide was formed transverse to the axis of the reinforcing bar during the casting. Two types of commercial corrosion inhibitors were added to concrete mixtures for corrosion protection. Slabs were placed about 1 m below high tide at the Treat Island, Maine, USA, natural marine exposure site. The specimens were visually inspected and the corrosion rates were measured annually using the linear polarization technique. Some of the concrete slabs were broken open after 12 months of exposure and corrosion damage was evaluated. Water-soluble chloride content analysis was performed at this time. After three years of exposure, it was found, that both corrosion inhibitors were effective in reducing the corrosion rate for uncracked concrete slabs, but relatively ineffective in preventing localised corrosion of reinforcing steel in the crack area for precracked concrete slabs.  相似文献   

This is a report on tests carried out on concrete slabs reinforced with bonded steel sheet, where flexural stiffness and ultimate capacity were improved versus conventional r. c. slabs. In the case of sheet metal, which has biaxial strength properties, the steel is far better utilized than in that of the uniaxial reinforcing bars, hence the slab structure is more economical. Fire- and corrosion protection is provided by a 10 mm coating of fire-shield plaster (or some other insulating agent).  相似文献   

M. A. MUSPRATT 《Strain》1969,5(3):152-156
Electrical strain gauges are used for measuring steel and concrete strains in reinforced concrete slabs subjected to short-term tests to failure. Strain readings are taken on the compression and tension faces of the concrete and on the reinforcing steel.  相似文献   

Computational models using the finite element method for nonlinear transient analysis of reinforced concrete (RC) two-way slabs subjected to blast loading are presented. Both as-built and retrofitted slabs with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite strips are analyzed. The models are used to investigate different parameters including (a) loading duration, and (b) effect of CFRP retrofit on damage accumulation. In this study, damage is globally quantified by the amount of reduction of the first two vibrational frequencies of the slabs. Local representation of damage in terms of reinforcing steel strains is also discussed. The computational models for both the as-built and the retrofitted slabs are verified using experimental results. In these experiments, a slowly increasing uniform pressure is applied to the bottom surface of large-scale RC slab specimens using high-pressure water bag. Experimental results showed that an increase up to 200% in the load carrying capacity is achieved when using the CFRP composite retrofit system. Transient nonlinear analysis results proved the efficiency of the CFRP composite retrofit in improving the slab behavior under blast loading for different loading durations, i.e. for small, medium, and large charge weights at the same applied maximum pressure. In particular, less than 50% reduction of the fundamental frequency due to concrete damage is obtained for the retrofitted slab compared to more than 85% reduction for the as-built slab. Moreover, the maximum displacement is reduced by 40–70% with the CFRP retrofit compared to the as-built slab. As for reinforcing steel strains, the application of CFRP retrofit significantly limited the spread of yielding in time and space. The improved slab behavior with CFRP is best when retrofitting is applied to both sides of the slab.  相似文献   

The experimental investigation on plastic shrinkage and plastic settlement for different self-consolidating concrete (SCC) mixtures as repairing materials is presented. The concrete mixtures were placed on the surface of the concrete substrate slabs at different restraint degrees. Four different types of repairing materials such as plain SCC, SCC with silica fume (SF), SCC with latex and SF, and SCC with latex, SF and fiber were evaluated. The slabs included both reinforcement and without reinforcing bars. The tests involved measurement of concrete bleeding and evaporation rates, steel bar strains and crack characteristics. The results indicated that bleeding rate is not the only controlling factor, but restraint condition, configuration of steel bars and the concrete strain capacity are also affect plastic shrinkage and settlement behaviors significantly. Latex and fiber were found to be effective in reduction of cracks and concrete strains. Cracks did not develop on the surface of concrete containing latex and fiber. The results showed that if a slab is reinforced by one single bar (in each direction of the slab), at relatively large diameter as used in this study, it would not improve the plastic shrinkage behavior, although it causes plastic settlement cracking.  相似文献   

Résumé L'application du collage au renforcement des ponts en béton armé et béton précontraint en cas d'insuffisance de l'armature semble être, dans certains cas, très économique et utile. On a appliqué le collage à ce système de renforcement pour la reconstruction de quelques ponts en Pologne. On présente trois cas dans cet article.
Summary Application of gluing of reinforcing steel to the surfaces of concrete structures seems to be one of the most economic and practical system of strengthening reinforced and prestressed concrete bridges. This method can be applied in many cases of insufficient reinforcing steel in reconstructed bridges. Epoxy resins ensure glued joints with sufficient strength and long term resistance. This system of strengthening has been applied to reconstruct several bridges in Poland. Three examples are described in this paper. In one of these bridges the gluing of reinforcing steel was performed in the upper surfaces of Gerber-plate bridge concrete in negative bending moment areas. The flat steel strips, well cleaned and protected against corrosion, were glued to the specially prepared surface concrete. The other repair work consisted in gluing the flat iron strips on the lower surface of the concrete bridge plate. In this case, high strength bolts were used to fasten the ends of the steel bands to the bridge slab. All the work of strengthening was performed during the winter at low temperatures, from 0 to −20°C. Equally extensive strengthening work with the aid of gluing was performed during adaptation to new loads of the old concrete viaducs in the area of Central Railway Station in Warsaw. Here the steel strips and the additional reinforcing steel were glued to the side surface of the concrete slabs. Anchoring bolts were used in all cases. This method of gluing flat steel strips to strengthen insufficiently reinforced concrete bridges is very simple and economic compared with others.

The good performance of reinforced concrete depends on the appropriate transfer of forces between reinforcing rebars and concrete, which relies on the bond interaction between the two materials. At an uncracked section, both materials work together by means of the bond forces; however, if the tensile strength of the concrete is reached at a certain part of the structure, a crack will appear and the steel will be the only active element at the cracked section. At increasing loads, the crack will continue opening and large crack openings may lead to a failure of the rebar and to the collapse of the whole structure. A new idea to positively influence the cracking behaviour has emerged, which is based on the combination of smooth and rib zones within the same reinforcing rebar. Furthermore, use of stainless steel flat reinforcement has been considered as an option to optimize the reinforcing of shallow slabs. This paper presents bond tests performed on carbon and stainless steel flat reinforcements embedded in concrete and with different alternate rib configurations. Test results are presented in terms of bond strength and force transfer stiffness, as well as in terms of bond stress–slip relationship. Results show no differences between the bond capacity of carbon and stainless steel rebars if other parameters are kept constant. The use of an alternate surface configuration combining smooth and ribbed zones within the bond length, does affect the bond capacity of the rebar, and the position of the smooth zone within the bond length plays an important role.  相似文献   

The overall aim of this paper is to develop a unified design method for the punching shear resistance of slab-column connections irrespective of the type of internal reinforcement. In the first part of the paper a design model for the punching shear resistance of concrete slab-column connections reinforced with fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP) is proposed. This design model is based on the authors’ theoretical analysis for such slabs, which considers the physical behavior of the connections under load. The effects of the inherent linear brittle response, the lower elastic modulus and the different bond features, as compared to steel, of the FRP reinforcement are all accounted for in the present study. The proposed model does not incorporate any fitting factors to match the theory to the trend of the available FRP slab test results. The excellent agreement between the predicted and published test results should give confidence to engineers and designers in using FRP as a sound structural reinforcement for slab-column connections.

It is then shown that the proposed design model for FRP slabs and the previous model of the authors for steel reinforced slabs are both identical in nature and structure, thus constituting a unified approach to design for punching shear in slabs. On the basis of the unified model comparison and correlation between an FRP slab and a reference steel reinforced slab, confirmed by the available test results, are presented. The unified model also enables the development of a more rational and reliable equivalent steel reinforcement ratio which can be applied to existing code equations for steel reinforced slabs to estimate the punching resistance of FRP-reinforced slabs.  相似文献   

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