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常温快速除氧化皮酸洗工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
常温酸洗具有能耗小、对钢铁基体腐蚀性小和酸雾少等优点,但除氧化皮的速度较慢.通过改变常温快速除氧化皮酸洗工艺基础配方中的各组分参数,观察酸洗速度和腐蚀失重的变化,可找出各组分的最佳用量,且优化出该基础配方条件下的最佳配方.结果表明,除乌洛托品外,十二烷基硫酸钠、草酸、OP-10、添加剂、磷酸均有利于酸洗速度的增加,且优化出的最佳配方的氧化皮清除速度约是盐酸酸洗的3倍.  相似文献   

430不锈钢薄板冷轧制品可广泛应用于装饰、家电外壳等,但其冷轧前的热轧过程中产生的表面氧化皮对产品的质量影响很大.为此,分析了430不锈钢产品表面氧化皮的特点,试验研究了电解酸洗、混酸酸洗的工艺,提出了电解酸洗之后再进行混酸酸洗的最佳工艺参数.研究结果表明,热轧板带头的氧化皮厚度约为带尾的2倍,而上表面氧化皮相对于下表面更为疏松.酸洗去除430不锈钢表面氧化皮可采用的最佳工艺参数为:先在电流密度为4A/cm2、温度为75℃的10%硫酸钠溶液中电解30s,然后在55℃,60g/L硝酸,20g/L氢氟酸的混酸溶液中酸洗100s.经二步酸洗后制品表面氧化皮得到有效去除,对生产具有较好的指导意义.  相似文献   

传统盐酸酸洗、除锈和除氧化皮速度较慢,高温能耗、对钢铁基体腐蚀性及酸雾大,为此试验研制了一种以表面活性剂和低浓度酸液为主要成分的新型高效除油除锈清洗剂.确定了清洗剂的组分.分析了各主要组分的作用,着重研究了表面活性剂HS-99对除锈时间和除锈效果的影响,并对其性能进行了检测.结果表明,该清洗剂具有除锈能力强、常温清洗、对金属腐蚀及环境污染小、成本低等特点.  相似文献   

皮启德 《材料保护》2005,38(1):60-61
对壁厚在0.3 mm以下超薄型不锈钢螺纹管酸洗工艺进行了改进,旨在提高酸洗质量,简化生产工序.采用酸洗、高压清洗方法替代原来松动氧化皮、预酸洗、酸洗、除残渣等复杂工序.其中,关键在于酸洗液中添加两种表面活性剂,有效地提高了酸洗速度及酸洗质量.经过半年多生产实践检验,该工艺简单、槽液稳定、调整方便、产品质量高、不产生废品,生产效率提高3倍以上.  相似文献   

为了明确盐酸基酸洗液对含Cu抗菌不锈钢表面氧化层的酸洗行为,采用正交试验法研究以盐酸为基础,Fe~(3+)、H_2O_2和HNO_3为氧化剂的304Cu抗菌不锈钢酸洗工艺.并运用扫描电镜、透射电镜及电化学等手段分析经最佳配方酸洗后试样的表面形貌、成分及酸洗机理.结果表明:最佳酸洗工艺配方为HCl(36%~38%)120 ml/L、H_2O_2(30%)80 ml/L、FeCl_3·6H_2O 20g/L、HNO_310 ml/L,酸洗温度30℃,酸洗时间15 min.经该配方酸洗后材料表面平整度和光亮度较好,具有抗菌性能的点状ε-Cu相在基体上弥散分布.材料经酸洗去除氧化层后,仍具有足够含量的抗菌元素Cu存在.酸洗脱除氧化层过程由电荷传递过程控制,该酸洗液对不锈钢具有孔蚀诱导性,酸洗时间不宜过长.  相似文献   

在锆合金无缝管材的生产中,因去氧化皮酸洗操作困难、易出现过酸洗的现象,本文对此进行了不同酸液配比和酸洗时间对锆合金管材酸洗效果的对比试验。研究结果表明,在温度30-35℃下,氢氟酸、硝酸和水的质量比为3:40:57,酸洗时间为120s时,不仅能够获得干净光洁的酸洗表面,而且能较好的避免过洗。  相似文献   

姜力强  李华  郑精武 《材料保护》2003,36(3):40-41,44
在盐酸酸洗液中添加乌洛托品,十二烷基硫酸钠,葡萄糖酸钠,OP-10,1,4-丁炔二醇等试剂对除去碳钢氧化膜速度的影响及其缓蚀抑雾效果进行了研究,并通过比较缓蚀抑雾剂的种类,温度,盐酸的浓度,优选出最佳配方的复合型添加剂的酸洗工艺。  相似文献   

镁合金微弧氧化新型电解液配方研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄京浩  张永君 《材料保护》2007,40(2):30-31,37
为优化电解液组分,提高耐蚀性能,利用正交试验法对镁合金微弧氧化电解液配方进行了优化,得出镁合金微弧氧化新型绿色电解液的最佳配方:1.10 mol/L NaOH,0.04 mol/L碱金属硅酸盐,0.50mol/L碱金属含氧酸盐或1.10 mol/L NaOH,0.04 mol/L碱金属硅酸盐,0.30 mol/L碱金属合氧酸盐,并详细分析了电解液中各组分对微弧氧化陶瓷膜腐蚀防护性能的影响.  相似文献   

不锈钢经退火,淬火、焊接、锻造等高温加工后,零件表面会产生一层尖晶石型结构(FeO.Cr2-O_2或NiO.Cr_2O_3)的氧化皮,这种氧化皮致密,对基体的附着力强,采用普通强酸(HC1.HNO_3.H2_SO_4等)很难洗去,并且易引起过度腐蚀及氢脆破坏,我厂最近试验出一种酸洗抑制剂和酸洗促进剂的强浸蚀酸洗体系,能在室温下快速地去除不锈钢表面在热处理中生成的氧化皮,并对酸洗后的零件进行碱洗脱氢处理,有效地控制了零件的脆性破坏. 一、酸洗液组成不锈钢酸洗液必须具有两种作用,其一是溶剂作用,对氧化皮具有溶解能力;其二是氧化作用,能将难溶于酸的低价氧化物氧化为高价氧化物,经试验筛选,我厂选用HC1-H NO_3-HF混酸体系为基本成份.  相似文献   

前言用抛丸或喷砂的方法除去精铸件毛坯上的氧化皮,是精铸件磷化的一项重要准备工作。但是在弹丸或砂粒不易到达之处,往往出现除不掉氧化皮的“死角”(例如深孔件内表面)。为此,我厂常在磷化后采取酸洗或电解酸洗的方法以补充除去之。然而却产生了许  相似文献   

Low alloy steels produced through powder metallurgy route of sintering followed by forging are promising candidate materials for high strength small components. Porosity in such steels poses a real challenge during acid pickling treatment, which is one of the processing steps during manufacturing. The present research work attempts to investigate the mechanism underlying the acid corrosion behaviour of some sintered low alloy steels under induced acid pickling conditions. Sintered-forged low alloy steel samples containing molybdenum (Mo), copper (Cu) and titanium (Ti) were subjected to aqueous corrosion attack by immersing the samples in 18% HCl (Hydrochloric acid) solution for 25 h. Sample weight loss and Fe (Iron) loss were estimated for the corroded samples. The morphology of the corroded surfaces was studied through metallography and scanning electron microscopy. Higher porosity alloys underwent enhanced corrosion rates. Both corrosion rate and iron loss are found to decrease linearly with reduction in porosity in all cases of the alloys. The alloying elements Mo, Ti and Cu, when added in combination, have played a complementary role in the reduction of corrosion rate by almost one order of magnitude compared to unalloyed steel. Presence of carbides of the carbide forming elements Mo and Ti played a positive role on the corrosion behaviour of the low alloy steels.  相似文献   

The corrosion of magnesium alloy in different plating solutions was researched. The results demonstrated that corrosive condition of the alloy immersed in nickel chloride solution and nickel sulfate solution is serious and in nickel acetate solution and nickel nitrate solution is less. Magnesium alloy was handled with four acid pickling formulas and two activation formulas and the effects of different pickling formulas and activation formulas were researched through comparative experiment. The experimental results indicated that after handed with pickling formula about 500 mL L?1 H3PO4 (85%), 110 mL L?1 HNO3 (68%), room temperature for 30 s and activation formula about 375 mL L?1 HF (40%), room temperature for 10 min, magnesium alloy could realize electroless nickel plating directly and the performance of the prepared plating was much better. The properties of the nickel-plating coating were researched by electrochemical workstation, scanning electron microscope, and X-ray diffraction. The results demonstrated that this Ni–P coating was very uniform and meticulous; the structure of Ni–P coating was amorphous; and comparing with magnesium alloy, the corrosion potential of this plating increased about 799 V and the corrosion current density declined obviously. The nickel-plating coating effectively improved the anticorrosion performance of magnesium alloy.  相似文献   

丁文成  付朝阳 《材料保护》2012,45(5):32-34,86
烟酸衍生物可有效防止盐酸中H+对钢铁的腐蚀,且无毒、环保,以往对其缓蚀性能研究不多。以烟酸、氯化亚砜和十二胺合成了一种烟酸衍生物,加入至6 mol/L盐酸中用作盐酸酸洗液缓蚀剂,利用失重法和电化学方法就其对Q235钢的缓蚀性能进行了研究。结果表明:在80℃时,缓蚀剂浓度在1 g/L以下缓蚀率可达90%以上;合成的烟酸衍生物对阴极有明显的抑制作用,属于阴极型缓蚀剂。  相似文献   

本文对磁屏外表面的轴向开裂进行了分析。结果表明,该表面开裂为应力腐蚀开裂。其原因是磁屏表面存在较大的切向拉应力,从而在酸洗过程中产生了应力腐蚀开裂。对冲压后的磁屏采用消除应力退火,随后再酸洗,未发生表面轴向开裂。  相似文献   

采用表面能谱分析、电化学以及恒温恒湿、交变湿热等试验方法,研究了酸洗工艺对无间隙原子钢(IF钢)腐蚀性能的影响.结果表明,5%盐酸酸洗后IF钢表面Mn元素含量降低,耐腐蚀性提高;盐酸酸洗提高了IF钢的抗腐蚀能力,消除了IF钢表面Mn元素的富集.  相似文献   

Due to ease of application,cost effectiveness and environmentally safe,in this study,the corrosion inhibition effect of aqueous extract of Eclipta alba in 1 N hydrochloric acid has been investigated by weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization and impedance methods and the extracts of Eclipta alba were found to be effective corrosion pickling inhibitor.The effect of immersion time and temperature revealed that the extracts of Eclipta alba with an optimum concentration of 8.0%v/v showed maximum inhibition ef...  相似文献   

This article presents experimental data on the effect of certain technical corrosion inhibitors on changes in the ductility of low-carbon steels after pickling in H2SO4 and HCl. Many of the inhibitors tested reduce the embrittling effect of acid pickling but some have an opposite effect. The effect of aging of pickled steel in air was studied.  相似文献   

常用的镁合金电镀前预处理时需预镀锌、预镀铜,还需使用氰化物,不仅污染环境,且预处理工艺复杂.为此,研究了AZ91D镁合金焦磷酸盐体系电镀铜的前处理工艺.分析了酸洗、活化、浸锌液主盐、配位剂、浸锌温度、浸锌时间等工艺参数对浸锌层质量的影响,确定了前处理工艺的优化条件.采用增重法测试了浸锌层的膜重,用电化学方法研究了镁合金的浸锌过程及浸锌层的耐蚀性能,用划痕、热震和锉刀法测试了经该前处理后所得镀铜层与基体的结合力.结果表明:采用该工艺电镀铜所得镀层细致、光亮,镀层与基体结合力良好,对镁合金基体有较好的防护作用.  相似文献   

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