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In 1934, Gibson, Walker, and Brown developed sets of four colored glass filters to serve as working standards of spectral transmittance for checking the reliability of spectrophotometers. Several sets of these glasses were measured carefully and reserved and designated as future reference standards. Duplicate standards evaluated by comparison with the reference standards are available by purchase to the public. The current set of reference standards was established in the years 1945 to 1947, and one of these reference standards (selenium-red) was recalibrated in 1952. This paper reports a recalibration, made in 1961 and 1962, of all four glasses (selenium-red, carbon-yellow, copper-green, cobalt-blue) on three spectrophotometers (Cary 14, Beckman DU, König-Martens). Except for the cobalt-blue standard, the values of spectral transmittance found differ from those previously assigned by amounts differing at some wavelengths by as much as or slightly more than the uncertainties estimated for the present values, though not by amounts exceeding the combined uncertainties of the present and previous determinations. The indicated changes for these three standards are fairly regular, however, and support the view that the selenium-red and carbon-yellow standards are changing chiefly by formation of a reflectance-reducing film on the surfaces. The indicated rate of upward drift is slow, and suggests that it takes about 10 years for the drift to exceed the assigned uncertainity.  相似文献   

《深化标准化工作改革方案》中提出,要培育发展团体标准,培育若干具有一定知名度和影响力的团体标准制定机构。为了剖析团体标准的发展情况,探寻我国团体标准化工作与国际先进水平的差距,本文以国际上具有影响力的标准制定组织IEEE、ASTM和ASME为参照对象,选取了全国团体标准信息平台上的典型社会团体进行比对分析。从整体比对分析发现,我国团体标准发展速度快。开展团体标准化工作的社会团体数量居于全球前列,但社会团体整体实力较弱,缺乏有国际影响力的社会团体。由于起步较晚,我国团体标准总数不高,要在总量上赶上美国、欧洲,实现市场自主制定标准有效供给,还有很长的路要走。从社会团体角度比对分析发现,我国社会团体成立时间较短,相比于国外很多"百年老店"的协学会,还是新学徒。其会员数量少、缺乏国际会员。其标准化组织机构不健全;标准制定机构数量少、机构规模小;标准管理机构大而笼统、分工不细致,不能实现对团体标准化工作的科学、全面的管理。其团体标准化工作机制不完善;公开透明的意识没有得以全面落实;申诉制度和知识产权制度几乎为零。从团体标准角度比对分析发现,单个社会团体制定标准的数量依然很低。由于会员地域和语言的局限性,我国团体标准还未能实现全球范围的传播,团体标准国际竞争力不强。我国团体标准实施的比率较低等。在此基础上,提出了我国团体标准发展的建议。  相似文献   

On the whole, Japanese quality management sits rather uneasily with a certification system based on ISO standards. This is because, whereas the certification system is constructed from the purchaser's standpoint, the main stream of Japanese quality activities is from the supplier's standpoint. However, the ISO system has many advantages also for suppliers, and reassessing Japanese quality management in comparison with ISO standards and reconstructing it on the firm foundation which these standards provide, Japanese quality management will be raised to even higher levels internationally.  相似文献   

本文通过分析团体标准分裂性的原因,指出运用私有元治理协调团体标准的必要性,并分析了团体标准私有元治理的内涵、特征与运作方式,然后,通过对国家有机农业运动联盟的案例研究发现,私有元治理是解决团体标准分裂问题的有效方式,有助于推动团体标准发展,凝聚标准管制力量.  相似文献   

本文是作者再次对标准和标准化的概念进行讨论。首先讨论的是标准化的目的、主体和对象。作者认为标准化的目的是控制、有序化和统一化;标准化的主体是人/机构;标准化对象可以是具体的或抽象的事物,也可以是它们的组合;任何事物都可以抽象地表达为实体(entity)。第二,作者讨论了标准和标准化的本质以及它们的作用;认为从内容角度看,标准是匹配问题解决方案,也是为标准化对象规定需要满足的要求;从实施角度看,标准是规则;标准化则是制定、实施、传播标准的过程;标准的作用是能够创建并组织现实世界,并能够为相关方建立互相交流和共同理解的基础;标准化的作用是对创新方案进行选择和简化,阻止现实世界过度无序化发展,形成复杂化和简化之间的平衡。第三,作者讨论了标准的记录形式、自愿/强制属性和时空范围,认为标准的记录形式有文件、样品、图形符号、物理表达等多种形式;标准具有选择的自愿性和实施的强制性;标准在时空范围内是有限的。文章的结尾给出了理解标准化概念的框架。  相似文献   

Conclusions The standard of the henry is the first (with respect to its approval) state standard in the range of inductance, capacitance, and resistance measurements.This standard served up to the beginning of the sixties as the only initial (computed) quantity, on whose basis the VNIIM determined by indirect means the absolute values of the units of capacitance and resistance. The error of these indirect methods for reproducing units was of the order of 10–5.Investigations, including circulatory international comparisons, of working standards have shown that the precision and accuracy of reproducing inductance units in the USSR are at the level of the best results obtained in national metrological institutes.In recent years new, more precise methods for reproducing resistance units have appeared. These methods, as well as the application of new types of measuring equipment, made it possible to extend substantially the nominal values' range of inductance standards covered by the test schematic.In order to ensure uniformity in this field of measurements, it is necessary to have a set of mutually-related computed inductance and capacitance standards (Fig. 3).The State Committee of standards attached to the USSR Council of Ministers approved, in accordance with the VNIIM recommendations, the coil types PB-1, KB-1, KB-2, and KB-3 as primary state standards of the henry. Prof. Igor' Nikolaevich Krotkov,head of the VNIIM laboratory,was appointed scientific keeper of this State standard.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 10, pp. 7–11, October, 1972.  相似文献   

贾爱娟 《标准科学》2016,(10):26-30
循环经济是强调逆向流动的复杂系统,具有较强的公益属性、循环经济产品源于废弃物、需多部门协同管理等特征,需要加强标准规范和标准顶层设计加以引导.当前,国内循环经济标准体系研究多围绕具体环节、领域和对象展开,在适用范围上也均存在一定的局限性,难以满足我国循环经济发展的需要.本文基于循环经济的3R原则设计提出包括1类基础标准、3类主题标准和1类效果评价标准的循环经济标准体系,体现了继承性、系统性、开放性、实践性和通用性等特点.  相似文献   

建立野外地质工作后勤保障标准体系是野外地质工作后勤保障工作的工作依据和制度保障.新时期我国野外地质工作后勤保障管理制度体系和标准体系仍处在萌芽阶段,尚缺少野外地质工作后勤保障标准体系.本文从野外地质工作后勤保障及标准等基本概念的厘清入手,在系统梳理我国野外地质工作后勤保障历史沿革,总结其现状的基础上,结合相关标准体系建设面临的形势与挑战,建议从明确标准定位、加强标准研究、注重面面俱到及加强经费保障4个方面建设我国野外地质工作后勤保障标准体系.  相似文献   

The RF-DC differences (d) of primary voltage standards have been determined by experimental and theoretical processes. Comparisons of five different types of voltage standards have been made. The RF-DC differences of some standards at frequencies from 10 Hz to 300 MHz, or even up to 1 GHz, are quite small, but the d value at frequencies from 0.1 to 50 MHz are not as small as they could be. The recommended method for determining d values is to derive an empirical formula and then to correct it from measured data. The uncertainties of primary voltage standards established by this method are ±0.007% at 1 MHz, ±0.01% at 3 MHz, ±0.02% at 10 MHz, ±0.07% at 30 MHz, ±0.15% at 50 MHz, and ±0.3% at 100 MHz  相似文献   

Neukirch U  Li X 《Applied optics》2004,43(20):3978-3982
A measurement setup that is capable of measuring the internal transmittance of fused-silica prisms at 193 nm with a precision better than 0.01%/cm (3sigma) is presented. Its application to materials and wavelengths other than those that were chosen here for demonstration is straightforward. A lack of any standards makes it impossible to determine the absolute accuracy (also called measurement uncertainty) experimentally; however, calculations indicate that it is almost within the same margin as the precision.  相似文献   

本文分析了军用电子装备全生命周期大数据的内涵特征,构建了军用电子装备大数据技术框架,在此基础上提出了军用电子装备大数据标准体系,阐述了该标准体系中各层级标准范围和涉及的主要技术内容。本文研究提出的标准体系,将为军工电子行业研制大数据标准打下基础。  相似文献   

大力发展海水利用技术是缓解水资源短缺的必然之选,也是一种战略手段.本文在分析现有海水利用工程装备标准现状的基础上,提出未来该领域应重点抓好标准体系建设、管理标准、强制性标准以及国际标准研制等重点工作,并提出工作建议.  相似文献   

涂建军 《标准科学》2017,(10):47-52
在复杂装备系统工程中,需要规划标准实施方案,前提是确定标准选用范围.此工作难度高、工作量大,并且缺乏方法指导.因此,提出一种基于需求结构化的标准实施规划方法,通过全面客观地收集系统需求,并通过某大型水面舰船医疗系统标准实施规划案例,验证方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Written guidance can contribute to the development of effective SEA, delivering relevant information for those involved in policy, plan and programme making processes. Generally speaking, guidance should aim at setting best practice standards. However, to date, how guidance is impacting on SEA effectiveness and how it is best developed and maintained has not been explored to any great extent. As a consequence, it has remained unclear how a key ingredient of effective SEA, namely the support of an enabling context, should be approached. In this paper, we look at the perceived relevance of written guidance for the delivery of effective SEA, based on a two-stage survey with 26 practitioners (all with over 10 years of experience) from the UK and the Republic of Ireland, conducted between 2015 and 2017. Survey participants included representatives of the regulatory, consultancy and academic sectors. Our findings indicate that guidance can promote SEA effectiveness if it: (a) aims to go beyond basic legislative requirements; (b) is able to respond to the specific situation of application; (c) can establish a minimum standard for SEA; and (d) is able to stimulate the advancement of quality standards within a tiered approach to SEA.  相似文献   

WTO《TBT协定》基于国际标准的协商一致,避免技术歧视,进而消除贸易壁垒的"应然"性作用机理,将其置于非常重要的地位。本文从"实然"的角度,分析了标准类技术性贸易壁垒的发展态势,提出贸易竞争与技术垄断是国际贸易的永恒主题,协商不意味着国际标准绝对的一致,需要警惕国际标准潜藏的技术歧视的风险等方面。最后,文章确立了"WTO+国际标准化组织+成员(国家)"的推广应用国际标准合作模式,以提升国际标准在规避技术性贸易壁垒,破除国际贸易保护主义。  相似文献   

国内食品菌落总数测定方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要叙述了有关食品中菌落测定的相关标准、方法、适用范围、区别以及其中存在的一些问题,提出了解决办法.从而为从事食品微生物检测提供一些参考。  相似文献   

In an instrument as complex as a spectrophotometer there are many potential sources of error. Because of this it is useful to have available standard materials whose spectral transmittances are known accurately. Periodic measurement of such standards provides a useful indication of whether a spectrophotometer is producing accurate results.If the spectral transmittance functions of these standards are chosen suitably, the measurements can provide diagnostic information to indicate what type of error is occurring. Among the factors that most often lead to errors in spectrophotometry are the slit-width, the wavelength scale, the photometric scale, and stray radiation. Suitable material standards can provide indications of the occurrence of these errors. However it is sometimes difficult to identify a particular error since often several errors will occur at the same time.Several sets of standards for testing spectrophotometers are available or can be constructed easily. Most of these are glass filters, but interference filters, perforated screens, and rotating sectors are also used. Liquid filters have some advantages, especially in the ultraviolet where glass filters absorb too strongly to be useful. However difficulties in preparing and handling liquid filters can introduce uncertainties.It is important that standard materials are insensitive to environmental conditions (such as temperature) and that they are stable over a long period of time. Unfortunately, many of the materials with the most suitable spectral characteristics are least suitable in these respects, and it would be very useful if new and better materials could be developed.  相似文献   

以碳素结构钢、合金结构钢、轴承钢、弹簧钢和冷作模具钢为例,将国标与美国ASTM标准和日本JIS标准对金相检验项目的要求进行了对比和分析。结果表明:国标对于金相检验项目的要求是最多的;ASTM标准对金相检验项目的要求较少但是具有针对性;JIS标准对金相检验项目的要求弹性较大,主要由买方与制造方协议规定。对比国外标准对应钢种的金相检验项目,采用体视学方法分析金相检验项目的合理性和有效性,可以发现国内钢铁标准中的规定已落后于钢铁生产设备和工艺的技术进步,需要参照国外标准进行修改。  相似文献   

随着技术标准在企业市场竞争中的作用日益重要,技术标准所包含的利益关系也日益复杂,标准的技术先进性不足、标准制定的时间成本过高,以及对技术创新保护偏弱等问题正影响着技术标准制定工作的顺利开展和标准中公共利益的实现。因此,面对技术标准制定过程中存在的问题和挑战,在坚持"公共利益优先"和"公私兼顾"的原则下,利用开放的架构,基于开放的心态,制定开放的标准,走出一条既具有中国特色同时,又突显技术水准的标准化之路是目前我国技术标准制定工作的现实选择。  相似文献   

The electromagnetic compatibility of electric vehicles is not only the important technology issue in researches,development and industrialization of electric vehicles,but also the key research area of ...  相似文献   

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