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城市社区公共设施系统的设计与思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张蕾 《包装工程》2018,39(6):248-251
目的探究城市社区公共设施系统的设计方向及改进策略。方法从实际出发,通过对城市社区公共设施服务现状进行分析,提出当下城市社区公共设施系统中存在的供给、布局和管理维护等方面的不足,并此为基点,分别探讨城市社区中老年人、儿童和残疾人3类需要特殊关照的人群自身特点及他们对社区公共设施的需求,提供相应的设计思路和设计方案,力求新颖、完善的社区公共设施能够真正发挥其自身的价值,更好地为城市居民提供服务。结论在城市社区公共设施系统的设计过程中,应坚持以人为本的原则,照顾到各个层次的居住人群,为他们提供户外社交活动和健身活动的机会,在注重休闲娱乐的同时提升居民的精神愉悦度和认同感,促使他们更依恋和热爱城市生活。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how foreign actors capitalize on their ethnic identity to gain skills and capabilities that enable them to operate in a new and strange environment. We explore the mechanisms by which Bulgarian entrepreneurs in London use their ethnic identity to develop competitive advantage and business contacts. We find that the entrepreneurs studied gain access to a diaspora network, which enables them to develop essential business capabilities and integrate knowledge from both home and host country environments. The diaspora community possesses a collective asset (transactive memory) that allows its members to remove competition from the interfirm level to the network level (i.e., diaspora networks vs. networks of native businesspeople). Additionally, the cultural identity and networks to which community members have access provide bridging capabilities that allow diaspora businesspeople to make links to host country business partners and thus embed themselves in the host country environment. Thus, this paper adds to the growing body of work showing how foreignness can serve as an asset in addition to its better-known role as a liability.  相似文献   

曹阳  苏赞 《包装工程》2018,39(6):145-149
目的从社会创新的视角,探讨社会创新对社区环境下资源共享的意义及新模式。方法以分析社会创新理念和案例为基础,立足于社区环境论述社会创新的空间和社区居民资源共享的优势,提出以服务价值交换的社区资源共享模式。通过服务设计方法建立服务系统,为社区资源共享提出实现途径和情景参考。结论社会创新具备挖掘过剩产能的优势,可以发挥其巨大的价值。社区是城市居民生活的聚集地,能够给社会创新提供广阔的应用空间,实现服务价值共创。通过社会创新的理念在社区建立服务系统,可以将居民拥有的无限过剩产能转为解决居民生活多样化需求的服务资源,提升社区社会生活质量,为实现"消费更少生活更好"的愿景提出可行性的解决方案,带动社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   



Retrospective feedback that provides detailed information on a driver's performance in critical driving situations at the end of a trip enhances his/her driving behaviors and safe driving habits. Although this has been demonstrated by a previous study, retrospective feedback can be further improved and applied to non-critical driving situations, which is needed for transportation safety.


To propose a new retrospective feedback system that uses driver identity (i.e., a driver's name) and to experimentally study its effects on measures of driving performance and safety in a driving simulator.


We conducted a behavioral experimental study with 30 participants. “Feedback type” was a between-subject variable with three conditions: no feedback (control group), feedback without driver identity, and feedback with driver identity. We measured multiple aspects of participants’ driving behavior. To control for potential confounds, factors that were significantly correlated with driving behavior (e.g., age and driving experience) were all entered as covariates into a multivariate analysis of variance. To examine the effects of speeding on collision severity in driving simulation studies, we also developed a new index – momentum of potential collision – with a set of equations.


Subjects who used a feedback system with driver identity had the fewest speeding violations and central-line crossings, spent the least amount of time speeding and crossing the central line, had the lowest speeding and central-line crossing magnitude, ran the fewest red lights, and had the smallest momentum of potential collision compared to the groups with feedback without driver identity and without feedback (control group).


The new retrospective feedback system with driver identity has the potential to enhance a person's driving safety (e.g., speeding, central-line crossing, momentum of potential collision), which is an indication of the valence of one's name in a feedback system design.  相似文献   

The paper explores the qualitative changes occurring in the local social landscape as a result of mining. Building on Colantonio's social sustainability assessment framework, we argue that there are three thematic areas (related to demographics, social capital and well-being) which identify change generally and specifically caused by mining. By studying the social impacts of mining, we examine both ‘hard’ themes around quantifiable indicators and ‘soft’ themes which deal with less tangible community characteristics and values. The analysis of the Western Australian Boddington case study demonstrates that such an approach can generate important insights about a community's nature and potential capabilities to cope and respond to change. We argue that if social impact assessment is to be used as a development tool, which is a tool that facilitates development, there is need to understand those aspects of the social environment that impact positively and/or negatively its demographic, quality and operational attributes as they influence the overall capacity of communities to maintain and enhance their long-term functioning.  相似文献   

基于乡村社区资源的设计创新模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王宝升 《包装工程》2018,39(14):82-86
目的探索基于乡村社区资源的设计创新类型,为设计师参与当代乡村重塑提供方法论指导。方法基于笔者参与的国内外乡村社区营造项目案例以及其他相关知名案例,从资源的利用方式、设计目的和方法与乡村社区的关系两个角度,对设计案例进行分析。结论基于乡村社区资源的设计创新,按照资源利用方式可以分为优势资源继承型、劣势资源转化型、外部资源导入型;按照与乡村社区的关系可以分为为社区设计、"与"/"由"社区设计、社区激发的概念设计。面向农村社区的设计创新体现了"设计3.0"时代的创新特点,即注重学科融合与协同创新的"大设计"整体设计观,立足本地社区资源的同时保持开放式创新的设计方法论,发挥设计社会价值,致力于改善弱势社区生活福祉的设计情怀。  相似文献   

Health care users and patients are increasingly using online health communities to seek medical service, especially during the COVID-19 epidemic. The factors that determine the online trust between physicians and patients perplex the stakeholders for a long time. Based on the trust theory, this study explored the influence of physicians' personal quality and online reputation on patients' selection. A longitudinal panel data collection exercise, covering 11905 physicians on haodf. com, was conducted on May 20, 2018, May 22, 2019 and May 25, 2020. The random effect models are used to test our hypothesis. Results show that physicians' quality (competence, benevolence, and integrity) and online reputation (online reviews and online rating) can significantly affect patients' selection. Moreover, the physician's gender can enhance the influence of online reputation on patients' selection. As online healthcare community becomes an increasingly appealing channel for health, the frequency of the physician's quality information updating and the quality of online service are equally important to online physician-patient trust.  相似文献   

日本包装设计中的多元文化体现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高德荣 《包装工程》2018,39(12):53-58
目的在国际化与世界设计大趋势并行的今天,作为亚洲地区富有代表性的日本商品包装设计依然保持了其自身民族化的特性,通过对这一体现多元文化现象的梳理,旨在探索一条更好地表现传统文化和现代设计理念并存之路。方法从探究深受庄子哲学影响的日本朴素美学的形成原因开始,阐述了对日本民族特有的俳句诗人、禅宗文化、职人精神和可爱文化(卡哇伊)等传统文化在社会各领域的重大作用,以在中国认知度极高的"无印良品"和"Mister Donut"等产品及其包装设计作为实例展开分析和论证。结论日本商品包装设计通过战后一代人的努力,秉持并继承了本国深厚的传统文化和传统美学,从而找到了一条应用现代设计语境及其方法进行民族化传承的道路。  相似文献   

An alternative scheme to compute the Green's function and its derivatives for three dimensional generally anisotropic elastic solids is presented in this paper. These items are essential in the formulation of the boundary element method (BEM); their evaluation has remained a subject of interest because of the mathematical complexity. The Green's function considered here is the one introduced by Ting and Lee [Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 1997; 50: 407–26] which is of real-variable, explicit form expressed in terms of Stroh's eigenvalues. It has received attention in BEM only quite recently. By taking advantage of the periodic nature of the spherical angles when it is expressed in the spherical coordinate system, it is proposed that this Green's function be represented by a double Fourier series. The Fourier coefficients are determined numerically only once for a given anisotropic material; this is independent of the number of field points in the BEM analysis. Derivatives of the Green's function can be performed by direct spatial differentiation of the Fourier series. The resulting formulations are more concise and simpler than those derived analytically in closed form in previous studies. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the veracity and superior efficiency of the scheme, particularly when the number of field points is very large, as is typically the case when analyzing practical three dimensional engineering problems.  相似文献   

In makerspaces, the embeddedness in open communities helps makers to build relationship networks and gives them access to ample knowledge, which will be finally transformed into the source of innovation. Based on strong-weak ties theory and the knowledge-based view, this study divides the ties in the makers' relationship network into strong and weak ties according to the intensity and explores their effects on makers' knowledge acquisition and innovation performance, respectively. An empirical analysis of the data collected from 232 makers in China indicates that the makers' relationship network has an indirect positive effect on their innovation performance while knowledge acquisition plays a partial intermediary role between the makers’ relationship network and their innovation performance. The results can help makers focus more on building and maintaining a relationship network through open community embedding and give insights into how a makerspace helps makers build a relationship network to improve their knowledge integration and utilization efficiency.  相似文献   

应艳  陈炬 《包装工程》2018,39(6):127-132
目的研究天一阁的符号意象与文创产品设计的关系。方法从传统文化衍生面进行叙事性设计法研究以发现文化特征,运用本研究提出的由概念模型、研究策略和设计流程组成的三阶文创产品设计模式,对研究对象的文化特征符号进行探究,将其转译为植根在地域性上的文创产品的意象表达,继而将意象元素融入创意产品设计中。结论对天一阁的文化特征辨识分析表明,文化特征是嵌入产品中的价值元素,可以强调其价值或意义。研究通过提取天一阁最为显现的文化特征符号,演示如何从文化衍生的面向进行叙事性设计;将天一阁符号意象转变为消费市场的现代设计的例子,适用本土文化创意产品设计模型,能为文创设计者以叙事性设计法设计创意产品及文创教育提供参考。  相似文献   

Human–computer interaction (HCI) is a research field which engages different disciplines, interest groups and communities, and which has emerged in different countries at different times. To understand how the HCI research community has evolved in Brazil, this paper applies data and visual analytics to its main conference series, the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, henceforth IHC. We have explored the metadata of all 340 full papers published in the 14 editions of IHC. Our goal was to investigate the evolution of the Brazilian HCI community so we can raise the level of “self-knowledge” and thus discuss strategies that can further help develop this research community. From our analysis, we could understand more deeply the authorship profile of our community and how it has changed over time, the co-authorship networks evolution, the prominent institutions and states, the reference profile and the research topics over time. We hope that this paper will contribute to inspire other scientific communities to analyze themselves, and encourage their own discussions.  相似文献   

This research establishes a methodological framework for quantifying community resilience based on fluctuations in a population''s activity during a natural disaster. Visits to points-of-interests (POIs) over time serve as a proxy for activities to capture the combined effects of perturbations in lifestyles, the built environment and the status of business. This study used digital trace data related to unique visits to POIs in the Houston metropolitan area during Hurricane Harvey in 2017. Resilience metrics in the form of systemic impact, duration of impact, and general resilience (GR) values were examined for the region along with their spatial distributions. The results show that certain categories, such as religious organizations and building material and supplies dealers had better resilience metrics—low systemic impact, short duration of impact, and high GR. Other categories such as medical facilities and entertainment had worse resilience metrics—high systemic impact, long duration of impact and low GR. Spatial analyses revealed that areas in the community with lower levels of resilience metrics also experienced extensive flooding. This insight demonstrates the validity of the approach proposed in this study for quantifying and analysing data for community resilience patterns using digital trace/location-intelligence data related to population activities. While this study focused on the Houston metropolitan area and only analysed one natural hazard, the same approach could be applied to other communities and disaster contexts. Such resilience metrics bring valuable insight into prioritizing resource allocation in the recovery process.  相似文献   

Surveillance, now a commonplace phenomenon in everyday life, has been explored from various disciplines over three decades. Today's surveillance practices depend primarily upon many software technologies that collect, store and process personal data for the purposes of influence, management, protection or detection. The identification and categorisation of data have thus emerged as the technical signature of surveillance. An individual has many identities belonging to different contexts of his/her life, but in this paper, we explore the relationship between surveillance and identity in virtual contexts only. We argue that an understanding of identity purely as data is fundamental to understanding surveillance. We propose abstract general definitions of surveillance and identity that together create a conceptual framework, capturing key features common to many disparate surveillance situations. Our work concludes that the essence of surveillance is that of a surveillance context, which is precisely and solely defined by the availability of data about the behaviour and identity of its entities. The data that distinguishes the entities of the context we call identifiers; we explore the creation, provenance, comparison and transformation of identifiers. Abstractly, surveillance is a process that tests for properties of data, and sorts identifiers into categories.  相似文献   


Mining is an important industry in Peru, but local communities where mining takes place do not perceive its benefits. Mining corporations need to achieve legitimacy within these communities. The main objective of this study is to identify the factors that determine the provision of social licenses to operate in Peru’s mining regions. We conducted this research using a case study of two Peruvian mining companies. Our study concludes with the identification of four essential factors needed to achieve a social license to operate within these communities: a deep understanding of the socioeconomic environment, a strong commitment to the community, an active presence of Government, and effective communication between the actors involved in mining activities. The combination of these elements can result in improved trust levels between companies and society, enabling all agents to recognize the costs and benefits resulting from mining.  相似文献   

陈滢竹  汪泓  谭勇 《包装工程》2022,43(18):327-333
目的 立足重庆旅游消费市场现状,以“江舟子”文创品牌为例,植根重庆“川江号子”非物质文化,探索重庆地域文化在旅游文创品牌用户社区视觉构建与产品设计中的方法、路径和价值。方法 采用文献调研法、实地调研法、个案研究法等研究方法,综合分析重庆现有文创产品的巨大市场潜能,探索构建文创品牌用户社区视觉设计与产品创新的“一体化”设计架构。结论 总结出可供复制和推广的重庆旅游文创品牌用户社区视觉构建与产品设计策略,拓展重庆文创产业发展思路,进一步激发重庆旅游城市文创产品的消费活力。  相似文献   

居民的地方情感是居住性历史文化街区的重要组成部分,而声景在构建居民与居住地的情感关系方面具有显著优势。文章选取太原市矿机宿舍历史文化街区和南华门历史文化街区作为研究对象,以居民的地方情感与声景感知为中心,将地方感划分为地方依恋和地方认同两个维度进行研究。通过实地测量、问卷调查及统计分析探究声景对居民地方感的影响。研究结果显示:在声景要素方面,传统商业声的偏好度和娱乐活动声的感知频率与地方感及地方依恋呈显著正向关系,而休闲活动声的偏好度与地方认同呈显著正向关系。历史文化街区评价方面,居民对街区历史的了解程度及文化保留程度评价与地方感、地方依恋及地方认同均呈显著正向关系。研究结果为历史文化街区的声景设计提供理论参考,可以为以声景赋能的历史文化街区的保护与更新提供指导。  相似文献   

Wang  Wenjing  Liu  Yiwei 《Scientometrics》2021,126(11):8913-8934

Increased attention has been drawn to the phenomenon of community-based innovation; however, researchers have mainly emphasized firm-centric communities, paying little attention to non-firm members. This study focuses on university–industry (U–I) innovation communities to address this gap. Using China’s joint patent application data from 2000 to 2017, we construct a U–I collaboration network, identified existing U–I innovation communities, and reveal community-level characteristics of birth, expansion, maturity, and self-renewal in a lifecycle framework. The results suggest that average geographical distance negatively affects firm invention production and within-community knowledge diversity positively affects firm innovation. The effects of dynamic attributes indicate that U–I community membership turnover affects member firm’s patent production in an inverse U-shaped manner. In addition, a firm’s within-community network position exerts a moderating effect on the relation between community membership dynamics and firm innovation. In theoretical terms, this study combines innovation community and social network theories, using a lifecycle framework to examine the influence of the specified characteristics in facilitating member firms’ invention productivity. Finally, this study discusses the practical implications for U–I community stakeholders and policymakers.


This paper takes Franco's Spain to be a powerful case study for analyzing the ways in which power shapes science and technology and is shaped by them in return. Spain was the last country in Western Europe to establish closer links with any of the international cooperative institutions emerging after WWII. As such, developments internal to Spanish society were quite autonomous and relatively free from foreign influences. The paper focuses first on the brand new, powerful institution that the Francoist regime created to promote scientific research under tight political control, the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Next it turns to applied science and technology, top priorities for the regime's state‐supported programs of industrialization. They were implemented through the politically and financially powerful Instituto Nacional de Industria. Using diplomatic sources, the paper next argues that, until the late 1950s, Spain maintained substantial political and economic isolation essentially because the regime bet on autarkic policies and a model of largely isolated development. In this model, it was crucial for the regime to develop its own technological and scientific resources. Finally, the paper examines how the regime fostered a new Spanish identity in which science had a new role.  相似文献   

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