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直接快速迭代滤波(direct fast iterative filtering, DFIF)是最近提出的一种非线性和非平稳信号分析方法。针对DFIF方法需人为设定滤波区间调整参数,且该参数在迭代计算过程中缺乏自适应性等问题,提出了自适应直接快速迭代滤波(adaptive direct fast iterative filtering, ADFIF)方法,该方法基于瞬时频率波动能量差准则,自适应确定DFIF算法外循环每层迭代筛分过程中最优滤波区间调整参数。ADFIF方法能够自适应地将任意非线性和非平稳信号分解为若干个瞬时频率具有物理意义的近似窄带信号和一个趋势项之和。通过仿真信号和滚动轴承故障信号分析,将所提ADFIF方法与原DFIF、自适应局部迭代滤波、变分模态分解、经验模态分解等方法进行对比,结果表明,所提ADFF方法在抑制模态混叠和抗噪性方面具有一定的优势,且能提取出滚动轴承更多故障特征信息。  相似文献   

迭代频域反卷积滤波器的参数分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文首先分析了测量误差对反卷积稳定解的影响,然后介绍了几种能有效解决该问题的迭代频域反卷积滤波器,对其滤波函数的选取以及最佳滤波参数的确定展开讨论,并对它们的性能进行评述和比较。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的弱故障振动信号的自适应滤波研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
本文提出了一种基于遗传算法的自适应滤波模型,讨论了模型参数的确定原则与方法,给出了一个仿真实例,并将此滤波模型应用于 Santana 2000 型轿车的异常噪声诊断,获得了良好的结果  相似文献   

进化论自适应滤波算法及降噪特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵毅敏  周晓君  马祥华  林腾蛟 《振动与冲击》2007,26(12):157-159,166
基于生物进化论策略的自适应滤波算法,利用其有性繁殖和无性繁殖的随机搜索能力实现全局最优搜索,可克服最小均方法(Least Mean Square,简称:LMS)对于多峰特性问题有可能收敛于某一局部最小值,无法实现全局最优的缺点。提出峰值系数指标PR(Peak Ratio)概念解决进化论自适应滤波器的性能评估问题,提出收敛速度CS(Converge Speed)指标和峰值系数指标PR高度的方法解决最优滤波参数的选取问题,并列进化论自适应滤波器的降噪进行模拟仿真,讨论了滤波长度和进化系数对进化论自适应算法消噪效果的影响及最优滤波参数。  相似文献   

该文首先介绍了我国目前风电场风力发电的谐波问题,分析感应滤波技术与传统抑制谐波的方法比较优势所在,介绍了感应滤波的原理和感应滤波变压器产生背景。从总体思路和技术方案两方面介绍了一种新型110 kV级风电场用感应滤波变压器的设计方案。根据试验结果,对关键参数进行分析,与同类风电场用变压器比较,优点突出,前景广阔。  相似文献   

FOG信号的变步长符号LMS自适应消噪方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对光纤陀螺输出信号的随机漂移,本文提出了变步长符号LMS自适应消噪方法。结合工程实际需要,该方法在常规最小均方算法(LMS)的基础上进行了两方面改进:一方面,从提高滤波精度和稳定性角度引入输入信号的归一化功率;另一方面,从减少计算复杂性、提高算法实时性角度引入误差符号函数;并通过收敛性分析确定了变步长符号LMS算法的步长参数。某型光纤陀螺的静态实验和转动实验结果表明变步长符号LMS算法不仅可以提前确定步长参数,且在滤波稳定性、滤波精度和实时性等综合性能方面具有优越性,适合工程应用。  相似文献   

保持边缘的SAR图像滤波方法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
首先阐明了SAR图像边缘和边缘保持的概念。其次,提出了一种评价平滑图像边缘保持的方法。通过计算发现,常用的标准滤波方法:增强Lee滤波、Kuan滤波、增强Frost滤波和Gamma MAP滤波的边缘保持能力很差。最后发展了一种能保持边缘的SAR图像滤波方法。这种方法是对Han等人去除SAR图像斑点噪声方法的改进,并分析了这种方法能够保持图像边缘的原因。  相似文献   

戴理朝  梁紫璋  胡卓  王磊 《工程力学》2023,(9):108-116+189
为提高锈蚀钢筋混凝土(RC)结构抗弯承载力评估精度,该文综合考虑锈蚀RC结构几何尺寸、钢筋截面积及力学性能、混凝土强度、粘结性能等因素,提出了基于改进粒子滤波(PF)算法的抗弯承载力模型参数更新及预测方法。通过生成大量的粒子以表征承载力退化过程中模型参数的不确定性,从选择不同建议密度函数的角度改进PF算法以解决传统PF算法中粒子退化的问题,分别采用PF、扩展粒子滤波(EPF)、无迹粒子滤波(UPF)算法对模型参数进行估计与更新,实现了锈蚀RC结构抗弯承载力的有效预测。结果表明:随着钢筋锈蚀率的增加,RC结构的抗弯承载力逐渐降低。基于改进PF算法的锈蚀RC结构抗弯承载力预测方法因考虑了模型参数更新使得预测结果更接近试验数据。基于EKF和UKF的改进PF算法可有效抑制粒子退化,其预测精度较PF算法更高;锈蚀RC结构抗弯承载力预测精度随着训练数据及粒子数的增加而提高。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的自适应噪声抵消   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
郑陶冶  高翔 《声学技术》2003,22(1):26-29
当有参考噪声信号时,自适应噪声抵消的实质就是求参考噪声输入通路的逆滤波器,LMS自适应滤波问题就是一个多变量函数的极值问题。LMS算法因其具有算法简单,容易实现的优点而为常用,但是算法的收敛特性和失调量受到步长参数μ的影响。而步长参数μ和最优值不易确定。遗传算法是一种应用于大规模搜索空间的有效方法,它不要求函数的解析表达式,只根据已知的测量数据便可以求得全局极值。本文以FIR滤波器为例。采用改进的实值编码遗传算法,将遗传算法用于逆滤波器的求解。计算机仿真结果表明该算法对噪声抵消取得了较满意的效果。  相似文献   

脉冲激励下信号去噪新方法研究和仿真   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用小波滤波原理,建立了一种基于Morlet小波的FIR滤波器组,滤除脉冲激励下输出信号的噪声,并保证滤波后相位不变。为验证该方法的有效性和准确性,采用二维框架结构的有限元模型,对四阶模态系统进行仿真。仿真结果表明.在大噪声污染下,原来已经识别不出的参数.经过滤波后,可以识别出来.而且结果良好。该方法对于振动工程现场测试有很大应用价值。  相似文献   

海底地声参数作为海洋声信道的重要组成部分,很大程度上决定了海洋声传播特性。地声参数可以通过反演算法获得,与距离相关的地声反演问题近年来是研究的热点。粒子滤波是一种高效的序贯寻优算法,可以在海底声学特性随距离缓慢变化情形下,有效解决地声参数的估计问题。但当海底声学特性随距离变化剧烈,如沉积层分层情况发生改变时,传统的粒子滤波则可能失效。为解决此问题,有文献使用了带桥接重采样的粒子滤波反演地声参数。文章在此基础上进一步改进了粒子的采样方式,并将此方法应用到基于海底反射系数的反演中。通过仿真数据处理结果证明,文中提出的改进粒子滤波在地声参数随距离变化剧烈的情况下仍具有较好性能,可以准确地估计海底特性随距离的变化规律和海底沉积层的声学参数。  相似文献   

目的 介绍数据采集系统采集速率的一种简单实用的精确评价方法 ,即正弦波拟合评价法 .方法 核心技术除了采用最小二乘波形拟合手段外 ,还采用了一种性能独特的单频数字滤波器技术 ,该滤波器仅对噪声和谐波有滤除作用 ,从原理上说 ,对于正弦信号的幅度、相位、频率和直流分量 4个参数均无影响 .讨论了评价过程的误差来源 ,以及减小其评价误差的几种对策 ;并阐述了滤波方法及过程 ,同时 ,以滤波前后效果对比的方式给出了评价过程的计算机仿真结果 .结果 使用该方法评价采集速率 ,结果不确定度可达到 1 0 - 6量级 ,加上数字滤波器后 ,不确定度可降低一半以上 .结论 所述方法可以用于采集速率的精确评价  相似文献   

针对伺服系统谐振抑制中,陷波滤波器的深度和宽度不合理而使谐振抑制不理想的问题,提出陷波滤波器谐振抑制参数优化方法。利用速度偏差的FFT变换得到谐振频谱图,以最大幅值处的频率确定陷波频率;在频谱图上以曲线任意点的幅值与最大幅值的比值确定深度参数,并且以所对应的频率与谐振频率的宽度确定宽度参数;为了保证参数的合理性,以滤波后谐振频率处的幅值为适应度,利用改进粒子群优化算法对陷波深度和宽度参数进行优化,避免因噪声干扰和负载变化而使陷波参数陷入局部最优。实验结果表明:该方法能在线分析机械谐振并且匹配最优参数,可以大幅度降低机械谐振。  相似文献   

An adaptive computer-based spatial-filtering velocimeter to measure the surface velocity of a natural debris flow with high accuracy is described that can adjust the filter parameters, specifically, the slit width of the filter, based on the surface-pattern characteristics of the flow. A computer simulation confirms the effectiveness of this technique. The surface velocity of a natural debris flow at the Mt. Yakedake Volcano, Japan, was estimated by this adaptive method, and the results were compared with those obtained by two other methods: hardware-based spatial filtering and normal computer-based spatial filtering.  相似文献   

In this article, described the various techniques to generate the load spectra for an aircraft and optimize the generated loading sequence. The generation of loading sequence is carried out from the Flight Data Recorder (FDR), which records various parameters in flight. In this article main focus is on ‘g’ accelerations as these are used for load spectra generation. This article describes the techniques viz., (i) Peak-trough counting, (ii) Level cross counting algorithms to count the number of exceedances. After implementing and using these techniques, listed the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques. For a successful usage of generated load sequence for a test/analysis, it is necessary to optimize the generated loading sequence or turning points. The optimization of generated load sequence is carried out by filtering small cycle amplitudes of load/‘g’ ranges. At different range levels the filtering has been carried out, to arrive at an optimum range level of filtering. In order to be certain that the optimized spectra has not lost its severity and shape it has been re-plotted with the original spectra on the same graph. This optimization exercise useful in reducing the testing time.  相似文献   

We investigated sensitivity to orientation modulation using visual stimuli with bandpass filtered noise carriers. We characterized the relationship between the spatial parameters of the modulator and the carrier using a 2-AFC detection task. The relationship between these two parameters is potentially informative of the underlying coupling between first- and second-stage filtering mechanisms, which, in turn, may bear on the interrelationship between striate and extrastriate cortical processing. Our previous experiments on analogous motion stimuli found an optimum sensitivity when the ratio of the carrier and modulator spatial frequency parameters (r) was approximately ten. The current results do not exhibit an optimum sensitivity at a given value of the ratio r. Previous experiments involving second-order modulation sensitivity show an inconsistent range of estimates of optimum sensitivity at values of r between 5 and 50. Our results, using a complementary approach, confirm these discrepancies, demonstrating that the coupling between carrier and modulator frequency parameters depends on a number of stimulus-specific factors, such as contrast sensitivity, stimulus eccentricity, and absolute values of the carrier and modulator spatial frequency parameters. We show that these observations are true for a stimulus limited in eccentricity and that this orientation-modulated stimulus does not exhibit scale invariance. Such processing can not be modeled by a generic filter-rectify-filter model.  相似文献   

A procedure was implemented to determine some optimum values for the parameters of the four-level-time scheme which can be utilized for the numerical solution of a system of ordinary differential equations. A multi-variable search method was employed to estimate these optimum parameters. Two different optimization studies were performed. The resultant optimum four-level-time schemes produced very accurate results, satisfied physical reality, and did not produce any oscillations for the specific problems that were studied. The optimum values for the three parameters α, β and γ in the four-level-time scheme were α = 16.72, β = 6.26 and γ = 2.46. The optimum value of θ for the Wilson-θ method was θ = 1.42. The optimum schemes were compared to some existing four-level-time schemes. The outcome demonstrated that the optimum schemes were superior. The Houbolt method and the Galerkin weighting procedure were shown to have greater inaccuracies than the optimum schemes.  相似文献   

电动机的噪声是其质量控制和故障检测的关键参数之一。基于小波分析方法,提出一种应用计算机声卡的电动机噪声检测方案。利用计算机声卡的A/D转换功能来采集电动机的噪声信号,应用小波包滤波方法消除与回转频率无关的噪声干扰,提取与转速直接相关的振动信号。实验表明,这种方法降低了电机检测成本,能够准确地获取测试信号。  相似文献   

We experimentally investigate the influence of O(2) interferences on laser-induced fluorescence measurements of NO in lean methane-fueled flames at a range of pressures for both narrow-band and broadband fluorescence detection. We identify NO excitation schemes that minimize O(2) interferences. From detection scans we obtain interference spectra for the different NO excitation schemes. We then identify optimum excitation-detection schemes for narrow-band detection measurements of NO. To simulate broadband detection experiments, we numerically apply five different filter combinations to the experimentally obtained detection scans. We develop filter-assessment parameters to judge the effectiveness of the different filtering schemes, and we establish a methodology for evaluating broadband excitation-detection strategies. From this research we identify optimum excitation-detection schemes for broadband detection measurements of NO.  相似文献   

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