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为了对转盘型吸烟机与直线型吸烟机主流烟气测试结果进行比对,选用两种类型的主流吸烟机进行卷烟抽吸,首先对测试数据进行z比分数计算,剔除可疑结果和离群结果,再进行双样本T检验,从概率统计学上发现焦油、烟气烟碱、一氧化碳用不同类型的吸烟机测试结果部分具有显著性差异,部分无显著性差异,最后对不同类型的吸烟机测试结杲进行常规直观性分析,所有的相对相差绝对值均小于5%,故认为两种不同类型的吸烟机对焦油、烟气烟碱、烟气一氧化碳测试结果具有良好的一致性。  相似文献   

为对两实验室卷烟焦油、烟气烟碱测试比对进行评价,首先在同种卷烟均匀性一致条件下,多个实验室对不同的卷烟进行抽吸测试焦油量、烟气烟碱量,以不同卷烟的焦油量、烟气烟碱量为自变量,以其相对应的重复性限、再现性限为因变量,建立线性回归方程,预测不同含量焦油量、烟气烟碱量相对应的重复性方差、再现性方差、实验室间方差;其次确定两实验室测试比对的临界差和判定规则;最后讨论两实验室焦油、烟气烟碱单次、多次测试的比对。方法科学合理严谨,适用于一般的两实验室卷烟焦油、烟气烟碱测试比对进行评价。  相似文献   

烟支内烟丝分布对卷烟烟气的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对不同规格平准器卷烟机卷制的烟支进行试验对比分析,研究了相同条件下烟支内烟丝分布对卷烟烟气指标以及逐口分析的影响。结果表明,使用6槽和3槽平准器卷烟机卷制的烟支,他们的烟支重量和吸阻均较稳定,但6槽与3槽平准器卷烟机卷制的烟支相比,其烟气中的焦油、烟碱和一氧化碳量更低,卷烟逐口间烟气的焦油、烟碱含量变化更小。  相似文献   

为了解ESS颗粒梗对卷烟主要工艺质量指标、感官质量和主流烟气成分的影响,进行了不同掺兑比例对卷烟单支重量和主流烟气及感官质量的影响试验。结果表明,在不同ESS颗粒梗掺兑比例下,随着ESS颗粒梗掺兑比例增加,卷烟单支重量、卷烟焦油、CO量和烟气烟碱量呈下降趋势;烟丝填充值呈上升趋势;配方中ESS颗粒梗掺兑比例在7%时,卷烟感官质量最好。  相似文献   

应用两种牌号30条卷烟样品,对影响卷烟焦油检测结果的各相关因素进行试验研究,分析探讨吸烟机稳定性、环境温湿度。样品均一性等各因素对卷烟焦油检测的影响。  相似文献   

通过对ISO 20774《卷烟侧流烟气中一氧化碳的测定带鱼尾罩收集装置的常规分析用直线吸烟机法》测定卷烟侧流烟气中一氧化碳的测定过程进行分析研究。确定了测量结果的不确定度来源,并对其进行不确定度评定,求出了该方法的合成不确定度。  相似文献   

随着吸烟对健康的影响日益受到关注,人们对过滤嘴香烟的兴趣也随之递升。当前在世界各主要国家的卷烟中滤嘴烟的比重不断增加。1979年世界上滤嘴烟占香烟总量的63%,预计至1985年将达70%。香烟滤嘴可以滤去烟草烟气中的许多成份。烟草烟气主要有固态和气态两种。固态烟气是由上千种化学组份的固体小颗粒形成的,通称“焦油”和尼古丁(烟碱),它们是  相似文献   

为解决加热卷烟入口烟气温度过高的问题,采用接枝共聚的方式合成了聚乙二醇基固-固相变材料,研究了反应条件对接枝产物相变行为的影响,并考察了接枝产物对加热卷烟入口烟气温度和关键成分释放量的影响。结果表明:采用接枝共聚合成的醋酸纤维素接枝聚乙二醇单甲醚共聚物(CA-g-mPEG)表现为固-固相变行为,并且具有优异的热稳定性。相变工作单元mPEG的分子量与接枝率对CA-g-mPEG的相变行为有直接影响,优选的CA-g-mPEG5000的相变温度为58.9℃,相变焓为150.2J/g。与IQOS以及未涂覆降温材料的加热卷烟相比,采用涂覆CA-g-mPEG5000降温滤棒的加热卷烟的最高入口烟气温度分别降低9.5℃、11.6℃,说明CA-g-mPEG5000具有优异的烟气降温效果。相对于未涂覆降温材料的加热卷烟,添加CA-g-mPEG后加热卷烟主流烟气的总粒相物、烟碱、丙二醇、丙三醇、水分含量有所降低。  相似文献   

今天,我们不得不面对一组惊人的数据:我国现有烟民3.2亿;烟民的初始吸烟年龄1996年比1984年提前了三岁,最小的烟民仅七岁;每天在中国境内消耗55亿支香烟…… 为了帮助消费者了解市场上香烟成分含量的真实情况,中国消费者协会近日向社会公布了今年2~4月间对30种品牌国产香烟焦油、烟气一氧化碳和烟气烟碱(尼古丁)含量的比较测试结果。  相似文献   

为降低卷烟烟气中有害成分挥发性羰基化合物的含量和研究微孔材料在卷烟减害中的应用,将氧化硅微孔材料通过复合嘴棒方式应用到卷烟中,分析其对主流烟气中八种挥发性羰基化合物含量的影响。结果显示氧化硅微孔材料对挥发性羰基化合物有明显的吸附作用。其中,对巴豆醛、丙烯醛、甲醛、2-丁酮的脱除率均超过50%;对丙醛、丁醛、丙酮的脱除率超过30%。烟气三项指标分析表明,氧化硅微孔材料对烟气中的焦油和烟碱含量影响不大。通过与非极性吸附材料活性炭的比对,认为氧化硅微孔材料对挥发性羰基化合物的吸附主要与其高比表面、丰富的微孔结构有关,而与其极性相关性不强。  相似文献   

王中元  武艳慧 《包装工程》2017,38(1):163-168
目的针对枕式包装机的运动控制问题,实现电子凸轮、三轴同步控制等关键技术。方法以三伺服枕式包装机为例,介绍其具体结构,包括送膜、送料、横封横切、纵封装置和制袋成型器等。对枕式包装机的运动特点进行分析,同时简述其功能。设计一种枕式包装机控制系统,并详细论述基于DSP的通用运动控制器结构。最后,给出软件设计方法,结合三次多项式、定步法和查表法实现电子凸轮;采用主从同步控制实现枕式包装机的三轴同步控制。结果该控制系统可以满足枕式包装机的运动控制要求,能够提高包装质量、精度和效率,降低次品率。结论通过实验验证了所述控制方法和系统的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

叙述了发达国家和国际标准化组织对冲击试验机校验及对校验用冲击标样的要求,指出发达国家采用高度纯净和均匀的40CrNiMo钢制作开缺口的冲击标样,成本高,限制了发展中国家大量采用这种标样.提出并用热轧低碳钢板研制成开缺口内控冲击标样,变异系数<3%,且成本低廉,在实际应用中,特别是在2001年中国实验室能力验证委员会组织的冲击试验能力验证工作中,这种试样对于验证冲击机的精度是有效的,证明定期采用开缺口冲击标样校验冲击机是必要的.同时提出,为了有效校验冲击机的精度,至少必须采用一组数量不少于两只冲击功预期值相同的冲击标样.  相似文献   

UN GI JOO 《工程优选》2013,45(3):351-371
Uniform parallel machine scheduling problems with a makespan measure cannot generally be solved within polynomial time complexity. This paper considers special problems with a single type of job on the uniform parallel machines, where each machine is available at a given ready time. Also the machine can be restricted on the number of jobs to be processed. The objective is to develop job assignment or batching algorithms which minimize makespan. When all the machines are available at time zero and have no restriction on the number of assignable jobs, a lower bound and optimal solution properties are derived. Based upon these properties, a polynomial algorithm is suggested to find the optimal job assignment on each machine. Three generalized problems are considered under the following situations: (1) some machines have capacity restrictions on the production batch, (2) each machine has its ready time, and (3) the jobs require series-parallel operations. The generalized problems arc also characterized and polynomial algorithms are developed for the same aim of optimal job assignment, except for the case of series-parallel operations. A heuristic algorithm is suggested with numerical tests for the series-parallel operations problem  相似文献   

A methodology was developed that accurately and flexibly determines the auxiliary (AU) and value-added electricity in manufacturing operations. A tool was developed for production engineers which allows for the verification of machine efficiency in relation to their energy consumption. Historical production and electricity consumption data were collected for a period of three months from four different machines in a value stream at a manufacturing facility. The data were examined using a methodology based on statistical analysis of the historical data collected and were verified using heuristic machines profiles. Results showed AU electricity consumption varied between 10 and 26% per machine. When weekend data (non-productive periods) were excluded from calculations, AU electricity consumption reduced. Past work focuses on optimising single machine, and the quantification of wasted electricity is not always clear. This research work can be applied to one or more machines, and to single or multiple products passing through the same machine. It places particular attention to AU electricity since potential energy and cost reduction of up to 20% could be achieved. Hence, this work can aid in developing key performance indicators to measure energy usage in manufacturing operations, particularly focused towards reducing AU electricity consumption.  相似文献   

通用后置处理中生成固定循环加工指令   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了在通用后置处理系统中输出各种固定循环加工指令的实现方法。通过对当今主流数控机床编程手册进行研究,设计数控机床特性文件,该文件与刀位轨迹文件,刀具信息相结合就可以输出各类数控机床的循环加工代码。采用相同的实现方法。也可以实现其它数迭机床控制指令的输出。该系统已经在FUNAC,FIDIA,SIEMENS等数控机床进行成功的试验。  相似文献   

The flux reversal machine (FRM) is a doubly-salient stator permanent magnet machine with flux linkage reversal in the stator concentrated winding. The existing machines at low speed, low power (2·4 kW, 300 rpm) range are not economical. FRM topology is best suited for this application. An attempt has been made to improve the power density of machine by introducing full pitch winding. Full pitch winding FRM (FPFRM) has higher power density than the conventional concentrated stator pole winding FRM (CSPFRM). Design and comparative analysis of FPFRM and CSPFRM are made. Both machines are designed for 88·58 Nm and 300 rpm. Design details of both machines are presented. Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis is carried out to evaluate and compare the performance of CSPFRM and FPFRM. Series capacitive compensation is provided for better voltage regulation of both machines.  相似文献   

This study develops a set of preventive maintenance policies, based on the idea of critical machines, for use in group technology shops. These policies designated certain machines in the shop as critical. When a critical machine breaks down, it is repaired and preventive maintenance is applied to a block of machines (either the remaining machines in the cell, the other machines of the same type or all of the remaining machines in the shop). Simulation of a complex group technology shop was used to compare twelve definitions of criticality and three preventive maintenance conditions. The definition of criticality was not found to be a major cause of performance differences between shops, since in many cases, the same machines were critical by any definition. The application of preventive maintenance to all machines in the shop when a critical machine had failed led to the best shop performance, indicating that the reduction in machine interference caused by doing so was more important than the unique features of group technology.  相似文献   

 旧式纸管机效率很低,不能满足市场需求,急需改进.将变频控制和人机界面引入纸管机中,完成对旧式纸管机的技术改造.介绍了变频器控制的要求和纸管机的基本控制方式;重点介绍了变频器和人机界面的通讯,两者的结合使用,实现了纸管机在线调速、产能计算等更多附加功能,使操作简单易行.实际运行表明,新型纸管机的生产效率提高了7倍,实现了生产过程的自动化操作.  相似文献   

In the paper, we investigate the heterogeneous resource allocation scheme for virtual machines with slicing technology in the 5G/B5G edge computing environment. In general, the different slices for different task scenarios exist in the same edge layer synchronously. A lot of researches reveal that the virtual machines of different slices indicate strong heterogeneity with different reserved resource granularity. In the condition, the allocation process is a NP hard problem and difficult for the actual demand of the tasks in the strongly heterogeneous environment. Based on the slicing and container concept, we propose the resource allocation scheme named Two-Dimension allocation and correlation placement Scheme (TDACP). The scheme divides the resource allocation and management work into three stages in this paper: In the first stage, it designs reasonably strategy to allocate resources to different task slices according to demand. In the second stage, it establishes an equivalent relationship between the virtual machine reserved resource capacity and the Service-Level Agreement (SLA) of the virtual machine in different slices. In the third stage, it designs a placement optimization strategy to schedule the equivalent virtual machines in the physical servers. Thus, it is able to establish a virtual machine placement strategy with high resource utilization efficiency and low time cost. The simulation results indicate that the proposed scheme is able to suppress the problem of uneven resource allocation which is caused by the pure preemptive scheduling strategy. It adjusts the number of equivalent virtual machines based on the SLA range of system parameter, and reduces the SLA probability of physical servers effectively based on resource utilization time sampling series linear. The scheme is able to guarantee resource allocation and management work orderly and efficiently in the edge datacenter slices.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the manufacturing model that has a common machine at stage one and two parallel dedicated machines at stage two. All jobs need to be processed on the stage-one common machine. After the stage-one processing, the jobs of type 1 (type 2) will route to the first (second) dedicated machine at stage two. We first elaborate several published works on makespan minimisation which are not known to other streams of recent works. While the minimisation of maximum lateness is strongly NP-hard, we develop a linear-time algorithm to solve the case where two sequences of the two job types are given a priori.  相似文献   

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