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在对市售纳米金刚石进行适当的机械化学改性、分散及分级,制得粒度分布在150nm 以内、浓度可调、分散稳定、不含污染镀液成分的复合镀用纳米金刚石悬浮液的基础上,研究了工艺条件、纳米金刚石粒度和表面状态、镀液中添加表面活性剂对铬-纳米金刚石复合镀镀层性能的影响。结果表明,常规硬铬电镀工艺同样适合于铬-纳米金刚石复合镀;纳米金刚石团聚体解聚、粒度分布均匀和在镀液中稳定分散是得到高性能镀层的前提条件;颗粒能否在阴极粘附足够长的时间形成强吸附是颗粒沉积的关键,标准镀液中加入纳米金刚石镀层显微硬度反而降低,添加表面活性剂镀液中的复合镀层晶粒明显细化、显微硬度提高可达35%。  相似文献   

纳米金刚石复合镀层制备工艺的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
纳米金刚石复合镀层具有金刚石和纳米颗粒的双重特性,应用前景广阔.采用复合电镀法制备了Ni-纳米金刚石复合镀层,考察了阴极电流密度、镀液pH值以及搅拌强度对纳米复合镀层显微硬度的影响,并分析了Ni-纳米金刚石复合镀层的共沉积过程.结果表明,选择适当的共沉积工艺参数,可以制备出同底材结合牢固,金刚石微粒弥散较均匀的高硬度纳米复合镀层,基质Ni中金刚石粒子的含量与镀面的机械俘获粒子的能力有关.  相似文献   

化学复合镀纳米金刚石粉的研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
研究了化学复合镀纳米金刚石粉的不同施镀工艺,并分析了复合镀层的性能和结构。结果显示,与机械搅拌和氮气搅拌相比,注射搅拌制得的复合镀层中的纳米金刚石含量较高。实验中选用的几种表面活性剂未能提高复合镀层中纳米金刚石的复合量。纳米金刚石的嵌入不改变复合镀层的结构,但使镀层表面形成不平整的、微小球粒堆砌状形貌。  相似文献   

Ni-P-纳米金刚石化学复合镀新技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在Ni-P-化学复合镀工艺的基础上,探索加入纳米金刚石粒子作为硬质点的Ni-P-纳米金刚石共沉积复合镀新工艺技术.进行Ni-P-纳米金刚石非晶态复合镀层的晶化转变过程、及其硬度和耐磨性等的研究,并与Ni-P化学镀层、Ni-P-微米金刚石复合镀层的性能进行比较.结果表明,Ni-P-纳米金刚石共沉积复合镀中,最佳的金刚石添加量为12g/l.复合镀层为非晶态,300℃时镀层开始晶化.随时效温度升高,镀层的显微硬度逐渐升高,到400℃达到峰值,而后因弥散相聚集长大粗化导致硬度下降,复合镀层的耐磨性也随着硬度的变化而变化.  相似文献   

目前有关纳米复合镀层电沉积的研究还不够深入、系统。以瓦特镀镍液为基础,在Q235A钢基体上制备镍-纳米金刚石复合镀层,研究了纳米金刚石浓度、搅拌速度对镍-纳米金刚石复合镀层性能的影响规律。在测试纳米金刚石复合镀液中镍的还原行为时发现,随着纳米金刚石浓度的升高,镍离子的极化程度呈现先升高后下降的趋势,镀液中纳米金刚石浓度为8.0 g/L时极化程度最大,同等条件下直流电沉积制备的复合镀层硬度、弹性模量分别为4.66 GPa和195.2 GPa,而双脉冲电沉积制备的镀层硬度和弹性模量分别达到5.23 GPa和197.4 GPa。  相似文献   

电 镀2 0 0 2 0 90 1 显微工程中镍与硬纳米粒子复合层的电沉积———PetrovaM .Galvanotechnik ,2 0 0 1,92 (5 ) :136 6 (德文 )电镀镍硬纳米粒子复合层使用的镀液为氨基磺酸镍槽 ,第二相包括碳化硅、金刚石、氧化钛、氧化锆。详细介绍了工艺过程 ,SEM观察了镀层的表面形貌 ,测定了每种复合镀层的显微硬度 ,其中含金刚石粒子的显微硬度最高。2 0 0 2 0 90 2 纳米金刚石与铬的共沉积———MandichNV .MetalFinishing ,2 0 0 1,99(6 ) :117(英文 )介绍了 3种电镀铬复合层的铬槽 :Sar…  相似文献   

Ni-P-金刚石三元化学复合镀工艺及沉积机理   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了工艺条件对Ni-P-金刚石三元化学复合镀镀速及镀层中金刚石含量的影响,并探讨了复合镀层的沉积机理。结果表明:温度、pH值升高,镀速迅速增加,改变金刚石加入量对镀速的影响很小;镀层金刚石含量受温度影响较,而随pH值增加先增后减。随金刚石加入量的增加,镀层金刚石含量先是迅速增加,以后增加趋势越来越缓慢,两者呈抛物线型关系。金刚石表面ζ电位为负值,表明金刚石没有吸附镀液中的正离子,其颗粒的吸附不是依靠电场力作用,而主要是依靠机械力的作用。  相似文献   

采用复合电沉积制备了Ag/纳米金刚石复合镀层,研究了沉积条件对镀层组成的影响,所得最佳沉积条件为阴极电流密度jk=8mA/cm2、搅拌速度n=400r/min和镀液中纳米金刚石粉体浓度为10g/L。采用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)和能谱分析(EDS)表征了Ag/纳米金刚石复合镀层的表面形貌、组成和结构。结果表明,复合镀层具有复相结构,金刚石颗粒在镀层中分布较均匀,质量含量最高达到9wt%。显微硬度和电阻测试表明,随着Ag/纳米金刚石复合镀层中金刚石含量增加,复合镀层显微硬度显著增大;电阻率呈增加趋势。在5.0wt%Na2SO4溶液的Tafel实验说明,Ag/纳米金刚石复合镀层比Ag镀层具有更好的耐腐蚀能力。Ag/纳米金刚石复合镀层具有较好的结合力,外观呈亚光银。  相似文献   

纳米金刚石/镍复合电刷镀层的显微结构研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对以45#钢为基底的纳米金刚石/镍复合镀层和普通快速镍镀层的表面进行了研究。扫描电镜分析结果表明,纳米金刚石/镍复合镀层表面成典型的"菜花头"形状,弥散分布的纳米金刚石被镍包裹。由于部分纳米金刚石颗粒可视为镍原子非自发形核的基底,能够吸引更多的镍离子沉积成核,提供大量的结晶生长点,达到细化晶粒的效果,因此与普通快速镍层相比,复合镀层的表面更加平整、致密,组织更加细化。X射线衍射分析结果进一步证明,随着纳米金刚石加入量的增加,镀层表面晶粒尺寸逐渐减小。并据此提出纳米金刚石-镍电刷镀复合镀层的生长过程物理模型。  相似文献   

Ni-Al2O3纳米复合电镀工艺的初步研究   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
初步研究了复合电镀各工艺条件:电流密度、镀液pH值和温度以及搅拌方式对Al2O3纳米微粒在镍基复合镀层中含量的影响。研究表明:电流密度增大不利于提高镀层中纳米微粒的含量;pH值增大也明显使复合量降低;镀液温度升高,镀层中微粒的复合量随之略有改变;电镀时,加强搅拌或适当改变搅拌方式,可以使复合镀居中的纳米微粒含量提高。还利用扫描电镜及能谱对Ni-Al2O3镀层表面进行了观察与分析。  相似文献   

Ni-P-ultrafine diamond (UFD) and Ni-P-carbon nanotubes (CNTs) composite coatings were deposited by electroplating at 76°C. The relation between the content of the incorporation and the amount of the UFD and CNTs in the electroplating solution was investigated. The corrosion behavior of the composite coatings was evaluated by polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in 0.1 M NaCl and 0.5 M H2SO4 solutions. It was found that increasing the UFD content in the coatings displays better corrosion performance, while a contrary result for the CNTs incorporated alloys was found due to the special structural state. The results show the incorporation of UFD and CNTs in Ni-P coatings is advantageous for forming better passive films.  相似文献   

采用复合电沉积技术在Pb-0.3wt%Ag/α-PbO2基体上合成了WC和Co3O4颗粒共沉积的β-PbO2复合沉积层。沉积行为研究发现,WC颗粒先于Co3O4颗粒吸附于基体上,将WC颗粒与Co3O4颗粒共沉积是一种抑制当Co3O4颗粒单独共沉积于β-PbO2沉积层时发生团聚情况的有效方法。电极性能研究发现,WC或Co3O4颗粒的共沉积均会提高复合阳极的析氧电催化活性,此外,WC颗粒还有助于提高复合阳极的显微硬度和在Zn电解沉积溶液中的耐腐蚀性能。Co3O4颗粒的共沉积不利于β-PbO2相的生长,WC颗粒的共沉积对β-PbO2相的生长影响不大,两种颗粒同时共沉积有助于抑制酸性镀液中α-PbO2相的生长。   相似文献   

表面活性剂对Ni-SiC复合镀层性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
表面活性剂能改善复合镀层的性能,过去对离子型和非离子型表面活性剂影响复合镀层性能的研究报道不多.为此,利用电子探针分析仪、电化学分析方法以及摩擦磨损试验,系统地研究了表面活性剂对Ni-SiC复合镀层性能的影响.结果表明:非离子表面活性剂不易使微粒与基体金属发生共沉积,对沉积速度有一定的抑制作用;阳离子表面活性剂能够增加镀层中SiC粒子的含量,当浓度为0.12 g/L时SiC粒子含量最高,随着镀层中SiC离子含量的增加镀层的硬度增加,耐磨性能提高,其中XCG阳离子表面活性剂效果最好;非离子表面活性剂与阳离子表面活剂的协同作用,进一步促进了镀层中SiC微粒的共沉积,改善了复合镀层的性能.  相似文献   

In this work, the ZrC-SiC composite coatings were co-deposited by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using ZrCl4, MTS, CH4 and H2 as raw materials. The morphologies, compositions and phases of the composite coatings were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results indicated that the morphologies, compositions and phases of the composite coatings were related to the deposition temperature, the flow rate of the carrier H2 gas, and the ratio of C/Zr. Moreover, the co-deposition mechanism of the composite coatings was also studied. It was found that different deposition temperatures resulted in different deposition mechanisms. At temperatures in the range of 1150–1250 °C, the ZrC-SiC co-deposition was controlled by the surface kinetic process. At temperatures in the range of 1250–1400 °C, the ZrC-SiC co-deposition was controlled by the mass transport process.  相似文献   

n-SiO2/Ni电刷镀复合镀层的组织结构和沉积机理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用SEM和TEM分析了n-SiO2/Ni复合刷镀层的表面形貌和微观组织结构,测定了n-SiO2在快镍刷镀液中的表面Zeta电位和粒度分布,研究了这些因素对复合沉积过程和对镀层组织的影响.结果表明:刷镀液中n-SiO2粒径的分布较广,镀层中n-SiO2粒径在数十纳米范围内;刷镀液中纳米颗粒的粒度越小,刷镀层组织越细小、均匀,结合越致密,而且刷笔运动及溶液对流等因素对进入刷镀层的纳米颗粒粒径有一定选择效应n-SiO2/Ni体系复合共沉积的机理属于力学机理。  相似文献   

With the aim of seeking an alternative low-cost process for the fabrication of MCrAlY coatings, an electrolytic co-deposition process was employed to form a composite coating consisting of a Ni matrix and CrAlY particles. Three configurations were investigated in the co-deposition process, including a vertical setup, a horizontal arrangement, and a rotating barrel. The CrAlY volume fractions in the resultant composite coatings were compared. The advantages and disadvantages of each configuration were discussed. Among the three configurations studied in this paper, the rotating barrel demonstrated the best overall performance, with the capability of producing coatings with more uniform CrAlY particle incorporation of up to 40 vol.%.  相似文献   

This work reports a chemical method called “co-deposition route” for fabricating ND (nanodiamond)/Cu composite at a molecular-level mixing. The main procedure of “co-deposition route” includes four steps. ND particles have been functionalized by HF acid before co-deposition. SEM, HRTEM (high-resolution transmission electron spectroscopy), XRD (X-ray diffraction), EDS (energy-dispersive spectrum analysis) and optical microscope were carried out to characterize the as-prepared composite powders and bulk composites. Results indicated that copper matrix composite with a homogeneous dispersion of functionalized ND particles can be prepared. The modification of ND particles was performed by HF (30 vol%) acid at 70 °C, and CF bond was successfully detected by XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectrum) and IR (Infrared spectroscopy). The properties of relative density, microhardness and electric conductivity of ND/Cu composites have been measured. With the comparison of conventional methods, it showed that the as-prepared ND/Cu composites with good combined performances have a promising future for industry application.  相似文献   

纳米复合镀层的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了纳米复合镀层的制备、分类及耐磨减磨、耐腐蚀、耐高温、自润滑、催化、导磁导电等方面的性能,综述了近年来有关纳米颗粒在复合镀层制备过程中的沉积机理和影响因素.  相似文献   

As an emerging preparation technology,wet chemical method has been employed widely to produce lots of alloy materials such as W and Mo based alloys,owing to its unique technical advantages.Ascertaining the synthesis mechanism behind wet chemical method is indispensable for controlled synthesis of highquality W-Y2 O3 composite powder precursor.The co-deposition mechanism of yttrium and tungsten component behind the wet chemical method of preparing yttrium-doped tungsten composite nanopowder was investigated systematically in this work.A series of co-deposited composite powders fabricated under different acidity conditions were used as research targets for investigating the effect of surface composition and structure on co-deposition efficiency.It was found that white tungstic acid has more W-OH bonds and much higher co-deposition efficiency with Y^3+ions than yellow tungstic acid.It is illustrated that the coordination reaction between W-OH bonds on tungstic acid particles and Y^3+ions brings the co-deposition of yttrium and tungsten component into being.Through displacing H^+ions in W-OH bonds,Y^3+ions can be adsorbed on the surface of or incorporated into tungstic acid particles in form of ligand.Consequently,to control and regulate Y2 O3 content in powder precursor accurately,H^+ion concentration in wet chemical reaction should be in range of 0.55-2.82 mol L^-1 to obtain white tungstic acid.Besides,H^+ion concentration also has prominent effect on the grain size and morphology of reduced powder precursor.The optimal value should be around 1.58 mol L^-1,which can lead to minimum W grain size(about 17 nm) without bimodal structure.The chemical mechanism proposed in this work could produce great sense to preparation of high-quality precursor for sintering high-performance Y2 O3 dispersion strengthened W based alloys.Our work may also shed light on the approach to exploit analogous synthesis mechanism in other alloy systems.  相似文献   

改性纳米金刚石增强增韧医用口腔复合树脂的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以爆轰法合成的纳米金刚石作为填料,加入到双酚A型口腔用光固化复合树脂中,研究了纳米金刚石对树脂性能的影响.金刚石用硅烷偶联剂进行表面改性.结果发现:偶联剂化学接枝到金刚石表面,改性后的金刚石在乙醇中的分散稳定性得到提高;加入0.2%(质量分数)的改性纳米金刚石后,复合树脂的挠曲强度和硬度分别提高35.4%和29.8%,改性金刚石的增强作用明显优于未经改性的金刚石;同时金刚石的加入也改善了树脂的韧性.  相似文献   

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