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军民融合式发展是富国强军的必然选择,技术融合是军民融合的核心要素,标准是技术的载体和精华,标准的军民通用是解决军民技术融合的一项重要内容.本文设计了标准的军民用途属性的各种模式关系,研究给出了包含标准管理、标准实体、标准标记的各种模式结构关系;从标准的种类角度研究分析了概念类标准、表述类标准、方法类标准、产品类标准的军民通用可能性关系;从标准的内容角度,研究分析了标准内容中具有特殊用途属性的部位;分析了各种模式关系的利弊因素,提出了标准军民通用方案的建议.  相似文献   

在百年未有之大变局的今天,加快企业军民通用产业是我国可持续国防建设和经济建设既定国策,而且更为紧迫。然而缺乏对企业军民通用产业的概念界定和评价标准的统一认识和规范,影响了工作的精准施策,不利于企业军民通用产业的良性发展。本文从军民通用产业能力角度提出了企业军民通用产业评定的依据和原则、要求、评定方法和判定原则,明确了企业军民通用产业的条件和要求。  相似文献   

<正>作为我国重要的高新技术产业发展基地,西安高新区的电子元器件产业呈现出蓬勃发展态势,被确定为园区重点发展的八大产业集群之一。经过近几年的快速发展,西安高新区电子元器件产业已形成以电连接器、表面贴装元件、光电子器件、新型显示器件、传感器及敏感元器件等为特色的军民融合式产业集群,形成了以富士达、安菲诺科耐特、华达等行业知名的  相似文献   

标准是支撑军民技术双向转移、实现军民融合发展的重要技术基础,标准化军民融合是实施军民融合国家战略的重要抓手。本文分析了国外主要发达国家军民融合发展实践和西安市军民融合产业集群发展现状,论述了在新形势下开启军民融合标准化技术服务新业态的必要性,在开展军民通用标准研制、标准贯彻实施、标准技术咨询与服务等方面,初步研究提出了西安地区军民融合标准化技术服务模式。  相似文献   

本文从军民融合角度就军工计量业务发展进行了探讨和建议,介绍了计量领域军民融合发展现状以及军工计量的"敲门砖",并从加强技术创新、技术法规、交流平台、人才队伍和特色项目库建设方面,提出了融入军工计量业务的方向性建议,从而实现打造有竞争力的军民融合式大计量新格局。  相似文献   

军民融合不断推进,对标准化改革提出了新的更高的要求。本文作者以军民融合发展为背景,论述了军民通用标准的作用意义,从集成电路全产业链出发,系统的分析了现有军标、民标的异同和特点,以集成电路军民通用标准建设试点工作为基础,提出了下一步标准建设工作的设想,对今后集成电路军民通用标准化工作给出了建议。  相似文献   

军民标准通用化建设对于推动航天器军民技术转化及军民资源共享,提升航天器产品研制效率与效益具有重要意义。本文在分析航天器军民通用式研制发展历程的基础上,系统总结了标准化顶层规划设计、军民通用标准研究与编制、标准评估与认证、国际合作标准建设等方面的航天器军民标准通用化建设实践经验,为深入推进航天领域军民标准通用化工作提供了思路。  相似文献   

高龄化社会中的产品通用设计研究   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
针对老年用户这一目标群体引入了通用设计理论的相关内容,并着重论述了"通用设计"的出发点和最终目的,进而从高龄用户的需求出发详细阐述了"通用设计"的重要性,并结合"通用设计"的本质,也就是在设计产品或空间环境时,尽量以一种设计来满足不同人或不同时空的需求,来探讨适合老年人生理及心理需求的产品设计.  相似文献   

围绕集成电路军民通用标准建设试点工作,开展试点任务的评价工作,推动重点企业应用标准;评估典型标准的实施效果,完善标准的反馈机制;加强标准试点的示范作用,在全行业、全领域推广实施,扩大试点成果的影响;加强军民通用标准研制经验总结和模式提炼,进一步健全可复制的军民通用标准研制模式,探索完善军民通用标准全寿命周期的工作机制。  相似文献   

军品包装军民融合发展机制探讨   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
目的研究军品包装军民融合的发展机制。方法在分析军民融合的现实意义基础上,对比分析了军地双方的目的需求、能力优势和薄弱环节,提出了军品包装军民融合的基本构想,并针对实施军民融合的关键环节,提出了促进军民融合发展的建议。结果军民融合对提升军用物资防护能力、促进包装行业创新发展具有积极的意义。结论构建军民融合的新型包装发展模式,既要加强沟通协调,在科研、标准、资源共享、人才培养等方面展开深度合作,也要重视信息技术的应用和法规制度的完善。  相似文献   

在实施国家强军战略的背景下,军民融合也在国民经济诸多领域得到广泛的推进,而冷链物流行业如何践行军民融合战略的需要,军方餐食向社会第三方冷链物流的外包就成为落实现代国防军事后勤补给保障体系建设的关键环节,而随着近年来军方餐食外包逐渐步入常态化,尽快建立与完善军方餐食冷链物流标准体系则是落实军民融合战略实施的具体表现。在分析了军方餐食冷链外包的模式、流程等基础上,根据军方餐食冷链外包的需求及冷链物流标准体系制定设计的原则,我们从采购、冷藏储运、加工制作、包装、冷链配送、信息技术、餐食安全、运营管理等8个方面的标准展开初步探索,以期构建军民融合战略下军方餐食冷链外包标准体系,不仅有助于建立餐食冷链物流军民融合的理论体系,而且也为实践应用提供必要的方法及途径。  相似文献   

The paper describes a method for determining homologous classes of compounds in a multicomponent complex chromatogram obtained under programming elution conditions. The method is based on the computation of the autocovariance function of the experimental chromatogram (EACVF). The EACVF plot, if properly interpreted, can be regarded as a "class chromatogram" i.e., a virtual chromatogram formed by peaks whose positions and heights allow identification and quantification of the different homologous series, even if they are embedded in a random complex chromatogram. Theoretical models were developed to describe complex chromatograms displaying random retention pattern, ordered sequences or a combination of them. On the basis of theoretical autocovariance function, the properties of the chromatogram can be experimentally evaluated, under well-defined conditions: in particular, the two components of the chromatogram, ordered and random, can be identified. Moreover, the total number of single components (SCs) and the separated number of the SCs belonging to the random and ordered components can be determined, when the two components display the same concentration. If the mixture contains several homologous series with common frequency and different phase values, the number and identity of the different homologous series as well as the number of SCs belonging to each of them can be evaluated. Moreover, the power of the EACVF method can be magnified by applying it to the single ion monitoring (SIM) signals to selectively detect specific compound classes in order to identify the different homologous series. By this way, a full "decoding" of the complex multicomponent chromatogram is achieved. The method was validated on synthetic mixtures containing known amount of SCs belonging to homologous series of hydrocarbon, alcohols, ketones, and aromatic compounds in addition to other not structurally related SCs. The method was applied to both the total ion monitoring (TIC) and the SIM signals, to describe step by step the essence of the procedure. Moreover, the systematic use of both SIM and TIC can simplify the decoding procedure of complex chromatograms by singling out only specific compound classes or by confirming the identification of the different homologous series. The method was further applied to a sample containing unknown number of compounds and homologous series (a petroleum benzin, bp 140-160 degrees C): the results obtained were meaningful in terms of both the identified number of components and identified homologous series.  相似文献   

刘俊  董千里  李毅斌  李俊辉 《包装工程》2013,34(11):117-120
从物流本身发展的角度,探讨了军事应急物流军民融合的 3 个层次:点融合、线融合和面融合,即军事应急物流基本要素融合、基本环节融合和应急物流供应链融合。 研究了各层的运行机制,认为点融合和线融合分别是单个或部分基本要素、基本环节的融合,其运作由军民各自应急物流体系完成;面融合是军民整条应急物流供应链融合,其运作由军民协作共同完成。 最后提出了军事应急物流军民融合实现的 4 条途径。  相似文献   

During the manufacture of polymer-matrix composite components the cure degree must be uniform to have a good quality of the product. For thick composite components this condition is not often respected in fact the cure degree trend between the core and the external surface is different causing structural and geometrical/dimensional unconformities. In most cases, these problems are caused by a wrong design of cure process in terms of thermal cycle and tooling, therefore the cure cycle must be designed and optimized. The optimization of cure thermal cycle should include several performance criteria for the production system such as the targeted cure degree, the targeted maximum temperature of the part and the duration of the cure cycle as well as the production system limitations such as the maximum allowable heating rate, the maximum allowable cooling rate etc. This work aims to define by thermochemical phenomena a first step toward the definition of a method to optimize the cure degree of a thick composite components by focusing particular attention to the aspects of thermal degradations and residual stress.  相似文献   

Stripping voltammetry analysis using a hemispheroidal mercury microelectrode is assessed as a possible candidate "primary method" for amount of substance measurement. It has been shown that this measurement methodology can be described completely by a set of measurement equations. Novel proposals are made to improve the accuracy and traceability of the quantification process by measuring the limiting deposition current over an optimum time instead of employing an analyte stripping step. The range of application and the limitations of the technique are discussed, and the requirement for underpinning traceability from electrical standards is shown. It is concluded that the lack of amount-independent diffusion coefficient data limits the status of the technique to a high-accuracy "definitive method" at present  相似文献   

目的 针对预制构件所需布料机输送的混凝土质量问题,以螺旋输送量预测为目标,构建一种以工艺因素和结构因素为输入量的改进灰狼算法优化BP神经网络的输送量预测模型。方法 通过EDEM对布料机输送过程进行仿真模拟,把输送速率和平均质量流率作为正交实验的2种评价标准,并用极差法和矩阵分析法求出螺旋布料机各因素对两标准的影响顺序,并通过混沌种群初始化、步长更新公式及自适应收敛因子的方法改进灰狼算法收敛速度慢和限于局部最优解的问题。结果 通过改进灰狼算法优化BP神经网络的权值和阈值,优化后的输送量预测结果的平均绝对百分误差为8%、决定系数为0.95,比其他实验对比组的输送量模型预测值误差更小。结论 研究可为预制构件的定量布料提供混凝土设定目标值。  相似文献   

产品包装特性分组与编码问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
总结了产品的12种基本包装特性,并从宏观上将产品的关键特性进行分组编码,使包装特性代码相同的产品具有统一的包装要求,从而提高了包装通用化,标准化程度,并为计算机系统管理提供了条件。  相似文献   

A simple, fast, and reproducible sample preparation procedure was developed for relative quantification of metabolites in adherent mammalian cells using the clonal β-cell line INS-1 as a model sample. The method was developed by evaluating the effect of different sample preparation procedures on high performance liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry quantification of 27 metabolites involved in glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle on a directed basis as well as for all detectable chromatographic features on an undirected basis. We demonstrate that a rapid water rinse step prior to quenching of metabolism reduces components that suppress electrospray ionization thereby increasing signal for 26 of 27 targeted metabolites and increasing total number of detected features from 237 to 452 with no detectable change of metabolite content. A novel quenching technique is employed which involves addition of liquid nitrogen directly to the culture dish and allows for samples to be stored at -80 °C for at least 7 d before extraction. Separation of quenching and extraction steps provides the benefit of increased experimental convenience and sample stability while maintaining metabolite content similar to techniques that employ simultaneous quenching and extraction with cold organic solvent. The extraction solvent 9:1 methanol: chloroform was found to provide superior performance over acetonitrile, ethanol, and methanol with respect to metabolite recovery and extract stability. Maximal recovery was achieved using a single rapid (~1 min) extraction step. The utility of this rapid preparation method (~5 min) was demonstrated through precise metabolite measurements (11% average relative standard deviation without internal standards) associated with step changes in glucose concentration that evoke insulin secretion in the clonal β-cell line INS-1.  相似文献   

针对舰船装备保障这一复杂巨系统工程管理实际,结合保障能力建设综合性、系统性、复杂性等特点,研究了舰船装备保障目标确定及分解方法,分析了军民融合式保障发展规律和需求,提出了基于装备通用化程度、技术含量、使用频率和保障风险的保障分工决策模型,研究了按体系构建保障能力的管理框架与建设路线。工程实践表明,该方法能够满足新形势对舰船装备保障的要求,有效提高舰船装备保障工程质量和效益,持续保持舰船装备战备完好性水平,实现复杂巨系统工程管理的科学化和规范化。  相似文献   

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