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冯杰  孙超  唐建生  张揽月 《声学技术》2006,25(6):617-622
为了减小来自旁瓣区快速运动的强干扰对波束域高分辨方位估计方法的影响,提出一种稳健的波束域高分辨方位估计方法。该方法在形成多波束时,将稳健自适应波束形成与零陷扩宽技术相结合,有效地抑制了运动强干扰所造成的快拍失效和扫描方向误差引起的自适应波束图畸变,从而保证波束域方法能准确地估计目标方位。仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

本文研究了一种改进的智能天线算法。这种方法在自适应的过程中,可以逐步学习非探视方向的噪声统计特性来消除噪声干扰。天线阵的输出可以用于信号检测或者信号分选。如果干扰信号落在副瓣内,它除了能在期望信号方向上形成最大增益外,还可以在干扰信号入射方向形成较深的零陷,通过理论和仿真证明了其计算量小、抑制干扰能力强的特点。  相似文献   

姚瑶  张明敏  袁骏 《声学技术》2012,31(3):310-313
双基地声纳系统中存在目标信号与直达波干扰混叠且两者高相关的情况,常规的自适应抵消法因此失效。在双基地声纳系统配置已知的前提下,提出一种基于零陷展宽技术的多约束最小方差直达波抑制算法。该方法通过施加线性约束对特定方向的干扰进行抑制,并针对直达波干扰方位存在扰动时,多约束最小方差算法性能急剧下降的现象运用零陷展宽的方法对算法加以改进。基于零陷展宽的多约束最小方差算法直观、快捷。仿真及实验数据处理的结果表明,在直达波干扰方位大致可知的情况下,该算法能够对直达波进行有效抑制,且对直达波的方位估计误差具有稳健性。  相似文献   

在接地网无损探测的工程实际中,复杂强干扰会给数据采集带来困难。锁相放大技术能有效从强背景干扰下稳定地提取出微弱的可用信号,在分析变电站测量环境噪声成分的基础上,基于锁相放大器原理,运用虚拟仪器技术设计一种虚拟数字锁相放大器。该锁相放大器利用数据采集卡内部的可编程滤波器进行抗混叠处理,同时对两路传感器输出信号进行采集,利用虚拟信号发生器产生精确的两路0°和90°参考信号,再用数字低通滤波器得到信号的实部和虚部,最后利用成像算法得到接地网的结构图。通过实验室内测试,该锁相放大器具有较高的频率稳定性、幅值和相位测量精度及较强的抗干扰能力。将该锁相放大器用于接地网无损探测系统,在实际变电站得到工程应用。结果表明:该无损探测系统能够应对变电站复杂的电磁环境,可在现场正常工作,并准确探测到接地网结构。  相似文献   

王建鹏  宋志杰 《声学技术》2005,24(Z1):29-30
1引言 抑制干扰是阵列信号处理的重要研究内容之一.通常,期望一种算法在提高方位分辨力的同时,也有较好的噪声抑制能力.LP算法具有高分辨力,但由于它没有利用加性噪声的统计特性,在噪声抑制方面较差[1,2].本文拟在互谱域利用LP算法来估计信号的角度(方向)谱.该方法利用了噪声的统计特性,在高分辨的同时还具有较好的噪声抑制能力.  相似文献   

王梦圆  卓颉  刘雄厚  樊宽  陈哲 《声学技术》2016,35(5):414-420
为验证密集式多输入多输出(Multi-Input Multi-Output,MIMO)声呐高分辨成像算法的有效性,进行了水池实验并获得了期望的高分辨成像结果。首先,将成像算法分为角度维高分辨成像和距离维高分辨成像两种,分别建立了各自的成像处理流程。角度维高分辨成像基于虚拟阵列波束形成算法,距离维高分辨成像基于大带宽信号合成算法。然后,根据两种处理流程选择合适的发射信号和阵型,并据此搭建密集式MIMO声呐高分辨成像平台进行水池实验。最后,通过与传统单输入多输出(Single-Input Multi-Output,SIMO)声呐的成像结果进行对比,证明了MIMO声呐可结合发射信号、阵型和相应的处理流程获得更高的角度分辨率和距离分辨率。  相似文献   

杨毅青  刘强 《振动与冲击》2014,33(22):101-105
针对因机床结构的复杂性及零件加工轨迹不确定性,刀尖频响函数切削中难以保持恒定易造成稳定域图变化,导致机床切削参数选择不确定性问题,结合模态实验分别研究数控机床沿不同进给方向及机床主轴处于不同位置的颤振稳定域图预测;对同型号两台数控机床的切削稳定性进行对比分析。由实验采集切削中声音信号验证机床沿不同进给方向的切削稳定性存在差别。研究结果对实际加工中避免切削颤振及工艺参数选择具有指导意义。  相似文献   

提出运用内积相关性识别两点声源的新方法,通过在声源面上构造虚拟声源,计算虚拟声源在传声器阵列上的声压,构造虚拟声源的声压向量,将其归一化,与传声器实际测得的声压信号作内积运算,通过优化算法搜索内积模的极值,当内积模达到最大值时,根据内积相关性原理,识别出目标声源的位置。当声源间距离较近时,声源识别精度受到声源间的干扰影响,引入迭代循环算法降低声源相互干扰的影响,以传声器测量面上剩余的声压作为判断循环终止的条件。计算结果表明,利用内积相关性结合迭代循环相减算法能有效识别出两点声源。  相似文献   

旁瓣约束方向不变恒定束宽波束自适应综合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
幸高翔  蔡志明 《声学技术》2009,28(2):172-175
将自适应加权方法应用于波束图的主瓣控制研究,提出了方向不变恒定束宽波束形成算法。在波束图旁瓣区域引入若干虚拟干扰源,自适应调整干扰强度,改变波束形状。以主瓣某一指向的波束宽度为参考,以每次迭代后波束图最低旁瓣峰值与主瓣峰值的差作为下次迭代运算的预设主旁瓣比,在保持主瓣区域宽度不变的情况下,用自适应综合的方法获得不同主瓣指向上的最低均匀旁瓣。将该算法应用于均匀线阵和半球面阵,均在±60°的范围内得到了方向不变恒定束宽波束。研究表明,该算法不仅适用于均匀线列阵,也可用于任意结构阵列。  相似文献   

马凯  王平波  代振 《声学技术》2019,38(3):360-363
针对传统的最小方差无畸变响应(Minimum Variance Distortionless Response,MVDR)波束形成方法存在的旁瓣较高且抑制干扰性能不稳健的情况,提出一种旁瓣级可控的自适应波束形成算法。该算法在MVDR基础上进行峰值搜索,将获得的峰值点从大到小进行排序,取次大值作为最高旁瓣的值,将得到的最高旁瓣值与期望旁瓣值比较,在其方位添加虚拟干扰加以抑制,从而得到新的波束图。再对新的波束图进行峰值搜索,不断重复上述过程,经过有限次迭代以达到期望旁瓣值。计算机仿真结果表明在均匀线阵基础上该算法能够将旁瓣控制到期望旁瓣级以下且比较稳健。  相似文献   

Weverka RT  Wagner K  Sarto A 《Applied optics》1996,35(8):1344-1366
An adaptive null-steering phased-array optical processor that utilizes a photorefractive crystal to time integrate the adaptive weights and null out correlated jammers is described. This is a beam-steering processor in which the temporal waveform of the desired signal is known but the look direction is not. The processor computes the angle(s) of arrival of the desired signal and steers the array to look in that direction while rotating the nulls of the antenna pattern toward any narrow-band jammers that may be present. We have experimentally demonstrated a simplified version of this adaptive phased-array-radar processor that nulls out the narrow-band jammers by using feedback-correlation detection. In this processor it is assumed that we know a priori only that the signal is broadband and the jammers are narrow band. These are examples of a class of optical processors that use the angular selectivity of volume holograms to form the nulls and look directions in an adaptive phased-array-radar pattern and thereby to harness the computational abilities of three-dimensional parallelism in the volume of photorefractive crystals. The development of this processing in volume holographic system has led to a new algorithm for phased-array-radar processing that uses fewer tapped-delay lines than does the classic time-domain beam former. The optical implementation of the new algorithm has the further advantage of utilization of a single photorefractive crystal to implement as many as a million adaptive weights, allowing the radar system to scale to large size with no increase in processing hardware.  相似文献   

Reducing the sampling rate to as low as possible is a high priority for many factories to reduce production cost. Automatic virtual metrology based intelligent sampling decision (ISD) scheme had been previously developed for reducing the sampling rate and sustaining the virtual metrology (VM) accuracy. However, the desired sampling rate of the ISD scheme is fixed and set manually. Hence, whenever the VM accuracy gets worse, it cannot adaptively increase the default sampling rate in the ISD scheme. As a consequence, it would take more time to collect enough samples for improving the VM accuracy. Moreover, when the VM accuracy performs well all the time, it cannot automatically decrease the default sampling rate in ISD, which may result in unnecessary waste. Accordingly, this paper proposes an automated sampling decision (ASD) scheme to adaptively and automatically modify the sampling rate online and in real time for continuous improvement. The ASD scheme can monitor the VM accuracy online as well as update the VM models in real time for maintaining the VM accuracy when the VM accuracy becomes poor. Also, the ASD scheme can automatically reduce the sampling rate while the VM accuracy performs well.  相似文献   

罗晨  刘淼 《计测技术》2002,(4):25-27
现代航空通信系统大多建立MIL-STD-1553B多路传输数据总线通信网络基础上,应用于1553B总线通信系统中的虚拟仪器技术实时监控/回放总线信息,分析故障原因,协助验证总线设计。本文就虚拟仪器在1553B总线通信系统中的应用进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Because the existing range-Doppler algorithm in inverse synthetic aperture sonar (ISAS) is based on target model of uniform motion, it may be invalidated for maneuvering targets due to the time-varying changes of both individual scatter′s Doppler and imaging projection plane. To resolve the problem, a new range-instantaneous Doppler imaging method is proposed for imaging maneuvering targets based on time-frequency analysis. The proposed approach is verified using real underwater acoustic data.  相似文献   

地面动目标检测(GMTI)是星载分布式雷达的重要应用之一,利用星载稀疏阵可增加系统虚拟孔径,以改善动目标检测性能.扫描模式干涉雷达(Scanning Pattern Interferometric Radar,简称SPIR)是一种雷达天线阵波束扫描的新型GMTI雷达,用点扩展函数(Point Spread Function,简称PSF)与扫描结果进行解卷积,就能恢复出地物后向散射系数,然后利用杂波位置来检测动目标.本文分析了SPIR方法的基本原理,并对有不同位置误差的阵列进行了SPIR仿真,比较仿真结果发现,在一定误差范围内,准确测量孔径实际位置比精确控制孔径位置更重要.  相似文献   

Total inspection after wheel machining becomes essential for safety consideration and continuous improvement. However, conducting wheel-by-wheel actual metrology is very expensive and time-consuming. A novel idea is to use virtual metrology (VM) that predicts wheel quality based on process data collected from machine tool with a slight supplement of actual metrology data. The technology of automatic virtual metrology (AVM) has been proposed by the authors and successfully deployed in hi-tech industries, such as semiconductor, display and solar cell. The purpose of this study was to propose an approach to apply the AVM system factory-wide to wheel machining automation (WMA) for achieving total inspection of all the precision items of WMA under mass production environment.  相似文献   

Performance measurements are central to improving organisational competitiveness. Organisations and researchers have developed and investigated various performance-measurement systems to manage and improve internal and external operations for logistics and supply chains. Yet, formal modelling tools and approaches for organisations to help evaluate the relationships between the performance measures and the desired competitive outcomes are limited, especially in logistics and supply-chain management functions. To help address this gap, we introduce a novel application of neighbourhood rough-set theory for the identification and selection of performance measures related to externally derived desired outcomes on the sourcing function. Our contribution includes introducing an innovative neighbourhood rough-set approach using elements of the Supply-Chain Operations Reference model. The model may aid in determining a core set of external logistics and supply-chain performance measures to internal performance expectations and outcomes. Implications and results interpretation of the methodology, sensitivity analysis, limitations, and future research directions conclude the paper.  相似文献   

赵阳  姜兆亮  马嵩华  朱先萌 《包装工程》2018,39(18):124-128
目的针对在线汽车营销方式交互性、沉浸感差等问题,提升汽车网络化营销的交互体验性能。方法基于Unity3D平台,利用C#和My SQL数据库设计了汽车三维在线展示与虚拟试驾系统,采用显示层、应用层、数据层的三层体系结构,主要包含4个功能模块,分别为用户信息管理、汽车三维展示、虚拟试驾和试驾报告。依据SAEJ1100标准建立腿部空间测量模型,提出在虚拟试驾系统中腿部空间舒适性评价方法,并且基于实测数据构建虚拟试驾过程中的油耗预测模型。最终,建立较为真实的汽车试驾模型,同时确保试驾系统的流畅性和联机试驾的可操作性,实现系统的开发。实验验证系统的应用效果较好。结论汽车三维在线展示与虚拟试驾系统有效提高远程人机交互体验性能,为用户充分了解所选车型的特点和性能搭建了新型平台。  相似文献   

Manufacturing systems of the future highly demand that the product data are built into the product model,and smooth data transfer to other computer-aided technologies are enabled.Depending on the type of the manufacturing system,it is envisaged that virtual engineering(VE) technologies play a significant role in integrating the computer-based technologies involved in the product's life cycle.Simulations in a virtual world and exchange of real-time product or design data are among the benefits for today's global oriented manufacturing business.To highlight the significance of design as carrier of product data and the key role played by VE technologies to inter-link design,manufacturing and associated components,this paper presents an overview and analysis of the state-of-the-art VE technologies to indicate potential applications and future research directions.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an automated scanning process of a structured light system for objects without overhangs. The processes for scanning those objects need to plan scanning directions that minimise the missing area on a three-dimensional surface during the scanning process. Thus, the processes require an approach that finds the next scanning direction efficiently in terms of computational costs. This paper develops a scanning simulation approach to meet this requirement. In order to apply the developed approach, the proposed process generates a solution space for candidate-scanning directions, and represents an intermediate 3D model. The developed approach traverses the solution space in a virtual environment and executes virtual scanning for the intermediate 3D model. The virtual scanning result of each candidate-scanning direction is analysed in order to evaluate the contribution for filling missing area. The proposed process defines key scanning directions in the solution space through the iterative execution of the developed approach. The proposed process has been implemented, and applied to the scanning experiments of dental impressions.  相似文献   

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