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KDD中双库协同机制的研究(Ⅱ)   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
在"KDD中双库协同机制的研究(Ⅰ)"的理论基础上,实现了对知识库的简约并实现了双库协同机制的两个协调器,从而建立了由KDD融入双库协同机制的新结构模型--KDD*,这是一个在结构和功能上相对于KDD而言的开放的、优化的扩体。基于双库协同机制与KDD*,提出了挖掘关联规则和聚类规则的新算法,充分体现了内在机理研究对主流发展的影响,开辟了一条全新的研究方向与路径。  相似文献   

KKD中双库协同机制的研究(Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在“KDD中双库协同机制的研究(I)”的理论基础上,实现了对知识库的简约并实现了双库协同机制的两个协调器,从而建立了由KDD融入双库协同机制的新结构模型-KDD”,这是一个在结构和功能上相对于KDD而言的开放的,优化的扩体。基于双库协同机制与KDD”,提出了挖掘关联规则和聚类规则的新算法。充分体现了内在机理研究对主流发展的影响。开辟了一条全新的研究方向与路径。  相似文献   

KDD中双库协同机制的研究(Ⅰ)   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
针对KDD(基于数据库的知识发现)主流发展中存在的典型问题提出了用知识库去 制约与驱动数据库, 并通过数据库改善知识库结构的知识发现的新思想,形成了具有双库协同机制的KDD的开放系统KDD *,从而提高了知识发现的速度、精度和认知自主性,并使知识库在结构上具备了实时维护与自我进化的能力,同时阐述了作为双库协同基础的数据库和知识库在本质上的对应关系。  相似文献   

针对专家系统中知识自动获取的瓶颈问题,从专家系统自身的潜在规律(机理)出发来改变知识发现的固有流程、形成新的知识发现过程模型和构建基于认知的知识自动获取机制,并利用T型协调器,根据基础知识库中的"知识短缺"自动地启发定向挖掘知识的途径,有效地克服领域专家的自身局限,而且做到只对那些有可能成为新知识的假设进行评价,最大限度地减少评价工作量,由此形成知识自动获取机制。这一机制在很大程度上解决了智能系统中的知识自动获取的瓶颈问题。  相似文献   

通过对产品协同开发过程中的知识数据的深入分析与研究,把知识数据概括成手册知识、实践知识。采用面向对象的知识表达方法,对相关知识数据进行了面向对象的表达分析,给出了产品协同开发过程中知识数据的配置模型。最后运用可视化建模技术UML构建了产品协同开发过程中的知识数据的数据库模型,为构建知识数据管理系统提供蓝图,以实现产品协同开发过程中的知识数据的有效管理。  相似文献   

基于知识的协同过程建模与实现技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄琛  范玉顺 《高技术通讯》2004,14(11):42-46
为实现协同过程中知识资源的优化利用,提出了基于知识的协同过程,给出了系统实现框架,研究了该系统的运行过程及相关技术,包括构建企业知识库、基于知识的协同过程的建模、运作过程中知识流与工作流的集成以及协同团队的动态评价。还简要介绍了企业间基于知识的协同过程。最后给出了一个具体应用的例子。  相似文献   

刘桓 《硅谷》2011,(21):39-39
数据挖掘与分析就是从存放的数据资源之中,获取有效的、新颖的、潜在有用的数据的过程,在人工智能领域又被称为数据库中的知识发现,结合实便,详细介绍数据挖掘与分析在航空系统中的应用与发展。  相似文献   

当前知识发现的主流发展是围绕着寻求在各类数据库和应用背景下高性能、高扩展性的挖掘算法这一主题而展开的。事实上有比算法重要的决定挖掘流程的过程模型的研究,还有更为重要的决定模型和算法的内在机理(反映知识发现系统或过程本身规律)的研究,尚未得到应有的重视。笔者另辟蹊径,将所论三者有机地融合与集成,构造了一类基于认知心理特征的自主知识发现"系统框架",通过对类似的几类"系统框架"的交叉融合、综合集成,构造出基于内在认知机理的知识发现理论体系KDTICM。研究与实验结果表明:这种高起点、高层次的构造方法论研究,有可能形成高效能挖掘系统与新的研究方向;这种构造方法论的研究,可使长时间得不到解决的"领域知识实质性地介入到知识发现过程中"对知识库进行"动态实时维护"等重要问题得以解决;通过揭示知识发现的潜在规律与复杂性,可反作用于主流发展。最后,给出了此种构造方法有效性的有力佐证。  相似文献   

刘刚 《硅谷》2008,(12)
随着水厂自动化水平的不断提高,PLC系统得到了广泛的应用,水厂建立了涵盖生产全过程的"数据宝库".为了充分利用这些"数据宝库"中的数据,发现数据中蕴藏的有用知识,提高水厂的运营管理水平,论文提出建立水厂运行数据仓库,并开发基于数据库的数据挖掘系统的设想,给出数据仓库的设计模型.探索的基于水厂运营数据仓库的数据挖掘系统,为水利企业的信息化进程和建立决策支持系统奠定了一定的基础.  相似文献   

在分析数控编程KBE系统各模块相互联系的基础上,构建了基于KBE的复杂零件数控编程系统功能架构和广义知识库结构模型.综合数据库技术和知识库理论,建立了数控编程广义知识库系统.阐述了广义知识库的设计思想,给出了数控编程广义知识库与UG CAD/CAM应用接口实现的技术路线.并以企业需求为背景,在知识驱动型制造平台(UG CAD/CAM)上,利用VC++6.0和UG/Open,将广义知识库系统和UGCAD/CAM无缝集成,实现了KBE和UG CAD/CAM系统的融合,开发了复杂零件数控编程KBE系统,验证了课题研究的可行性和实用性.  相似文献   

We investigate the common and integrated dynamic decision making of the coordinator of a supply chain consortium together with a subordinate fleet managing agent offering transport services for the consortium. While the fleet manager aims at minimizing the costs of the generated transport processes, the goal of the coordinator is to keep the reliability and stability of the processes on a reasonable level. It aims to synchronize the transport processes with upstream and downstream parts of the supply chain. The major innovation presented in this article is a framework that controls and adjusts the decision competence distribution between the two planning agents with respect to the current transport process performance. If the transport process timeliness is endangered to fall below a given threshold and thereby the overall supply chain reliability tends to sink, the coordinator is temporarily granted the right to intervene into the planning of the fleet managing agent. Within simulation experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed system is able to increase the reliability of the generated transport processes. We show that the intervention of the superior coordinator agent during workload peaks ensures higher process timeliness than the transport service providing agent is able to achieve without any coordinator interventions.  相似文献   

Extraction of activity patterns on large video recordings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extracting the hidden and useful knowledge embedded within video sequences and thereby discovering relations between the various elements to help an efficient decision-making process is a challenging task. The task of knowledge discovery and information analysis is possible because of recent advancements in object detection and tracking. The authors present how video information is processed with the ultimate aim to achieve knowledge discovery of people activity and also extract the relationship between the people and contextual objects in the scene. First, the object of interest and its semantic characteristics are derived in real-time. The semantic information related to the objects is represented in a suitable format for knowledge discovery. Next, two clustering processes are applied to derive the knowledge from the video data. Agglomerative hierarchical clustering is used to find the main trajectory patterns of people and relational analysis clustering is employed to extract the relationship between people, contextual objects and events. Finally, the authors evaluate the proposed activity extraction model using real video sequences from underground metro networks (CARETAKER) and a building hall (CAVIAR).  相似文献   

文章在简述了创新的基本概念及其重大意义与作用后,从知识在创新中的地位作用和获取应用的角度,把知识分为显性知识与隐性知识两大类,进而,把隐性知识划分为主观隐性知识、客观隐性知识和主客观交叉的隐性知识等三种,并分别进行了论述。从实现创新的过程及其对知识的需求,论证了知识发现是创新的源泉与保障,针对三种不同的隐性知识积压自的特质,阐述了知识挖掘、知识显化和知识提炼等三种相应的知识发现的概念,特征及其研究的现状与趋势。  相似文献   

系统地总结与提出知识发现(KD)领域中当今面临的五类重大问题,它们是KD中的两大核心问题、两大猜想问题、主流发展中富有挑战性的问题、应用研究中的相关领域重大问题以及KD技术标准的制定问题,并给出其部分成果或具体分析.这五类问题密切相关,对它们的研究必将KD推向新的发展阶段.并在该领域内外产生深刻的影响.  相似文献   

As supply chains are becoming ever more global and agile in the modern manufacturing era, enterprises are increasingly dependent upon the efficient and effective discovery of shared manufacturing resources provided by their partners, wherever they are. Enterprises are thus faced with increasing challenges caused by the technical difficulties and ontological issues in manufacturing interoperability and integration over heterogeneous computing platforms. This paper presents a prototype intelligent system SWMRD (Semantic Web-based manufacturing resource discovery) for distributed manufacturing collaboration across ubiquitous virtual enterprises. Ontology-based annotation to the distributed manufacturing resources via a new, multidisciplinary manufacturing ontology is proposed on the semantic web to convert resources into machine understandable knowledge, which is a prelude to the meaningful resource discovery for cross-enterprise multidisciplinary collaboration. An ontology-based multi-level knowledge retrieval model is devised to extend the traditional information retrieval approaches based on keyword search, with integrated capabilities of graph search, semantic search, fuzzy search and automated reasoning to realise the intelligent discovery of manufacturing resources, e.g. to facilitate more flexible, meaningful, accurate and automated resource discovery. A case study for intelligent discovery of manufacturing resources is used to demonstrate the practicality of the developed system.  相似文献   

This article explores the emergence of knowledge from scientific discoveries and their effects on the structure of scientific communication. Network analysis is applied to understand this emergence institutionally as changes in the journals; semantically as changes in the codification of meaning in terms of words; and cognitively as the new knowledge becomes the emergent foundation of further developments. The discovery of fullerenes in 1985 is analyzed as the scientific discovery that triggered a process which led to research in nanotubes.  相似文献   

Coordination of crosstalk between MAPK-PKC pathways: an exploratory study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Networks of signaling pathways provide a robust mechanism for cells to respond to various biological stimuli. Cell adaptation through the viewpoint of an organising principle between two interconnected pathways mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and protein kinase C (PKC) is demonstrated. A multilevel system representation of the pathways is used to determine the pathway components contributing to the adaptive behaviour and coordination. The adaptation can be thought of as being manifested by a change in parameters of the coordinator. In silico experiments are conducted using MAPK-PKC mathematical model in the literature, which is modularised using biological functionality. Through extensive, guided parametric in silico experiments, the PLA2 subsystem is shown to be a coordinator. Results show that varying parameters of the coordinator not only activate the network of pathways where otherwise the pathway activity is very low, but also reveal the ability of the system to activate itself in the absence of the input, indicating relevance of the principle of bounded autonomy  相似文献   

首先,给出了将工程实例库转化为结构选型规则库与实例基因库的方法,建立了实例空间、规则空间、基因空间及三者间的相互转换关系,实现了从实例到选型规则与基因间的转换;其次,给出了从实例基因库与基因空间中发现结构型式判别规则知识库的策略,提出了基因向量与正反实例基因库间的相似性度量方法,建立了基于实例基因库与实数码遗传算法的结构选型知识库发现过程与方法;最后,编制了基于实例基因库与遗传算法的知识发现程序,给出了所获取的钢筋混凝土结构型式产生知识。实践证明,该方法可有效自动地从实例基因库中获取结构型式产生的规则性知识库,为开采工程实例“富矿”、解决知识获取“瓶颈”、提高结构选型质量与效率等提供了新的途径与方法。  相似文献   

This study of the organization of the discovery function by large US pharmaceutical companies (LPCs) examines an important knowledge acquisition strategy—external sourcing of compounds and technologies. Through a critical examination of the “capabilities” thesis in strategic management and of the theoretical conceptualization in organization studies of innovation networks, we undertake an in-depth qualitative analysis of the network relationships LPCs establish with biotechnology firms/public research laboratories. We additionally examine the motivations and degree of strategic intent of R&D managers involved in external knowledge sourcing. The paper identifies the tensions and contradictions in network relationships and indicates how these lead to changes in knowledge sourcing. This qualitative analysis is placed in its industry and technology context. This reveals both the pressures towards and the trends in external knowledge sourcing, as compared with in-house discovery. Extensive interviews with US LPCs and biotechnology firms provide a rare glimpse of how some of the most important actors in global innovation networks handle a significant new innovation strategy.  相似文献   

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