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为了探索抑制锆包壳剪切过程中锆粉着火的方法,采用粉尘层最低着火温度测定仪、红外热成像仪、真空手套箱等测定了不同粒径的锆粉尘层在空气和含不同浓度氮气、氩气的空气中的最低着火温度和火焰温度。结果得出:锆粉的中位粒径从2.4 μm升至71.7 μm,粉尘层最低着火温度从200 ℃升至390 ℃,表明粒径越小的锆粉着火敏感性越高;4种粒径的锆粉燃烧火焰最高温度都在1 776~1 913 ℃范围内,锆粉粒径较大时,燃烧的剧烈程度较低;氮气或氩气体积分数从60%~65%升至70% 85%时,锆粉尘层最低着火温度升至400 ℃,表明空气中高浓度的氮气或氩气对锆粉燃烧有抑制作用,且浓度越高,抑制作用越强,锆粉粒径越小,抑制效果越好。氩气的抑制效果强于氮气。  相似文献   

梁立晓 《深冷技术》2009,(Z1):11-14
介绍了首钢氧气厂35000m3/h空分设备冬季分子筛再生污氮气加热用蒸汽压力低的问题,通过将中压蒸汽管网的部分蒸汽引入低压蒸汽管网解决了此问题。分析了具体的实施方案以及使用效果。  相似文献   

在深层气井压井作业中,不合理的压井液密度不仅造成压井液滤失量高、而且用量大,会使压井施工成本增加、对储层造成不同程度的损害,导致油气井产能降低。随着勘探的不断深入,对于地层温度在170℃以上的储层,降低压井液的漏失难度大幅度增加,为了减少压井液的用量,研究了170℃凝胶暂堵剂,该暂堵剂具有热稳定性能好,无固相、滤失量低、流变性好,抗温可达170℃等优点,室内岩心流动实验表明,该凝胶暂堵剂,对火山岩岩心伤害程度小,对油气层具有很好的保护作用。现场实验表明:该凝胶暂堵剂能够满足大庆油田深层压裂后压井的需要,可在大庆油田深层天然气勘探开发中普遍推广使用。  相似文献   

在耐热钢真空炉中,通氮气加热制备TaN粉.以钽粉为原料,研究了恒温温度、恒温时间和氮气分压对TaN产品含N量的影响,确定了制备TaN粉的最佳工艺条件是:恒温温度为1 100℃,氮气分压0.05 MPa,恒温时间4 h.可以制得含7.2%N、粒径小于1.0 μm的超细TaN粉末.XRD分析表明,所得的TaN产品以TaN为主,含有少量的Ta2N,TaN0.8.  相似文献   

本文采用液氮汽化后的低温氮气与食品接触进行热交换,搭建了低温液氮实验装置,研究了液氮冻结传热过程中热流量和冷却速度的变化规律。在-170~-50℃之间以-20℃为间距设置7个温区进行冻结实验,将马铃薯从初始温度18℃降至冻结点-18℃。采用拟合公式法对采集的数据进行计算,得到换热过程的平均热流量和温度分布;分析热流量变化规律及温度变化率得到最佳氮气温度。结果表明:当氮气温度为-122.87℃时,热流量增长速率达到最大值,继续降低温度,热流量增长幅度减小,此时有部分热量聚于内部,造成冷量浪费;通过对食品中心-3℃时不同界面的温度变化率计算,得到最佳氮气温度为-133.11℃,与前者仅相差6.71%。因此,-128℃左右的氮气温度为最佳温度,既可以保证食品实现快速冻结又可以提高氮气的有效利用率。  相似文献   

董超 《中国科技博览》2014,(39):229-230
由于测井、录井资料解释水平的局限性,**4-2-*77井出现试油结论与解释不相符的情况,导致在试油施工中工艺制定不合理,射孔后出现了溢流、井涌的现象,经系统试气后,进行压井、诱喷施工,本文对该井应用的清水诱喷、氮气诱喷、地面关放诱喷等方法,进行了详细论述,并提出建议措施,为以后油气井诱喷提供借鉴。  相似文献   

改进的行波型热声发动机的初步实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了新型行波热声发动机的实验装置,并与原有的实验装置进行了比较,对试验结果进行了分析和讨论.在工作气体为氮气,压力为1.56 MPa,热端气体温度615℃时得到压比1.083.  相似文献   

随着我国经济突飞猛进的发展,能源行业的竞争也与日俱增,为了适应时代发展的步伐,能源行业不得不加大对油气钻井的难度和深度。因此,井眼压力大,温度高等问题也随着之而来。高压气井压井的安全问题已成为我国西部地区采油行业目前急需解决的问题。只有选取合适,有效地压井方法,才能解决井控安全问题。在施工过程中,选择不当的压井发发计算不准确,可能造成井涌、井喷或井漏,都会损害产层。所以选择合适的压井方法在整个钻井过程中起着决定性的作用。  相似文献   

使用离子液体"充填型"支撑液膜,进行乙醇/水混合物的蒸汽渗透膜分离实验,比较了原料浓度、操作温度对分离性能的影响.结果表明,离子液体支撑液膜的蒸汽渗透过程能够实现乙醇脱水,用于制备无水乙醇.经过140 h的实验测定,支撑液膜分离性能稳定.在50℃温度下,原料中含水摩尔分数0.024~0.24时,蒸汽渗透分离因子5.5~3.2,渗透通量55 g/(m2·h).离子液体支撑液膜的蒸汽渗透膜分离过程,有望用于醇类水溶液组成的恒沸体系脱水.  相似文献   

<正>一、高温压、大口径蒸汽流量计的选型分析近年来,流量测量技术获得了飞速发展,蒸汽流量测量大多使用差压式流量计和涡街流量计,在实际应用中,高温型涡街流量计最大口径只能做到300mm,最高温度450℃。因此,在高温压大口径蒸汽流量测量中,差压式流量计仍然具有独到的优势,其选型综合分析如表1所示。由表1可知,在高温压、大口径蒸汽管线上采  相似文献   

热交换器是将不同温度介质之间的热量通过热传导的形式,由高温介质传递给低温介质,使介质达到生产所需温度的工艺设备,也可作为一种节能设备使用.通过对不同热交换器的结构分析,总结不同热交换器的优缺点、适用环境,为生产工艺设计人员及设备制造单位在选择可降低能耗、提高效率的设备上提供参考.  相似文献   

通过化学氧化法分别制备盐酸,盐酸和十二烷基苯磺酸,碳纳米管(MWNTs-COOH)掺杂的聚苯胺,利用红外光谱,紫外光谱,扫描电子显微镜和透射电子显微镜对所制备聚苯胺的结构和形貌进行分析。分析不同掺杂物对聚苯胺的结构和形貌的影响;同时研究了超声波作用对聚苯胺形貌以及聚苯胺包裹MWNTs-COOH情况的影响。  相似文献   

Measurements of dynamic Young's modulus, E, and damping as a function of temperature, T, were made for alumina and silicon carbide. The Young's modulus data were compared with some from the literature, and analysed in terms of a theoretical framework relating the Debye temperature, θD, with the elastic constants. For both materials this analysis yielded a ratio T0D which was near 0.4, where T0 is an empirical fitting constant for the plot of (E(0)−E)/T versus 1/T (E(0) is the value of E at 0 K). The analysis of the damping data in terms of an Arrhenius type dependence led to effective activation energies near kT, where k is Boltzmann's constant. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

孙军龙  邓建新  刘长霞 《材料导报》2005,19(Z2):401-403
碳化硼陶瓷具有极高的硬度,然而其低韧性、低抗弯强度、难以致密化限制了它的广泛应用.已有一些研究集中于碳化硼陶瓷增韧补强和致密化,对这一方面国内外研究进展进行了归纳与评述,阐明各种增韧补强和致密化方法的优缺点,提出碳化硼陶瓷增韧补强和致密化研究值得发展的一些方向.  相似文献   

The curing of thermosets is a complex process involving the transition from a fluid into a (visco-) elastic solid. This phase transition comes along with an increase in stiffness and a volume shrinkage of the polymer. The latter may lead to severe residual strains and stresses, which in turn can cause damage in the final, usually quasi-brittle material. In this contribution a constitutive model is developed which takes into account the curing of a thermosetting material together with the process-induced damage as resulting from curing shrinkage. The curing of the material is governed by a phenomenological hypoelastic constitutive equation which includes temporal evolutions for stiffness and volume shrinkage. Thermal and viscous effects are neglected in the present study. An isotropic gradient-enhanced damage model is adapted to describe the damage evolution. The curing-damage model is implemented into a finite element code and numerical examples for thermosetting materials demonstrate that the proposed model is capable to predict cure-induced damage in thermosets.  相似文献   

Principles of the theory of thermodynamic similarity are considered in application to all aggregate states of a substance, including phase transitions, and to the change in dissipative structures in open systems.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 709–716, November, 1987.  相似文献   

本文介绍了检定和校准以及证书的两点相同、五点不同之处,说明了对检定证书和校准证书的正确应用。  相似文献   

Polymeric precursors for carbothermal reactions were prepared from the chelate derivatives of titanium and zirconium alkoxides L2M(OR)2 (L is an acetylacetonato or ethyl acetoacetato group) in alcohols by reaction with organic compounds having two or more reactive OH groups, such as ethylene glycol, saccharose, tartaric acid or dihydroxybenzenes. These organic groups act as bridging ligands in transesterification and condensation polymerization yielding either spinnable viscous solutions or elastic gels. The rheological properties of the concentrated solutions allowed for the preparation of polymer fibres and films. At temperatures up to 1600 °C, bulk precursors as well as fibres and films were thermally converted into carbide powders, films or coatings. The structural transformations of the polymeric materials into the carbides were investigated using thermogravimetric–differential thermal analyses (TGA–DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) analysis and Raman spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The preparation conditions of concentrated (>70%) aqueous suspensions of coal were optimized, as were the surface charge density and the surface potential of the coal-water suspensions. The theoretical study showed that (1–3) or (2–3) electrolytes such as Na2SO4 or Na5P3O10, greatly increase the surface charge density and the surface potential of the coal particles in water. This study has led to the interesting result that thinners and stabilizing agents of concentrated clay suspensions, such as lignosulphonates, tripolyphosphates, polynaphtalene sulphonates, etc., must also be good thinners and stabilizing agents for ground coal-water suspensions. Two parameters were controlled: the stability and the fluidity of the suspensions. A penetrometry technique revealed the importance of the resistance coefficient,C r that can be used as a criterion for the evaluation of coal-water mixture stability and fluidity. Concentrated coal suspensions (about 75% of solid by weight) were prepared in water by using different additives, for instance sodium tripolyphosphate (NaTPP) and surfactants like lignosulphonates (by coupling of the dispersion and stabilizing effects) with the optimum concentration ratio of these two products equal to 1.9. The stability of the suspensions was then greater than 2 months and the viscosity was 1900 cP.  相似文献   

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