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介绍了超声波流量计的工作原理,设计出一种简单高效的四声道超声波驱动电路及回波接收电路,着重介绍了四声道电路切换的设计。信号接收电路采用集成芯片放大滤波。本系统主要应用于超声波气体流量计。最终实验结果表明发射效率高,同波信号良好。  相似文献   

吴飞  王寅观 《声学技术》2005,24(Z1):85-86
1引言 在目前的工业应用中,绝大多数的超声波流量计使用压电换能器发射和接收超声波.但是在高温情况下,不论是夹装式流量计还是嵌入式流量计,换能器与流体的管道的距离都非常近.  相似文献   

一、引言 超声同步检波报警器就是利用同步检波原理做成的一种超声报警器。其原理如方块图1所示,这是一种适合於密闭仓室内使用的高灵敏度入侵报警器。它由单频信号发生器、发射换能器、接收换能器、选频接收机、同步检波电路、高通滤波以及报警电路构成。 发射换能器既可用作把信号转换为声信号向仓室发射超声波,又可作为单频信号发生器的振荡元件,使发射的频率始终跟踪着换能器的谐振频率。 接收换能器的谐振频率完全与发射换能器一致。它把接收到的超声波转换成电信号送入选频接收机。此时,接收到的信号有仓室内的静目标回波、宽带的环境…  相似文献   

为了提高声纳探测目标的能力,往往采用复杂的发射信号体制,并且所覆盖的频带越来越宽。但是湿端的宽带换能器在所需工作频段内的收发电压响应并不是平滑均等的,这对信号处理产生较大的影响,需要对其进行补偿。研究了数字均衡器的特点,并将其引入到宽带接收系统中用于补偿匹配换能器。最后在NI-CompactRIO平台中实现了该功能,通过仿真试验验证了该方法是有效可行的。这对该技术在水声宽带系统中的应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

声发射传感器的校准是实现声发射定量技术的前提,依据电声换能器互易原理,在计算互易常数的基础 上,建立了适用于压电型声发射传感器表面波和纵波互易的校准系统。通过设置特定的激励信号波形,依据接收 电压信号与激励电流信号之间的时间延迟,准确获取电流信号与电压信号对应的特征值,实现了声发射传感器的表面波和纵波互易校准。由于传感器的尺寸效应,传感器在高频时的表面波速度灵敏度低于纵波灵敏度,不确定度评定结果表明,声发射传感器速度灵敏度的互易法校准不确定度为1. 2 dB。  相似文献   

周一丰 《声学技术》1989,8(2):28-31
一、接收换能器非 线性理论研究 在一般的声学问题中,人们总是将换能器视为线性器件。即作用于换能器表面的声压和换能器两端的开路电压呈线性关系。但是在非线性声学中、由于参量阵的工作频率向低频方向的发展以及参量阵近场应用研究的展开,换能器的非线性效应也就比较明显了,它直接影响和干扰了实验测量结果。例如,在参量发射阵的近场实验中,由于水听器距发射换能器较近,因此,此时原频衰减很小,作用于水听器的原频声波很强,而参量发射阵作为一种“虚端射阵”当阵长较短时,水介质非线性形成的差频信号未能经过足够的累加,因为差频信号很弱,…  相似文献   

针对四声道气体超声波流量计,提出基于可变阈值和过零检测的数字信号处理方法,快速、准确定位回波信号,提高系统抗干扰能力。设计了集中采集-集中处理数据的工作模式和双发双收的收发方式,采用FPGA和DSP双核架构,研制了四声道气体超声波流量变送器。利用FPGA擅长并行处理和复杂逻辑控制的优势,实现换能器双发双收、高速DAC和ADC的驱动控制以及数据存储,完成信号的集中采集;利用DSP擅长数字信号处理的优势,实时实现数字信号处理方法,完成信号的集中处理。气体流量标定实验结果表明:研制的四声道气体超声波流量计满足0.5级精度相关技术指标的要求。  相似文献   

对于收发合置应用的换能器,在发射脉冲信号的激励下,会产生一定的拖尾,在大尺度声学测量应用中这种拖尾可以被忽略,但是在短距离声学测量应用中,回波信号会淹没在激励信号的拖尾之中,导致测量盲区的加大.为了提高超声波的短距离测量能力,从换能器等效电路入手,通过分析换能器的频率特性,设计了换能器的等效高斯带通滤波器模型,提出了一...  相似文献   

1.引 言 宽带大功率水声换能器由于具有优良的脉冲响应特性,且能够接收和发射各种信号,它已不仅是高分辨力声纳的关键部件,而且已成为水下通信系统必不可少的关键部件。 本文所述的换能器是附加有声匹配板的Tonpilz换能器(Tonpilz换能器即串并联电路机械模拟换能器—译注),它是根据多模式滤波器合成理论设计的。我们用这种方法  相似文献   

在测定超声波的声速时 ,往往是利用两个压电陶瓷换能器 ,如图 (1 )中的S1和S2 。它们的头部一般做成喇叭型。通常S1作为超声波的波源 ,当交变信号接入换能器后 ,它可将交变电信号变成压电材料纵向长度的伸缩 ,从而成为超声波的波源 ,S2 作为超声波的接收器 ,它将声信号再转变为电信号输入到示波器中 ,则在示波器中可观察到接收的信号 ,同时S2 又反射部分超声波。图 1  1 .信号发生器  2 .S1  3.S2   4 .示波器从S1发射的声波 ,通过媒介到达接收器S2 ,那么在发射波和接收波之间存在着位相差 ,如果将输入S1的信号输入示波器的X…  相似文献   

胡涛  刘宇  傅波 《声学技术》2021,40(2):286-294
针对全波压电超声换能器常规设计方法存在的尺寸参数较多、计算较复杂等问题,研究了一种利用机械品质因数设计全波压电超声换能器的方法。基于压电超声理论推导了全波压电超声换能器的频率方程,利用电学理论推导了全波压电超声换能器各组成部分的等效电路,利用等效电路求取了在任意等效截面处的等效机械阻抗,进而推导出全波压电超声换能器各部分尺寸参数与其机械品质因数的关系式。利用机械品质因数及频率方程的等高线图,对全波压电超声换能器各部分尺寸进行了设计计算。利用ANSYS对该尺寸全波压电超声换能器的谐振频率进行了仿真分析,结果表明所设计的全波压电超声换能器的谐振频率具有较高的精度,满足工程应用的要求。  相似文献   

用于井下超声石油流量计的互相关方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍井下超声波石油流量计的互相关处理方法以及实现方案。该方案采用倾斜式换能器布放方式,提高了井下超声石油流量计的测量灵敏度;采用数值化互相关求取时差的方法处理超声回波,对相关法与阈值法计算时差的可靠性与稳定性进行了比较,说明了相关法在时差计算方面相对于阈值法的优越性。同时介绍了相关法井下流量计的电路实现方法。结果表明:简化了超声流量计的电路设计,提高了系统的稳定性和测量精度,该方案对于井下流量计及相似的检测问题具有实际的参考价值。  相似文献   

周铁英 《声学技术》2006,25(3):258-261
回顾了超声键合用换能器的发展状况,特别是在我国的研究状况。对超声键合用换能器的研究方法进行了总结,例如等效网络法、直接解振动与波动方程法、有限元法。不少单位已经编制了等效网络法的计算程序,可以迅速准确地得到细长和简单换能器结构的频率特性和导纳曲线;利用有限元软件可以计算复杂结构的换能器特性,是当今设计仿真的有效工具。论文结合当前微电子、集成芯片对超声键合的大量需求,展望了超声键合换能器的发展前景。除高频换能器和小体积的换能器需要进一步研究外,性能更加稳定和优良的换能器依然是研究的热点。  相似文献   

A new procedure for preparing lead zirconate titanate (PZT)/poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) 1-3 composites with both phases piezoelectrically active is described. Sintered PZT rods are inserted into a prepoled copolymer matrix, and the composite is repoled under a lower electric field. Using this new procedure, the dipoles in the two phases are aligned in either the same or opposite directions. Composite disks, of 12.7-cm diameter and 0.33- to 0.60-mm thicknesses, have been fabricated with PZT rods of 0.8 or 1 mm diameter distributed in a square pattern with 3 mm center-to-center separation. The ceramic volume contents of the composite disks are 3.6 and 5.6%, respectively. The resonance characteristics of the composite disks consist of the resonance modes of the two constituent phases, but they are dominated by the coupled longitudinal thickness mode (H-mode) of the PZT rods. The coupled radial mode (L-mode) resonance of the PZT rods is significant only for thin disks. The observed resonance frequencies of the H- and L-modes agree well with the values calculated from the coupling theory. The thickness mode resonance of the copolymer matrix (T-mode) is present but hardly observable in thick disks. The composite disks have been fabricated into transducers with air-backing and with no front face matching layer, and their performance characteristics have been evaluated in water. The transmitting and receiving voltage responses of a PZT/P(VDF-TrFE) composite transducer are better than those of a PZT/epoxy composite transducer. The transmitting and receiving voltage responses are improved when the PZT rods and copolymer matrix are poled in opposite directions, especially when the resonance frequencies of the H- and T-modes are approximately equal. When the phases are poled in the same direction and the resonance peaks associated with the Hand T-modes just overlap, the bandwidth is improved. Using 0.33-mm thick composite disks, a transducer can be produced with three operating frequencies by poling the constituent phases in the same direction, or with two operating frequencies at equal efficiency by poling the constituent phases in opposite directions. The PZT/P(VDF-TrFE) 1-3 composite transducer, especially the one with multiple operating frequencies, should be very promising in the applications of medical ultrasonic imaging.  相似文献   

Sandwiched piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers of longitudinal-torsional compound vibrational modes were studied. The transducers consist of coaxially segmented, longitudinally and tangentially polarized piezoelectric ceramic rings, a back metal cylinder, and a front exponential solid metal horn. Based on the plane-wave approximation, the equivalent circuits of the longitudinal and torsional vibrations in the sandwiched transducer were obtained and the resonance frequency equations of the transducer in longitudinal and torsional vibrations were derived. By means of choosing the radius decay coefficient of the front exponential horn, the longitudinal and torsional vibrations are made to resonate at the same frequency in the transducer. Sandwiched piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers of longitudinal-torsional compound modes were designed and fabricated according to the frequency equations. It is demonstrated that the measured resonance frequencies of the transducers are in good agreement with the theoretical results, and the measured resonance frequencies of the transducers in longitudinal and torsional vibration modes are also in good agreement with each other. Theoretical and experimental results show that this kind of transducer can be used in ultrasonic welding, ultrasonic machining, ultrasonic motors, and other ultrasonic applications which need large displacement amplitudes  相似文献   

宁晨  顾宇  周康源  陈昕 《声学技术》2003,22(4):251-254,261
文章报导了一种新型高精度超声波流量计的系统设计。利用传统流量计的原理,结合目前先进的可偏程逻辑器件(CPLD)设计和高频电路设计技术,针对高精度、宽量程的要求,设计出具有数字自动增益控制(AGC)系统、自动纠错系统、高频计数系统的新型超声波流量计,它具有主从处理器并行工作结构和多种输出方式,可为多种工业输出标准提供接口。文章给出了该系统在实验室和工业环境中测试的结果。  相似文献   

新型CPLD在井下超声石油流量计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
简要介绍一种新型的井下超声波石油流量计。采用的是倾斜式换能器布放方式,可以提高井下石油流量的测量精度;该流量计利用新一代高性能车用温度级别的CPLD芯片LC4128ZC-75T100E代替分立元件,能简化超声流量计的电路设计,也提高了系统的稳定性和测量精度,解决了井下系统需要的体积和温度要求。  相似文献   

It is shown that the role that an ultrasonic piezoelectric transducer plays in both generating and receiving ultrasound in an ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation (NDE) measurement system can be completely described in terms of the transducer's electrical impedance and open-circuit, blocked force receiving sensitivity. Furthermore, it is shown that both of these quantities can be obtained experimentally via a model-based approach and purely electrical measurements. The measurement of sensitivity uses a method originally developed for lower-frequency acoustic transducers. However, it is shown that at the higher frequencies found in ultrasonic NDE applications electrical cabling effects play an important role and must be compensated for in determining the transducer sensitivity. Examples of experimental measurement results using these new approaches are given.  相似文献   

It is shown that the role that an ultrasonic piezoelectric transducer plays in both generating and receiving ultrasound in an ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation (NDE) measurement system can be completely described in terms of the transducer's electrical impedance and open-circuit, blocked force receiving sensitivity. Furthermore, it is shown that both of these quantities can be obtained experimentally via a model-based approach and purely electrical measurements. The measurement of sensitivity uses a method originally developed for lower-frequency acoustic transducers. However, it is shown that at the higher frequencies found in ultrasonic NDE applications electrical cabling effects play an important role and must be compensated for in determining the transducer sensitivity. Examples of experimental measurement results using these new approaches are given.  相似文献   

A laser optoacoustic imaging system (LOIS) uses time-resolved detection of laser-induced pressure profiles in tissue in order to reconstruct images of the tissue based on distribution of acoustic sources. Laser illumination with short pulses generates distribution of acoustic sources that accurately replicates the distribution of absorbed optical energy. The complex spatial profile of heterogeneous distribution of acoustic sources can be represented in the frequency domain by a wide spectrum of ultrasound ranging from tens of kilohertz to tens of megahertz. Therefore, LOIS requires a unique acoustic detector operating simultaneously within a wide range of ultrasonic frequencies. Physical principles of an array of ultrawide-band ultrasonic transducers used in LOIS designed for imaging tumors in the depth of tissue are described. The performance characteristics of the transducer array were modeled and compared with experiments performed in gel phantoms resembling optical and acoustic properties of human tissue with small tumors. The amplitude and the spectrum of laser-induced ultrasound pulses were measured in order to determine the transducer sensitivity and the level of thermal noises within the entire ultrasonic band of detection. Spatial resolution of optoacoustic images obtained with an array of piezoelectric transducers and its transient directivity pattern within the field of view are described. The detector design considerations essential for obtaining high-quality optoacoustic images are presented.  相似文献   

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