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邓伟  范军 《声学技术》2014,33(5):402-407
将板块元方法应用到鱼雷导引弹道计算中,对运动目标的回声特性进行了研究。用刚性球Rayleigh简正级数解检验了板块元方法对运动目标回声特性的计算,在此基础上把板块元方法应用到鱼雷尾追法、固定提前角法、平行接近法三种导引弹道下复杂Benchmark模型目标回声特性的研究。此方法为研究水下运动目标回声特性提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

刘博  范军  王斌 《声学技术》2021,40(4):458-463
运用目标回声强度预报的板块元方法,研究某小型潜航器的水下回声特性。计算并分析了入射波频率和方位对其声散射特性的影响规律;利用板块元法得到的散射特性,根据频域间接法仿真出水下声成像结果;完成外场试验,将试验结果与计算结果进行对比,吻合较好。研究表明潜航器中的桅杆结构对其散射有较明显影响。  相似文献   

王琦  范军  王斌 《声学技术》2022,41(2):173-179
闭式蛙人穿戴潜水服、眼镜、头盔和脚蹼,同时携带水下闭路呼吸器等在水下工作。本文通过理论建模和试验,研究水下闭式蛙人回声特性。将非刚性表面高频条件下目标回声特性预报的板块元方法算法进行局部修正,以适应考虑遮挡情况下不同属性材料组合目标回声特性预报计算。建立闭式蛙人潜水装备的分层介质反射系数模型,结合其几何外形的三维精确建模,计算闭式蛙人回声特性。给出了游泳姿态的0°~360°目标强度、回波时域角度谱、蛙人表面亮点分布等细致的计算图像。开展了真实闭式蛙人的湖上试验,理论计算与试验测量进行了对比分析。研究表明,气瓶、潜水服是主要的回波贡献,闭式蛙人目标强度概率分布区间在频率为50、70 kHz时为-20~-13 dB,在频率为80 kHz时为-23~-17 dB。  相似文献   

刘慧  彭子龙  范军  吴锟 《声学技术》2019,38(2):147-152
阐述了基于虚源法的板块元基本原理,以及目标强度和时域回波的计算方法。通过建立三维船坞登陆舰的网格模型,考虑水面反射以及船艉部分浸水的影响,计算得到了水平方位上的目标强度、由远场到近场回声强度的变化规律以及浅海水域下通过水雷正上方时回声强度的通过特性,并对这些结果进行的分析。通过开展运动水面舰船模型声散射湖上试验,获取了舰船模型时域回波特征,并与计算结果对比。研究结果表明,采用基于虚源法的板块元能够对船坞登陆舰的目标强度、回声强度以及时域回波结构给出比较准确的预报。研究结果将对提高船坞登陆舰声隐身特性,避开鱼雷和水雷等水中兵器的攻击提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

回声消除常用的LMS算法收敛性差,而收敛性好的RLS算法计算量大。文章中提出一种全新的求解方法:基于前馈神经网络的自适应回声消除方法。把回声消除模型中求解滤波器系数的问题转化为前馈神经网络神经元权值的训练问题,并运用误差反向传播算法(BP算法)得出神经元权值的递推公式。经仿真计算,能较好地实现回声消除,与原传统算法LMS和RLS计算比较:该方法能得到非常高的计算精度和明显优越的收敛性能,而计算量只有RLS算法的一半。  相似文献   

吴泽艳  王立峰  武哲   《振动与冲击》2014,33(2):188-192
考虑高精度増维精细积分法求解大规模动力系统快速算法。为提高増维精细积分方法求解大规模动力系统精度,将非齐次项近似为高阶多项式,形成高精度増维精细积分方法;为减少计算时间、提高计算效率,提出高精度増维精细积分方法快速算法。算例表明,通过提高非齐次项近似阶数可显著提高计算精度,快速算法可使计算效率呈量级提高,高精度快速算法适合大规模动力系统长时间推进计算。  相似文献   

张阳  李桂娟  王振山  贾兵 《声学技术》2016,35(4):319-324
潜艇目标具有复杂的内部结构,在对其进行回波预报时需要考虑不同部位之间的遮挡效应。选取某双层艇的内壳模型作为研究目标,首先利用三维建模软件对其精确建模,然后利用网格划分软件对目标建立两组尺寸不同的板块:大尺寸参考板块和精细板块,使用大尺寸参考板块对精细板块进行遮挡判断,可以通过减少遮挡判断次数,提高判断速度。通过将改进前后遮挡算法预报的目标强度和运算速度进行对比,验证了改进后算法的有效性和快速性,改进后的遮挡算法更具有工程应用价值。  相似文献   

唐轶桐  王斌  范军 《声学技术》2021,40(3):316-323
充水透声结构是水下航行体重要的结构类型之一,主动声呐作用于目标时,声波可以透射充水透声结构外表面进入结构内部,在充水透声壳体结构内表面产生内部散射,从而影响目标的目标强度。文章提出了一种适用于透声结构目标强度预报的考虑透声的修正板块元方法,此方法假设散射声场近似为内表面板块散射声场和与之对应的外表面板块散射声场叠加,基于Z-Buffer算法确定充水透声结构的外、内表面板块之间的透射遮挡对,再考虑外表面板块的反射和透射系数、内表面的反射系数,采用非刚性表面板块元方法对两部分声场进行分别计算,相干叠加后预报总目标强度。此方法考虑了充水透射结构内表面的一次散射,物理概念清晰,提高了板块元方法预报精度。通过双层平板算例验证方法的正确性,并将此方法应用于BeTSSi Ⅱ潜艇模型中的典型透声结构——围壳部分的目标强度仿真计算,最后通过围壳缩比模型目标强度水池试验,验证了提出的方法预报精度。  相似文献   

基于纹理的线积分卷积(LIC)方法,能连续细致、动画地表示2D矢量大小和方向,但卷积计算极其耗时。针对这个问题实现了基于常数滤波卷积核的快速线积分卷积算法,提出并论证了基于三角形滤波卷积核的快速线积分卷积算法,对于实际矢量场,上述两种方法均将运算速度提高了一个数量级,而基于三角形滤波卷积核的快速线积分卷积算法的结果使图像更加平滑。  相似文献   

彭茜蕤  周彦玲  范军 《声学技术》2018,37(6):528-534
运用声呐目标回声特性预报的板块元方法,研究了平面波入射水中规则波纹(正弦平方曲线波纹)表面球体的目标回声特性。分析了表面波纹高度、周期、入射平面波频率和入射方位角对声目标强度空间分布和频率响应特性的影响规律。讨论了不同频段目标强度空间分布特性的形成机理,得到了表面波纹参数与目标强度频率响应和空间分布特性的近似定量关系。通过水槽实验测量得到了3D打印的规则波纹表面尼龙球目标强度的频率响应和空间分布特性,测量结果与理论计算结果吻合较好。掌握规则波纹表面球体回声特性,有助于开展利用声学超构材料对散射声场调控的研究。  相似文献   

The mixed boundary value problem in three-dimensional linear elasticity is solved via a system of singular boundary integral equations. This procedure is an alternative to the finite element method and has the main advantage that expensive volume mesh generation is omitted and only a surface mesh is sufficient. The integral equations are discretized by the Galerkin-type boundary element method, which has essential advantages compared to the widely used collocation method. At present the Galerkin method is almost never used in engineering, because this method leads to an unacceptably high effort for the computation of singular double integrals if traditional integration methods are used. The main result of this paper is a new method for the computation of such singular double integrals. The integration procedure leads to simple regular integrand functions also in the case of curved boundary elements. This result simplifies the implementation of the Galerkin-type boundary element method and makes this method applicable in mechanical engineering. Furthermore, the integration of regular double integrals is explained. Numerical tests for model problems in linear elasticity are discussed. Quadrature and discretization errors are analyzed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a virtual boundary element—integral collocation method (VBEM) for the plane magnetoelectroelastic solids, which is based on the basic idea of the virtual boundary element method for elasticity and the fundamental solutions of the plane magnetoelectroelastic solids. Besides sharing all the advantages of the conventional boundary element method (BEM) over domain discretization methods, it avoids the computation of singular integral on the boundary by introducing the virtual boundary. In the end, several numerical examples are performed to demonstrate the performance of this method, and the results show that they agree well with the exact solutions. The method is one of the efficient numerical methods used to analyze megnatoelectroelastic solids.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to propose a quadrilateral plate bending finite element with eight nodes. An integral representation of the second derivatives over the quadrilateral element is developed in terms of the deflection and the normal slopes. This representation allows us to obtain a displacement interpolation and consequently expresses the strain energy in terms of the usual degrees of freedom at the corner and the midside nodes, leading to the computation of an adequate stiffness matrix. Results prove the accuracy of the method and the efficiency of an interpolation on an element using integral representations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to examine the applicability of the boundary element method to analysing a plate on elastic foundation. The fundamental solution of the problem is presented as a Fourier-Bessel integral. For the computation of the values of the fundamental solution an algorithm was developed in which the Fourier-Bessel integral was decomposed into an alternative convergent sequence. Equations based on the direct and indirect boundary element method were derived for a plate situated on a one- or two-parametric elastic foundation. According to the theory presented, computer programs based on the direct and indirect boundary element method were developed. These programs can be used for examining the behaviour of a smooth-boundary plate on a one- or two-parametric elastic foundation. The computer programs were tested by several examples. The results obtained by using a small number of boundary elements compared favourably to the results obtained by a fine finite element mesh. The study shows that the boundary element method is applicable to the analysis of a plate on elastic foundation.  相似文献   

This article presents a three dimensional (3-D) formulation and implementation of a high-order domain integral method for the computation of energy release rate. The method is derived using surface and domain formulations of the J-integral and the weighted residual method. The J-integral along 3-D crack fronts is approximated by high-order Legendre polynomials. The proposed implementation is tailored for the Generalized/eXtended Finite Element Method and can handle discontinuities arbitrarily located within a finite element mesh. The domain integral calculations are based on the same integration elements used for the computation of the stiffness matrix. Discontinuities of the integrands across crack surfaces and across computational element boundaries are fully accounted for. The proposed method is able to deliver smooth approximations and to capture the boundary layer behavior of the J-integral using tetrahedral meshes. Numerical simulations of mode-I and mixed mode benchmark fracture mechanics examples verify expected convergence rates for the computed energy release rates. The results are also in good agreement with other numerical solutions available in the literature.  相似文献   

姚伟岸  李晓川 《工程力学》2006,23(10):61-67,60
从电磁弹性固体平面问题的基本方程出发,依据弹性力学虚边界元法的基本思想,利用电磁弹性固体平面问题的基本解,提出了电磁弹性固体平面问题的虚边界元——最小二乘配点法。电磁弹性固体的虚边界元法在继承传统边界元法优点的同时,有效地避免了传统边界元法的边界积分奇异性的问题。由于仅在虚实边界选取配点,此方法不需要网格剖分,并且不用进行积分计算。最后给出了一些具体算例,并和已有的解析解进行了对比,结果表明提出的虚边界元方法有很高的精度。  相似文献   

A fast multipole boundary element method (FMBEM) extended by an adaptive mesh refinement algorithm for solving acoustic problems in three‐dimensional space is presented in this paper. The Collocation method is used, and the Burton–Miller formulation is employed to overcome the fictitious eigenfrequencies arising for exterior domain problems. Because of the application of the combined integral equation, the developed FMBEM is feasible for all positive wave numbers even up to high frequencies. In order to evaluate the hypersingular integral resulting from the Burton–Miller formulation of the boundary integral equation, an integration technique for arbitrary element order is applied. The fast multipole method combined with an arbitrary order h‐p mesh refinement strategy enables accurate computation of large‐scale systems. Numerical examples substantiate the high accuracy attainable by the developed FMBEM, while requiring only moderate computational effort at the same time. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an accurate and efficient method for the treatment of time integrals in time-domain boundary integral equations for viscoelastic problems. First, the integral equations in space and time are derived for linear viscoelastic and thermo-viscoelastic problems. Then various quadrature rules are discussed for the computation of time integrals. A modified Simpson's rule is proposed as an effective integration scheme. The proposed procedure requires a small computational effort and it is applicable even in time-domain boundary element analysis of many different problems. Numerical results of example problems show the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Based on the merits of the dual boundary element technique, a modified dual boundary element technique is extended to deal with the frictional contact of a finite plate with arbitrarily distributed multiple cracks. Besides establishing the incremental displacement boundary integral equation on the outer boundary, the resultant traction boundary integral equation on one of the crack surfaces is also developed. Since the resultant traction instead of incremental traction on the crack surface is introduced, the computed resultant contact tractions under sliding condition satisfy the Coulomb's friction law directly. Hence, as compared with the authors' previous work, only very few computation iterations are required by this method to accurately describe the contact situations of crack surfaces. As a result, not only the linear cracks, but also other types of multiple cracks, for example, curved and kinked cracks, can be tackled. The effects of friction and interaction among cracks on the computation of stress intensity factors are also displayed.  相似文献   

本文用半解析有限元法对边界积分方程作离散化处理,通过引入基本解函数和半解析半离散试函数的二次半解析过程,使三维弹性动力学问题简化为一维数值计算。文中又采用移动边界元法来模拟波在半无限介质中传播的表面积分问题,分析计算了各种瞬态波在介质内传播,绕射及地面运动问题。计算结果表明,半解析边界元法不仅计算精度高,而且工作量大大降低,具有较高的经济效益与应用价值。  相似文献   

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