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声学测温在日常生活、生物医学和工业生产等领域有着广泛的应用,对拓宽温度测量应用范围具有重要意义。本文以敏感元件是否直接与待测物接触对声学测温方法进行分类,分别阐述了超声内部测温、声表面波测温、声速法测温以及声共鸣法测温的基本原理、计算公式、主要参数;并介绍了各声学测温方法的主要代表性产品、实际使用情况和目前的应用局限性。通过比较分析目前声学测温方法存在的精度问题和测温难点,得出总结与展望,为继续优化发展声学测温技术提供参考。  相似文献   

张军  王世全 《声学技术》2013,(Z1):75-76
0引言平面换能器与声透镜结合可以形成有效的聚焦系统。声透镜聚焦换能器在超声显微镜、超声无损检测和成像声纳等方面有着广泛的应用。声透镜一般由曲面和平面共轴排列,由于声透镜材料声速往往大于传播介质声速,因此凹面镜会形成聚焦效果,如何准确计算透镜所形成的声场是声学透镜设计的重要基础。本文依据射线传播理论、混合传播理论和波动传播理论归纳出三种数值计算方法,分别进行声场计算,并与实测结果进行比较。  相似文献   

张宝华  赵梅 《声学技术》2013,32(1):24-28
在水声研究和海洋工程中,广泛地需要测量海水声速。纵观水声技术的发展历史,声速及其测量方法和手段一直是水声研究的基本问题。从水下声传播速度的物理特性出发,介绍了典型海洋声速剖面的特征,以声速剖面对声传播的影响为关注对象,示例说明了其对声纳最佳探测深度及声纳探测距离的影响,以及声速测量在大洋测温中的应用。在声速剖面测量方法方面,介绍总结了国内外的声速测量设备的原理、技术发展趋势以及主要产品。最后给出了海洋声速剖面测量的发展展望。  相似文献   

水平轴向测量技术相对成熟,但较难获取海底沉积物的无扰动分层声学特性,采用横向测量技术可以解决这一问题。文章研究了海底沉积物岩芯横向测量技术,将水作为海底沉积物测量的参考标准,进行测量系统的标定。提出了等效换能器的概念,将样品以外的声传播介质整合成等效换能器的一部分,标定测量等效换能器声延时和声传播初始能量。以水为标准介质,分别采用33、80、100 kHz三种频率的声学换能器,以及75、90、110 mm三种管径的聚氯乙烯(Polyvinyl Chloride,PVC),测量所得的水中的声速与标准计算水中的声速具有一致性,其中以采用80 kHz频率声学换能器和90 mm管径PVC管测量时的声速误差最小,选用此状态进行标定,得出当隔水耦合测量法换能器相对距离为142.02 mm时,标定的等效换能器声延时为45.88±0.08 μs,等效换能器声传播初始能量(以接收换能器的接收电压表示)为0.86±0.03 V。应用标定的等效换能器声延时和声传播初始能量测量海底沉积物。计算得到声速和声衰减系数符合黏土质粉砂的声学特性。  相似文献   

对高温气冷堆堆芯温度的可靠测量是目前的技术难题之一。传统温度计依靠实验室标定的材料特性与温度的关系进行测温,然而,长期暴露在高温、高辐照环境中,其测温材料的性质会发生改变且得不到及时校准,温度传感器易发生漂移甚至失效。气体声学温度计通过测量单原子气体的声速可以直接获得热力学温度;由于气冷堆内氦气介质相对稳定,利用氦气声速获得温度具有较高的可靠性。针对实用氦气声学温度计开展了初步研究,基于圆柱声学共鸣法设计了实用声学温度计测试系统,采用声波导管声学传感器测量了488K至806K圆柱共鸣腔内氦气的声学共振频率,修正了热边界层和粘性边界层的影响;基于量子力学从头算得到的氦气声学维里状态方程,获得了热力学温度。对氦气共振频率的测量相对标准偏差小于0.07%,温度测量的信噪比可满足需求,声学温度计与热电偶测温结果差异小于1%。研究结果为未来持续开展极端环境下气体声学温度计的应用研究提供了支持。  相似文献   

为使声学方法能对火焰温度进行精确测量,实验研究了火焰燃烧区域中空气声速与温度的关系。首先对非火焰气体环境中的声速与温度进行测量,然后在此基础上对不同燃料燃烧的火焰区域进行声速测量实验,并结合热电偶测得火焰温度,进而得到火焰中空气声速与温度的关系。结果表明:在固定距离下,与室温空气环境相比,高温烟气环境会使声波的传播时间减小,火焰环境会使声波的传播时间变长;在非火焰区域,空气声速与温度的关系符合理想气体中声速与温度的关系;在火焰燃烧区域,空气声速与温度关系偏离理想气体的声速与温度方程,与按照理想气体计算的声速结果相比,实际声速测量值偏小;对于同种燃料的火焰,随着火焰温度升高会出现空气中的声速减小的现象。  相似文献   

鲁强  曾绍群 《光电工程》1997,24(1):46-50
针对前后表面平行抛光的物质,干涉测温是一种非常有效的非侵入性测量方法,本文中对常规干涉测温法进行改进,提出了一种新方法--弱相干法,该方法利用光源的弱相干性抑制背景反射光,选择所需信号光进行干涉测量,从而提高测量精度。文中描述了弱相干法的基本原理及相应的实验。  相似文献   

B5 混响场中强声场的测定及应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈元平 《声学技术》1996,15(4):179-181
本文讨论了混响场中最主要的声学参数声压的测量方法,指出用一专用的测试仪表一超声波测量仪可以方便地快捷地完成的混响场声压及频率的测量,同时,通过清洗机及声化学的测试说明声学技术,该测量仪有广泛的用途。  相似文献   

生物媒质声学参量的非侵入测量是超声特别是医学超声领域研究的一个热点,对超声定量诊断有临床应用意义。 本文首先综述了有关这类工作的现状,在此基础上提出了测量平行界面样品声速、声衰减的一种非侵入测量方法——界面反射法。叙述其工作原理、实际装置,样品模型等。其特点是利用简单A型超声诊断仪并配以微机进行计算处理,可以测量单层、双层样品声学参量及几何尺寸,从而确定样品声学参量的空间分布。对于声衰减测量,考虑并计算分析了两项修正项——界面反射修正和声束扩散修正。声速与声衰减测量结果还与其他方法(侵入方法)测量结果相…  相似文献   

由国防工业出版社出版,齐娜、孟子厚编著的《声频声学测量技术原理》系统地介绍和讲解了声频声学测量技术领域内常用测量方法的原理,重点论述了测量误差理论、测量系统动态分析、测量传感器理论、声学测量传感器原理、传声器和扬声器特性测量方法原理、噪声与振动测量方法原理、室内声学测量方法原理、吸声材料特性测量方法原理、声强与声功率测量技术原理、扩声系统声学特性测量、阵列测量等内容。  相似文献   

This paper presents a guide to acoustic thermometry in gases using pulse techniques. The dependence of the measured acoustic velocity on gas properties, temperature, pressure and flow is described. These relationships are used to assess the characteristics of the thermometer, and the basic arrangement of the thermometer is described. The performance of the thermometer is dependent on the transmission characteristics of the gas; these are described together with the effect they have on pulse timing. The Stirling engine application is used to illustrate the above and other possible applications are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Acoustic power at the cold end of regenerator is the measure of gross cooling capacity for a pulse tube cryocooler (PTC), which cannot be measured directly. Conventionally, the acoustic power can only be derived from the measurement of velocity, pressure and their phase angle, which is still a challenge for an oscillating flow at cryogenic temperatures. A new method is proposed for estimating the acoustic power, which takes use of the easily measurable parameters, such as the pressure and temperature, instead of the velocity and phase angle between the pressure and velocity at cryogenic temperatures. The ratio of acoustic powers at the both ends of isothermal components, like regenerator, heat exchangers, can be conveniently evaluated by using the ratio of pressure amplitudes and the local temperatures. The ratio of acoustic powers at the both ends of adiabatic components, like transfer line and pulse tube, is obtained by using the ratio of pressure amplitudes. Accuracy of the approach for evaluating the acoustic power for the regenerator is analyzed by comparing the results with those from REGEN 3.3 and references. For the cold end temperature range of 40–80 K, the deviation is less than 5% if the phase angle at the cold end of regenerator is around −30°. The simple method benefits estimating the acoustic power and optimizing the PTC performance without interfering the cryogenic flow field.  相似文献   

Experimental and analytical characterization of acoustic emission signals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The identification of crack growth signals is extremely important in order to effectively use acoustic emission techniques to detect, locate, and determine the significance of an internal flaw. The results of an analytical methodology, incorporating a source model that is an actual crack propagation and arrest event, are presented in this paper to predict a time dependent acoustic emission signal. The integral equation method is used to calculate the dynamic Mode I stress caused by a crack propagating with a prescribed velocity, after which the displacements at any point are calculated. These time dependent displacements are the analytical form of the acoustic emission waveforms. An experimental procedure, which uses a laser interferometer to measure velocities normal to the specimen's surface, is used to investigate acoustic emission waveforms in a compact tension specimen. The experimental results are used to verify the analytical model.  相似文献   

为研究声速法接收信号幅值的变化对温度场重建的影响,基于声学测温法开展了热校准风洞模拟试验,成功模拟了航空发动机燃烧室出口的温度场重建。首先从接收到的信号数据中提取特征,建立特征矩阵,用以反馈信号幅值的变化;然后,基于采集到的信号数据,通过最小二乘法进行温度场重建;最后,通过比对不同特征矩阵下温度场重建的实际效果,分析声速法采集的信号幅值的变化对温度场重建的影响。通过试验验证可知:接收信号幅值越大,重建温度场的均方根误差越大,当幅值大于理论值40%时,均方根误差大于理论值14.38%;接收信号幅值越小,重建温度场的最大相对误差越大,当幅值小于理论值40%时,最大相对误差大于理论值44.3762 K。本文的研究对推动声学测温技术在航空发动机燃烧室出口温度场测试领域的发展起到促进作用,具有重要技术借鉴价值。  相似文献   

宽带声学多普勒计程仪与窄带声学多普勒计程仪相比,具有更高的测速精度和更广泛的应用价值。其中宽带信号的编码形式是提升宽带多普勒计程仪性能的重要因素。文章利用宽带测速的标准差公式分析了宽带多普勒测速精度的误差来源,提出了采用差分全球定位系统(Differential Global Positioning System,DGPS)和iXSEA公司的Octans光纤罗经组合测速参考系统进行测速精度考核的试验方法,分别对63、31和15阶(即码元数)的三种m码形式的编码序列脉冲,在高航速和低航速下,进行了对地和对水的测速考核试验以及数据分析。试验结果表明,宽带声学多普勒计程仪具有比传统计程仪测速精度高、稳定性好的特点。文章为宽带多普勒计程仪在实际应用中的参数选择提供了重要的试验依据。  相似文献   

Heteroplysiloxanes (HPS) thin films, recognised as a new class of materials that can be used as very versatile coating systems, are nondestructively characterised by means of a scanning acoustic microscope. The acoustic material signatures were first measured, from which the characteristic surface velocities were determined. The influence of film thicknesses as well as operating frequencies on such velocities are reported. The results are then compared with theoretical velocity dispersion curves, giving good agreements. Rayleigh velocities were found to be 3080 m/s and 3420 m/s for HPS films and glass substrates respectively. Finally using an approximation method we were able to deduce Young modulus (E = 51 GPa) and shear modulus (G = 22 GPa) for HPS films; these constants were also determined for glass substrates: E = 86 GPa and 35 GPa.  相似文献   

Acoustic radiation from an infinite cylindrical surface vibrating with an arbitrary, time-harmonic surface velocity distribution while positioned near the rigid/compliant boundary of a semi-infinite ideal compressible fluid medium is determined in an exact fashion using the classical method of separation of variables. The formulation utilizes the appropriate wave-field expansions and the method of images along with the pertinent translational addition theorem to develop a closed-form solution in form of infinite series. The analytical results are illustrated with numerical examples in which the cylindrical source, vibrating in the monopole and dipole-like modes, is positioned near the rigid/compliant boundary of a water-filled acoustic halfspace. Subsequently, the basic acoustic field quantities such as the modal acoustic radiation impedance load, radiated far-field pressure and the radiation intensity distribution are evaluated for representative values of the parameters characterizing the system.  相似文献   

邓秀华 《声学技术》2013,32(4):286-289
深弹下潜攻击弹道的测试可以采用声外测和惯性测量组合内测的方法,可根据不同的使用环境和需求进行选择,而水下声外测的动态测试精度一般难以验证。提出采用坐标转换和对时同步,将声外测得到的弹道轨迹和惯组内测得到的弹道轨迹统一到同一大地坐标系,选取相同的时间点,对测量结果进行比对,完成声外测对深弹水下运动轨迹跟踪定位精度的验证。简要介绍了试验方案和数据处理方法,给出了比对实例,比较了两种弹道测试方法给出的水下运动目标位移、速度及下滑角度,结果表明,所提出的比对方法是可行和有效的。  相似文献   

The technique of phase velocity dispersion measurements of surface acoustic waves in a thin film-substrate system was demonstrated. The excitation of surface acoustic waves (SAWs) was quite efficient with femtosecond laser pulses, and the damage of the surface was minimized. The measurements were performed with films of Al deposited on silicon wafers. The errors in the determination of the phase velocity and absorption were analyzed. The temperature changes in the propagation velocity on bare Si wafers were also measured. The data obtained permitted estimation of the accuracy of the temperature determination from measurements with SAW pulses.  相似文献   

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