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镍的回收;从电子废弃物中提取铜;从废弃印刷线路板表面提取责金属的方法及专用夹具;从含氰废水中回收铜以及相应的废水处置方法;镁合金压铸废料的循环利用工艺.  相似文献   

镍的回收;从电子废弃物中提取铜;从废弃印刷线路板表面提取责金属的方法及专用夹具;从含氰废水中回收铜以及相应的废水处置方法;镁合金压铸废料的循环利用工艺.  相似文献   

含镉酸洗废液的治理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对某厂贵金属车间在生产过程中产生的含镉酸洗废液,进行治理试验研究,得出了通过蒸馏、电解的方法,可以实现含镉酸洗废液的回收利用,达到了闭路循环的目的。同时,对蒸馏液的回用以及电解电流、电解液浓度、酸度对电解的影响,进行了讨论,确定了工艺过程的最佳操作参数。  相似文献   

近年来,作为高能汽车动力电池的镍氢电池和锂离子电池凭借其能量密度高、充放电速度快、循环寿命长以及无污染等优点得到快速发展。但经过数百至上千次的循环充放电后其容量下降并最终报废,从保护环境、节约自然资源角度看,回收电池再利用成为必然。作者总结了近年来国内外回收利用锂离子电池和镍氢电池的方法,包括湿法工艺、火法工艺和联合工艺等,并对各工艺作出了评价;概述了研究现状中存在的二次污染、安全性问题与解决方法和回收制备产物的种类,为中国未来动力电池回收利用奠定基础。  相似文献   

为避免金属制件在淬火后淬火介质随废水直接排放造成硝盐的浪费及环境污染,利用温差结晶法对淬火介质进行结晶回收,采用三级水洗的方法对淬火后的工件进行清洗,并利用旋风除尘装置对淬火时的介质浮粉进行回收。结果表明,利用该技术可以最大限度地实现节水和淬火剂溶质的循环利用,使整个生产过程做到不排放废水、溶质得到90%以上回收,水的用量也减少到原来的近1/20。  相似文献   

刷镀是一种电沉积新技术,基本原理同普通电镀(槽镀)一样。但由于其本身的工艺特点,产生的废水也不同于一般槽镀废水。目前机械零件修复中刷镀的主要金属是铜和镍,废水中铜镍的合量比较高,一般为几克到十几克/升。处理废液时,首先通过电解回收大部分铜镍金属,并通过电解破坏有机物,铜镍电  相似文献   

镀铑铜丝的综合回收   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用挤压成型的方式将镀铑铜丝制成铜阳极,铜和贵金属不形成合金,采用电解的方式分离铜和贵金属.电解过程中铜在阴极沉积,而贵金属不分散.阳极泥中贵金属为致密金属片,从中回收贵金属的工艺简单.整个工艺实现了铜和责金属的高效综合回收,减少了废水、废气的排放,对环境更友好.  相似文献   

进去时还是油污浮泛,出来时已成汩汩清流。南京市一家电镀企业在攻关6年后,成功掌握了电镀废水回收再利用的独特工艺,实现了电镀废水的清洁化、低成本循环综合利用。  相似文献   

从废铑催化剂中提取铑粉   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
杨春吉 《贵金属》2002,23(4):6-8
介绍了从大庆石化总厂丁辛醇生产装置排出的废铑催化剂回收Rh的工艺流程及其生产方法,包括焚烧、溶解、电解回收、酸洗、焙烧等工序,该回收工艺简单,成本低,Rh总回收率>95%,所得Rh纯度>99.5%。  相似文献   

砂状冰晶石母液是由粘土盐卤法工艺生产砂状冰晶石时副产的酸性溶液。本文研究了以砂状冰晶石母液和氟硅酸为原料回收氟硅酸钠的生产方法。本工艺采用在常温下向砂状冰晶石母液中加入一定量的氟硅酸,经搅拌、结晶、过滤、洗涤、干燥制得氟硅酸钠的方法。回收氟硅酸钠后的砂状冰晶石母液因钠离子含量比较低,可用于生产二水氯化钙或聚合氯化铝铁产品。本工艺循环利用砂状冰晶石母液和磷肥行业副产氟硅酸法生产氟硅酸钠,具有生产成本低、资源循环利用、节能环保等特点。  相似文献   

以个旧市污水回用示范工程为例 ,阐述了为保护该城市生产用水和绿地用水的供应 ,兴建城市污水回用工程的必要性 ,并重点介绍了淹没式陶粒生物滤池技术及相关配套工程的设计情况。  相似文献   

电解铝产业西部转移是大势所趋,再生铝的西部转移成了行业内探讨的热门话题。西部并不具备大规模发展再生铝产业的条件和基础。西部再生铝产业更多的是依赖内生性的发展。  相似文献   

The dominating Zn recycling process is the so-called Waelz process. Waelz oxide (WOX), containing 55–65% Zn in oxidic form, is mainly derived from electric arc furnace dust produced during recycling of galvanized steel. After its wash treatment to separate off chlorides, WOX is used as feedstock along with ZnS concentrates for the electrolytic production of high-grade zinc. Novel and environmentally cleaner routes for the purification of WOX and the production of Zn are investigated using concentrated solar energy as the source of high-temperature process heat. The solar-driven clinkering of WOX and its carbothermal reduction were experimentally demonstrated using a 10 kWth packed-bed solar reactor. Solar clinkering at above 1265°C reduced the amount of impurities below 0.1 wt.%. Solar carbothermal reduction using biocharcoal as reducing agent in the 1170–1320°C range yielded 90 wt.% Zn.  相似文献   

在对旋流电解技术研究的基础上,确定了使用旋流电解技术处理银电解废液的工艺。通过银电解液除杂、提取电解银粉和深度净化3个过程后,可从银电解废液中提取出1#银粉。产品质量符合国标(GB/T 4135-2002)要求,电解后液中银离子含量可达到废水外排要求标准。  相似文献   

Electrolytic winning (or electrowinning), the most widely used pure metal production technique, permits the recovery of metal values from a greater variety of ever-decreasing grades of feedstock and compliance with increasingly stringent environmental regulations. Over the past decades, the metallurgical industry has made tremendous progress in recovering metals from tankhouse electrolytes, purified leaching solutions, and industrial wastewater. Improved solutionpurification and electrowinning techniques produce metal products swiftly and return or discharge environmentally compliant spent solutions immediately. This paper presents a new process for combining electrolytic cells to make a typical electrowinning process more practical, efficient, and economical.  相似文献   

Since its discovery in the late Nineteenth century aluminium becomes an important construction material due to its good mechanical properties such as sufficient strength at low density. Additional advantages are high corrosion resistance as well as low manufacturing forces. Apart from this, aluminium is still very expensive to produce. The energy consumption of the production process is at least twice as much as for steel. Most of the energy consumption takes place at the electrolyse process while aluminium oxide (Al2O3)—recovered from natural bauxite—is divided into unalloyed aluminium named “primary aluminium” and CO2. Contrary to the expensive production of primary aluminium the energy consumption of the recycling process of used aluminium also known as “secondary aluminium” is considerably lower. Given this huge effort in producing primary aluminium, the recycling of aluminium is an important economic and ecological approach. The common recycling method for aluminium is to melt it in a furnace. Except from small-sized scrap like chips, this is an overall efficient recycling method for most aluminium scraps. It can be observed that especially chips suffer high material losses mostly due to contaminants from the production process (cooling lubricant, oil etc.), fire losses (oxidation), slag and unadapted furnace settings. For this reason, several researches examine alternative recycling processes to avoid a melting process and minimize material losses. In this investigation a new non-melting aluminium recycling approach will be validated. For this purpose various chip pressings (turning, milling, sawing) are forged with an upsetting press. It will be shown that it is possible to generate a solid consolidation without pores in areas of high material movement. Furthermore, the effect of a previous sintering operation will be examined.  相似文献   

余承烈 《轻金属》2005,(4):56-60
氧化铝生产废水处理工艺目前还没有一个统一的意见.国内几家氧化铝厂生产工艺稍有不同.但废水量.处理工艺各不一样,因此。氧化铝行业需要研究氧化铝生产废水的处理流程。本文分析了氧化铝生产废水的特性.结合山西铝厂生产废水的处理实践,推荐氧化铝生产废水采用“调节→平流沉淀→过滤”的物理处理方法为主的工艺流程。  相似文献   

尽管金属钛及其合金具有非常优异的机械性能,很强的耐腐蚀性能和耐高温性能,而且钛的矿藏资源在地球上也非常丰富,但全球金属钛的产量不到原铝产量的1%,也不到钛白粉产量的1/10:造成这一现象的主要原因是现行的钛金属生产方式,Kroll法的成本过高。在过去的几十年里数十种新型的钛金属生产方式被提出,包括新的金属热还原,氯化物电解,氧化物熔体电解,氧化物固体电解以及复合阳极电解的方式。对上述新型钛生产工艺进行简要介绍。  相似文献   

吕敏建 《轧钢》2018,35(2):55-58
针对近期对电镀锡产品需求旺盛、很多企业开始或即将准备新建电镀锡生产线的背景,开发了极薄带钢常规电流密度高速清洗工艺技术及关键设备,提高了冷硬卷产品质量。该工艺技术采用碱喷洗+碱刷洗+电解清洗+水刷洗+水漂洗的组合式,建设成本低。实践证明:机组高速运行稳定可靠,带钢表面质量良好。  相似文献   

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