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硬脂酸封孔处理纳米TiN的涂层电化学腐蚀行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
因制备特点,反应等离子喷涂制备的陶瓷涂层不可避免存在孔隙、微裂纹等缺陷,影响了涂层性能的发挥.为了提高反应等离子喷涂纳米TiN涂层的耐腐蚀性能,用硬脂酸对涂层进行了封孔处理.采用Gamry电化学工作站研究了封孔处理后TiN涂层腐蚀不同时间的电化学腐蚀行为,分析了涂层的腐蚀过程.结果表明,硬脂酸封孔涂层具有较大的腐蚀电阻,较小的腐蚀电流和腐蚀速率,封孔处理显著提高了TiN涂层在海水中的耐腐蚀性能.  相似文献   

采用反应等离子喷涂技术制备了TiN涂层,并收集了少量TiN颗粒;采用SEM对涂层和TiN颗粒的横断面肜貌进行分析,研究了喷涂过程中的反应过程和涂层的形成过程.结果表明:Ti粉与N_2的反应为燃烧合成反应.反应过崔中释放出大量的热量,此反应在颗粒的表面进行;TiN涂层具有典型的层状组织结构,且层与层之间结合较好.  相似文献   

等离子喷涂氧化铝基复合涂层研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着等离子喷涂技术的发展,等离子喷涂氧化铝基复合涂层在防腐蚀、耐磨损和航天航空等领域得到了广泛应用。首先简要介绍了新型等离子喷涂技术(激光等离子喷涂、悬浮液等离子喷涂和超音速等离子等)和主要喷涂工艺参数(喷涂功率、送粉方式和喷涂距离等),然后从改善涂层耐腐蚀性能的角度出发,阐述了第二相、喷涂工艺参数和后处理工艺对涂层气孔率的影响及与涂层耐腐蚀性能的关系。重点分析了硬度、喂料特征和激光熔覆技术对氧化铝基复合涂层耐磨损性能的影响,详述了影响硬度的因素,以及喷涂粉末特征和激光熔覆处理对复合涂层微观结构的影响。在电磁波吸收性能研究方面,论述了吸收剂含量、涂层厚度和多种电磁波吸收剂匹配以及喷涂参数的调整对等离子喷涂氧化铝基复合涂层吸波性能的影响。最后对以等离子喷涂技术制备性能更加优异的氧化铝基复合涂层提出了展望。  相似文献   

热喷涂 Mo 及 Mo 基复合涂层研究进展   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
杨忠须  刘贵民  闫涛  朱晓莹 《表面技术》2015,44(5):20-30,110
热喷涂Mo及Mo基复合涂层因熔点高、硬度高、耐磨损、耐腐蚀及高温性能稳定等诸多特点,而广泛应用于机械零件生产及表面修复。随着以资源有效利用和机械产品再制造为一体的可持续发展战略不断推进,此类涂层将拥有更为广阔的应用前景。首先介绍了国内外在热喷涂Mo及Mo基复合涂层方面的研究发展和应用现状;随后依据热喷涂技术的发展历程,分别总结论述了不同热喷涂技术,即火焰喷涂(普通火焰喷涂、高速火焰喷涂)、等离子喷涂(普通等离子喷涂、超音速等离子喷涂、微束等离子喷涂、低压等离子喷涂)及电热爆炸喷涂中,Mo及Mo基复合涂层的制备工艺、涂层性能特点及存在的问题;接着指出了热喷涂Mo及Mo基复合涂层在新概念武器、航空航天等高科技领域的应用前景。最后,就进一步拓展Mo及Mo基复合涂层在贫油减摩、高温高速耐磨、高温耐腐蚀及氧化等复杂环境下的应用范围,结合热喷涂技术的研究热点及发展方向,指出了未来热喷涂Mo及Mo基复合涂层在材料组分设计和工艺优化研究中应重点关注的方面。  相似文献   

在现代工业中,等离子喷涂技术已成为提高机械零件表面耐磨、耐蚀性的重要方法。纳米粉体作为喷涂材料,能有效提高等离子喷涂涂层的耐磨、耐蚀、抗氧化等性能,在零部件表面防护应用方面具有研究价值,对于节能环保具有重要意义,已成为国内外表面改性领域的研究热点。基于此,在大量文献研究基础上,根据纳米粉体的制备方式,从固相法、液相法、气相法3方面分析总结了国内外关于纳米粉体再造粒技术的研究,阐述了纳米粉体喂料的制备方式,包括喷雾干燥法、机械研磨法、液相前驱体合成法,并重点分析了液相前驱体合成法的制备方式。从等离子喷涂纳米粉体的选择到涂层的制备,详细综述了纳米涂层在耐磨、耐蚀、热障及自润滑方面的应用成果,还归纳分析了等离子喷涂技术中工艺参数(喷涂功率、喷涂距离、喷枪移动速度、喷涂气体参数)对纳米涂层质量的影响规律。最后,探讨了当前等离子喷涂纳米粉体喂料制备中尚需解决的问题和不足,并展望了等离子喷涂纳米涂层的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Cr_3C_2-NiCr涂层的工程化应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从工程化应用的角度出发,比较了超音速火焰喷涂工艺(HVOF)和等离子喷涂工艺制备的Cr3C2-NiCr涂层性能差别,发现HVOF工艺制备的Cr3C2-NiCr涂层质量明显优于等离子喷工艺,从而采用HVOF工艺作为Cr3C2-NiCr涂层优选的喷涂方法。HVOF工艺制备的Cr3C2-NiCr陶瓷涂层具有硬度高(HV300>9800MPa)、孔隙率低(<0.9%)、与基体结合强度高(>70MPa)等特点,满足柴油机关键部件缸套涂层的使用要求。  相似文献   

采用等离子喷涂与激光渗氮技术相结合的工艺方法,在Ti6Al4V合金表面实现了TiN/Ti3Al金属间化合物复合涂层的快速制备.首先在Ti6Al4V基体表面利用等离子喷涂的方法预置一层纯铝涂层;然后在纯氮环境下,利用激光渗氮化技术对试样表面进行合金化处理.采用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)等试验手段,研究了氮气流量以及激光扫描速度两个激光渗氮工艺参数对TiN/Ti3Al金属间化合物复合涂层的微观组织的影响.结果表明,复合涂层中TiN相的含量随着氮气流量的增加与激光扫描速度的减小而增加.工艺参数对涂层中TiN增强相的形貌有着重要影响.在高氮气流量、低激光扫描速度条件下制备出的涂层中,TiN相呈颗粒状.对于低氮气流量、高激光扫描速度条件下,TiN增强相呈树枝状.  相似文献   

等离子熔-喷WC-17%Co涂层工艺参数对外观形貌的影响   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
等离子熔-喷技术同时具备等离子喷涂、熔焊技术的综合特点,可以实现各种陶瓷材料涂层与基体的冶金结合。Co基WC具有硬度高、耐磨损、耐腐蚀、耐高温等一系列优点。采用等离子熔-喷技术在Q235钢基体表面制备WC-17%Co涂层,通过研究等离子熔-喷工艺参数(等离子熔枪和喷枪角度、熔枪和喷枪与基材表面的距离、熔-喷速度、喷涂送粉量)对涂层外观形貌的影响,获得最佳的工艺参数,制备出外观形貌良好、无缺陷的熔-喷涂层。  相似文献   

彭如振  李荣兴  俞小花  侯彦青  谢刚 《表面技术》2016,45(4):116-123,161
铝电解工业越来越多的采用石墨阴极,石墨阴极具有良好的导电性能,但石墨不被铝液湿润且和铝液形成Al4 C3,导致铝电解槽运行寿命短.可湿润TiB2涂层阴极因节能和延长槽寿命能够给铝电解工业带来显著效益.等离子喷涂是一种高效、灵活的沉积涂层的方法 ,能够在形状复杂或大表面积的基体上沉积金属间化合物、陶瓷或复合材料,涂层厚度可从数微米到数毫米.等离子喷涂制备可湿润性TiB2涂层阴极是可行有效的方法 ,本文评述了等离子喷涂制备可湿润TiB2阴极涂层的研究进展,简述了等离子喷涂工艺受到的影响因素(包括粉末性质、基体表面形貌和焰流性质)和涂层与基体材料结合的机制(包括机械结合、冶金结合和物理结合),分析和讨论了TiB2粉末制备、基体预处理、等离子喷涂工艺参数、涂层显微结构和性能等.最后,指出了等离子喷涂制备可湿润性TiB2涂层阴极工艺将来研究需要解决的几个关键问题.  相似文献   

目的提高涂层的结合强度和改善微观组织结构。方法选取WC-10Co4Cr喷涂材料,分别通过激光等离子复合热源喷涂工艺以及等离子喷涂工艺制备涂层,对涂层组织与基本性能进行检测,对两种不同喷涂工艺的沉积机理作对比分析研究。研究复合热源喷涂涂层微观组织结构以及涂层与基体间结合方式较等离子喷涂涂层的变化。利用高速摄像仪对激光等离子复合热源喷涂以及等离子喷涂的工艺过程进行跟踪监测和分析,研究复合热源沉积过程中,基体表面微熔池的形成及粉末粒子在不同沉积工艺过程中熔融状态的对比,分析等离子喷涂涂层和复合热源喷涂涂层的沉积机理。结果等离子喷涂WC-10Co4Cr涂层以机械结合方式为主,涂层结合强度为39.5 MPa,孔隙率为1.7%,而激光等离子复合热源喷涂WC-10Co4Cr涂层实现了冶金结合,其结合强度提升到91 MPa,孔隙率降低到0.86%。结论激光等离子复合热源喷涂工艺可以有效提升涂层的结合力,改善涂层组织致密性,更有利于涂层的耐磨耐腐蚀性能。  相似文献   

A high-precision plasma system has been pursued for advanced thermal processing. The gas tunnel type plasma jet device developed by the author exhibits high energy density and also high efficiency. Among its various applications is the plasma spraying of ceramics such as Al2O3 and ZrO2. The performance of these ceramic coatings is superior to conventional ones. Properties such as the mechanical and chemical properties of the zirconia coatings were reported in previous studies. In this study, the enhancement of the performance of functional ceramic coatings by the gas tunnel type plasma spraying method was carried out using different powders. Results show that the alumina/zirconia composite system exhibited improvements of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. The alumina/zirconia composite coating has the potential for use as a high functionally graded thermal barrier coating. Another application of the gas tunnel type plasma is for surface modification of metals. As an example, TiN films were formed in 5 s and, thick TiN coatings were easily obtained by gas tunnel type plasma reactive spraying.  相似文献   

Investigations of tantalum coatings on steel by vacuum plasma spraying In this work the possibilities of the production of tantalum coatings by vacuum plasma spraying were investigated. Suitable parameters of the vacuum plasma spraying process were determined, and the quality of vacuum plasma sprayed tantalum coatings was evaluated with regard to chemical composition, adhesion strength, density and corrosion behaviour. To obtain high-quality coatings it was necessary to apply sufficient plasma power as well as an optimal injection of spraying powder into the plasma torch. A complete melting of the tantalum powder particles could not he achieved. The coatings obtained showed a good adhesion strength but a low formability (ductility). The corrosion resistance against HCL and HNO3 was evaluated by curves of the current density versus potential. With the aid of the passive current density it was determined that the corrosion resistance of the sprayed coatings was not as excellent as of compact tantalum. The increased surface roughness was not significant with respect to the corrosion behaviour. The reduced corrosion resistance could be caused probably by a high oxygen content of the tantalum powder, especially by oxides around individual powder particles. In contrast to tantalum, vacuum plasma sprayed titanium coatings showed the same corrosion resistance as compact titanium under the same testing conditions.  相似文献   

Thermal spray processes are widely used to protect materials and components against wear, corrosion and oxidation. Despite the use of the latest developments of thermal spraying, such as high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) and plasma spraying, these coatings may in certain service conditions show inadequate performance,e.g., due to insufficient bond strength and/or mechanical properties and corrosion resistance inferior to those of corresponding bulk materials. The main cause for a low bond strength in thermalsprayed coatings is the low process temperature, which results only in mechanical bonding. Mechanical and corrosion properties typically inferior to wrought materials are caused by the chemical and structural inhomogeneity of the thermal-sprayed coating material. To overcome the drawbacks of sprayed structures and to markedly improve the coating properties, laser remelting of sprayed coatings was studied in the present work. The coating material was nickel-based superalloy Inconel 625, which contains chromium and molybdenum as the main alloying agents. The coating was prepared by HVOF spraying onto mild steel substrates. High-power continuous wave Nd:YAG laser equipped with large beam optics was used to remelt the HVOF sprayed coating using different levels of power and scanning speed. The coatings as-sprayed and after laser remelting were characterized by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Laser remelting resulted in homogenization of the sprayed structure. This strongly improved the performance of the laser-remelted coatings in adhesion, wet corrosion, and high-temperature oxidation testing. The properties of the laser-remelted coatings were compared directly with the properties of as-sprayed HVOF coatings and with plasma-transferred arc (PTA) overlay coatings and wrought Inconel 625 alloy.  相似文献   

Thermal spraying is a widely used technology for industrial applications to provide coatings that improve the surface characteristics. According to the specificities of processes (APS, VPS, flame, electric arc), any kind of material can be sprayed. Among materials, ceramic coatings present several interesting aspects such as wear resistance, corrosion protection as well as thermal or electrical insulation; particularly alumina coatings which appear as the most commonly used. From all spraying processes, atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) is a rather well-established process but some others can also be used with a lower economical impact such as the flame technology. The aim of this study was to analyze the alumina coating properties according to the technology employed such as APS or wire flame spraying using the Rokide™ and the Master Jet? guns. After micrographic analyses by SEM, physical and mechanical properties were measured considering the thermal conductivity and the hardness. This article is an invited paper selected from presentations at the 2007 International Thermal Spray Conference and has been expanded from the original presentation. It is simultaneously published in Global Coating Solutions, Proceedings of the 2007 International Thermal Spray Conference, Beijing, China, May 14-16, 2007, Basil R. Marple, Margaret M. Hyland, Yuk-Chiu Lau, Chang-Jiu Li, Rogerio S. Lima, and Ghislain Montavon, Ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 2007.  相似文献   

高温自蔓延合成复合涂层的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高温自蔓延合成技术因其节约能源、生产效率高、投资少、产品纯度高等特点,已用于制备特种性能陶瓷,是一种潜在的制备高性能涂层的方法 .介绍了由传统高温自蔓延合成技术延伸发展起来的自蔓延铸造涂层技术、自蔓延气相传输涂层技术、自蔓延烧结涂层技术和自蔓延反应喷涂涂层技术,重点分析了各种自蔓延合成涂层技术的基本原理、工艺特点、涂层特点、应用情况、研究现状及存在的主要问题.针对自蔓延合成涂层技术存在的问题,如孔隙率高(一般达5%~20%)、结合强度差(低于50 MPa)、反应速度快、过程难以控制等,提出了高温自蔓延合成复合涂层技术的研究方向:优化反应体系组分设计,设法避免低气化点反应生成相的形成,减轻自蔓延合成反应过程中的飞溅;加入添加剂延长液态停留时间和增强液相流动性;选择反应生成相与相之间以及生成相与基体金属都具有良好润湿性的反应体系;优化涂层结构设计,设计复合结构和梯度结构的涂层体系,提高涂层与金属基体的结合质量.  相似文献   

高速电弧喷涂锌涂层性能研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
使用高速电弧喷涂枪和普通电弧喷涂枪分别制备锌涂层。通过对结合强度、孔隙率、粒子尺寸和粒子飞行速度的测试表明,高速电弧喷涂比普通电弧喷涂的粒子尺寸减小,飞行速度提高,制备的锌涂层结合强度高,孔隙率低。对两种锌涂层进行的强化腐蚀试验表明,封孔处理后的高速喷涂锌涂层具有较好的抗腐蚀性能。  相似文献   

C/C复合材料具有优异的高温力学性能,是航空航天领域最具发展前景的结构材料之一,但在高温含氧环境中的氧化问题严重地限制了其实际应用。涂层技术是提升基体抗氧化能力的有效手段,因ZrB_2-SiC陶瓷涂层具有优异的抗氧化、抗烧蚀、抗热震等性能,非常适合作为C/C复合材料的高温防护涂层。首先,介绍了ZrB_2-SiC陶瓷涂层在氧化和烧蚀过程中组织结构的演变规律,阐明了该涂层的高温防护机理;然后,综述了该涂层的主要制备方法(包埋法、CVD、等离子喷涂)及每种方法的优点与不足,并对不同方法所制备涂层的抗氧化性和抗烧蚀性进行了比较;之后,针对该涂层研究和应用中存在的问题,如涂层致密性差、元素分布不均匀、应用温度范围窄、与基体热匹配性差等,从粉体改性和掺杂改性两方面总结了该涂层的改性研究现状,重点阐述了对ZrB_2-SiC粉末进行喷雾造粒和感应等离子球化处理对于提升等离子喷涂涂层性能的重要意义;最后,从涂层制备、涂层结构设计、涂层改性、涂层性能测试等方面,指出了该涂层体系存在的主要问题和未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

为制备Ti-Al金属间化合物复合涂层,采用Ti、Al球磨粉在Q235钢表面进行反应等离子喷涂研究,获得了由Al3Ti、TiN、Al2O3、TiAl以及残留Al和Ti组成的复合涂层。虽然球磨可以使Ti-Al混合粉细化与活化,使喷涂时的反应更容易、更充分,但喷涂时Al和Ti仍难以充分反应,且在空气环境中喷涂容易氧化和氮化。涂层与基体之间没有形成冶金结合,而是镶嵌式的机械结合。其结合强度最高值达到了44.75MPa,显微硬度最高值达到了379HV0.5。文中还分析了反应等离子喷涂各工艺参数对涂层组织与性能的影响,并采用正交试验对其在一定范围内进行了优化。得到优化的工艺参数为:喷涂距离为120mm、主气流量为35L/min、喷涂电流为600A、球磨时间为6h。  相似文献   

Thermal spray processes are widely used to deposit high-chromium, nickel-chromium coatings to improve high temperature oxidation and corrosion behavior. However, despite the efforts made to improve the present spraying techniques, such as high-velocity oxyfuel (HVOF) and plasma spraying, these coatings may still exhibit certain defects, such as unmelted particles, oxide layers at splat boundaries, porosity, and cracks, which are detrimental to corrosion performance in severe operating conditions. Because of the process temperature, only mechanical bonding is obtained between the coating and substrate. Laser remelting of the sprayed coatings was studied in order to overcome the drawbacks of sprayed structures and to markedly improve the coating properties. The coating material was high-chromium, nickel-chromium alloy, which contains small amounts of molybdenum and boron (53.3% Cr, 42.5% Ni, 2.5% Mo, 0.5% B). The coatings were prepared by HVOF spraying onto mild steel substrates. A high-power, fiber-coupled, continuous-wave Nd:YAG laser equipped with large beam optics was used to remelt the HVOF-sprayed coating using different levels of scanning speed and beam width (10 or 20 mm). Coating that was remelted with the highest traverse speed suffered from cracking because of the rapid solidification inherent to laser processing. However, after the appropriate laser parameters were chosen, nonporous, crack-free coatings with minimal dilution between coating and substrate were produced. Laser remelting resulted in the formation of a dense oxide layer on top of the coatings and full homogenization of the sprayed structure. The coatings as sprayed and after laser remelting were characterized by optical and electron microscopy (OM, SEM, respectively). Dilution between coating and substrate was studied with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). The properties of the laser-remelted coatings were directly compared with properties of as-sprayed HVOF coatings.  相似文献   

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