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采用电弧熔铸和机械合金化+热压烧结技术制备晶粒尺寸相差较大的Cr-25Nb合金,研究其在950及1200 ℃空气中的氧化行为。结果表明,熔铸态及机械合金化Cr-25Nb合金氧化后均没有发生Cr的单一外氧化,而形成了以Cr2O3为外层、NbCrO4为内层的双层氧化膜结构;机械合金化Cr-25Nb合金在950及1200 ℃的氧化速度均小于熔铸态合金,特别是在1200 ℃氧化100 h后,熔铸态Cr-25Nb合金的氧化增重是机械合金化合金的2倍多。这主要是因为晶粒细化促进了氧化膜内应力的释放,提高了氧化膜与基体的粘附性  相似文献   

相组成对Cr-Nb合金高温氧化行为的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用机械活金化 热压烧结法制备5种不同相组成的Cr-Nb合金,研究相组成对Cr-Nb合金在950~1200℃空气中氧化行为的影响。结果表明,Cr相能显著增加NbCr2合金950℃的抗氧化性能;而Nb相不利于合金高温抗氧化性的提高,甚至发生灾难性氧化。SEM和XRD分析显示,单相Cr-2.5Nb合金发生了Cr的外氧化,只形成单一的Cr2O3膜;而双相Cr-18.5Nb合金和单相Laves相NbCr2合金均发生Cr的外氧化和内氧化,形成两层结构的氧化膜。但随着氧化温度增加到1200℃,由于Cr2O3的挥发,导致Cr-Nb合金高温抗氧化性变差。因此,为满足实际高温应用要求,对富软第二相Cr或Nb的NbCr2基合金实施相应的表面防护是必须的。  相似文献   

使用元素Hf和Y对Ti-45Al-8Nb合金进行了微合金化,研究了微合金化前后高铌TiAl基合金在900℃静止空气中的断续氧化行为。结果表明,与Ti-45Al-8Nb合金相比,0.5Hf(mol%)微合金化后合金的抗氧化性无明显变化,0.1Y(mol%)微合金化后合金抗氧化性增强,0.5Hf与0.1Y联合微合金化后合金氧化膜与基体粘附性明显增强,但合金氧化增重明显。对氧化膜进行的扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱分析(EDS)及X射线衍射(XRD)分析表明,单独添加Y及Hf、Y联合添加促进了合金中形成以Al2O3为主的连续致密的氧化层,Hf、Y联合微合金化的合金中存在局部内氧化现象降低了该合金的抗氧化性。  相似文献   

采用冷坩埚悬浮熔炼技术制备Nb、Mo合金化的TiAl基合金,研究合金在大气环境中的高温长时氧化行为。采用X射线衍射、扫描电镜及能谱分析研究氧化层的相结构、显微组织及与基体合金的界面特征,结合氧化动力学测试研究Nb、Mo对TiAl基合金高温抗氧化行为的协同效应。结果发现,Nb、Mo协同作用较单一元素合金化的TiAl合金具有更为优良的高温抗氧化性,连续致密且与基体良好结合的氧化膜可明显降低合金的氧化速率、减小氧化增重。Nb、Mo掺杂的TiAl基合金氧化层可阻止氧原子向内扩散,Nb、Mo的协同效应有助于改善TiAl基合金的高温抗氧化性。  相似文献   

本文采用双丝电弧增材制造的方法制备了Ti-48Al合金,在此基础上通过原位合金化制备了Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb金属间化合物,借助XRD,OM,SEM,微小力学拉伸以及高温氧化试验表征了两种合金的组织与性能。研究结果表明,两种堆积试样的成分均匀,并且均由γ-TiAl和α2-Ti3Al片层组织组成,微量合金元素Cr和Nb的添加不改变合金的相组成。微小力学拉伸结果证实了Cr和Nb微量元素的添加可以显著提高合金的抗拉强度,但对塑性没有明显的影响。高温抗氧化性试验结果表明,Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb合金试样比Ti-48Al合金具有更优良的抗氧化性能,试样的最终增重由5.26 g/cm2降低至1.95 g/cm2。  相似文献   

元素合金化对Nb基高温合金组织和力学性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了近年来国内外在合金化改善Nb基高温合金组织形貌、提高力学性能方面所取得的进展,分析了Ti,Cr,Hf和Mo等合金化元素对合金中Laves相,亚稳相Nb3Si和γ-Nb5Si3的影响,总结了合金元素对材料力学性能的影响规律.  相似文献   

使用元素W、B、Y对Ti-45Al-8Nb合金进行了微合金化,研究了微合金化后高铌TiAl基合金在900℃静止空气中的断续氧化行为。结果表明,与Ti-45Al-8Nb合金相比,经过0.2B与0.1Y联合微合金化后合金的氧化增重小,氧化膜与基体的粘附性强,抗氧化性明显改善;经过0.2W与0.1Y微合金化后合金氧化增重明显,氧化膜容易脱落,合金抗氧化性下降;经过0.2B、0.2W、0.1Y联合微合金化后合金抗氧化性没有明显变化。对氧化膜进行的扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱分析(EDS)及X射线衍射(XRD)分析表明,联合添加B、Y促进了合金中的连续致密的Al2O3条带的形成,W、Y联合微合金化的合金中靠近基体处未形成连续的Al2O3条带,并且混合层中形成了较厚的低铌含量的TiO2层。W、B、Y联合微合金促进了混合层中富Al2O3层的形成。  相似文献   

采用中频感应熔炼炉制备了Cu-0.7Cr-0.15Zr和Cu-0.7Cr-0.15Zr-0.05Mg-0.02Si两种合金,研究了Mg、Si复合微合金化对Cu-Cr-Zr合金时效工艺参数、性能与析出动力学的影响。结果表明:Mg、Si复合微合金化提高了Cu-Cr-Zr合金的最佳时效温度,延长了保温时间,Cu-0.7Cr-0.15Zr合金的最佳时效工艺为410 ℃时效8h,Cu-0.7Cr-0.15Zr-0.05Mg-0.02Si合金的最佳时效工艺为430 ℃时效14 h。Mg、Si复合微合金化提高了Cu-Cr-Zr合金的强度与导电率,Cu-0.7Cr-0.15Zr合金最佳工艺条件下的强度为570 MPa、电导率为79.1%IACS;Cu-0.7Cr-0.15Zr-0.05Mg-0.02Si合金最佳时效工艺条件下的强度为595 MPa、电导率为80.4%IACS。Mg、Si复合微合金化改变了Cu-Cr-Zr合金Avrami相变动力学方程,减缓了时效析出过程。  相似文献   

采用高能球磨-放电等离子烧结技术制备了Ti-18Mo、Ti-18Mo-0.5Si、Ti-18Mo-1Si和Ti-18Mo-2Si4种合金,研究了Si含量对合金微观结构、相组成的影响及700和800℃空气中合金的氧化行为。结果表明:烧结合金中主要由Ti(Mo)固溶体组成,添加Si元素合金出现了Mo_5Si_3相。在700和800℃空气中分别氧化100 h后,合金表面主要有TiO_2、Ti O、MoO_2和MoO_3相,添加Si元素的合金氧化后还出现了SiO_2相。4种合金在700℃下的氧化增重明显小于800℃下的氧化增重,Ti-18Mo-0.5Si合金在700和800℃下平均氧化速率分别为0.09和0.10 g·(m~2·h)~(-1),其抗氧化性明显优于其他合金。  相似文献   

W,Cr对高铌γ-TiAl基合金高温抗氧化性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在高铌等原子比的γ-TiAl基金属间化合物的基础上添加W,Cr等元素,熔炼了4种合金,研究了这4种合金在1000℃静止空气中的断续氧化行为.结果表明:14.3%的高Nb量使合金的抗氧化性显著提高,促进合金形成了以Al2O3为主的连续致密氧化膜;在高铌合金中添加W导致基体中β相的增多,较多的β相削弱了Nb的抗氧化性作用;添加2%的Cr导致氧化膜与基体的粘附性变差,形成的氧化膜在冷却热应力的作用下发生破裂与剥落.合金元素对抗氧化性的影响不是简单的量的叠加.  相似文献   

TiAl-based Intermetallic alloys are being considered as structural materials for high-temperature applications due to their low density and substantial mechanical strength at high temperatures. The effect of various elements added by ion implantation on the oxidation behaviour of near-γ Ti-48Al-2Cr and Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb (compositions are given in at-%) in air at 800°C has been studied. Ions implanted (1017 Ions/Cm2) were Al, Ti, Cr, Mo, Y, Mn, Pt, Nb, and Si in case of Ti-48Al-2Cr and Nb in case of Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb. Comparison was made with the oxidation behaviour of Ti-48Al2Cr-2Nb and Ti-47Al-2Cr-0.2Si alloys in which quaternary elements were added by alloying. It is Concluded that ion implantation can serve as a research tool to study, in the frame of screening tests, the influence of various elements on the corrosion behaviour of materials.  相似文献   

The isothermal oxidation behavior of TiAl based alloys at 900℃ in air with a combination of Nb (5%-10%, mole fraction) and Si (1%-5%, mole fraction) was investigated. The microstructure and the composition of the oxidation scale were studied by using XRD, TEM and EPMA. The results show that the combination of Nb and Si can improve the oxidation resistance of the alloys significantly. The element Si can change the typical microstructure of oxidation scale on TiAl based alloys. In alloys with Si addition, the compact Al2O3 forms in the interior side of oxidation scale. When x (Si)3%, the Ti5Si3 phase forms and the coarse crystal TiO2 forms on Ti5Si3 phase after oxidation. The increase of Nb content in the TiAl based alloys impedes the growth of Ti5Si3 phase, and the formation of TiO2 on surface and on Ti5Si3 phase is also impeded.  相似文献   

This paper represents a follow-up to the first part of the work on new stainless steels for sea-water service. Four laboratory ELI (Extra Low Interstitial) ferritic stainless steels (types 25 Cr-4 Ni-4 Mo), two commercial ELI ferritic stainless steels (types 25 Cr-4 Ni-4 Mo? Ti and 26 Cr-2.5 Ni-3 Mo? Ti) and two highly alloyed austenitic stainless steels (types 20 Cr-25 Ni-4.5 Mo? Cu and 20 Cr-18 Ni-6 Mo? N) have been investigated. With a view to establish the performance of these new alloys in chloride containing environments, systematic electrochemical and laboratory exposure tests have been carried out to define how various factors affect its susceptibility to intergranular, pitting, crevice and stress corrosion. Tension tests were also performed. From the comparison of the localized corrosion resistance and mechanical properties it has been concluded that the laboratory Ti, Ti + Nb or Nb stabilized ELI ferritic stainless steels and the commercial type 25 Cr-4 Ni-4 Mo? Ti of analogous composition could be a valuable alternative to the more expensive highly alloyed stainless steel type 20 Cr-25 Ni-4.5 Mo? Cu which has been especially developed and already used for industrial sea-water applications.  相似文献   

<正> N型热电偶合金是一种新型热电偶合金,与目前的K型热电偶合金相比具有优良的抗高温氧化性和热电势稳定性,可在1100℃~1300℃高温空气中长期使用,并能在一定的还原性气氛下工作。最近的研究结果表明,在空气中经1300℃,483h高温氧化,其热电势稳定性与K型热电偶合金相比成倍提高。本工作对比分析了该实验后的N型与K型试样的氧化层形貌,结构相组成及合金元素的分布。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONNi Ti Nballoys ,onaccountoftheirshapemem oryand phasetransformationhysterisis ,havebeenpaidattentionbyresearchersformanyyearsandpro posedforvariousapplications[1~ 5] .Theresultsshowthatthephasetransformationhysterisisdueto β NbparticlesinNi Timat…  相似文献   

Cyclic and isothermal oxidation behavior on some Ni-Cr alloys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Additions of 3 wt.% Mn and 3 wt.% Si were made to Ni-20Cr. These alloys, along with Ni-20Cr and Ni-40Cr were oxidized for 100 1-hr cycles at 1100°C and 50 1-hr cycles at 1200° C. Oxidation behavior was judged by sample weight and thickness change, metallography, x-ray diffraction, and electron microprobe analysis. These tests showed that Ni-40Cr and Ni-20Cr-3Si were about the same and were the most oxidation-resistant alloys. Ni-20Cr-3Mn was not as oxidation resistant, especially at 1200° C. Ni-20Cr was far less oxidation resistant than any of the other alloys. The Ni-40Cr and Ni-20Cr-3Si relied on a protective layer of Cr2O3 for their oxidation resistance. A SiO2 layer was noted beneath the Cr2O3 layer on the Ni-20Cr-3Si, but had apparently only a second-order effect. The source of improved protection of the Ni-20Cr-3Mn was apparently the formation of a relatively adherent MnCr2O4 layer at the metal-oxide interface.  相似文献   

采用放电等离子烧结法(SPS)制备了Nb-20Si-5Al-xTi(x=0,18,20,22,摩尔分数)超高温合金,研究了Ti加入量对Nb-20Si-5Al合金的室温断裂韧度和高温抗氧化性的影响。结果表明,随着Ti加入量的增加,超高温合金的相组成由Nbss、Nb5Si3和Al3Nb相转变成为Nbss、(Nb,Ti)5Si3和Ti相。Ti能明显改善Nb-20Si-5Al超高温合金的断裂韧度和高温抗氧化性能,随着Ti加入量的增加均先提高然后降低,在Ti加入量为20%时,合金断裂韧度最大,为7.41 MPa·m1/2,相比未加Ti时提高了约56.9%,其高温氧化速率最低,为0.72×10-4g2/(cm4·h)。添加Ti元素后,其氧化产物中出现Ti2Nb10O29、TiNb2O7、TiO2等,可以提高其氧化膜的致密性,从而提高高温抗氧化性能。  相似文献   

TiAl合金激光表面原位TiC颗粒增强涂层及高温抗氧化性能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以高纯石墨粉和C Nb混合粉末为原料,对Ti-46Al-2Cr-1.5Nb-1V合金进行了激光表面合金化处理,对激光改性层的显微组织以及成分进行了观察与分析,并对该合金原始组织及经C和C Nb激光表面改性层的高温抗氧化性能进行了对比分析研究。结果表明,C和C Nb激光表面合金化处理后,在合金表面均“原位”形成了TiC颗粒,Nb以固溶原子形式存在于表面改性层中,TiC颗粒的大小,形态及分布强烈取决于激光工艺参数;激光表面处理后的合金的抗氧化性能明显高于未经激光处理的铸态组织,而且在石墨粉中掺杂Nb粉,处理后的合金具有最佳的抗氧化性能。  相似文献   

The oxidation kinetics of the Ti3Al based alloys with Nb (0 to 20 at%) or Si (0 to 15 at%) addition was carefully measured at 800 and 900°C, respectively. The oxide scale was characterised by high temperature in-situ XRD, SEM, EPMA and conventional XRD. The weight gains of the alloys were greatly reduced by Nb or Si addition. The improvement of the oxidation resistance in the Ti3Al alloys by Nb addition is attributed to the formation of a compact scale. The formation of a compact scale is favoured not only by doping effect but also by the TiN layer which barriers the outward Al diffusion into the scale to form porous intermixed titania/alumina. Si addition promotes the formation of a compact TiO2 layer in the oxide scale and the formation of SiO2, thus the oxidation resistance of the Ti3Al based alloys is improved. The oxidation behaviour of the alloys with Si addition is a combinative function of the α2-Ti3Al matrix and the Ti5Si3 silicide phase.  相似文献   

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