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高压无气喷涂涂料雾化特性实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
滕燕  王譞  孙中圣  路建萍 《表面技术》2011,40(6):68-70,100
采用氧化镁压痕法,以铁红防锈漆为工质,研究了高压无气喷涂中喷嘴等效孔径、雾化压力等工作参数对涂料雾化效果的影响规律。对不同等效孔径的喷嘴在不同喷涂压力下的涂料雾化特性进行了实验研究,结果表明:涂料雾化颗粒的索特平均直径(SMD)和特征直径随雾化压力增大而减小,随喷嘴孔径增大而增大;雾化压力对雾化颗粒的相对尺寸范围影响较大,压力增大,雾化颗粒相对尺寸范围减小,雾化颗粒分布更均匀。  相似文献   

探讨了锌粉雾化的基本原理,以及雾化喷嘴结构、喷射顶角、锌液温度和气体压力等对锌粉粒度的影响,并运用激光粒度分析仪、比表面积测试仪和蔡司显微镜等对制备的雾化锌粉的粒度分布、比表面积大小及锌粉形貌进行分析。研究的锌液温度为(620±10)℃,雾化压力为1.6 MPa;结果表明:适当提高锌液温度及提高喷枪入口的气流速度或压力均有利于锌粉的细化;雾化法制得的锌粉呈近球形,锌粉的D_(50)≤20μm;随锌粉的平均粒径减小,比表面积呈逐渐增大的趋势,锌粉粒径为-100~-325目时,比表面积从0.1367 m~2/g增大到0.2233 m~2/g。  相似文献   

王轶  郑晶  贾志华 《贵金属》2020,41(S1):64-67
研究了惰性气体雾化法制备Pd-Ag-Cu合金粉末。在喷嘴结构不变的情况下,改变过热度、雾化压力、导流管的内径,导流管伸出长度都会影响到Pd-Ag-Cu合金粉末的粒度与粉末收得率。通过调整各项工艺发参数研究发现,提高过热度和雾化压力,减小导流管内径有利于降低粉末粒度,导流管随着伸出长度的增加,粉末粒度先降低后增加。各项参数都有临界值,不能无限制增大或减小,综合调整才能达到最佳制粉效果。  相似文献   

研究了气雾化法中气体压力对制备锌粉外观形貌和粒度分布的影响。在600℃的锌液温度,设定0.4、0.6、0.8、1.0、1.2、1.6、2.0 MPa压力对锌粉末进行试验。研究表明,1.6 MPa为最优气体雾化压力,在200目筛下的过筛率平均达到95.18%。  相似文献   

为了提高多级雾化制粉技术所得粉末的品质,通过改变合金液流直径、雾化介质压力和合金溶液过热度三者的参数,分析其对粉末粒度组成的影响。实验结果表明:合金液流直径愈小,所得细粉末也愈多,但液流直径小于2mm时,雾化过程失败;合金熔液的过热度愈高,细粉末产出率愈高,但过热度超过200℃后,会增加雾化粉末的氧化程度,最终影响粉末的品质;当雾化介质压力增大时,细粉的产出率会提高,但仅仅提高雾化压力,而不注意漏嘴和雾化器的尺寸与雾化参数合理匹配,不能确保提高细粉收得率。  相似文献   

介绍了用气雾水冷法制取NiPdCrBSi钎料粉末的实验装置及工艺过程。选用的是环缝式自由降落喷嘴,即雾化气体在离开喷嘴前作旋转运动,在聚焦点形成旋转气流.金属流毫无限制地从中间浇注口落到旋转气体的交点上,使金属流雾化破碎成粉末。选择合适的喷嘴工艺参数有助于提高雾化效率。通过实验确定了喷嘴的主要工艺参数:喷嘴雾化顶角为45°,喷嘴间隙0.12mm,金属流直径4mm。此外,还分析了雾化气体压力对雾化粉末粒度的影响,在其它条件不变的情况下,气体压力越高,其运动速度越大,生成粉末的粒度就越细小。  相似文献   

采用自行研制的双喷嘴气雾化技术制备AlSi10Mg合金粉末,研究导液管直径、雾化压力、熔体过热度对粉末特性的影响,引入钝度和赘生物指数概念来表征粉末球形度和卫星粉。结果表明:所制备粉末的粒径中值在25~33μm范围内,在过热度为350 K条件下,细粉(50μm)收得率最高达到72.13%。粉末粒度随着熔体过热度的增大而减小,随着导液管直径的增大而增大。钝度值为96%~98%的粉末占总体的60%以上。所有批次的粉末赘生物指数表明:70%~85%的粉末没有粘连卫星颗粒,只有极少量粉末粘连2个或者3个卫星颗粒。粉末组织中除Al和Si相存在外,还有亚稳态的Al9Si相生成。  相似文献   

气雾化生产金属粉末是一个复杂的过程,影响因素较多.为制备较细粉末需求最佳的工艺参数组合,应用气体动力学和流体力学分析了雾化气体压力、金属熔体温度和导液管内径对H70黄铜雾化粉末粒度及其分布的影响.结果表明:适当地提高气体压力和金属熔体温度或者减小导液管内径均能使雾化粉末粒度增大,当雾化气体压力为1.3 MPa,金属熔体温度为1 160 ℃时,导液管内径为3.5 mm时,所制得的粉末的粒度及其分布均达到最佳效果.  相似文献   

基于Laval喷嘴的层流气雾化技术可以高效制备高性能金属粉末,但目前对这种技术的各项工艺参数及粉末性能尚未有系统性研究。本工作使用基于Laval喷嘴的层流气雾化制粉设备制备了AlSi10Mg合金粉末,同时使用传统分析方法和X射线计算机断层扫描技术分别研究了雾化气体压力以及导流管内径对粉末整体形貌、三维形貌、球形度、粒度分布、物理性能及内部缺陷的影响,并结合数值模拟进行机理性解释。结果表明,基于Laval喷嘴的层流气雾化技术制备的AlSi10Mg粉末性能较好,由于在较高的雾化气体压力和较窄的导流管内径条件下气液流量比更高,金属熔体更易发生破碎,故制备的粉末球形度更好,粒度分布较窄,细粉收得率可接近50%,不规则粉末及空心粉较少。  相似文献   

工艺条件对气雾化制备SnAgCu合金粉末特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用紧耦合气雾化法制备SnAgCu无铅焊料合金粉末,研究雾化压力和熔体过热度对粉末粒径和形貌的影响.采用干筛筛分法对所制备的粉末进行分级,采用激光粒度分析仪和扫描电镜分别对粉末的粒径、形貌和微观组织进行表征.结果表明:当雾化压力为0.7 MPa、熔体过热度为20~30 ℃时,制备的无铅焊料合金粉末中值粒径为40.10 μm,颗粒表面光洁、球形度高;当过热度为20~30 ℃、雾化压力由0.7 MPa增大至2.5~3.0 MPa时,粉末中值粒径由40.10 μm减小至32.22 μm,颗粒表面缺陷明显增多;当雾化压力为0.7 MPa、熔体过热度由30 ℃提高至50 ℃时,粉末粒径仅略微减小,但球形度明显降低;气雾化快速冷凝产生富Ag和Cu相,且富Ag和Cu相弥散分布在Sn基体内.  相似文献   

A self-developed double-nozzle gas atomization technique was used to produce AlSi10Mg powder. Effects of delivery tube diameter, gas pressure, and melt superheat on powder characteristics were investigated. The concepts of bluntness and outgrowth were introduced to analyze powder sphericity and satellite index quantitatively. The results showed that the median diameters of all atomized powders ranged from 25 to 33 µm. The highest yield rate (72.13%) of fine powder (<50 μm) was obtained at a superheat of 350 K. The powder size decreased with increasing melt superheat but increased with increasing delivery tube diameter. Powders with bluntness values between 96% and 98% accounted for over 60%. The outgrowth values demonstrated that 70%?85% of all powders did not contain satellite particles, with few powders adhered two or three particles. Not only Al and Si phases were present but also a metastable Al9Si phase was detected.  相似文献   

Liquid metal atomization with De Laval nozzle is not a widely used technique to produce metallic powders. It appears as a versatile process to manufacture different particle sizes according to the processing parameters (gas pressure, melt nozzle diameter, De Laval nozzle diameter, etc.). However, few studies have focused on the understanding of the different stages of the process. During the atomization process two pressure stages can be distinguished: transition time (pressurization time) and stabilized stage (setting pressure).The aim of the work is to study the effect of the operating parameters on the splat diameter during these two stages. Copper (99.9 at. %) was atomized using different sets of operating parameters on smooth steel substrates. Different splat shapes and mean equivalent diameters are observed and have shown that they depended on both, the atomization parameters and the atomization time.  相似文献   

为了研究工艺参数对钛-铝双丝超音速电弧喷涂熔滴粒子尺寸的影响规律,通过对喷枪出口处气流速度、气体质量流率和金属熔滴质量流率的分析测定,以Nukiyama-Tanasawa模型为基础,建立了喷涂粒子的平均直径与喷涂电压和电流间的解析关系,并对喷涂电压和电流对熔滴粒子平均直径的影响进行了计算机模拟仿真.结果表明:在喷枪结构和雾化气体压力一定时,雾化粒子的平均直径随喷涂电流的增大而增大,随喷涂电压的升高而减小,但总的变化幅度却较小.利用激光粒度分析仪对一定喷涂工艺条件下所得的粒子平均直径进行实验分析,结果与计算值之间的相对误差为9.52%,扫描电镜观察表明粒子形态以球形颗粒为主.  相似文献   

The production of metal powder using gas atomization technique is a wide spread process for manufacturing a wide range of spherical metal powder alloys. Metal powder properties generally improve with smaller powder particle size. Close-coupled atomizers are of great interest and controlling their performance parameters is critical for metal powder producing industries. In this study a new designed close-coupled nozzle system was used to produce tin powder to investigate the effect of the protrusion length of the melt delivery tube on the pressure formation at the melt tip. Observed improvement in particle refinement cannot be directly attributed to an increase in atomizing pressures and gas kinetics. Results from this study indicated that the observed metal flow rate was not behaving as what was earlier assumed, namely that, deeper aspiration enhanced metal flow rate. The melt flow rate was reduced with increasing the atomizing gas pressure. So that gas to melt mass flow ratio was increased for the same protrusion length and this ratio increase caused the finer powder particle size.  相似文献   

In close-coupled gas atomization(CCGA), the influences of melt superheat on breakup process are fundamental to obtain desired or finer powder. Based on a series of Cu atomization experiment under different superheating conditions, the influences of melt superheat on breakup process were studied. Experimental results indicate that as the melt superheat is increased to 150, 200, 250 and 300 K, the mean particle size (D50) decreases consequently to 34.9, 32.3, 30.9 and 19.7 μm. Theoretical analysis reveals that the primary breakup and secondary breakup processes are close coupled, and the melt superheat radically influences the melt properties, and plays a crucial role on governing the filming process of primary breakup and the atomization modes of secondary breakup. There exists a strong nonlinear decrease of contact angle of melt to nozzle orifice wall when the superheat is increased fi'om 250 K to 300 K, leading to a marked fall of the film thickness formed in primary breakup, and D50 of copper powders is therefore sharply reduced. However, the log-normal distribution feature of particle size has not been substantially improved.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the surface quality of the melt spinning wheel, which was changed from smooth type to textured structure, to atomize liquid metal to form powders. The effects of melt spinning process parameters like wheel speed, gas ejection pressure, molten metal temperature, nozzle–wheel gap and wheel surface quality on the morphological and microstructural features of 6060 aluminum alloy powders and ribbons were investigated. It was observed that ribbon type material was obtained with the smooth wheel and the powder was produced with textured type. The sizes of produced ribbons with smooth surface wheel varied in the range of 30−170 µm in thickness, 4−8 mm in width, and 0.5−1 m in length. The average powder size of the powders manufactured using the textured wheel was in the range of 161−274 µm, depending on the process parameters. Increasing the wheel speed, melt temperature and decreasing gas ejection pressure, nozzle−wheel gap resulted in the decrease of both ribbon thickness and powder size. The microstructures of the powders and ribbons were the equiaxed cellular type, and the average grain sizes diminished with decreasing the ribbon thickness and powder size. The maximum cooling rates were 2.00×105 and 1.26×104 K/s for the ribbon with thickness of 30 µm and for the powder with size of 87 µm, respectively.  相似文献   

Al-20Sn-1 Cu powders were prepared by gas atomization in an argon atmosphere with atomizing pressures of 1.1 and 1.6 MPa.The characteristics of the powders are determined by means of dry sieving,scanning electron microscopy (SEM),optical microscopy (OM),and X-ray diffractometry (XRD).The results show that the powders exhibit a bimodal size distribution and a higher gas pressure results in a broad size distribution.All particles in both cases are spherical or nearly spherical and satellites form on the surface of coarse particles.Dendritic and cellular structures coexist in the particle.With decreasing particle diameter,the secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS) decreases and the cooling rate increases.The particles processed under high gas atomization pressure (1.6 MPa) exhibit a lower SDAS value and a higher cooling rate than those of the same size under low gas atomization pressure (1.1 MPa).The XRD results show that the Sn content increases with decreasing particle size.  相似文献   

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