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电极催化剂是燃料电池组件中的关键,直接影响着电池性能及燃料电池的产业化进程。综述了直接甲醇燃料电池电极催化剂中贵金属的应用。从燃料电池的阳极催化剂和阴极催化剂2个方面阐述了应用贵金属的研究进展,并对其未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

设计制备低成本、高催化活性、高稳定性的ORR电催化剂对燃料电池的实际应用至关重要,良好的催化剂载体对提高催化剂的电化学催化性能具有重要意义。炭气凝胶具有孔结构可控、高比表面积、高导电性、大孔体积等优势,是一种非常具有潜力的燃料电池ORR电催化剂载体。本文对最近炭气凝胶作为燃料电池催化剂载体的研究进展进行了综述,简单介绍了炭气凝胶的种类及其负载催化剂的方法,着重讨论了炭气凝胶负载Pt等贵金属催化剂、炭气凝胶负载非贵金属催化剂以及非金属掺杂炭气凝胶催化剂的研究进展,最后总结了其面临的挑战和未来的主要发展方向。  相似文献   

美因能源部为支持同定和运输设备用的可靠清洁燃料电池的研发决定投入7400万美元。其中6500万用在催化剂和套装电极薄膜等燃料电池元件,期限3年,最终目的是降低电池价格、延长寿命、提高效率,使美国在矿物燃料电池的可信赖度上保持世界领先地位。DOE资助的研究课题涉及燃料电池系统的生态(植物)平衡元件(balance—of-plantcomponents)、燃料处理设施(fuelprocessors)、燃料电池组件(stackcomponents),如催化剂和薄膜以及创新式高低温系统。  相似文献   

车用镍氢电池性能优良、安全可靠、技术成熟稳定,是混合动力车(HEV)比较理想的辅助动力。随着混合动力车技术的不断发展,动力电池用储氢合金将迎来一个黄金发展期。此外,随着燃料电池技术的日益成熟与发展,以氢气为燃料的电动汽车也将迅速发展起来,这就要求必须有安全高效的贮氢系统与之相匹配。传统的液态及高压气态贮氢方式由于成本、质量、体积大小以及安全性等因素限制,无法应用于车载贮氢系统。相比之下,金属氢化物作为一种新型的能源材料,具有贮氢密度高、安全高效及环境友好等优点,将成为未来车载燃料电池的氢载体。文章主要对近期Ni/MH电池用储氢合金的种类和发展以及高容量镁基储氢材料方面的研究工作做一些综述分析,以期为未来的研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

美国能源部为支持固定和运输设备用的可靠清洁燃料电池的研发决定投入7400万美元。其中6500万用在催化剂和套装电极薄膜等燃料电池元件,期限3年,最终目的是降低电池价格、延长寿命、提高效率,使美国在矿物燃料电池的可信赖度上保持世界领先地位。  相似文献   

直接甲醇燃料电池电催化剂研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
催化剂是影响燃料电池性能及其产业化进程的关键技术之一。本文在简要介绍直接甲醇燃料电池电催化反应机制的基础上综述了其阳极、阴极催化剂的研究进展。  相似文献   

燃料电池是一种化学电池,它利用物质发生化学反应时释出的能量,直接将其变换为电能。当前,电池阴极氧还原反应的铂基催化剂活性和稳定性较低,制约了电池输出功率和充放电循环次数,从而增加了整个燃料电池的成本。因此,高活性、高稳定性的阴极催化剂制备,成为氢氧燃料电池研究的热点与难点。  相似文献   

碳材料的掺杂改性及其用于燃料电池催化剂的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
开发掺杂改性的碳材料用作燃料电池的非贵金属氧还原催化剂已成为燃料电池领域的重要研究课题,相关研究对于降低燃料电池成本、促进燃料电池的商业化具有十分重要的意义。大量研究工作表明,对碳材料进行掺杂改性可以实现其形貌、微观结构、组成及其他表面物理化学性质的优化,从而得到具有较高催化活性、选择性和稳定性的氧还原催化剂。人们在这类催化剂的制备方法、性能优化和催化机理等方面进行了大量研究工作。综述了对碳纳米管、石墨烯、介孔碳、大孔碳、碳微球等碳材料进行掺杂改性的最新进展。并基于目前的研究结果,展望了掺杂碳材料作为燃料电池非贵金属氧还原催化剂的应用前景和未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

铂基催化剂是传统高效的质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)阴极氧还原反应(ORR)催化剂,提高燃料电池性能的同时降低成本是研究重点。基于50余篇文献的分析,总结了铂基ORR催化剂基于性能的调控策略,包括调控粒径、组分和形貌,综述了铂基纳米粒子、单原子(SAC)、合金、高熵合金(HEA)、纳米线和纳米片催化剂的研究进展,探讨了铂基ORR催化剂研究存在的挑战,并对其未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

甲醇水蒸汽重整反应作为燃料电池用高纯氢的一种制取方法受到很大关注,在这种反应中所用的催化剂是十分关键的材料。由于一些非晶合金已被成功地用作苯和烯之类碳氢化合物的氢化催化剂,因此研究了用非晶态铜-锆合金制备高活性氢化催化剂,在制备过程中在非晶态合金晶化温度以下的氢化是其重要环节。用添加少量贵金属元素的非晶态Cu-Zr合金制取甲醇水蒸汽重整催化剂,表现出与由非晶态Pt-Zr或Pd-Zr合金制备的氢化催化剂相似的行为,在晶化温度以下的温度下氧化处理对显示出很高的活性。  相似文献   

镀铅锡合金钢板是传统的汽车燃油箱钢板材料,但由于人们环保意识的增强,燃油箱无铅化已是大势所趋.发达国家的许多钢铁厂开发了各种无铅且耐蚀性更好的汽车燃油箱用表面处理钢板材料,包括无铅镀层钢板和预涂层钢板两大类.热浸镀Al钢板、热浸镀Zn-Sn钢板、电镀Zn-Ni钢板、热镀Zn闪镀Ni双层镀钢板等无铅镀层钢板和预涂层GA钢板、预涂层电镀Zn-Ni钢板等预涂层钢板都已在汽车上应用.具有优良耐蚀性、成形性和焊接性的无Pb、无Cr(VI)预涂层钢板已成为汽车燃油箱钢板发展的方向.  相似文献   

Reducing the density of steels is a novel approach for weight reduction of automobiles to improve fuel efficiency. In this overview article, strategies for the development of lightweight steels are presented with a focus on bulk ferrous alloys. The metallurgical principles of these steels and their mechanical properties of relevance to automotive applications are discussed. Some of the engineering aspects highlighting the possible problems related to mass production of these steels are also considered. Application prospects of these steels vis-à-vis standard automotive steels are shown.  相似文献   

兼具优异磁性能和耐腐蚀的合金被广泛用于汽车和其他工业及消费品领域。如汽车喷油装置,油泵电机叠片,ABS系统和悬挂自动调节系统,以及电冰箱,洗衣机,电熨斗,咖啡壶,自动售货机的电磁阀等。也可用于任何暴露在轻化学介质下的电磁部件。具有软磁性能的同时,合金要有良好的耐蚀性,以满足各种腐蚀环境的应用要求。如汽车喷油装置须抗含甲醇/乙醇的燃油导致的腐蚀,以及其他应用条件下须抗较苛刻水溶液腐蚀,尤其是含氯离子导致的电磁阀缝隙腐蚀。简述了Chrome Core系列耐蚀软磁合金的开发研究,对其性能特点以及应用作了分析比较。  相似文献   

This series of articles provides, from an international perspective, an analysis of the future of the automotive industry and aluminum’s role in automobile weight reduction technology. Part I briefly described environmental and societal issues that are mandating the incorporation of weight-adding technologies while requiring overall vehicular weight reduction for purposes of improving fuel economy. Part II describes the status of weight-reduction technologies that are currently available to car makers and projects how these technologies may evolve in the coming years. Part II will outline selection criteria for automotive materials and issues surrounding the use of aluminum alloys.  相似文献   


The average fuel consumption of Japanese vehicles is improving constantly and the material share of non-ferrous and non-metal materials is constantly evolving. There is too little general understanding of the role advanced steel products are playing in power train systems to improve fuel mileage. Future developments in automotive materials, and steel in particular, are considered.  相似文献   

根据实际的案例,设计制定了汽车加油口铰链安装盒两次拉伸成形的工艺方案和一次拉伸+二次成形的工艺方案,并结合CAE分析对两种方案做了比较。模具设计制造者需要根据客户不同的冲压工艺要求设计合理的成形工艺。  相似文献   

Amid growing concern over the global environment, manufacture of environmentally friendly automotive parts that provide cleaner exhaust gas emissions and improved fuel efficiency is seen as an important engineering task. To develop automotive parts which meet these requirements, it is necessary to achieve a processing accuracy in a range of several microns to submicron level. Production technology in welding and joining, including laser processing, has also been intensively researched from this perspective. Figure 1 gives typical examples of the accuracy requirements extending to specific automotive parts.  相似文献   

The impedance measurements in a highly resistive electrolyte medium are difficult. The use of two identical electrode cells having a large surface area may overcome this difficulty, but measurements have to be restricted to the corrosion potential. The advantages of each type of cell are discussed. The electrochemical system tested in this work was the corrosion of mild steel in an automotive fuel ethanol with or without ethanolamines as corrosion inhibitors. It was found that in a three electrode cell, the use of a special electronic circuit increasing the input impedance of reference electrode was necessary to perform correct measurements. No particular care was needed in the impedance measurements in a two electrode cell. If the two electrode plates were set too close, the measured impedance was significantly great, thus leading to an erroneous prediction of the corrosion behaviour. A tentative explanation to this phenomenon is given.  相似文献   

汽车工业可持续发展的材料及热处理技术   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
从安全、可靠、节能、降耗、环保的角度简要阐述我国汽车工业金属材料及热处理技术的发展趋势。为适应汽车轻量化、燃油经济性的需要,开发应用更高强韧性结构钢、钢板及铝、镁合金将是汽车材料的主要发展方向。在热处理制造技术领域,非调质钢、免退火冷镦钢、锻造余热热处理以及清洁、节能热处理技术将主导汽车零件热处理技术的发展。  相似文献   

In this article, the elastic-plastic finite element formulations using dynamic explicit time-integration schemes are proposed for numerical analysis of automotive body panel stamping processes. A general formulation of finite element simulation for complex sheet forming processes with arbitrarily shaped tools is briefly introduced. In finite element simulation of automotive body panel stamping processes, the robustness and stability of computation are important requirements since the computation time and convergency become major points of consideration besides the solution accuracy due to the complexity of geometry and boundary conditions. For analyses of more complex cases with larger and more refined meshes, the explicit method is more time effective than the implicit method, and it has no convergency problem and has the robust nature of contact and friction algorithms, although the implicit method is widely used because of excellent accuracy and reliability. The elastic-plastic scheme is more reliable and rigorous, while the rigid-plastic scheme requires short computation time. The performance of the dynamic explicit algorithms is investigated by comparing the simulation results of forming of complex-shaped automotive body parts, such as a fuel tank and a rear hinge, with the experimental results. It has been shown that dynamic explicit schemes provide quite similar results to the experimental results. It is thus shown that the proposed dynamic explicit elastic-plastic finite element method enables an effective computation for complicated automotive body panel stamping processes.  相似文献   

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