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Study on Anti-ship Missile Saturation Attack Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the analysis for the interception process of ship-to-air missile system to the anti-ship missile stream, the antagonism of ship-to-air missile and anti-ship missile stream was modeled by Monte Carlo method. This model containing the probability of acquiring anti-ship missile, threat estimation, firepower distribution, interception, effectiveness evaluation and firepower turning, can dynamically simulate the antagonism process of anti-ship missile attack stream and anti-air missile weapon system. The anti-ship missile's saturation attack stream for different ship-to-air missile systems can be calculated quantitatively. The simulated results reveal the relations among the anti-ship missile saturation attack and the attack intensity of anti-ship missile, interception mode and the main parameters of anti-air missile weapon system. It provides a theoretical basis for the effective operation of anti-ship missile.  相似文献   

The organization of coordinated attack and the selection of aiming point which affect hit probability were analyzed for the countermeasures taken by the hostile submarines at two helicopters’ coordinated attack.A computational model of coordinated attack parameters,a model of submarine maneuver,and a model of noise jammer were established.Compared to single helicopter’ torpedo attack,the coordinated attack of two helicopters can effectively increase the hit probability of torpedo and achieve the higher target detecting probability under counterwork condition.  相似文献   

According to the dimensionless formulae of DOP (depth of penetration) of a rigid projectile into different targets, the resistive force which a target exerts on the projectile during the penetration of rigid projectile is theoretically analyzed. In particular, the threshold Vc of impact velocity applicable for the assumption of constant resistive force is formulated through impulse analysis. The various values of Vc corresponding to different pairs of projectile-target are calculated, and the consistency of the relative test data and numerical results is observed. Copyright . 2014, China Ordnance Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

To seek an inexpensive supersonic target, characteristics of various targets are analyzed, its tactical and technical specifications are drafted, and a refitting scheme using big-caliber supersonic rockets is put forward. An optimization model to meet tactical and technical requirements is built, in which the speed and the trajectory angle at the end of active phase are used as the design variables and the horizontal flight distance of the target is used as the'objective function. The simulated results show that the method is reasonable and feasible.  相似文献   

For the aerial dispersing interior ballistic process and submunition exterior ballistic initial conditions of cluster munition with piston maximum travel limit, a novel model is established, and the numerical simulation is performed. The piston maximum travel limit and the effect of reaction force on carrier body are researched using the internal ballistic model. Guide tube, cluster munition rotating and submunition assembly are analyzed using the submunition initial external ballistic model. The computational results are consistent with the practical process and the experimental data, and prove the rationality of this model. The theoretical methods are presented for the construction design and dispersion analysis of piston dispersal mechanism.  相似文献   

The combat efficiency of mine obstacle is the focus of the present research. Based on the main effects that mine obstacle has on the target warship damage probability such as: features of mines with maneuverability, the success rate of mine-laying, the hit probability, mine reliability and action probability, a calculation model of target warship mine-encounter probability is put forward under the condition that the route selection of target warships accords with even distribution and the course of target warships accords with normal distribution. And a damage probability model of mines with maneuverability to target warships is set up, a simulation way proved the model to be a high practicality.  相似文献   

A correlation tracking algorithm based on template partition motion estimation proposed for improving real time performance of the conventional correlation matching algorithms. The target trajectory fitted using the least square with equal space in whole interval and the target prediction point is found out. According to the requirements of block motion estimation (BME) algorithm, the template divided into some macro blocks. The searching process is conducted by using diamond search algorithm around the prediction point and the optimal motion vector of each block is calculated. A point corresponding to the motion vector with the best matching is taken as a rough matching point of the template. The rela- tion of relative position between the block with matching point and the searching area determined to decide whether to conduct precise matching search or to construct a new search area in the gradient direction. The target tracking experiment results show that over 70 % time cost can be reduced caompared with the conventional correlation matching algorithm based on full search method.  相似文献   

A self-designed and developed 12/10 switched reluctance motor(SRM)is chosen as the object of study and a prototype of 2.5 kW switched reluctance starter/generator with fly-wheel is designed based on the requirements of the selected engine (Changan Aotooc three-cylinder engine wagon) for the starter, generator and drive. The 36 V/42 V DC source system is applied to establishing the simulation-analyzing model of the motor. A finite-element (FE) analysis of its two-dimensional electromagnetic field is conducted to obtain the exact model of the motor. Systematic simulation is carried out combining with its power conversion circuit and control element. Meanwhile the starting process and performance of the system are studied and analyzed with special efforts. Satisfactory result is derived from the testing of the prototype: theoretical analysis is basically matched with the tested data, which proves the rationality and feasibility of the design procedures, systematic modeling and control strategies. Therefore, the new 12/10-structure scheme is put forward based on the development and analysis of various SRM and it meets the requirements of the researched motor in terms of the structural parameters.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional thermophysical model is used to investigate the simulation of the infrared thermal signature of mental plate with phase change material(PCM) plate theoretically. The optimized parameters are obtained by the theoretical calculations. Based on the calculation results, a kind of organic PCM is selected to experir*entally verify the model, and the good match between the theoretical and experimental results is achieved. The results of this investigation provide the design rules and key materials for the application of PCMs in false target.  相似文献   

The distribution function of the target moving in constant velocity and linear course and its meeting condition to the searcher are analyzed.Another proof method for spiral search pattern is presented and the mathematic model of the target possible position is established when performing the linear search.Base on them,the wrong idea about the spiral search pattern can be avoided.  相似文献   

在对RSA密码算法和安全错误攻击原理进行研究的基础上,以硬件模乘法器实现的模幂算法为分析对象,提出一种针对采用抗SPA-FA防御措施的RSA故障分析算法。攻击者利用在模幂运算过程中对其中的乘数寄存器注入故障,再通过判断最后输出结果的正确性来判断相应密钥位的值,并从3个方面给出算法的可行性分析。结果证明了RSA算法在采用硬件乘法器情况下的安全漏洞,能为有效防护算法的安全和研究提供参考。  相似文献   

基于层次分析法的城市反空袭防护目标选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对防护目标的选定因素分析,城市反空袭防护目标指标体系包括目标层、准则层及措施层.利用层次分析法(AHP)法选定城市反空袭中的防护目标,形成数据表、建立并求解判断矩阵及一致性检验,以获得选择最优保护目标的排序权重.经实际运用,所建立的指标体系和方法更有利于合理、科学地选择防护目标.  相似文献   

空袭目标攻击方向判断的综合聚类方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李进军  丛蓉  刘驰  熊吉光 《兵工学报》2005,26(5):702-705
对空袭目标攻击方向的判断是水面舰艇编队防空作战情况判断和指挥决策的基本依据。利用聚类分析相关理论,建立了基于层次和密度的空袭目标攻击方向区分模型,解决了水面舰艇编队对空袭目标攻击方向判断的问题,对提高编队C31系统防空作战指挥决策的科学性、快速性和智能化水平具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

一种基于遗传算法的防空火力分配方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据反空袭防空作战的特点,建立基于遗传算法的防空火力优化分配模型,模型求解的步骤包括:问题编码,产生初始种群;计算适应值及适应度函数;选择、交叉及变异算子,以及判断停止进化条件。通过在计算机上对实例仿真运行制定出火力分配方案,证明该方法运算速度较快,结果精度较高,对地面防空火力分配决策研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

主要研究了防空导弹系统在噪声干扰下的雷达探测距离模型和导弹杀伤概率模型.通过分析各种空中噪声干扰方式,给出了远距支援干扰、近距支援干扰和随队支援干扰三种方式下防空导弹系统雷达对攻击机编队的探测距离模型,并通过模型扩展给出了远距支援干扰和随队支援干扰双重干扰方式下的雷达探测距离模型.通过分析防空导弹系统雷达探测距离与导弹杀伤概率的关系,给出了防空导弹在噪声干扰下的杀伤概率模型.通过算例,对所给出的模型进行了分析验证.  相似文献   

从战术、技术性能等方面分析HQ-7地空导弹武器系统的射击可行性。对于准备攻击地面目标的武装直升机,由于其攻击地面目标的高度满足HQ-7地空导弹武器系统作战要求,且攻击目标的暴露时间大于HQ-7地空导弹武器系统反应时间,当其攻击斜距大于HQ-7地空导弹武器系统的杀伤近界1000m时,HQ-7地空导弹武器系统可对其实施射击。单发杀伤概率较低时,一般采用两发齐射或连射,可达到较高的杀伤概率。对特剐重要的目标或对我威胁较大的目标可实施三发齐射。综上所述,HQ-7地空导弹武器系统从理论分析上具备对武装直升机的射击能力。  相似文献   

分析了预防高级可持续攻击(Advanced Persistent Threat,APT)技术和攻击流程,并在PPDR网络安全防护模型的基础上,构建了面向APT攻击的网络安全防护体系;利用系统动力学方法,建立体系能力模型,并进行仿真分析,为进一步提高网络安全防护能力提供决策建议.  相似文献   

为研究超视距空战中空空导弹攻击效果问题,对空空导弹攻击空中目标的过程进行建模和仿真。通过空空导弹、目标飞机的运动学方程,结合空空导弹导引律,建立攻击过程中导弹的弹道模型。在此基础上,建立空空导弹引信启动模型和空空导弹终点效应及目标毁伤模型,并对模型进行仿真。结果表明:不同初始状态下空空导弹对目标的攻击效果存在差异,该模型可反映出在一定初始状态下空空导弹对目标的攻击效果,为空空导弹的作战运用提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

本文从目标探测的角度出发,首先建立了低空情况下,目标对双基地雷达接收站直行临近的回波信号模型。并对其进行了精度分析;在此基础上,又根据矩形脉冲的模糊函数。利用“叠加法”推出了电视“同步加白”信号模糊函数的数学表达式,并由此作出了单周期及多周期信号的模糊图及其在时间,频率轴上的交迹,从而使得对“同步加白”信号的探测性能有了更进一步的认识,也为今后利用此类信号进行探测研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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