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建立日光温室计算传热模型,以室内空气温度和墙体内表面温度为指标,通过实验方法验证了所建立的传热模型准确性,最后分析相变材料相变温度、相变焓、导热系数、密度等热物性对室内最低温度和相变蓄热率的影响规律,确定被动式相变蓄热墙体和主-被动式相变蓄热墙体的最佳相变材料热物性,阐明了实际应用时相变材料选择原则。研究结果表明,所建立的日光温室传热模型具有较高准确性,可用于日光温室墙体相变材料热物性优化;主-被动式相变蓄热墙体最佳相变材料的相变温度为27 ℃,相变焓为200 kJ/kg,导热系数为0.35 W/(m·K),密度为440 kg/m3,被动式相变蓄热墙体最佳相变材料的相变温度为26 ℃,相变焓为200 kJ/kg,导热系数为0.35 W/(m·K),密度为792 kg/m3;最佳相变材料热物性应用时,2种墙体室内最低温度均可达到15.0 ℃,但是被动式相变蓄热墙体的相变蓄热率较主-被动式相变蓄热墙体减小29.5%。本研究可为相变材料在日光温室的高效利用提供参考。  相似文献   

提出一种新型高效波纹墙体集热器,利用窗问墙制作集热装置,只集热、不蓄热,日照40min后就可使集热装置与室内形成温差,加速对流换热使室内获得更多热量,通过使用和测试取得良好的运行效果.采用新高效波纹集热器装置所收集的热能基本可满足我国寒冷地区院校、办公场所冬季白天采暖热负荷的需要.  相似文献   

太阳能地面采暖系统蓄热水箱容积分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过分析太阳能采暖系统所需蓄热鼍与建筑热负荷、太阳能集热量日变化规律之间的关系,得出太阳能采暖系统所需蓄热水箱容积的理论算式.根据拉萨、银川、西宁、西安等地的太阳辐射强度及建筑热负荷的日变化规律,模拟得出系统所需蓄热量变化规律;并对各种蓄热温差下对应的蓄热水箱容积进行了模拟分析,结果表明:太阳能采暖系统所需蓄热量随太阳集热器的集热量与建筑热负荷之间的差值增大而增加;蓄热水箱容积随蓄热温差增大而减小,当蓄热水温达到80℃时,在各种地面采暖系统取水温度下,单位集热器面积所需蓄热水箱容积趋于相等.  相似文献   

对采用几种典型墙体材料时,建筑房间导热、辐射与自然对流耦合换热问题进行数值研究.计算采用SIMPLE算法、QUICK差分格式.计算结果表明,当室外环境相同时,分别采用灰砂砖砌体、空心砖砌体、聚苯板作为墙体材料,对室内温度及墙体内表面温度影响不同.选择聚苯板作为建筑围护结构的保温材料相对较好.昼夜温差较大的地区,可利用相变材料的蓄热性能,减小房间内的温度波动,提高热舒适度.对于建筑来说,利用墙体蓄热,将白天太阳辐射的一部分热量储存起来,到了夜间再释放出来,可降低白天的空调冷量,达到节能和环保的目的.  相似文献   

该文在热管置入式墙体稳态传热实验和动态传热模拟的基础上,于天津地区搭建实际环境下热管置入式墙体测试系统。该测试系统基于2个相同结构尺寸房间,在其中一间的南外墙上置入热管,测试期间用电暖器维持室内18 ℃。依据测试数据对实际环境下墙体的动态传热特性进行分析。结果表明,相比于普通墙体,热管置入式墙体的内表面温度提升率为3.4%,蓄热能力提高;热管置入式墙体平均延迟时间为11.12 h,比普通墙体滞后约0.50 h;热管置入式墙体平均衰减倍数为89.37,比普通墙体大;测试期间热管置入式墙体节能率为25.9%。  相似文献   

PV-Trombe墙体的试验和数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋斌  易桦 《可再生能源》2008,26(3):22-26
提出了带有PV的新型Trombe墙结构,建立了该墙体的理论模型,并进行了该墙体对热箱热环境影响的试验和模拟分析.试验结果表明:带有PV-Trombe墙的测试热箱的室内温度比不带该墙体的对比热箱高6℃,与环境的最大温差可达18℃;由于空气流道的冷却,光电池工作温度较低,日平均发电效率可达10.5%.  相似文献   

太阳墙热特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨昭  徐晓丽  韩金丽 《太阳能学报》2007,28(10):1091-1096
对改进的特朗勃墙进行热过程分析,采用CFD技术耦合流固传热求解控制方程,研究了该太阳墙的动态热特性及在冬夏季华北典型气象条件的集热、保温、隔热及预热特性。同时,对墙体材料、墙体高度、空气层厚度、通风孔尺寸等敏感因子进行了分析,给出了适宜的墙体材料及构造形式。所得结论将有利于推进太阳能—建筑一体化技术的发展。  相似文献   

针对传统生物质墙体存在集热蓄热差的热工问题,提出一种以太阳能为热源的集成管道生物质蓄热墙体,通过建立对比实验模型,分别测试墙体系统及室内物理环境参数,研究2种模型存在的热效率差异,并对实验组墙体系统进行供热性能分析。结果表明:所提出的集成管道生物质墙体系统具有良好的集热、蓄热性能;管道流系统循环控制策略应适应当地气象条件以优化系统供热效率;集成管道生物质蓄热墙节能率可达79.3%,经济效益明显,在生物质能与太阳能富集地区具有广泛应用前景。  相似文献   

通过对受热墙体上增设冷空气幕和传统侧送的送风方式进行数值模拟研究,对比分析传统的侧送与受热墙体侧冷空气幕+侧送两种空调方式。探讨靠近受热墙体的冷空气幕对整体房间气流组织、人体舒适度和能量利用系数的影响规律。在特定的环境下(存在传热量较大窗墙的房间),冷空气幕+侧送的方式与传统侧送相比,模拟房间的整体风速较低,房间整体温度分布与置换通风相近,即房间截面的温度随着高度逐渐增加。在送风量相同的条件下,冷空气幕+侧送方式的能量利用系数、预测平均投票(predicted mean vote,PMV)及预测不满意百分率(predicted percent dissatisfied,PPD)值均优于传统侧送方式。  相似文献   

黄俊  顾洁  王晓博 《节能》2012,31(2):55-58
通过对某多孔太阳墙式太阳能房间和普通房间的数值模拟,分析太阳墙板内空气的受热过程及流动情况,同时系统地比较两种建筑在工作区范围内的热舒适性。与普通采暖房间相比,在有多孔太阳墙送风的情况下,可将室外空气由-3℃加热到21℃,空气流动速度由0.1m/s提高到0.31m/s,提供44.6m3/h的新风量,一定程度上解决了冬季开窗换气所引起的室内热负荷及采暖负荷,论证了多孔太阳墙可使室内热舒适性明显增强的结论。  相似文献   

The inside air and the mean radiant temperatures of two buildings, one built of brick having a flat roof and the other built of lightweight adobe and having a domed roof, were estimated through a thermal network analysis. The analysis was repeated for both buildings when their ceilings and inside wall surfaces were kept moist and evaporatively cooled. A design day for a hot, arid region was considered for the analysis. It is shown that the temperature of the moist surfaces is reduced appreciably and the floor and the air temperatures are also reduced by their heat transfer to the moist surfaces. When natural ventilation rate is high, the room air does not become uncomfortably humid.With low mean radiant temperature in the moist buildings, thermal comfort can be maintained for the occupants. The total area and the duration when the surfaces are kept moist, along with the natural ventilation rate, can be controlled by the occupants to provide thermal comfort when it is otherwise uncomfortable. The use of a domed roof with a hole in its crown can ensure high ventilation rates at low wind velocities and in buildings which cannot otherwise be sufficiently vented.  相似文献   

提出一种新型的PV/T蒸发屋面被,该屋面除具有防水、美观等基本功能外,还兼作PV/T热泵系统的蒸发器,集发电、制热于一体。通过实验,详细分析夏季工况下PV/T屋面各层的温度分布、空腔中流体的流动特性,并探讨PV/T屋面的设置对建筑外表面温度及建筑得热量的影响。结果表明;夏季热泵系统运行时,PV/T屋面系统中腔体内流体被加热,较普通屋面而言,其原屋面外表面温度降低,最高降低21℃,但夜间时略高于普通屋面1℃,总体而言,PV/T屋面的设置使建筑得热量降低44%。  相似文献   

Himanshu Dehra 《Solar Energy》2009,83(11):1933-1942
A two dimensional thermal network model is proposed to predict the temperature distribution for a section of photovoltaic solar wall installed in an outdoor room laboratory in Concordia University, Montréal, Canada. The photovoltaic solar wall is constructed with a pair of glass coated photovoltaic modules and a polystyrene filled plywood board as back panel. The active solar ventilation through a photovoltaic solar wall is achieved with an exhaust fan fixed in the outdoor room laboratory. The steady state thermal network nodal equations are developed for conjugate heat exchange and heat transport for a section of a photovoltaic solar wall. The matrix solution procedure is adopted for formulation of conductance and heat source matrices for obtaining numerical solution of one dimensional heat conduction and heat transport equations by performing two dimensional thermal network analyses. The temperature distribution is predicted by the model with measurement data obtained from the section of a photovoltaic solar wall. The effect of conduction heat flow and multi-node radiation heat exchange between composite surfaces is useful for predicting a ventilation rate through a solar ventilation system.  相似文献   

针对高温真空集热管真空老化性能展开真空度预测和寿命评价研究。模拟电站高温集热管运行环境,在400℃进行热循环模拟和热损测试,在450℃进行过热加速循环试验。结果表明:集热管封离后,室温条件下其内初始真空度达4.7×10-4Pa,在400和450℃经过400次循环后,管内真空度分别为5×10-3Pa和6×10-2Pa。室温状态下集热管在吸收涂层法向发射比为0.08,真空度为10-3Pa时,400℃下热损为216 W/m,显示出良好的热性能。拟合结果表明在400℃条件下集热管使用寿命满足25年要求。  相似文献   

针对大空间建筑模型进行喷淋效果实验,通过实验得到以下结论:由于Low-E玻璃材料在夏季具有较强的温室效应,未喷淋时,屋顶内表面平均温度为56.8℃,与环境平均温差为21.9℃,增加了空调的能耗。彩钢板屋顶具有较好的保温性能,未喷淋时,屋顶内表面平均温度为40.6℃,模型内部空间平均温度为38.9℃,该温度远低于Low-E玻璃模型温度,能耗比Low-E玻璃模型小。喷淋时,Low-E内层温度比外层温度低约5.4℃;彩钢板内外层温度在喷淋时两者相差不大,仅为0.5℃,喷淋对Low-E玻璃屋顶空调节能意义明显。  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation of the thermal behaviour of a non-airconditioned building with walls/roof being exposed to periodic solar radiation and atmospheric air while the inside air temperature is controlled by an isothermal mass, window and door in the walls of the room. The effects of air ventilation and infiltration, the heat capacities of the isothermal storage mass inside air and walls/roof, heat loss into the ground, and the presence/absence of the window/door have been incorporated in the realistic time dependent periodic heat transfer analysis to evaluate the overall heat flux coming into the room and the inside air temperature. A numerical computer model using typical weather data for Delhi has been made to appreciate the analytical results quantitatively. It is found that the heat fluxes through different walls have different magnitudes and phase lags w.r.t. the corresponding solair temperatures. The overall heat flux coming into the room as well as the room air temperature are sensitive functions of the number of air changes per hour, closing/opening of the window and the door ventilation. The effects of the heat capacity of the isothermal mass and the basement ground are found to reduce the inside air temperature swing and the presence of a window is found to increase the inside air temperature even when the window area is much smaller than the wall/roof area. The model presented would be an aid to a building architect for good thermal design of non-airconditioned buildings.  相似文献   

夏热冬冷地区"双层皮"玻璃幕墙节能技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王强  黄义龙  曹芹 《节能技术》2006,24(1):46-49
玻璃幕墙是影响到建筑能耗的关键部位。本文分析了传统玻璃幕墙的弊端;通过玻璃幕墙的耗能计算公式说明影响玻璃幕墙耗能的相关因素;阐述了适合夏热冬冷地区的节能型玻璃幕墙—“双层皮”玻璃幕墙的构造和节能原理;通过实验验证了“双层皮”玻璃幕墙比传统的“单层皮”玻璃幕墙具有更佳的热工性能,其节能效果与通风和遮阳构造设计等有关。  相似文献   

针对传统Trombe墙冬季供热效率不高、夏季过热等问题,提出一种高效双通道型Trombe墙系统,对该系统在冬季时的热性能和采暖效果进行实验研究。结果表明,高效双通道型Trombe墙热效率是传统Trombe墙的1.6~3.4倍,室内温度相比于传统Trombe墙可升高0.7~5.7 ℃。其中,当总通道厚度为0.5 m,外通道为0.2 m,隔热板形状为凹凸板时热效率最高为31%,此时室内温度可达21.7 ℃。此外,在实验研究基础上建立高效双通道型Trombe墙的传热模型,并验证其准确性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a time-dependent periodic heat transfer analysis of a non-air-conditioned building having a south-facing wall of phase-changing component material (PCCM). A rectangular room (6 × 5 × 4 m) based on the ground is considered. The effects of heat transfer through walls and roof, heat conduction to the basement ground and furnishings, heat gain through window and heat loss due to air ventilation have been incorporated in the periodic time-dependent heat transfer analysis. The time-dependent heat flux through the PCCM south-facing wall has been obtained by defining the effective thermal properties of the PCCM for a conduction process with no phase change. Numerical calculations are made for a typical mild winter day (7 March 1979) at New Delhi for heat flux entering through the wall and inside air temperature. Further, a PCCM wall of smaller thickness is more desirable, in comparison to an ordinary masonry concrete wall, for providing efficient thermal energy storage as well as excellent thermal comfort in buildings.  相似文献   

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