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毛秋翔 《能源工程》1998,(2):29-30,36
1前言在日用玻璃生产成本中能源耗费所占比重很大,而玻璃窑炉的能耗又占全厂总能耗的80%左右,因此,搞好窑炉的节能降耗工作,对全厂降低能耗意义重大。近几年来,我国先后引进了十余座不同规模的玻璃窑炉,在消化吸收基础上采用行之有效的节能新技术和新工艺建成的节能示范玻璃窑,节能效果达到20%~30%,同时熔化率提高,成品合格率提高2%~10%,经济效益十分显著,见表1。2玻璃窑炉节能新技术和新措施根据引进的十余座玻璃窑炉和二十余座节能示范炉的情况,结合我厂厂情,采用桂林玻璃厂的成熟经验,主要体现在“两高一深”,即高…  相似文献   

黄阔  陈立玲  谭金历 《节能》2023,(2):54-56
为了降低陶瓷企业产品单位能耗和碳排放强度,提出一种陶瓷窑炉氢气燃料燃烧系统及节能工艺,采用陶瓷窑炉多级余热回收利用技术和电解水蒸气制氢制氧技术,系统集预混燃烧技术、氢氧比例定量计量及自动连锁控制技术于一体。该技术节能和减排效益显著,为企业开展陶瓷窑炉节能改造及绿色低碳、可持续化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

汤文华 《节能技术》2000,18(3):14-16
通过对湖北广水玻璃厂窑炉的热工测试,进行了热量收,支平衡计算,得到各窑炉的能耗状况,并找出节能方向,提出几点建议;实践中初步取得成就。  相似文献   

用能评价是开展陶瓷窑炉节能技术研究和节能改造的基础,根据陶瓷窑炉的用能特点,提出用三环节模型对陶瓷窑炉进行用能分析,并详细介绍了分析步骤,最后对一倒焰窑进行了用能分析,找到用能薄弱环节,提出解决方案.  相似文献   

王金堆 《能源与环境》2007,(3):32-33,35
介绍欧洲陶瓷业在窑炉节能方面的先进技术,分析德化陶瓷窑炉在节能技术革新方面的一些新举措。  相似文献   

一、前言 玻璃窑炉是玻璃工业能源消耗的主要关键设备,一般玻璃熔窑能耗约占生产工艺总能耗的80—90%。因此,玻璃窑炉的节能降耗是整个玻璃工业节能的关键。现在我国玻璃窑炉的主要技术指标与国际水平相比差距很大,以瓶罐玻璃行业为例对比如下: 而我厂的燃煤气窑炉指标更低,熔化率1.2t/m~2.d。热耗13000kj/kg左右,由此表明我国玻璃窑炉在能源的有效利用方面有很大的差距,也就是说在窑炉节能方面存在着巨大的潜力,有待我们去开发。 近年来,许多厂都不断地对窑炉进行技术改造,其共同的目的都是为了使玻璃池炉达到高效节能。但是改造的范围比较小,缺乏各种  相似文献   

国外陶瓷窑炉节能技术简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国外陶瓷窑炉节能技术简介长春建材工业学校李湘洲1前言众所周知,陶瓷行业是一个能耗较大的工业部门。目前,全国有建筑卫生陶瓷连续烧成窑炉千余座,其中大中型窑有近300座,生产能力较小的窑800余座,其余乡镇企业多为落后的倒焰窑、多孔窑或其它窑炉。据统计,...  相似文献   

本文对蓄热式球窑的各种节能技术进行简介,评述评出应注意的问题,供设计者和窑炉管理人员参考。  相似文献   

窑炉的能耗占玻璃生产过程总能耗的大部分,因此研究玻璃炉的节能措施和技术,在经济上甚有必要。本文从玻璃池窑的结构和耗能特点入手,在耐火材料选用、保温工艺和方式、管理方法等方面阐述了采用窑炉全保温技术为玻璃工业所带来的显著节能效果。  相似文献   

在分析当前我国陶瓷烧成窑炉现状的基础上,提出了间歇式窑炉的节能问题。将间歇窑窑体传热过程按一维不稳定传热建立相应的数学模型,用计算机计算,研究了间歇窑连续化操作问题,结果表明,通过间歇窑操作制度的改进,可获得显著的节能效果。此结论经生产实际验证,有较大的推广价值。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了亚临界锅炉集箱水压试验的难度及解决方案 ,如集箱上小管接头、大管接头密封问题 ,集箱上三通、弯头、敞口集箱的密封问题 ,水压试验场地问题 ,集箱水压后三通、弯头、敞口集箱的机加问题 ,制造成本和生产周期问题。此项研究的成功 ,使我公司的集箱制造水平有了很大的提高 ,保证了所有集箱焊缝不泄露 ,使我公司的产品质量进一步得到用户的认可  相似文献   

The article gives the main results of scientific and educational activities of a prominent and well-known scientist in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency improvement, hydrogen energy, development of methods and technologies for the use of renewable energy sources, environmentally efficient projects, head of the Department of Nuclear Power Plants and Renewable Energy Sources of Ural Federal University (UrFU), Honored Power Engineer of Russia, Full Member of the International Energy Academy, Dr. Tech. Sciences, Professor Sergei Shcheklein. It is shown the achievements of the Ural Scientific and Methodological School in this area of knowledge, as well as the history of the creation of the first in Russia Department of Energy Saving at UrFU, the Center for the Training and Certification of Specialists in the Field of Energy Saving, the Regional Educational and Methodological Center for Energy Saving. The results of the work of the Interuniversity Coordination Council on Energy Saving in educational institutions of the Ural Region under the Regional Energy Commission of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region on the implementation of the Energy Saving Program of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 1999–2005 are described. The article expounds twenty years of experience in organizing and holding all-Russian, and recently – international student olympiads, youth scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions of scientific and technical creativity of students, graduate students and young scientists on energy and resource saving, renewable energy sources and nuclear energy. We have presented some results of scientific research of the laboratory “Eurasian Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Saving”, created and operated under the guidance of prof. Sergei Shcheklein and described briefly the textbooks published in recent years in the field of hydrogen energy, on the safe use of nuclear energy at modern and promising nuclear power plants, the development of a methodology for calculating complex energy systems based on the use of renewable energy sources, the classification of renewable energy clusters, performed in collaboration and under the guidance of prof. Sergei Shcheklein. Moreover, references to the main federal and regional regulatory documents, scientific publications and educational publications related to the scientist's many years of work in this area, scientometric indicators are given.  相似文献   

静电纺丝法由于具有工艺简单、功能多样等优点,是一种重要的制备一维锂钠离子电池纳米结构电极材料的方法。目前,已有大量利用静电纺丝技术制备高性能电极材料的研究报道,但具有系统性和针对性的综述论文尚十分有限。碳材料是最早被研究且已实现商业化的锂离子电池负极材料,硅材料则是理论容量最高的负极材料,因此,两者一直是学术界和工业界关注的重点;但碳材料理论容量低和硅材料体积变化大的问题严重阻碍了各自更广泛的实际应用。静电纺丝技术被证明是一种可以解决上述问题的十分有效的方法。因此,本文系统地综述了静电纺丝法制备的硅基和碳基纳米纤维在锂钠离子电池负极材料上的应用和发展,重点从静电纺丝原理、硅碳材料的设计及合成、结构的调控与优化、复合材料的制备到电化学性能的提高等方面作了详细介绍和讨论,同时也指出静电纺丝法在大规模生产中的不足及未来可能的发展方向。希望此综述可以为先进储能材料(尤其是硅基和碳基纳米电极材料)的设计和制备提供一些有益的指导和帮助。  相似文献   

Batch pyrolysis experiments of canteen waste and oak wood mixtures in various weight ratios were carried out, and the quantities of the products were determined. The experiments included the analysis of the elemental composition, the ash and moisture content and the high heating value of the base materials and the pyrolysis coke, and the particle size distribution and specific surface of the ground coke. The produced syngas, the kinetics of gas production and its changes over time, and the high heating value of the gas were determined.  相似文献   

曾松 《中外能源》2011,16(8):72-77
在微反装置中,考察了反应温度和液时空速(LHSV)对加氢裂化尾油(HTO)、减四线油(VGO)加氢异构基础油性质的影响。通过气相色谱(GC)/质谱联用仪(MS)方法,对HTO、VGO加氢异构产品的族组成和碳数分布进行表征,结果表明:HTO和VGO均可作为通过加氢异构工艺生产APIⅡ+类基础油的原料。基础油的黏度指数随空速的降低而降低,随反应温度的升高而降低。基础油馏分中正构烷烃基本消失,说明所用催化剂具有良好的异构性能,基础油倾点随空速的降低而降低,随反应温度的升高而降低。原料的裂化反应程度随空速的降低而升高,随反应温度的升高而升高。通过族组成分析,推断出对基础油的产品性质发生影响的主要因素有:正构烷烃的异构化反应,异构烷烃的二次异构反应,单、双环化合物的支链异构反应,单、双环化合物的环压缩异构反应,多环烷烃化合物部分开环反应,芳烃化合物加氢饱和和开环反应。此外,加氢裂化反应也可改善产品的低温流动性能,但会损失目的产品收率。  相似文献   

石油(天然气)与地层水是一对孪生姐妹,油气的生成、运移、聚集、保存和散失都是在地层水的环境里或是在地层水的参与下进行的。地层水运动是油气运移聚散的动力和载体,其化学成分直接或间接地反映出油气赋存的环境与条件。地层水与油气在地质历史进程中的活动是相瓦依存、制约的因果关系。从水文地质观点和角度研究油气水的演化.剖析水一油相互作用的关系,掌握地层水对油气藏形成和分布的作用,同时利用地层水的某些离子特征和特征系数来反映油气的保存条件、地层的封闭程度、油气的运移规律。研究油田水文地球化学的目的在于寻找不同水文地质条件下油气运聚的水化学特征及其变化规律,而后利用水化学的变化特征来寻找有利的油气聚集带。因此研究不同地区不同层系的油田水文地质。也是寻找油气藏的一种方法,可为油气勘探提供依据,直接为生产服务。同时也是进行含油气远景评价的必备基础。  相似文献   

We studied the adsorption of water molecules via the density functional theory on the pure and silicon and/or germanium doped graphene. We investigated the electrostatic surface potential of the structures to predict the possible interactions. Also, we examined the interaction between every possible side of the water molecule and possible sites of the pure and doped graphene. There was no interaction between the water molecule and the graphene. The only interaction was between the oxygen atom of the water molecule and the doped atoms. We also studied the decomposition of the water molecule on these doped graphene sheets and the possible intermediates and transition states and reaction pathway for the decomposition process. We calculated the interaction energies for the adsorption steps and the thermodynamic parameters for all steps of reaction pathway. The results showed that the adsorption of the water molecule on silicon and/or germanium doped graphene. Also, the decomposition of one of the hydrogen atoms of water molecule was thermodynamically favored at room temperature.  相似文献   

The recent articulation of the thermodynamic mass-enthalpy equation on the basis of natural law was generalized and found to be compatible with observed wave-particle duality. Original causal derivations of premiere energy equations were obtained in a compact, interlocked manner, an energy ecology, which unifies historically disjointed physical concepts. The popular perception of the vacuo velocity of light was demoted to subconsequence status as a manifestation of the universal constant velocity found by extracting the square root of the universal proportionality constant between enthalpy and mass, the natural registry of which is given by the thermodynamic equivalence statement. All relationships with explicit vacuo light velocity connotations are affected. In particular, the classic formulae of Einstein, Planck, De Broglie and Compton are too. For the first time, an unambiguous natural law based method for performing absolute and coordinated mass and enthalpy balances is described. The methodology reveals the general presence of unexpected mass and enthalpy shortfalls in well studied systems wholly consistent with the existence of a novel fundamental particle. Dubbed the Avogadron, it has properties beyond and can function as both a companion to and a constituent of the entire inventory of known particles. As such, it represents a supraparticle, the first discovered, which appears to be the ultimate parcel of energy and matter with a universal presence in all processes and conversions. A sampling of the Avogadron's importance and applications is presented. The overall study revealed an enormous run of energy reliability conundrums which affect current science, technology and general practice. Popular expositions of thermodynamic law are shown to be misleading and prone to error. The fields of nuclear energy, medicine, genetics and weights and measures seem to be critically impacted. An international program for establishing definitive hierarchical energy codes, re-educating and re-qualifying personnel, conducting in-depth reliability assessments and implementing indicted correctives constitutes an immediate and dire imperative.  相似文献   

屋顶绿化的功能及应用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍屋顶绿化具有城市建筑节能、环境保护等多种功能,通过对国内外屋顶绿化的发展及应用现状概述,着重分析轻型屋顶绿化技术与作用,为推广轻型屋顶绿化提供理论依据,在城市建设与建筑节能领域具有一定的实用价值和理论意义。  相似文献   

对飞来峡水电站土坝段在完建工况、正常蓄水位、设计洪水位、校核洪水位等四种工况下的应力应变进行了非线性有限元分析计算,得出了大坝特征点的应力值和位移值。对坝体应力与变形的分布规律和大坝的工作状态进行了研究,结果表明大坝应力应变和稳定性满足安全要求,具有较大的安全裕度。  相似文献   

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