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为了解天然气掺氢对贫预混燃气轮机性能的影响,采用Chemkm-pro研究了燃料的化学反应动力学 特性,对比了不同当量比、掺氢比下的绝热火焰温度、层流火焰传播速度及点火延迟时间,结果表明掺氢能缩 短燃料点火延迟时间,增加绝热火焰温度及提高火焰传播速度。进一步以天然气塔式同轴分级燃烧室为研 究对象,研究了掺氢比对燃烧室燃烧场分布及燃烧效率、总压损失系数、温度分布不均匀度、一氧化碳及氮氧 化物排放量等性能参数的影响。结果表明,随着掺氢比的增加,燃烧效率上升,总压损失系数增加,温度分布 不均匀度下降,一氧化碳排放量下降,氮氧化物排放量增加。掺氢比在35%时燃烧室发生回火。在30% ~ 35%掺氢比范围内,燃烧室性能参数变化较大。其中,总压损失系数增幅为24. 74%,温度分布不均匀度降幅 为31.11%,氮氧化物排放量增幅为416.12%。  相似文献   

为了解贫预混燃烧室天然气掺氢加湿燃烧时的性能变化和容许加湿范围,解决氢混燃气轮机NOx排放超标问题,以某燃气轮机燃烧室为研究对象,数值研究了掺氢比和加湿比对燃烧性能及污染物排放特性的影响。结果表明:燃料无加湿条件下,燃烧室出口CO和CO2排放值随着掺氢比的增加而减小,较高燃烧温度将导致热力型NOx排放值增加,掺氢比达到0.2以上时,NOx排放已超出环保限值;燃料加湿条件下,随着加湿程度增加,燃气出口平均流速及水蒸气组分含量均增加,燃烧筒内全局温度、CO2和NOx排放值均降低,CO排放值先降低后增加;掺氢天然气加湿可实现低氮燃烧,考虑到低掺氢工况燃气轮机功率输出效能和高掺氢工况燃烧性能恶化问题,水蒸气加湿量不宜过多,当掺氢比为0.3时,推荐燃料加湿比为0.463。  相似文献   

研究了直喷发动机燃用天然气掺氢混合燃料的放热规律与燃烧特征参数,研究结果表明:随着混合燃料中氢气体积分数的增加,中、低负荷发动机有效热效率增加,大负荷下有效热效率高且基本上不随氢气体积分数变化;随着氢气体积分数的增加,混合燃料放热率曲线相位提前,快速燃烧期缩短,放热率增加,此现象在低转速工况下更为明显,表明气流速度较低时掺氢对提高混合燃料燃烧速率作用明显;缸内最高燃气平均温度、最大压力升高率和最大放热速率随氢气体积分数增加而增加.  相似文献   

纯氢和天然气掺氢燃料发动机的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王磊  方俊华  黄震 《柴油机》2009,31(5):6-10
在某点燃式发动机上,试验研究了纯氢和不同比例天然气掺氢的燃烧与排放特性。结果表明:纯氢燃料燃烧快,燃烧持续期短,缸压和放热率升高率大且峰值较高,λ=1.1时,峰值压力为3.9MPa,燃烧持续期为12℃A。氢燃料的稀燃界限宽,过量空气系数λ=3时,峰值压力降低到1.7MPa,NOx排放趋于零。天然气掺氢可以改善天然气燃烧特性,拓展天然气的稀燃极限。在相同工况下,掺氢30%的混合气燃烧持续期比天然气缩短20℃A,但缸压峰值和NOx排放增加,这可以通过稀燃和优化点火提前角来降低峰值压力和NOx排放。掺氢30%的混合气可以在λ=1.857时稳定的工作,此时峰值压力降低到1.57MPa,NOx的排放小于50×10^-6。  相似文献   

为了研究天然气掺氢后对家用燃气灶燃烧特性的影响,文章通过燃气互换性理论确定了天然气的最大掺氢比例为23%,在此基础上设置灶前压力分别为1 500,2 000,3 000 Pa,并对掺氢比例分别为5%,10%,15%,20%的天然气进行燃烧试验。试验结果表明:随着天然气掺氢比例的增加,家用燃气灶的一次空气系数逐渐增加,热负荷逐渐下降,热效率逐渐升高;天然气掺氢后,家用燃气灶烟气中的CO,NO,NO_x含量均低于纯天然气燃烧后的烟气。  相似文献   

利用小型化模拟炉膛开展了零碳燃料氢气对燃气锅炉燃烧过程调控作用实验研究,研究了掺氢比对炉膛内部预混火焰宏观形态、炉膛温度均匀性、炉膛污染物排放规律的影响,并总结了CO及NOx的排放规律。实验结果表明:随着预混当量比增加,纯甲烷火焰长度逐渐缩短;对于20%掺氢火焰,随着预混程度的提高,火焰长度降低明显;不同火焰条件下,炉膛温度只由燃烧功率控制;改变燃烧条件时,处于壁面附近位置的温度变化较为平稳,而靠近火焰处温度变化较大;天然气中掺入氢气,燃烧时可以有效降低未燃CO排放;在相同预混程度下,全局当量比减小导致未燃空气增加,热量被稀释,火焰温度降低,热力型NOx的生成降低;随着掺氢比的增加,燃烧时火焰温度升高,导致热力型NOx排放增加。  相似文献   

在定容燃烧弹内研究了不同初始压力下天然气-氢气-空气混合气的火焰传播规律,得到了不同掺氢比例和初始压力下,不同燃空当量比时混合气的层流燃烧速率,并分析了火焰的稳定性及其影响因素.研究结果表明,随着天然气中掺氢比例的增加,混合气的燃烧速率增加,且增长速率逐渐加快,而马克斯坦长度值则随着掺氢比例的增加而减小,即火焰的稳定性下降.不同初始压力下,随着燃空当量比的增加,马克斯坦长度值在不同掺氢比例下均增加,显示火焰的稳定性增加.无拉伸层流燃烧速率随着初始压力的增加略有减小,且在化学当量比附近,变化的初始压力和掺氢比对无拉伸层流燃烧速率的影响最为明显.  相似文献   

为了研究在天然气中掺入不同体积比氢气对发动机怠速性能的影响,针对一台6缸天然气发动机开展了不同体积掺氢比的氢气/天然气混合燃料(HCNG)的怠速性能试验研究.试验证实掺氢后热效率提高,要达到相同的怠速转速可减少怠速旁通阀开度;在怠速情况下,掺氢使CH4、CO、NMHC排放下降,Nox排放上升,可通过点火提前角推迟来有效降低怠速Nox排放;在天然气中掺入适量氢气后有利于改善发动机怠速燃烧,从而增加怠速稳定性.在怠速条件下,掺氢后CO、CH4排放随转速升高先减小后增加;怠速转速升高,怠速稳定性变好.在天然气中掺入适量氢气后,发动机热效率提高,经济性改善.  相似文献   

通过数值模拟对某80 kW微型燃气轮机环形低氮燃烧室进行适当的改造并对其燃烧及NOx生成特性进行研究。研究结果表明:将烧天然气燃料的燃烧室改烧氨/氢混合燃料,在输出功率相同时燃料体积流量增大,通过增加燃料进气喷嘴的直径来降低燃料的进气速度;当掺氢比为0.3时,该结构的燃烧室燃烧不充分,燃烧效率达不到要求;当掺氢比在0.35~0.5、燃料华白数在19.9~21.7范围内变化时,该燃烧室可以实现高效稳定的燃烧,性能接近燃烧天然气燃料;氨/氢混合燃料中掺氢比增大,则NOx排放量也快速增大;由于燃料型NOx排放量占主导地位,该微型燃气轮机燃烧室不能实现低NOx燃烧,NOx排放远超国家标准,需要加装脱硝装置才能实际应用。  相似文献   

针对工业锅炉中气体燃料燃烧过程,采用数值模拟与实验相结合的方法,研究了C3H8燃料和常温空气通过平行圆管喷嘴类型的燃烧器在不同喷入条件下对炉膛内无焰燃烧的温度变化趋势和燃烧产物的影响.结果表明,在燃料和空气入口流量保持不变的情况下,空气喷嘴孔数或燃料喷嘴孔径增加将加剧炉内局部燃烧,导致燃烧峰值温度和出口NO浓度升高;随着燃烧器空气喷嘴与燃料喷嘴间距增加,炉内峰值温度和出口NO浓度下降;炉内峰值温度不超过1 900 K时,有利于实现低氮氧化物排放的常温空气无焰燃烧.  相似文献   

基于吉布斯自由能最小化原理,采用HSC Chemistry 6.0软件,对污泥化学链气化过程中NOx前驱物(NH3和HCN)与Fe2O3载氧体的氧化还原行为进行了热力学模拟。基于污泥热解实验中NOx前驱物的含量,计算载氧体与污泥的摩尔比(OC/SS)对NH3、HCN以及NH3和HCN混合气氧化过程的影响。热力学模拟结果表明:Fe2O3能显著促进NOx前驱物的氧化和裂解,主要生成N2,几乎无NOx生成;当NH3、HCN以及混合气(NH3和HCN)分别作为还原剂时,其最优OC/SS分别为0.02、0.04和0.05;由于HCN还原性强于NH3,其氧化速率较快。基于Fe2O3/Al2O3混合物(FeAl)载氧体,实验对比了污泥化学链气化与污泥热解过程中NOx前驱物的释放特性,发现Fe2O3能显著降低烟气中NOx前驱物的产率,NH3和HCN产率分别下降32%和62%。实验结果与热力学模拟结果一致。  相似文献   

Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion is a technology with important characteristics such as significant low emission and high-efficiency combustion. The hydrogen enrichment of conventional fuels is also of interest due to its favorable characteristics, such as low carbon-containing pollutants, high reaction intensity, high flammability, and thus fuel usage flexibility. In this study, the effects of adding hydrogen to methane and syngas fuels have been investigated under conditions of MILD combustion through numerical simulation of a well-set-up MILD burner. The Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach is adopted along the Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) combustion model with two different chemical mechanisms. Molecular diffusion is modeled using the differential diffusion approach. The effects of oxidizer dilution and fuel jet Reynolds number on the reactive flow field have been studied. Results show that with an increase in hydrogen portion of the fuel mixtures, the volume of the high-temperature region of combustion field increases whereas a reduction of oxidizer oxygen content leads to more proximity to the MILD condition. Increasing the fuel jet Reynolds number will result in an expansion of the combustion zone and shifting of this region in the axial direction. Predictions revealed that the methane flame is more sensitive to the oxidizer dilution and fuel jet Reynolds number than syngas. Moreover, enrichment of fuel with hydrogen seems to be better for acquiring condition of the MILD combustion for syngas rather than methane. Indeed, syngas shows more sensitivity to hydrogen enrichment than methane, which makes hydrogen a good additive to syngas in terms of MILD condition benefits.  相似文献   

As gas recirculation constitutes a fundamental condition for the realization of MILD combustion, it is necessary to determine gas recirculation ratio before designing MILD combustor. MILD combustion model with gas recir- culation was used in this simulation work to evaluate the effect of fuel type and pressure on threshold gas recir- culation ratio of MILD mode. Ignition delay time is also an important design parameter for gas turbine combustor, this parameter is kinetically studied to analyze the effect of pressure on MILD mixture ignition. Threshold gas re- circulation ratio of hydrogen MILD combustion changes slightly and is nearly equal to that of 10 MJ/Nm3 syngas in the pressure range of 1-19 atm, under the conditions of 298 K fresh reactant temperature and 1373 K exhaust gas temperature, indicating that MILD regime is fuel flexible. Ignition delay calculation results show that pres- sure has a negative effect on ignition delay time of 10 MJ/Nm3 syngas MILD mixture, because OH mole fraction in MILD mixture drops down as pressure increases, resulting in the delay of the oxidation process.  相似文献   

The role of hydrogen addition on the structure of the Moderate or Intense Low oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion regime is examined using a combination of experimental techniques and laminar flame calculations. Laser diagnostic imaging is used to simultaneously reveal the in situ distribution of the hydroxyl radical (OH), formaldehyde (H2CO), and temperature using the Jet in Hot Coflow (JHC) burner. The fuels considered are natural gas, ethylene, and LPG (each diluted with hydrogen 1:1 by volume). Hydrogen addition to the primary fuel was found necessary to stabilise the flames. Further to the role of hydrogen in the stabilisation of the flames, hydrogen addition also leads to the reaction zone exhibiting similar structure for different primary fuel types. The independence of the reaction zone structure with hydrogen addition suggests that a wide variety of fuels may be usable for achieving MILD combustion.  相似文献   

基于吉布斯最小自由能原理,对铜基载氧体前驱体燃烧合成过程进行平衡模拟计算。预测了固体产物状态和气体产物分布。通过改变原料配比,计算绝热燃烧温度,判断反应能否自我维持。结果表明,在加入物料为化学计量比的反应条件下,平衡绝热燃烧温度Tad为2 300 ~ 2 400℃,燃烧能自我维持。在加入物料为非化学计量比,尿素小于0.2倍理论加入量时,该燃烧不能自我维持,尿素小于0.5理论加入量时,含Cu化合物以液相形式存在。该体系中NO是NOx的主要成分,随着尿素的增加,NO含量先快速增加后减少,当尿素占比为0.71时,NO含量达到极值。过量尿素的加入会使NO还原为N2。  相似文献   

This paper presents gas emissions from turbulent chemical flow inside a model combustor, for different blending ratios of hydrogen–methane composite fuels. Gas emissions such as CO and O2 from the combustion reaction were obtained using a gas analyzer. NOx emissions were measured with a NOx analyzer. The previously obtained flame temperature distributions were also presented. As the amount of hydrogen in the mixture increases, more hydrogen is involved in the combustion reaction, and more heat is released, and the higher temperature levels are resulted. The results have shown that the combustion efficiency increases and CO emission decreases when the hydrogen content is increased in blending fuel. It is also shown that the hydrogen–methane blending fuels are efficiently used without any important modification in the natural gas burner. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以工业炉的高温空气燃烧技术应用为背景,对一个新型轴向旋流式单烧嘴燃烧室内天然气的高温空气燃烧特性进行了数值研究。采用数值模拟的方法研究了同心式轴向旋流燃烧器(HCASbumer)中螺旋肋片的旋转角度对燃烧特性的影响,其中湍流采用Reynolds应力模型,气相燃烧模拟采用β函数形式的PDF燃烧模型,采用离散坐标法模拟辐射换热过程,NOx模型为热力型与快速型。计算结果表明,对预热空气采用旋转射流时,能明显降低NOx生成量。对于HCAS型燃烧器,随着空气射流旋转角度的增大,燃烧室内的回流区域增大增强,降低了局部的氧体积分数分布,燃烧室中平均温度和最高温度都有所增加,且燃烬程度大幅度提高,而局部高温区缩小,只在靠近入口处出现。总的NOx排放量随着空气射流旋转角度的增大先减小,后增大。因此,适当调整肋片的旋转角度可以降低NOx生成量。  相似文献   

An experimental and computational investigation of a lab-scale burner, which can operate in both flame and MILD combustion conditions and is fed with methane and a methane/hydrogen mixture (hydrogen content of 60% by vol.), is carried out. The modelling results indicate the need of a proper turbulence/chemistry interaction treatment and rather detailed kinetic mechanisms to capture MILD combustion features, especially in presence of hydrogen. Despite these difficulties, Computational Fluid Dynamics results to be very useful, as for instance it allows evaluating the internal recirculation degree in the burner, a parameter which is otherwise difficult to be determined. Moreover the model helps interpreting experimental evidences: for instance the modelling results indicate that in presence of hydrogen the NNH and N2O intermediate routes are the dominant formation pathways for the MILD combustion conditions investigated.  相似文献   

比较了不同的燃烧器结构后设计了非对称射流燃烧器,并通过实验研究了非对称射流燃烧器的射流速度、喷嘴角度对常温空气MILD燃烧的影响。结果表明:丙烷流量在0.4~0.8m3/h、空气流量在11~22m3/h都可以达到MILD燃烧状态;增大射流速度,减小喷嘴角度可以使温度峰值降低,温度分布更均匀,MILD燃烧更稳定,效果更好,NOx排放量大大减小,达到了"近零排放"。  相似文献   

With the increasing need to reduce greenhouse gas emission and adopt sustainability in combustion systems, injection of renewable gases into the pipeline natural gas is of great interest. Due to high specific energy density and various potential sources, hydrogen is a competitive energy carrier and a promising gaseous fuel to replace natural gas in the future. To test the end use impact of hydrogen injection into the natural gas pipeline infrastructure, the present study has been carried out to evaluate the fuel interchangeability between hydrogen and natural gas in a residential commercial oven burner. Various combustion performance characteristics were evaluated, including flashback limits, ignition performance, flame characteristics, combustion noise, burner temperature and emissions (NO, NO2, N2O, CO, UHC, NH3). Primary air entrainment process was also investigated. Several correlations for predicting air entrainment were compared and evaluated for accuracy based on the measured fuel/air concentration results in the burner. The results indicate that 25% (by volume) hydrogen can be added to natural gas without significant impacts. Above this amount, flashback in the burner tube is the limiting factor. Hydrogen addition has minimal impact on NOX emission while expectedly decreasing CO emissions. As the amount of hydrogen increases in the fuel, the ability of the fuel to entrain primary air decreases.  相似文献   

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