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以低碳生活方式实现低碳生态城市的规划思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴尚鸿 《山西建筑》2011,37(27):1-3
阐述了"低碳生活"与"低碳生态城市"的概念和两者之间的关系,揭示了低碳循环经济是世界发展的趋势,低碳生态城市是低碳循环经济发展的必然过程,低碳生活是低碳生态城市规划的终极目标,同时指出在城市规划中仅仅是运用"低碳循环经济"的先进技术理论规划出"低碳城市"思路是远远不够的,必须依托于"低碳生活"才能实现低碳生态城市的规划目的。  相似文献   

在"2009年城市发展和规划国际会议"的主题报告中,仇保兴博士结合中国城市发展的具体国情,提出了"低碳生态城市"这一复合概念,之后各种相关的理论研究层出不断,为中国各地如火如荼的生态城市建设提供了更明确的原则性指导。那么,究竟什么是低碳生态城市的  相似文献   

低碳城市(Low-carbon City)是指以低碳经济为发展模式及方向、市民以低碳生活为理念和行为特征、政府公务管理层以低碳社会为建设标本和监图的城市.从城市碳排放构成上,强调建筑、交通及生产3大领域内的低碳发展模式.切实加强建筑节能工作,是贯彻落实科学发展观,建设节约型、环境友好型社会的必由之路;也是促进技术进步、转变经济增长方式,推进可持续发展,打造低碳、品质、和谐城市的重要举措.本文主要论述的是我县在发展低碳城市中存在的问题及解决措施,以供同行参考.  相似文献   

2003年英国政府在能源白皮书中首先提出了"低碳经济"概念,随后又陆续衍生出了"低碳建筑""低碳城市"等新概念。丹麦、美国等国家也提出了建设"低碳城市"的口号。现在,低碳城市已成为世界范围内许多城市共同追求的目标,大家都以建设发展"低碳城  相似文献   

面对全球变暖及温室气体过量排放的严峻形势,研究在对低碳导向与紧凑城市的耦合关系进行分析的基础上,倡导一种紧凑、低碳的城市发展模式,并从土地利用模式、交通体系模式、开发强度模式、绿化碳汇和绿色建筑等方面,对低碳导向下的紧凑城市发展模式进行解读。  相似文献   

李占锋 《山西建筑》2011,37(25):34-35
简要介绍了建设低碳城市的紧迫性及实施途径,结合低碳生态城市的定义和内涵,从发展模式、房地产战略布局、建筑节能等方面入手阐述了如何建设低碳城市,以期促进低碳型生态城市化建设,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

在全球应对气候变化的背景下,低碳经济和低碳城市的概念应运而生。其核心为降低能源消耗、减少二氧化碳排放,揭示低碳经济是世界发展的趋势,低碳城市是低碳经济发展的必然过程。说明低碳城市的构建途径:新能源技术应用、清洁技术应用、绿色规划、绿色建筑和低碳消费。并阐述了低碳城市在中国的实践。发展低碳经济是我国经济社会发展的必然趋势。在这一大背景下,实现从高碳城市模式向低碳城市模式的转变,已成为我国城市可持续发展的现实选择。而推进低碳城市建设需要从城市规划、产业结构、资源和能源利用、生活消费等多方面采取相应的应对措施。  相似文献   

低碳城市建设是城市应对气候变化的重要措施,目前国内低碳城市发展规划还处于孕育阶段,理论与方法都亟待充实和完善.通过分析国内外相关研究及低碳城市发展规划重点,对中国低碳城市发展规划中存在的问题进行了剖析,针对存在的问题,对中国低碳城市发展规划进行了展望,从碳源—碳流—碳汇角度提出了能源、产业、交通、建筑、碳汇等重点领域的低碳城市发展规划思路.研究结果可以为城市发展规划、政府决策等提供科学依据,引导低碳城市科学发展.  相似文献   

中国低碳城市发展的路径与困境   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
中国正面临着碳减排的巨大压力.而中国区域发展的多样性和不平衡性使得国家层面的绝对碳减排计划不具备可行性。地区化的低碳发展及低碳城市建设,成为打破这一困境的关键。文章讨论了低碳城市发展的可行性、可能的模式.从区域,地方和产业技术层面论述:1)经济发展与碳排放“脱钩”是否以及如何发生;2)低碳城市的实践、障碍和困境;3)低碳城市发展对中国的温室气体排放量及碳效率的影响。  相似文献   

应对全球气候变化,重新审视中国城市单位社区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为对全球气候变化的一种选择,低碳城市空间与规划成为当下关注的焦点。面对快速城市化、经济社会全面转型与城市空间重构,中国大城市亟需反思当前的城市空间组织模式与郊区化模式,并思考适合中国国情的低碳城市空间组织原则。本文从经济效益和社会效益两个角度,全面比较两种主要的城市空间组织模式:分区制与单位制,力图从单位的视角给出低碳城市空间发展的启示。另外,文章借鉴美国、日本等发达国家城市郊区化的经验与教训,反思了目前中国城市郊区化模式及郊区空间组织方式。尝试提出转型期中国城市构建低碳城市的空间组织原则和发展战略,设想了可能应对全球气候变化的中国城市空间组织模式。  相似文献   

Cities worldwide are attempting to transform themselves into smart cities. Recent cases and studies show that a key factor in this transformation is the use of urban big data from stakeholders and physical objects in cities. However, the knowledge and framework for data use for smart cities remain relatively unknown. This paper reports findings from an analysis of various use cases of big data in cities worldwide and the authors' four projects with government organizations toward developing smart cities. Specifically, this paper classifies the urban data use cases into four reference models and identifies six challenges in transforming data into information for smart cities. Furthermore, building upon the relevant literature, this paper proposes five considerations for addressing the challenges in implementing the reference models in real-world applications. The reference models, challenges, and considerations collectively form a framework for data use for smart cities. This paper will contribute to urban planning and policy development in the modern data-rich economy.  相似文献   

南方城市滨水区特色风貌与景观生态保护研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市滨水区特色风貌的形成在自然方面受地区气候、地理特征、水环境等影响,在人文方面受发达的水陆航运的影响,从而形成了独特的城市自然与人文风貌.然而目前城市滨水区遇到景观生态破坏、旧城区衰退、交通堵塞等种种问题,使城市特色风貌面临严峻考验.结合城市滨水区改造中的理论与实践,从城市特色风貌营造的方法、城市整体发展的战略、滨水区景观生态保护相结合等几个方面,探讨创造南方滨水城市特色风貌的模式.  相似文献   

城市色彩规划设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
麻爱美 《山西建筑》2009,35(30):24-25
针对城市色彩的重要性,分析了我国城市的色彩垃圾现象主要体现的几个方面,提出了城市色彩规划设计的原则,包括色彩的文化性和色彩的地区性两个方面,以完善城市色彩规划设计,促进城市建设的和谐发展。  相似文献   

闫界华 《山西建筑》2012,38(5):229-230
对数字城市建设的实施与目标进行了分析,并结合GPS,RS,GIS三个现代测绘技术的应用,阐述了中小城市应对数字城市建设应该采取的一些务实工作,对推动城市经济社会发展和信息化建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

浅谈小城镇城市设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁慧 《山西建筑》2007,33(19):34-35
从生态环境和城市发展的角度对城镇设计进行综合分析,包括街区设计、城市规划、景观设计以及城镇特色等方面,因地制宜地构建自身特色,真正展现小城镇自身魅力。  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(4):393-411

In recent years, the rapid growth of Gulf cities has led to a transformation of local settlement structures. The key objective of this paper is to deliver an overview of new housing patterns and how they impact spatial fragmentation. To identify the spatial distribution of new housing typologies and to explore the recent transformation of urban fabrics, GIS analyses were carried out and Space Syntax models were developed in the case of Qatar’s capital, Doha. This is coupled with an analysis of the travel routes of 130 residents which were assessed to investigate key aspects related to fragmentation. The outcomes include both new insights into the understanding of urban development tendencies in Gulf cities and the introduction of a methodological approach to establish responsive strategies in fast-growing and car-dependent cities.  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(1):97-109
Fiction, and particularly current science fiction, (1) reflects, gives voice to, and may shape popular images of the city; (b) provides models of ‘world building’ whose methods may complement and critique other methods of informing the design of cities; and (3) plays out poetically rich thought experiments – cities of feeling – that can help designers understand nuances of current urban design and architectural theory. This paper examines the urban landscapes of three 21st-century award-winning science fiction novels. These cities of the fictive imagination can inform the creation of cities of the design imagination.  相似文献   

With the rapid urbanization of China, plenty of new urban lands have been developed with the great expectation to deal with all kinds of issues in old urban areas such as high population density, great demand on limited land resources, and decaying environment. However, a great proportion of vacancy in these newly developed units leads to the undesired observation of ghost cities. Lacking of clear and effectively evaluation criterion, the understanding of ghost cities in China is then rather limited. Considering the fact of ghost cities, we borrow the theory of urban vitality to identify and evaluate ghost cities in this paper. We argue that ghost cities are associated with very low urban vitality. In the light of big/open data, we are able to profile ghost cities of China based on 535,523 recent project-level residential developments from 2002 to 2013. We use the national-wide and million magnitude road junctions, points of interest and location based service records of 2014/2015 for measuring the morphological, functional and social vitality of each residential project. We then aggregate the project level evaluation results into the city level and thirty ghost cities are then identified by comparing the residential projects' vitality in the old (developed before or in 2000) and new (developed after 2000) urban areas in each city. Our profiling results illustrate the big picture of China's past residential developments, and then of ghost cities. We find the average vitality of residential projects in new urban areas is only 8.8% of that in old urban areas, denoting the potential existence of ghost cities in newly developed areas in Chinese cities. We have also benchmarked our identified ghost cities with existing rankings, the Baidu searching engine and night-time light images. Although we admit that ghost cities may exist in the particular urbanizing phase of China and that some ghost cities now may be well developed in the future, this study provides a thorough evaluation on the ghost city condition in China. This may shed light on policy implications for Chinese urban development.  相似文献   

张彦弘 《山西建筑》2003,29(6):12-13
就山西煤矿城市在规划中面临的问题 ,从煤矿城市的由来与历史、煤矿城市现存问题、煤矿城市应采取的对策等几个方面作了阐述 ,并对煤矿城市的发展进行了展望  相似文献   

Lock living: Urban sprawl in Mediterranean cities   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Francesc Munoz   《Cities》2003,20(6):381
“Lock living” refers to the importance of security design, consumed as a commodity, in the new suburban residential landscapes of Mediterranean cities. This article summarizes the process of urban sprawl that has developed in the cities of Southern Europe in recent decades. It presents the main consequences of this evolution, regarding changes in residential landscape. Mediterranean cities have been historically characterised by the archetypal image of density, urban complexity and social diversity. However, the increasing development of urban sprawl shows a very different urban scenario. Metropolitan spaces along the edges of the motorways and orbital ring roads are developing the type of residential landscape that was, until not so long ago, exclusively associated with the cities of the Anglo-Saxon urban tradition. New low-density residential areas show the proliferation of territories manifesting the same morphological criteria in different cities. From a cultural perspective, these standardised landscapes mean the production of residential areas designed on the basis of a thematization of the American suburb. This iconographic display dresses them up as private-urban-ecological-thematic paradises, as a residential landscape that becomes image more than territory and, in this sense, a commodity. This commodification process refers both to the residential space and the inhabitants’ lifestyles as the domestic landscape, created by private security, clearly shows.  相似文献   

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