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新技术令建筑师能够开发出复杂的图案操作方法。这在当前建筑表皮中各种表现的可能性上得到了集中体现:平滑几何、镶嵌、材料的肌理和层次(比如遮阳)。不过,对FOA的阿里桑德罗(Alejandro Zaera-Polo)而言,图案在文化和政治上的可能性远不止于仅作为一种装饰,它帮助一些新项目在城市文脉方面应对全球化带来的一些关键问题:调和"城市白板"和文脉主义的对立,并在地方和全球间建立连接。  相似文献   

文化娱乐中心不是孤立的建筑单体,而是城市的有机构成部分。其设计应从全局出发综合多种客观因素,不仅要考虑与人的关系还要研究与城市的总体关系,从城市的硬件(公建设施、基础设施等)到软件(传统文脉,环境特性等)方面着手来进行规划设计,才能创造出与城市深深相融的具有个性的空间场所,本文通过理性分析和国内外一些实例来探讨中心与城市二者的互动关系。  相似文献   

文章基于中西方城市广场的角度,简要分析了在不同文化背景下人们对“城市广场”的理解上的差异,进而进行其城市广场的历史变迁对比。基于这些对比,文章探讨了中西方对“城市记忆”的理解差异,并分析了由此引发的应对城市历史文脉的态度和做法上的差异,以期探寻在现代城市发展中延续历史文脉的可能性。  相似文献   

城市生态与生态人居建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统论述了生态的“耦合关系”、“系统学问”与和“谐状态”三种内涵:阐明了城市生态的社会行为、物质代谢和自然环境三层结构。生态城市建设的核心是要强化城市的肺(森林、绿地、城市农业)、肾(湿地、水体)、皮(城市地表和土壤).口(废弃物排泄口)和脉(水,能、物人的通道)这些生态基础设施的服务功能.实现城市的净化、绿化.活化和美化;另一方面生态城市不只要有自然生态的绿韵(蓝天、绿野、沃土、碧水).还要有人文生态的红脉(产业、交通、城镇、文脉)及其相互的融和.而不只是保护城市环境或生物。阐述了生态城市的安全生态.循环经济与和谐社会三大基础架构.以及生态人居建设的10项要求和生态规划的一些基本方法。  相似文献   

  “城市文脉就是城市的一部文明史,是形成和积淀城市性格的文化基因”(冯骥才)。文化传承是城市发展永恒的课题。如何在促进经济发展的同时,“延续城市文脉”,是每个历史城市不得不面对和思考的问题。随着“一带一路”和新型城镇化等国家战略的推进,丝绸之路沿线历史城镇处于新一轮发展、保护与传承的焦点,探索“文化基因”、梳理“城市文脉”,传承“优秀文化”成为这一典型文化区域都必须面对的抉择。深入研究历史城镇文脉演化机理和传承策略,正是对中央城市工作会议中文化议题的深度回应。  相似文献   

  文脉源起于后现代主义对现代主义建筑运动所推崇的“以我为主”、技术至上、仅凭借功能进行创造和在世界范围内推广其“机器式”建筑产品的批判,及对其造成城市建筑整体失序、原有城市历史文化特色丧失和人们的心理秩序受到损害等后果的反思。文脉主义、隐喻主义和装饰主义是后现代主义三大理论支柱,文脉主义中的文脉就是对英文CONTEXT的借用(CONTEXT原是语言学中的术语,表明语言环境中的上下逻辑关系)。  相似文献   

王义龙  姚亦锋 《华中建筑》2009,27(7):148-151,165
目前对南京老城区的历史文化遗迹和总体风貌已有大量的规划和研究,但是规划只是对各个历史时期的文物古迹和历史遗存做了笼统、整体的规划,针对南京城市文脉格局展开深入理性的研究目前还较为缺乏。该文目的在于在城市文化特色的基础上以斑块——廊道(道路)的空间模式为基础,运用GIS技术,以文脉要素切入,将南京城市文化的脉络体现在地理空间上,进而得出南京城市文脉的空间本质特征,从而为南京城市文脉格局保护提出相应的对策和措施。  相似文献   

公园是城市公共空间的主要组成部分,也是城市获得生机的重要来源之一,不仅为人们的日常生活和社会活动提供场所,也传承城市的地脉与文脉。凯文·林奇(Kevin Lynch)曾提出城市空间形态的五个基本性能指标:活力、感受、适宜、可及性和管理,“活力”居于首位体现了城市公园设计中创造生机活力的重要性。  相似文献   

一个正经历速变、巨变、核变的当代中国城市,建筑艺术所要表现的究竟是什么?所能承载的到底是什么?在城市决策者(市长)、城市设计者(规划师与建筑师)和城市消费者(城市居民和外来旅游者)眼中,这一涉及城市文脉、风格、形态、规模、尺度、色彩的大课题,无一例外地,逃不开一个建筑问题——选择什么样的“式”。  相似文献   

近期,总部设在维也纳的蓝天组建筑事务所(CoopHimmelbOau)公布了其设计的阿尔巴尼亚新议会大楼的方案。这也是蓝天组在阿尔巴尼亚的首个建筑项目。本方案位于阿尔巴尼亚首都地拉那的城市中轴线上,周围设有政府的一些主要公共机构。它建成之后不仅将成为阿尔巴尼亚共和国的政治中心,也为地拉那城市文脉增添了一处强有力的体现城市风貌的地标性建筑。  相似文献   

New technologies have enabled architects to develop sophisticated patterning techniques. This is epitomised by the expressive possibilities now available to the building envelope: smooth geometries, tessellation, material textures and layers, such as solar shading. For Alejandro Zaera-Polo of Foreign Office Architects, though, patterns have cultural and political possibilities far beyond mere decoration, enabling new practices to address in the urban context some of the crucial problems posed by globalisation: bridging the dichotomy between tabula rasa and contextualism, and the articulation between the local and global. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Immigrants' housing position is often explained by (lack of) resources or differences in cultural backgrounds. Recent studies have included the importance of local context. The aim of this paper is to examine Somalis' perceptions of their possibilities in four Nordic capitals' housing markets: Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm. The approach is an interview study based on immigrants' own explanations of what they strive for and how they assess the impact of local conditions and cultural background for their possibilities. We found that local context and cultural background intertwine and sometimes conflict with each other, but that the negotiation between cultural background and local context was individual. The conclusion is that local context and cultural background are important factors for understanding differences between Somalis on different housing markets, thus emphasising that local context and cultural background have to be studied together to understand perceived housing possibilities.  相似文献   

登赫尔德Doggershoek青少年管教所的设计要求看起来自相矛盾:它既要求封闭的最高的安全性.同时还要能够给120位青少年囚犯者提供一个最理想的(心理康复)生活环境。荷兰卢福凡·斯迪赫建筑设计事务所很好地满足了这些设计要求.管教所沿椭圆形廊道布置了作为人13建筑的办公楼、1个学校、1个活动中心和12个居住单元。由于管教所内外视线不通透在所处环境中呈现出这样一种形象:即管教所就是墙,墙就是管教所。  相似文献   

The advantages and disadvantages of the thermal building insulation materials and solutions have been treated. Both traditional, state-of-the-art and possible materials and solutions beyond these have been investigated. Examples of these may be mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene, polyurethane, vacuum insulation panels, gas insulation panels, aerogels, and future possibilities like vacuum insulation materials, nano insulation materials and dynamic insulation materials. Various properties, requirements and possibilities have been compared and studied. Among these are thermal conductivity, perforation vulnerability, building site adaptability and cuttability, mechanical strength, fire protection, fume emission during fire, robustness, climate ageing durability, resistance towards freezing/thawing cycles, water resistance, costs and environmental impact. Currently, there exist no single insulation material or solution capable of fulfilling all the requirements with respect to the most crucial properties. That is, for the buildings of today and the near future, several insulation materials and solutions are used and will have to be used depending on the exact circumstances and specifications. As of today, new materials and solutions like e.g. vacuum insulation panels are emerging, but only slowly introduced in the building sector partly due to their short track record. Therefore it will be of major importance to know the limitations and possibilities of all the insulation materials and solutions, i.e. their advantages and disadvantages. In this respect new conceptual thermal building insulation materials are also discussed.  相似文献   

杨莉 《山西建筑》2014,(7):259-261
运用CFAST6.0软件对两相邻房间进行了火灾模拟,通过对三种情况下着火房间和相邻房间数据的比较,分析了相邻两房间的可燃物三种间距下着火房间火灾蔓延至相邻房间的可能性,以及火灾蔓延至相邻房间后对两房间火灾危险性的影响,进而得出相邻房间可燃物间距对火灾蔓延的影响作用。  相似文献   

This text discusses drawing as a place where design imagination and critical thinking intersect. In particular, it examines the role informal notes, sketches and diagrams play in the development and communication of architectural ideas difficult to describe in either only words or only images. Note-making shifts between writing and drawing, and takes advantage of both. Sketches work as intuitive devices, stimulating the imagination, entailing spontaneous action, but also posing questions and tempting one's curiosity to explore things through longer processes. Diagrams, on the other hand, are spatio-temporal abstractions that use more intellectual means of representation. They extract the fundamental issues of a scheme and visually articulate them in the form of signs. Architects need notes, sketches and diagrams to imagine, understand relationships, construct and communicate what is important. Once a project is completed a revision of old scribbles, made during its creation, often reveals lost possibilities and different paths that might have been taken. Because of their minimal and incomplete form, notes, sketches and diagrams are open to variable interpretations. They can be ambivalent but trap a dense residue of intentions and meanings difficult to express in more elaborate modes of representation. Notes, sketches and diagrams are fundamental tools of human creativity and communication, and they have significant implications for the progress of design knowledge: as ambiguous rather than prescribed signs, they enhance collaboration, doubt and change. As unformed and incomplete drawings, they lead to new architectural possibilities (Figs 1, 2, 3, 4).  相似文献   

This text discusses drawing as a place where design imagination and critical thinking intersect. In particular, it examines the role informal notes, sketches and diagrams play in the development and communication of architectural ideas difficult to describe in either only words or only images. Note-making shifts between writing and drawing, and takes advantage of both. Sketches work as intuitive devices, stimulating the imagination, entailing spontaneous action, but also posing questions and tempting one's curiosity to explore things through longer processes. Diagrams, on the other hand, are spatio-temporal abstractions that use more intellectual means of representation. They extract the fundamental issues of a scheme and visually articulate them in the form of signs. Architects need notes, sketches and diagrams to imagine, understand relationships, construct and communicate what is important. Once a project is completed a revision of old scribbles, made during its creation, often reveals lost possibilities and different paths that might have been taken. Because of their minimal and incomplete form, notes, sketches and diagrams are open to variable interpretations. They can be ambivalent but trap a dense residue of intentions and meanings difficult to express in more elaborate modes of representation. Notes, sketches and diagrams are fundamental tools of human creativity and communication, and they have significant implications for the progress of design knowledge: as ambiguous rather than prescribed signs, they enhance collaboration, doubt and change. As unformed and incomplete drawings, they lead to new architectural possibilities (Figs 1, 2, 3, 4).  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2005,40(9):1174-1184
The possibilities for implementing a rainwater collection system in Ringdansen, a residential area in Norrköping, Sweden, have been explored by analysing four scenarios for using rainwater in a dual water supply system to supplement drinking water. A computer model has been generated to quantify the water saving potential of the rainwater collection scheme. The performance of the rainwater system is described by its water saving efficiency (WSE). Standard and low water consumption appliances have been taken into account in evaluating WSE and water conservation. According to the analysis, suggested rainwater tank sizes are presented.  相似文献   

"This study examines the relationships between pre- and post-move unemployment and interstate migration of the United States labor force for the period 1965 to 1970. Multivariate analyses are conducted for several large occupation groups. The results indicate a strong link between unemployment and migration. Unemployment increases migration possibilities for each large occupation group considered. Substantial post-move unemployment exists, but there is a significant link between migration and such unemployment only for blue-collar workers who are repeat migrants."  相似文献   

李海清 《建筑师》2013,(1):45-51
从发生学视角回顾近百年来中国建筑师由形式、空间到建造的不同层面探索中国本土性现代建筑的历程。普利茨克奖落户中国的启示在于:王澍并不孤独,而是行进在中国本土性现代建筑发展之路上;此番成就并非一夕之功。而是他对差异性生存状态不懈思考的结果:转向探索建造模式是及时和有效的,但仅从传统技术模式本身发力,在指向差异·陛的同时也牵引出两方面的讨论:如何实现传统技术模式与现代技术模式的高效衔接。以及二元工业化格局下如何确定传统技术模式的适用范围。这其中所蕴含的丰富潜能有利于深入探究中国本土性现代建筑的未来走向。  相似文献   

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