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张吉汉 《山西建筑》2014,(34):87-88
通过对太原地区水文地质的勘察研究,了解了西山、北山、东山以及盆地区的水流形式和水动力特征,并分析了含水层介质与地下水富水特征,论述了地下水系统水化学和水温的特点,为合理规划地下水资源提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

结合西气东输三线东段工程勘察实际情况,根据地下含水层的渗流分布绘制了各种水文地质参数图表的勘察要求,并采用声纳探测技术,对工程实际进行了勘察,实践证明,声纳探测技术在工程勘察应用中切实可行,可以为工程设计与施工提供相关地质水文参数。  相似文献   

本文针对贵州岩溶场地,对4类不同岩溶形态下抗浮水位取值进行了研究,得到如下结论:①当场地潜水含水层厚度大于地基基础设置深度时,场地的最高地下水位与抗浮水位相同,当场区处于四周高、中间低的低洼地带及承压含水层分布区时地下水位低于抗浮水位;②抗浮水位取值可通过勘察期间场区地下水最高水位(Hkmax)、可能的意外补给造成该层地下水位的变幅值(ΔH0)和该层地下水相对勘察时的最大变幅值(ΔHe)三者之和进行求得;③大型岩溶洼地场区对有地下工程分布的建筑物应重点考虑抗浮影响,这与场区的历史水位、将来环境条件改变后可能存在的最高水位密切相关;基础下部发育大型空腔溶洞场地需要认真分析溶洞水环境特征;浅埋型岩溶暗河管道发育场地地下建筑物底板基础可能存在置于暗河顶部附近或穿过暗河管道两种情况,两者对抗浮水位取值均有不同程度的影响;承压含水层场地应通过水位变化线性图确定场地抗浮水位变化范围,整体地下建筑物按高值确定抗浮水位,分段地下建筑物区间高值确定。本文研究对岩溶地区工程建设有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

1 浦东新区蕴藏着丰富的优质地下水资源 通过大量的勘察和推算,已知在浦东新区的地下蕴藏着非常丰富的优质地下水。 在上海地下共有5个含水层,在一、二、三层中咸水居多,第四、五层都为淡水,但第五层储量小、含水层薄,只有第四含水层  相似文献   

基于颗粒迁移理论,以严寒地区某工程为例,对严寒地区地下水源热泵采用不同运行方式对含水层参数的影响进行研究,结果表明在严寒地区采用变流量运行方式对含水层参数的影响较小,宜在严寒地区地下水源热泵工程中得到推广。  相似文献   

新乡市凤泉区是2011年河南省受旱最为严重的地区之一,该区主要的含水层为新近系泥灰岩。针对该区含水层的地球物理特性,采用高密度电阻率法和激发极化对称四极测深进行地下水勘查找水,取得了良好的效果。这两种地下水勘查的物探技术方法组合在同类地区有着较好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

李成军 《城市勘测》2018,(1):159-162
在轨道工程勘察过程中发现存在地下不明气体,为确定气体成分,分布范围,危害程度等专门进行了气体专项勘察,勘察过程中对发现的不明气体进行了取样、分析化验确定了成分为氮气和极少烷类气体,确定了分布范围,对地铁暗挖施工提出了消除危害的建议。  相似文献   

宋小军 《矿产勘查》2010,1(6):564-568
文章根据研究区实际的水文地质及工程地质条件,对含水层和弱透水层进行概化,构建了水文地质概念模型和地层压缩模型,采用三维有限差分地下水流模型——MODFLOW及其携带的IBS程序包对该研究区各含水层组水位、地面沉降进行同步模拟,经过多次调参,选取了恰当的水文地质参数,建立了该区的准三维地下水流——一维地面沉降模型。以2008年的实际年均开采量为依据,对2015年的地面沉降趋势进行了预测,为今后开展地下水开采控制、建立地下水可持续开采模型提供了基础。  相似文献   

赵环 《山西建筑》2009,35(27):93-94
通过对太原市古交发电厂拟选厂址的地质勘察成果的分析及其与相邻地区的比较,确定了该区煤系地层的野外识别标志,对于邻区及类似地区的岩土工程勘察具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

水文地质工作是岩土工程勘察工作的重要内容。为准确地理解并掌握相关水文地质专业术语的涵义,对岩土工程勘察报告中几个常见的、被误用的水文地质术语如含水层及其富水性、透水层、隔水层等的涵义进行了梳理。认为把非饱和带中局部存在的、有别于"上层滞水"的地下水确定为"滞水"更合理。对岩土工程勘察中水文地质参数的测定工作提出了建议,同时提出了确定勘察报告中的抗浮设计水位的注意事项。为充分地分析场地的水文地质条件,工作范围往往需要扩展到场地以外,这需要积累丰富的地区经验。  相似文献   

北京通州区地下水污染评价及监测网布设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为准确刻画通州区地下水污染的分布特征,基于2008年6月采集的151个浅、中、深层地下水样进行了分层污染评价。采用数理统计学方法,计算了各层不同级别的污染面积。初步探讨了污染机理和原因。结果表明研究区内浅层地下水均已经遭受污染且污染程度较为严重,中层地下水绝大部分显示为轻度污染,而深层地下水只在西部小范围地区遭受轻度污染。提出了“重点突出、区域控制、分层监测、有机无机并重”监测网布设原则,整合并新施工监测井,形成了立体分层的地下水监测网络:其中污染源专项监孔共计71眼,区域浅层监测孔共计48眼,区域中层共计36眼,区域中深层共计26眼,区域深层共计22眼。最后对监测网的运行情况进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

Since longwall mining causes subsidence through the overlying strata to the ground surface, the surface water and groundwater above the longwall panels may be affected and drained into the lower levels.Therefore, loss or interruption of streams and overburden aquifers is a common concern in coal industry.This paper analyzed the potential effects of longwall mining on subsurface water system in shallow coal seam. In order to monitor different water level fluctuations throughout the mining period, three water wells were drilled down to the proposed deformation zone above the longwall panel. A GGU-SS-FLOW3 D model was used to predict water table contours for the periods of pre- and post-mining conditions. The field data from the three water wells were utilized to calibrate the model. The field test and numerical model can help to better understand the dewatering of shallow aquifers and surface waters related to ground subsidence from longwall mining in shallow coal seam.  相似文献   

辐射井是开发利用浅层地下水的有效井型,为了缓解利津县水资源供需矛盾,对利用辐射井技术开发黄河滩地浅层地下淡水进行了试验研究,具体阐述了在黄河下游滩地粉细砂、细砂含水层中辐射井的成井技术、竖井结构及深度、水平辐射管的布置、试验井的水质和出水量等。  相似文献   

 The supply of water to Khartoum, Sudan, is from wells tapping aquifers in the Nubian Sandstone Formation. The boreholes are located in residential areas where sewage disposal is by means of a siphon septic tank system draining into the water table in the upper alluvial deposits. The aquifers are leaky to unconfined in nature and as the lower groundwater moves from the Nile towards the residential areas, it is susceptible to pollution from the septic tanks. Evidence that such pollution is occurring was found in three production wells where the presence of E. coli bacteria was identified. Received: 9 July 1998 · Accepted: 20 May 1999  相似文献   

Denitrification with pyrite or organic carbon compounds in aquifers can lead to the release of ferrous iron, sulfate and bicarbonate into the groundwater. For the water catchment, Ortheide (Emsdetten, Germany), nitrate reduction with pyrite also causes an increased well clogging with iron hydroxides in some of the wells. With the help of hydrogeochemical modelling (PhreeqC), the main processes in the aquifer of the catchment area were identified and quantified. The presence or absence of pyrite in the aquifer sediments was determined based on groundwater compositions. This allowed the regionalization of autolithotrophic denitrification in the aquifer and the distinction of so called “origin zones” of nitrate, ferrous iron and bicarbonate. Based on these zones, the comparative sensitivity of agricultural areas towards nitrate concentrations in the raw water and the clogging tendency of the wells could be estimated.  相似文献   

当场地存在多层层间有一定水力联系的承压含水层时,基坑内降水可引发基坑止水帷幕墙底以下的承压含水层的水头下降,并相应引起坑外多个含水层水位降低,若对所有层进行回灌则将导致成本大幅提高,此时可对某一层回灌,通过越流对其他含水层进行水位补给。通过在天津地铁某车站基坑所在场地开展抽水试验、单井回灌试验、先抽后灌试验对基坑内外的水力联系、不同含水层间的水力联系和隔层回灌的效果进行了研究。结果表明,由于各含水层间之间有一定水力联系导致竖向越流补给较强,基坑内疏干降水可引起坑外承压含水层水头下降并引起坑外地层沉降。对基坑外第Ⅰ微承压含水层进行回灌可有效对其上部潜水层和下部第Ⅱ-1承压层的水头起到抬升作用,通过隔层回灌从而控制其水位下降导致的坑外沉降。对第Ⅰ承压含水层进行回灌对基坑外第Ⅱ-2承压层水位抬升也有一定的作用,但是尚不足以使其因基坑内降水引起的坑外水位下降值完全恢复,建议结合设置此层的备用回灌井以控制其水位下降。  相似文献   

The petroleum well Barth-11 in Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania (2700 m deep) is the first well in eastern Germany to use horizontal directional drilling. Hydraulic stimulation was performed in June 2014, connecting the oil reservoir and borehole. Five Pleistocene aquifers lie within the investigation area, with aquifer depths ranging between 5 and 90 m below surface. Three observation wells were installed for groundwater monitoring. Two weeks before hydraulic stimulation, reference measurements were conducted and a data logger was installed for measurements of water level, temperature and electrical conductivity. To detect any possible influence of hydraulic stimulation on groundwater quality, groundwater samples were analysed for several organic and inorganic parameters.The investigation area is located in a natural saline water discharge zone. Hence, it was necessary to develop methods to distinguish hydraulic stimulation water from Triassic and Permian formation saline water in order to uniquely identify any trace of the injected fluid in the natural groundwater. These methods and the monitoring system design are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the engineering Geological studies applied to the protection and development of a historical site, the Arkadi Monastery, in Crete, (XIIth, century). The geomorphological mapping allows to point out the areas which are concerned by the problems of environmental protection—natural sites, plateaus, karstic phenomenons, gorges. Such a mapping may also be used for the protection against floods and for the design of the plateaus drainage. The geological mapping deals with, the whole area, and takes into account the lithology, the weathering, the problems concerning the earthworks and the foundations. Slope stability is presented on a separate map. The hydrological study deals with the different conditions of the area—alluvial aquifers, scattered aquifers, karstic aquifers—and proposes solutions for the water supply and for the drainage in the area—alluvial aquifers, scattered aquifers, karstic aquifers—and proposes solutions for the water supply and for the drainage in the area. A special attention is paid to the weathering of the building stones which were used for the construction of the monastery —limestones—and to the survey of similar deposits with a view to its restoration. Finally, the study deals with the seismic risks—neotectonic phenomenons, and statistical interpretation of seismic data.  相似文献   

Advantages and disadvantages of fully screened and depth-orientated observation wells in porous aquifers are diversely evaluated in hydrogeological practice. Although guidelines refer to the risk of groundwater mixing downstream of fully screened wells, installation of fully screened wells continues. This paper includes an overview of guidelines for selection of suitable observation wells as well as results from an investigation on the impact of fully screened wells in two observation well installations. These results indicate that, after filling the fully screened wells, the measured groundwater quality changed drastically. The mean nitrate concentrations in the upper layer of the aquifer decreased from 90 to 14 mg/L within six weeks. Building new fully screened wells in porous aquifers is discouraged if vertical flow in the wells cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

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