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周剑云 《世界建筑》2003,(12):80-81
本文介绍了德国慕尼黑工业技术大学的托马斯·史密特教授的《建筑形式的逻辑概念》一书,探讨建筑学的一个基本问题——建筑形式的问题,为我们的建筑设计和建筑教育提供了深刻的思考。  相似文献   

《时代建筑》(季刊)数字表示期次、页码‘.几七曰跪,之d目‘曰﹃‘目公44叨邪妇朽48幼“ 建筑论坛建筑艺术与科学的比较研究,···························……邹晖1.10上海图书馆新馆方案设计回顾~·~,···1···············……张皆正3 .3后现代主义规划:现代规划理论的反论··············……张庭伟3.,国可以貌相一一从战后日本现代建筑思考台湾的建筑方向 …‘二’·’二’二’二’二’二‘·……‘’··…‘’·············……~一吴光庭3.“摆脱模式一一建筑…  相似文献   

.J,匕日...,,.J ....,..,,..,,..尸 二~口甲r..,.尸J,匆 今、、、︸由、︸︸、 作者(译)者 《华中建筑》编辑部 江苏省建筑设计研究院有限公司 ·········……《华中建筑》编辑部 武汉市建筑设计院 期次 王庭熙先生与世长辞· 起始页 1 2 康宇先生’j世长辞· 人聚环境与21世纪 建筑 ,J,‘ e—对当的建筑设计市场若干问题的思考·········…… 点江山之异彩—济南“鹊华国家公园”当议《初搞) 宋春华 吴良镶 ).云南省教育厅科研项目资助(ll 3YI眨A卜 ··一·······················…  相似文献   

环境·文脉·时代特色──华南理工大学逸夫科学馆作随笔何镜堂一痤优秀的校园建筑,是一痤有文化的建筑。不但在使用上要满足各种教学功能的要求,而目要表达物质、艺术、精神的三重内涵,传译一定的思想租意境、体现传统文豚的延伸,塑造一个优雅、宁静而又有文化和时代...  相似文献   

《世界建筑》10/2003《可持续·教育·校园生活》——具有可持续意识的英国高校学生宿舍建筑评析文/郝林近几年,在欧美大学内日益开展起来的可持续校园运动源于各种外部和内部的压力和动力:国际、国家或是区域的有关可持续发展战略的议程、政策和立法;建立新世纪新型教育与科研模式的需要;人才培养的需求;校园资源与环境的合理开发、利用和管理的升级;校园使用者群体对于与环境有关的健康、安全以及舒适度的要求;经济有效性的考虑;业主以及规划设计人员的使用权命感等等。英国高校学生宿舍在发展规模上、能源与资源的消耗上、市场产业化上有…  相似文献   

栏目及篇名作(译)者期次起始页人聚环境与21世纪华夏建筑3l16黄河源地区人居环境研究—甘南地区生态型居住模式初探,··········……向深层生态学学习···,··············,··,·············……“二””’“’“’“””’‘”‘”‘韩晓莉宋功明·····一吴正旺 建筑与文化·建筑与文化2002国际学术讨论会文献及论文选登·跨文化、跨地域、推进“建筑与文化”研究的全球化发展建筑与文化2002国际学术讨论会倡议书··,·············,·········,············…  相似文献   

《华中建筑》(季刊)为国家“中文核心期刊”之一。主要栏目:建筑设计与文化、建筑论坛、建筑·结构设计、建筑·结构设计研究、城乡规划·园林建筑及绿化、环境设计·室内布置及装修、建筑历史、中国少数民族建筑、中国建筑文化拓荒、建筑·结构知识、建筑师札记、译文、建筑科技短波、建筑师画页。  相似文献   

(数字表示期数和页数)4 .17‘.204 .24‘、z.4·324 .3‘4·384 .404 .424 .48理代派、后现代派与当前的一种倾向 向,···~···……罗小未美术馆建筑设什的趋向…关荤邺系统理论与建筑设计创挤二顾孟潮绷弋西方美学、心理学与后现代 建筑派······……王加强论建筑的过去与未来二〔美〕贝幸铭西方建筑前最宏观,··…刘先觉6 .08卜29罗宾娜旅游中心,澳大利亚尤拉勒旅游区,澳大利亚一大阪0.M·日航饭店,日本…东京六本木王子饭店,日本亚特兰大桃树广场旅馆,美国…帕克鹿谷游乐场,美国···……丹戎贾拉海滩旅馆,马来西亚…兰道阿…  相似文献   

东西方建筑文化的交融一一上海浦东地区部分近代建筑调查推王李郑华李︸︸洁︸尼泊尔国八合院···················,··……,...........…… ·民居建筑·“聚族而居’的古建筑群4·······……,.,·……,....……青海民居.···,······.······.··.····.............…… ·建筑教育·环境意识的启蒙教育·································…… ·医院建筑·南通医学院附属医院病房大楼设计·················……试论中国式的医院建筑之特…  相似文献   

,如何做好“七五”期间建筑与城建}机械新产品开发工作···············……川(2)卜建设部1986年建筑与城建机械优质 产品评审结果通报··················……!、(2) 建设部机械工作会议在京召开······……\l(2) 热烈祝贺建设部北京建.筑机械综合 研究室改名为建设部北京建筑机 械综合研究所························……以(1) 前进中的北京建筑机械综合研究所……仄(3) 建筑城建机械主导产品建立全过程 质量管理体系的卜要内容和要求 (试行)···············…  相似文献   

From a selected list of references, the author traces the developments in the research into human behavior in fire situations. This paper includes research approaches, people and design as related to the evacuation process, panic, behavioral tendencies, and decision-making, citing references from the author's paper:Human Behavior and Fire Emergencies: An Annotated Bibliography, NBSIR 81-2438. National Bureau of Standards Reference: Paulsen, R. L., “Human Behavior and Fires: An Introduction”, Fire Technology, Vol. 20, No. 2, May 1984, p. 15.  相似文献   

In Britain the rise of tourism, largely associated with the Romantic taste for landscape, encouraged travel to relatively inaccessible areas. Among travellers in search of the picturesque and the sublime, waterfalls were particularly popular, but these were commonly difficult and dangerous places to visit. The impact of tourism on the evolution of the landscape at waterfall sites over a period during which people travelled to tourist centres on horseback, by coach, by rail and by motor vehicle is examined. Drawing on topographical, travel and tourist literature from the sixteenth century to 2000, together with extensive field observation, the evolution from the 'natural' to the designed landscape, created to meet the needs of, and to attract, visitors, is considered. It is demonstrated how, while facilitating visits to natural attractions such as waterfalls, improved access and the provision of amenities have changed valued landscapes and, hence, the visitor's experience of them.  相似文献   

基于GIS与AHP耦合技术的土地沙漠化模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
晋陕蒙 (西 )地区的土地沙漠化受控于多种因子 ,在详尽分析了土地沙漠化的各种因子基础上 ,确定了母质类型、植被覆盖、地貌类型、沟壑密度、土地利用类型、矿山开发面积、大风强度七个致灾因子 ,并分别建立了它们各自的子专题层图。利用先进的层次分析法 (AHP)确定了影响沙漠化的各致灾因子的权重系数 ,通过地理信息系统 (GIS)与AHP的耦合技术 ,对各子专题层图进行了加权复合叠加 ,利用频率和频数分布直方图 ,确定出土地沙漠化的分区阈值 ,构建了土地沙漠化危险度评价的多源地学信息复合叠加模型 ,并对土地沙漠化危险度进行了分区评价 ,共划分为五个区 ,即强度区、中度区、轻度区、潜在区、未沙区。土地沙漠化评价模型的建立 ,为土地沙漠化的分区评价与预测提供了理论依据 ,使评价结果更科学、合理、准确。  相似文献   

The microbiological quality of various fresh waters in the Araraquara region, state of São Paulo, Brazil was investigated. Ninety-nine water samples were taken from rivers, reservoirs, artesian and non-artesian wells, springs and tap waters, and these waters were analysed using: plate counts of heterotrophic microorganisms (per 1 ml); Most Probable Number (MPN) of fecal coliforms and E. coli (per 100 ml); tests for presence of Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, the E. coli pathogens of classes EPEC, ETEC and EIEC and Mycobacterium, Shigella, Yersinia and enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) were not isolated. The other types of microorganisms were isolated in varying proportions. We conclude that the waters investigated represent a potential microbiological health risk.  相似文献   

The distribution of 10 trace metals Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn have been determined along the northern section of the Shatt al-Arab River, Iraq. Analyses were carried out, employing a flameless AAS instrument. The mean concentrations of the dissolved species were as follows (expressed in μg l?1): 0.25 Cd, 0.9 Cu, 716 Fe, 1.3 Mn, 0.3 Pb, 0.2 V and 1.8 Zn. Mean concentrations of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn in the particulate matter were 55.2, 6.0, 188, 77, 31 472, 1731, 3807, 93, 207 and 77 μg g?1 respectively. In the exchangeable fraction of the sediment were 0.15, 5.5, 11.1, 11.9, 1625, 482, 42, 30.5, 25.7 and 6 μg g?1, whereas in the residual were 0.025, 11.5, 96.1, 22, 5176, 258, 613, 3.9, 162 and 56.8 μg g?1 respectively. Thus, the exchangeable trace metals represent the following mean percentage of the total; 75% Cd, 33% Co, 10% Cr, 34% Cu, 24% Fe, 63% Mn, 7% Ni, 74% Pb, 14% V and 23% Zn. The concentration of Ni and V were relatively high, this was attributed to the petroleum-rich deposits of the region. The concentrations observed for other metals were lower or equal to those reported for control sites except for Pb which was slightly higher. The data obtained were subjected to simple linear regression analysis and expressed in the form of correlation coefficients. It was found that the inter-elemental relationships are rather complex.  相似文献   

大跨度钢结构的滑移是一个动态过程,滑移推力、环境荷载、轨道承载力、轨道平顺性等因素对结构准确就位均有影响。为此,提出了一种能够监测滑移施工过程结构安全、稳定及滑移同步性的方法,该方法通过模拟分析施工滑移过程,准确预判滑移中结构出现损伤的位置和程度,提前采取措施;通过实时在线监测结构滑移施工过程中多项参数的变化,避免滑移过程中结构的应力集中、局部变形过大、脱轨、失稳及倾覆。以大同美术馆钢结构屋盖滑移施工监测为例,在滑移前对滑移施工过程进行模拟分析和监测系统安装,对滑移阶段结构关键构件的应变、位移、构件变形及环境温度进行实时监测、分析与反馈。结果表明:大跨度钢结构滑移受温度、轨道平顺性、轨道处结构变形值、顶推设备误差影响;采用有限元模拟分析、现场监测、实时分析与反馈的监测方法,可有效控制滑移过程中结构的内力、变形、各轨道滑移的同步性及结构的整体稳定性。  相似文献   

Since 1982, Danish legislation on streams and drainage has included clauses which make it possible to implement river restoration. In this paper, the Danish shift in policy from drainage to the return of wetlands is described. To illustrate the new beginning on catchment management, two major river-restoration schemes, i.e. the River Brede demonstration project and the River Skjern Nature project, are presented. Both projects have been implemented and consist of many parts, including (a) returning the straight, regulated rivers back to their former meanders, (b) introducing better hydraulic interaction between the river and its meadows, and (c) establishing former lakes, bogs, ponds and marshes. Also, an increase in security against flooding has resulted, as the regulated 'water-motorways'have become more natural, with buffer-zones and retention of water in the restored features.  相似文献   

Sediment profiles from five limed and six reference softwater lakes included in Swedish monitoring programmes were subjected to multi-element analysis to investigate the influence of lime treatment since 1977 on the sequestration of metals in lake sediments. We hypothesised that liming causes increased sedimentation of elements for which the mobility is primarily controlled by pH, e.g. Al, Cd, Co, Ni and Zn, whereas elements that are less influenced by pH fluctuations, e.g. Hg and Pb, are not affected by lime treatment. Further, we introduce a normalisation of metal concentrations with respect to Cu concentration in order to separate the effects of lime treatment from those related to temporal trends in airborne metal deposition or short-term variations in environmental conditions. This approach is shown to emphasise the effect of liming on the sediment accumulation of metals, thus separating it from other sources of variability. We found that liming causes increased sequestration of Al, As, Cd, Co, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn, in the case of As and Co probably at least partly caused by an increased adsorption to Al, Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides. On the other hand, no influence of lime treatment could be demonstrated for Hg, Pb, Cr, V and P, despite an increase of pH by about two units.  相似文献   

Chamberlain E  Adams C 《Water research》2006,40(13):2517-2526
The oxidation of 10 antibiotics-carbadox, erythromycin-H(2)O, roxithromycin, sulfadimethoxine, sulfamerazine, sulfamethazine, sulfamethizole, sulfamethoxazole, sulfathiozole, and tylosin during chlorination and monochloramination in laboratory and surface waters was investigated to identify kinetics and treatment effectiveness. A kinetic model that incorporates pH-based speciation of both oxidant species and sulfonamide antibiotics was developed and validated. Specific rate constants for the individual ionic species were developed for the dominant reactant pairs. Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, preceded by solid phase extraction, was used to analyze antibiotics in kinetic experiments. With experimental conditions of 25 degrees C and reaction times of up to 2 h, an initial concentration of 1 mg/L of free chlorine removed an average of 88 percent of the antibiotics over a pH range of 6.1-9.1. Monochloramine was less effective at typical drinking water dosage concentrations of 3 mg/L, with average removals of 35, 10, and 0 percent at a pH of 6.1, 7.6, and 9.1, respectively.  相似文献   

Schäfer RB  Paschke A  Vrana B  Mueller R  Liess M 《Water research》2008,42(10-11):2707-2717
We investigated the performance of the Chemcatcher, an aquatic passive sampling device consisting of a sampler body and an Empore disk as receiving phase, when used to monitor acetochlor, alachlor, carbofuran, chlorfenvinphos, alpha-endosulfan, fenpropidin, linuron, oxadiazon, pirimicarb and tebuconazole in 16 Central European streams. The Chemcatcher, equipped with an SDB-XC Empore disk, detected seven of the aforementioned pesticides with a total of 54 detections. The time-weighted average (TWA) concentrations reached up to 1 microg/L for acetochlor and alachlor. Toxic units derived from these concentrations explained reasonably well the observed ecological effects of pesticide stress, measured with the SPEAR index. In a follow-up analysis, we compared the Chemcatcher performance with those of two other sampling systems. The results obtained with the Chemcatcher closely matched those of the event-driven water sampler. By contrast, the TWA concentrations were not significantly correlated with concentrations on suspended particles. We conclude that the Chemcatcher is suitable for the monitoring of polar organic toxicants and presents an alternative to conventional spot sampling in the monitoring of episodically occurring pollutants.  相似文献   

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