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公共绿地是城市应急避险的重要场所。应用高空间分辨率遥感影像对城市区域的绿地进行提取,识别城市中的非居民区,得到比较准确的城市人口分布区域;基于GIS技术,利用泰森多边形和格网面积权重内插分析方法对城市人口密度进行估计,将人口密度分布和公共绿地应急避险服务区进行叠加,实现城市绿地应急避险能力的分析。结果表明,徐州市区公共绿地的服务区覆盖范围总计为109.96km2,占徐州市区面积的23.4%,还存在341.46km2服务盲区,盲区所涉及的户籍人口为93.35万。可见,徐州市区的公共绿地存在较大的服务盲区,应急避险的辐射能力有待加强。  相似文献   

中国城市的人口密度高吗?   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
丁成日 《城市规划》2004,28(8):43-48
通过国际比较,发现城市人口密度存在着巨大的时间(昼夜)和空间变化,因为城市平均人口密度反映的是午夜至凌晨6时的人口分布,且在高度集聚的就业中心区里的居住人口相当少,所以平均城市密度只能为城市规划与城市发展提供非常有限的信息。同时,通过理论分析阐述了如何评价和衡量一个城市的密度,论述了城市密度的决定机制。  相似文献   

徐晓曼  缪军 《南方建筑》2020,(5):98-104
近年来我国的老龄化程度日益加深,政府和社会开始广泛关注养老设施的配置优化问题。以广州市养老机构数据为根源,利用大数据可视化平台研究全市范围内养老机构的空间分布与地理位置选择特征,并结合老龄人口的空间结构特点对全市各行政区的养老设施资源分布进行比较分析。结果表明,广州市内中心城区集中着大量养老设施,城市郊区松散分布着少量养老设施,而养老床位多聚集在中心老城区且不均衡分配,床位覆盖聚集点与空白点较为明显。老城区老龄化程度较深,养老设施规模小,人均养老床位资源较少。基于定量研究结果,讨论现状的问题与改善策略,为养老设施规划及相关政策制定提供依据,有序协调广州市养老资源配置,促进社会公平与进步。  相似文献   

西南山地城市地形地貌复杂、建 设用地紧张、旧城人口密集。由于自然地理 条件的限制,长期以来形成了高密度的城市 发展模式。从高密度城市的概念出发,分析 了西南山地城市的高密度发展特征及原因, 研究了西南山地城市在高密度发展影响下, 城市规模、密度、功能布局等因素对交通系 统的影响,以及交通方式、交通可达性和交 通设施等因素对空间结构的影响。在此基 础上提出西南山地高密度城市的空间结构和 交通系统之间的互动影响机制,试图揭示高 密度城市的一些发展规律。  相似文献   

In the debate on governance in city regions, the role of the state is currently an open question. Drawing on our own and secondary research on governance of large city regions across the world, we argue that nation-states (in unitary systems) and federate states (in federalist systems) are crucial protagonists of governance in megacities – defined as city regions of 10 million or more. Megacity governance thus provides a stark contrast to the prominent narrative of a retreating state conveyed in some of the new regionalist literature. It is concluded that megacities are a category of urban settlements in which the state is not withering away but continues to play a leading role in addressing urban policy problems.  相似文献   

The paper argues that the extent to which a particular urban locality is able to attract private developers can be considered as a prominent indicator of its socioeconomic prosperity. A general model of factors determining the location of private construction across urban areas is suggested and tested using the 1992–1994 statistical data available for urban settlements in Israel. In addition, the effect of population size on private construction in urban areas is investigated. In the case of Israel, the highest per‐capita rates of private construction are found in settlements of a particular size (70 000–80 000 residents). Based on this conclusion, a strategy of ‘redirecting priorities’ to developing the peripheral regions of the country is suggested. This strategy proposes the concentration of state and local financial resources on selected development settlements until they reach the above population threshold and become more attractive for private developers, followed by the sequential transfer of this support to other small urban localities in frontier areas. While the present analysis focused on urban settlements in Israel, the mode of analysis and its applications for planning policies may be useful for urban and regional planning elsewhere.  相似文献   

目前,城市人口规模预测所采用的方法诸如综合增长法、趋势外推法等多从城市现状规模出发,缺乏对城市人口规模合理与否的判断,而许多对城市合理规模的研究又缺乏对区域的考虑和定量研究.城市作为一定范围区域的核心,其规模与作与其腹地的区域具有密切的关系,相对于区域人口变化而言,城市人口规模变化较快且难于把握.因此,笔者试图构建中心城市人口与区域人口数量关系模型,以预测区域人口去推导中心城市人口,并在此基础上进一步研究在区域人口和城镇化水平趋于稳定状态下的稳定态城市规模.  相似文献   

Using city-level census data this paper examines the trends, patterns and determinants of metro city growth in India and finds that the post-economic reforms period has heralded a rapid pace of metropolitan development, causing a dispersed pattern of metropolitan growth in the last two decades. The empirical results show that metro cities located along a riverbank and situated in the northern, eastern and southern regions of India; cities with better quality public services and those which are state capitals are revealed to grow faster than others. A proximity to a large city also spurs on nearby urban centres to become larger, highlighting agglomeration effects. In contrast, initial city size has a negative impact on metro growth, reflecting some conditional convergence in population growth across cities. It is also found that the older cities have not grown at a rapid pace, with many of them flagging remarkably low demographic growth, suggesting a process of population drift towards the periphery from the core city areas, thereby leading to an ‘agglomerated trend’ of metropolitan development in India. Finally, we argue that diverting investment and development projects towards regressive regions as well as to secondary cities for strengthening their infrastructure and economic bases may herald sustainable and balanced metropolitan development.  相似文献   

王世福  许松辉 《规划师》2007,23(9):12-14
住房保障已经成为建设和谐社会必须实现的目标之一.在城市土地资源日益紧缺和人口规模日益膨胀的趋势下,是否应通过整体提高居住用地容积率来保障住房供给成为讨论的焦点.在当前形势下,城市发展向存量土地要效率是必由之路,但是风险会伴随在唯效率导向的开发过程之中.整体提高居住用地容积率这一选择涉及城市发展的系统建设,必须先行对城市人口分布战略、住房供给及公共利益等方面进行基本判断或选择,具备足够的应对策略,才能为城市提供一条真正和谐的道路.  相似文献   

Recent research has emphasized path-dependence and the effect of vintage factors in urban development. Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are cities where the modern CBD is not in its historic location. Distance from the historic center is taken as a proxy of housing and infrastructure vintage. A polycentric urban population density function is used to assess the relative importance of distance from the CBD and from the historic center in explaining population density. Additionally, I examine econometrically the validity of a number of population density functions, and analyze the structure of the error variance and the design of appropriate measures of goodness of fit and hypothesis tests for regression models of population density. The results show that distance from the historical center is an important factor in explaining population density but its explanatory power has declined over time. It is more significant than distance from the CBD in explaining residential density in Tel Aviv and gross density in Jerusalem. It explains a larger proportion of the variance in gross density in the inner city than does distance from the CBD, but vice versa in the suburbs.  相似文献   

Recent research has emphasized path-dependence and the effect of vintage factors in urban development. Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are cities where the modern CBD is not in its historic location. Distance from the historic center is taken as a proxy of housing and infrastructure vintage. A polycentric urban population density function is used to assess the relative importance of distance from the CBD and from the historic center in explaining population density. Additionally, I examine econometrically the validity of a number of population density functions, and analyze the structure of the error variance and the design of appropriate measures of goodness of fit and hypothesis tests for regression models of population density. The results show that distance from the historical center is an important factor in explaining population density but its explanatory power has declined over time. It is more significant than distance from the CBD in explaining residential density in Tel Aviv and gross density in Jerusalem. It explains a larger proportion of the variance in gross density in the inner city than does distance from the CBD, but vice versa in the suburbs.  相似文献   

科学界定城市实体地域的范围,能够为城市基础设施和公共服务设施配置范围和标准的制定乃至更广泛的城市规划与管理提供重要的参考。通过综合POI数据和夜间灯光数据分析广佛跨界城市实体地域范围,并与北京、上海对比得出:广佛范围由1个核心城市和6郊县城市构成,其核心城市跨越广州和佛山的行政边界连成一体。城市实体地域的总面积为2320.75km2, 其中核心城市为579.25km2;和北京、上海相比(不考虑边缘郊县城市),广佛面积和平均半径均为最大,广佛的平均半径为24.76km,北京次之为22.96km,上海最末为19.23km。从城市密度值的剖面看,上海的剖面最陡、其次广佛、北京的最为平缓,且广佛剖面线呈双峰形态。  相似文献   

沈建桑  韩延星  李振 《规划师》2006,22(Z1):83-85
城市首位度是分析首位城市(中心城区)的相对重要性的指标之一,是衡量城市规模分布状况的一种常用指标,在一定程度上代表了城镇体系中的城市发展要素在最大城市的集中程度.1994年~2003年,中山城市首位度保持在2左右,说明中山城市首位度目前处于较为合理的状态,市域城镇体系规模分布相对较为均衡.  相似文献   

With a tradition of compact cities, generally strict planning controls, and variable growth rates, many cities in Europe have policies which aim to restrict low density growth patterns. However, there is clear evidence that low density growth is happening, and that it is essential to understand the nature, location, and extent of the urban forms emerging on the periphery of cities across Europe. In its extreme manifestation, such low density peripheral growth is labelled as sprawl and considered detrimental. Drawing on the extensive literature on defining and measuring urban form, we focus on the methodologies and measures applied in the European studies at the regional (metropolitan), city, and community level. Affirming that the assessment of urban form at the community level is undertaken only sporadically, we adapt the measures used by Knaap et al. (2007) in studying US urban form to explore their applicability and robustness in analysing the evolution of urban form in a European setting. We examine the change of urban form in the Dublin Region (Ireland) in terms of residential and commercial density, internal and external connectivity, and land use mix. We find that the measures used, when adjusted to meet availability and nature of local data, are strong in revealing the trends in urban development form. We conclude by discussing the significance of the trends revealed in the case of Dublin and point to the issues of data availability in terms of both spatial and temporal resolution. Finally, we speculate on how the measures at different scales are suited to inform different types of urban policies and planning approaches.  相似文献   

蔚芳  王鑫 《城市规划》2019,43(11):112-119
通过塑造建成环境来促进活力生活方式已成为改善城市健康的重要举措之一。作为活力生活方式的重要物质载体,公共体育活力空间在物质环境的潜在健康促进方面起着举足轻重的作用。以杭州市为例,本研究利用GIS空间分析手段及高斯两步移动搜索法(Gaussian-Based 2SFCA),对主城区范围内41个街道409个不同等级和类型的公共体育活力空间(PAS)的分布特征及其可达性进行分析。研究结果表明:研究范围内PAS空间分布不均衡,呈现出较强的空间极化特征;PAS密度与人口密度存在一定的正相关关系,但人口密度及PAS用地面积可达性关系表明PAS供给与需求之间存在一定的空间差异性。为增强城市环境中居民的体育活动,健康活力城市规划应优先考虑PAS相对缺乏的区域。  相似文献   

基于新疆19个主要城市1995-2007年的规模和产出时间序列数据,利用具有分形性质的城市规模-产出模型对新疆城市规模与产出的因果关系进行探讨,得出一些主要结论与启示:城市规模-产出关系的分形模型用于新疆城市个体时拟合效果良好,而对于新疆城市体系则相关性不高;新疆城市规模与城市产出一般呈正相关,但城市规模不是城市产出的决定性因素;新疆城市体系在自组织演化过程中没有出现良性发展态势;城市产出效益与城市规模无相关性,但与城市规模等级分布密切相关,可以作为城市体系的系统结构优化的定量判据之一,这从理论上揭示了合理的城市体系结构是决定城市产出能力的重要因素。因此,合理发展大城市,完善新疆城市体系的规模等级结构有利于新疆经济社会的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

The deconcentration of urban population is a widespread phenomenon in Western societies. Whatever the reasons for residential deconcentration, an inevitable consequence is that an increasing number of people will choose to reside on the outskirts of urban regions. In this paper, the relationship between residential preferences and housing choices is examined using questionnaire data from 1,137 residents of the Turku urban region. This study examines how congruent their stated and revealed residential preferences are in the urban region and to what extent residential preferences affect residential mobility within the urban region. The results show that the stated residential preferences of the respondents correspond closely with their housing choices but the relation of residential preferences to changing population distribution is not straightforward. Although preference for low-density housing is the most important factor describing population decentralisation, the population flow towards the central city is predominantly determined by demographic factors. The results emphasise the latent nature of residential preferences, as the preferred residential environment does not necessarily correspond with the chosen housing. The results stress the importance of gaining thorough knowledge of the subjective values given to housing in order to understand what aspects of housing are important for people and what kind of influence residential preferences actually have on housing choices.  相似文献   

中国城市化水平统计数据的问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市是一种没有特征尺度的现象,故其只能主观定义,而不能客观界定。城市化水平统计难题因此而生。中国目前的城市化水平至少存在三个方面的问题:一是各地测量标准不一,二是统计上的不适当高估,三是建设中的想当然拔高。由于城市形态和城市规模分布都具有无标度性特征,一个城市的边界和一个区域的城市数目都无法客观确定。这种现象为城市化水平统计过程中的主观操作留下了理论上的漏洞。可是,国内至今没有统一、科学的城市定义,城市化水平统计各地标准参差不齐,水分明显。为了解决上述问题,至少要开展下述基础性工作:基于统计学知识规范城市定义,合理制定城市人口规模门槛,细化城市人口普查单元,在大众中普及正确的城市化概念。  相似文献   

Although there is no broad consensus on the meaning of the term, this paper uses the notions of social equity and social justice as a starting point for analyzing ‘social sustainability’. Planning strategies such as compact city design and urban intensification are claimed to positively affect levels of social sustainability within the city, but is this actually the case? Medium density housing is one component of an urban compaction approach that is becoming more prevalent in the New Zealand context. This paper develops a model of the social sustainability of housing derived from key themes in the literature. The model is then used to ascertain the extent to which medium density housing in the central area of Christchurch is meeting residents' social needs. Information from in-depth interviews is used as a basis for examining the way such housing may be contributing to the overall ‘social sustainability’ of this city.  相似文献   

Multiple previous studies at international level have examined the effects of land use policies regarding to sustainability, and particularly devoted to the induced private car mobility excess. However, it is remarkable the different urban planning tradition depending on the country or region. Thus, the Mediterranean urbanism has been generally featured by high or moderately high population and dwellings density, which has promoted the presence of pedestrians on streets. In this paper we analyse the case of Burgos city, as an example of mid-sized city in Spain. Although it isn't suffering sprawl symptoms, its local administration is trying to improve current modal share by increasing sustainable means of transport. The performed analysis includes population, dwellings density and absolute compactness, to check their influence in car trip generation. In coherence with previous studies, our results have shown a qualitative correlation between low densities and higher use of private car for the studied case. The effects of some urban planning policies are discussed as possible reasons of observed behaviour, serving as basis for future recommendations.  相似文献   

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