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Large urban parks can support a diverse bird community. However, the effects of variability among habitats and of park management on bird assemblages are poorly understood. We studied bird communities within the Yarkon Park, Tel Aviv, the largest urban park in Israel. We examined species richness, abundance and community composition across 20 locations that differ in levels of park management to identify habitat variables responsible for variation in bird richness and composition. Of 91 recorded bird species, 13 were aliens (14%), 4 were urban exploiters (4%), 54 were urban adapters (60%) and 20 were migrants (22%). Management had a significant effect on native bird richness and bird community structure varied among areas with different management regimes. Species richness of all the above species’ groups was lowest in intensively managed areas. Areas with intermediate levels of management had higher or equal richness compared to unmanaged areas. The majority of urban exploiters were found at all locations within the park reaching their highest abundances in intensively managed areas. Species richness of alien birds did not vary across levels of management. Bird species richness was negatively associated with lawn cover and with distance from nearest water source and was positively associated with the number of woody plant species. We suggest that urban parks should be designed such that the heterogeneity of native vegetation is preserved, if we aim to maintain native bird species diversity and minimize urban exploiter and alien species. When lightly managed or unmanaged, urban parks can retain large remnants of sub-natural habitats and can serve as important contributors to the conservation of native biodiversity within a large urban metropolis.  相似文献   

Part of this investigation is the flora of three different urban land-use types which represent typical biotope characteristics of Berlin and Potsdam. The majority of these urban land-use types is located in the former GDR territory of East Berlin and Potsdam, which were almost unexplored and are therefore of special botanic interest. The focus lies on the inventory of wild-growing vascular plants, their diversity, richness, and value for nature conservation.The first investigated land-use type are the landscape parks of Potsdam with their plant communities of meadows and lawns which differ from many other grasslands of today in having unique plant species due to their historic garden design and the continuous way of extensive garden management. Second, the residential areas of the 20/30s in Berlin and their diversity of wild-growing vascular plants and planted trees which reflect the original garden management and the gardening traditions of this decade are presented. The third urban land-use type is the area of the Berlin wall with urban wasteland communities. It will be shown that also in the inner city with a high population density a special variety of species makes urban wastelands worthy for nature conservation.  相似文献   

Biodiversity concepts and urban ecosystems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The association of biodiversity and urban ecosystems has usually concerned the impact of urbanization on biodiversity. However, biodiversity concepts can easily be applied to the urban ecosystem itself. As more and more people live in cities, restoration, preservation and enhancement of biodiversity in urban areas become important. Concepts related to biodiversity management such as scale, hierarchy, species identity, species values, fragmentation, global approaches can be used to manage urban biodiversity. Application of these concepts in such artificial ecosystems may yield important insights for the management of natural ecosystems. Birds are highly visible and quite sensitive to changes in habitat structure and composition. Bird species richness in urban ecosystems is influenced both by local and landscape characteristics and a multi-scale approach is essential to its proper management. People–wildlife conflicts are an integral component of wildlife management in urban ecosystems and must be addressed. Enhancement of biodiversity in urban ecosystems can have a positive impact on the quality of life and education of urban dwellers and thus facilitate the preservation of biodiversity in natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

This study utilized a finite mixture distribution model (FMDM) to identify the distribution of bird diversity in urban and suburban areas of the Taipei basin. The spatial patterns of Shannon's diversity index were estimated using Sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS) with bird investigation data. To validate the results of FMDM, bird groups were classified by two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) based on bird presence-absence records. The probabilities exceeding FMDM's cut-off values for suburban bird communities were obtained from SGS realizations. The results showed that bird diversity in the Taipei basin could be comprised of two-component mixture distributions for urban and suburban bird communities, respectively. The FMDM bird diversity classifications fit the TWINSPAN groups of urban and suburban species. The spatial maps of bird diversity in the study area provide evidence that a metropolis can cause changes in the spatial characteristics of bird communities at the landscape level. Furthermore, the bird diversity and land use maps could be useful for future conservation and urban planning in Taipei Basin, particularly urban green spaces and wetlands. The maps could also be utilized in network planning of green belts or corridors for ecological conservation.  相似文献   

Changes in land-use practices have affected the integrity and quality of water resources worldwide. In Patagonia there is a strong concern about the ecological status of surface waters because these changes are rapidly occurring in the region. To test the hypothesis that greater intensity of land-use will have negative effects on water quality, stream habitat and biodiversity we assessed benthic macroinvertebrates, riparian/littoral invertebrates, fish and birds from the riparian corridor and environmental variables of 15 rivers (Patagonia) subjected to a gradient of land-use practices (non-managed native forest, managed native forest, pine plantations, pasture, urbanization). A total of 158 macroinvertebrate taxa, 105 riparian/littoral invertebrate taxa, 5 fish species, 34 bird species, and 15 aquatic plant species, were recorded considering all sites. Urban land-use produced the most significant changes in streams including physical features, conductivity, nutrients, habitat condition, riparian quality and invertebrate metrics. Pasture and managed native forest sites appeared in an intermediate situation. The highest values of fish and bird abundance and diversity were observed at disturbed sites; this might be explained by the opportunistic behavior displayed by these communities which let them take advantage of increased trophic resources in these environments. As expected, non-managed native forest sites showed the highest integrity of ecological conditions and also great biodiversity of benthic communities. Macroinvertebrate metrics that reflected good water quality were positively related to forest land cover and negatively related to urban and pasture land cover. However, by offering stream edge areas, pasture sites still supported rich communities of riparian/littoral invertebrates, increasing overall biodiversity. Macroinvertebrates were good indicators of land-use impact and water quality conditions and resulted useful tools to early alert of disturbances in streams. Fish and birds having a greater ability of dispersion and capacity to move quickly from disturbances would reflect changes at a higher scale.  相似文献   

鸟类栖息地是城市湿地生态系统的重要组成部分。鸟类通常作为检测城市湿地生境状况的指示性物种,在城市湿地的保育规划与管理中发挥极其重要的作用。从城市湿地鸟类的栖息地保护与生态修复着手,通过对武汉东湖绿心鸟类资源及栖息地调查及识别,对鸟类栖息地进行分类分级保护,并提出了对鸟类栖息地退化生境修复、生物通道连接、恢复自然岸线、构建适宜栖居的植被群落及完善监测评估的生态修复策略,以期为城市湿地中各类鸟类栖息地的保护提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

Compared with medium-sized cities, megacities play an increasingly important role in the rapid urbanization process in China. Owing to the expanding scale of large cities, urban sprawl leads to unsustainable practices that cause ecological, social, and environmental problems. Urban planning and land use planning are major driving forces of land use and land cover change in China. However, the goals of these two types of planning are different, and coordinating them is a challenge for local government decision makers. Thus, we use the SLEUTH model to simulate the implementation scenarios of future urban growth in Nanjing in the Jiangsu province of China. Using the scientific simulation data of the model, we contrasted the alternative futures of the two planning types for local government decision makers to achieve sustainable urban planning.The objective of our study is to explore the problems and possible solutions for urban management in the context of amegacity in China. The results of our study confirm the value of SLEUTH, which provid esextensive exploratory knowledge in evaluating the effects of possible local government decisions.  相似文献   

论文通过文献调查、概念分析和相关历史研究,尝试梳理边缘区环境现象、生态源头问题认知及解题方法,重点解析了生物多样性保护、生态要素保护与土地利用规划导向等边缘区重点研究领域,对现行程序管理与评估手段中的薄弱环节予以详细阐释。研究围绕三方面展开:(1)城市边缘区生态环境品质关系到城镇生态、空间形态以及城镇化管理,规划需协调建设与非建设用地并提升保护区的复合生态服务功能;(2)自然生境与农林非建设用地为主要保护区域,跨部门构建内连城区、外接乡村腹地的绿色生态空间网络,是重要的规划手段;(3)降低边缘区规划建设影响关乎保护的长效性,需要实体空间保护规划与政策法规及管理软件支撑协同作业。  相似文献   

Urban environments are not considered areas with conservation importance. However greenspaces in cities have been previously identified as areas with significant avian biodiversity. We investigated the distribution and diversity of birds in what are increasingly considered as Metropolitan Manila's last greenspaces; the University of the Philippines campus, military cemeteries and two government operated parks. Using species–area analysis, abundance and diversity indices, TWINSPAN ordination and logistic regression to determine important landscape features for species presence, we describe the distribution of bird communities and diversity in Metropolitan Manila. Two major bird community groupings were observed. These are the urban exploiters and the urban adaptable with the former occurring in high abundances and the latter in low abundances in greenspaces. The number of built and natural spatial entities determines abundances. Species area analysis suggests that the greenspaces are distinct habitats that preserve faunal uniqueness whereas urbanization tends to decrease diversity. These observations suggest that greenspaces harbor significant avian biodiversity as well as the presence of endemic and threatened species. As the greenspaces possess remnant wetland and wooded habitat we recommend that they be preserved and maintained by ensuring that these habitats are incorporated in any urban development plan.  相似文献   

Urban vegetation increasingly contributes to nature conservation and ecosystem services, but lacking understanding of site variations has restricted such uses. This study analyzed the spatial pattern and differentiation of tree communities in three major green landscape types (urban parks, riverside parks and street verges) in Taipei city. In each landscape type, 10 representative tree communities were studied. Statistical tests for ecological communities were employed: Jaccard and Q species similarity indices, two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), and new species fidelity, landscape fidelity and composite Q indices. Significant recent increase in Taipei's green spaces was traced. The study area contained 164 tree species, but few were shared by the three landscape types and none by 30 communities. Native evergreen broadleaf species with large final dimensions were dominant. Urban parks registered the highest species richness, landscape fidelity, rare species and urban endemics. Such exclusive species constitution deviated notably from riverside parks and street verges, with relatively simple and converging intra-site species ingredients. Pronounced species differentiation between urban parks reflected diversified site topography, natural woodland inheritance, woodland creation, and past landscape fashion. TWINSPAN classified the communities into nine groups each with signature characteristics. Inherent site variations offered main determinants of tree heterogeneity, superimposed by human modification to satisfy pre-determined site functions. A hybrid urban park with high species diversity and nature contents is advocated by amalgamating conventional but polarized designs of country and urban parks. The findings could inform management of urban forest, urban nature conservation, and ecological services of urban green spaces.  相似文献   

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