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作者认为在全球竞争时代,区域和城市规划的战略调整必须适应当代经济技术发展的特点,英国的新城规划和日本的科技城规划都是以促进区域经济技术发展、提高生活质量、减少区域与城市间差距为目的的战略举措,并且在不同方面和程度上取得了实效。  相似文献   

深圳市在探索能够适应外部环境变化的弹性规划方法,增强城市规划实效方面积累了大量的经验,现以深圳市城市规划实践为研究对象,从中提取弹性规划的技术方法,按照时间脉络将其划分为"外向"弹性规划、"外向+内向"弹性规划与"内向+过程"弹性规划三大发展阶段,从行动、内容与方法等方面梳理了弹性规划从静态蓝图式弹性规划到动态控制性弹性规划、从"最大值域"到"有限值域"、从具体弹性规划技术到总体弹性规划思路等发展演进特征,最终指出,走向多维弹性是当今城市规划发展的大势所趋  相似文献   

当前我国城市规划与治理面临着体系建设不足、现有体系与工作模式无法适应规划实施性的要求、缺乏统筹把控等问题,与我国新时期现代化治理、高质量发展等要求相去甚远。在此转型时期,要正视当前规划治理的困境,构建符合新时代要求的规划理念与实施治理手段,构架新的城市治理体系。本文以总规划师模式在嘉兴市的实践为研究对象,并引入了人因工程学促进现代城市高质量发展的科学方法,通过对"九水连心""慢享古城""重走一大路"3个项目,提出相应的规划方法与管理机制进行详解,展现了总规划师制度对城市规划建设进行宏观战略引领和整体实施管控的作用。  相似文献   

应对当前生态工业园区发展的趋势,从城市规划的专业技术视角,探索生态工业园区规划方法与技术,探讨循环经济、环境保护等可持续发展战略与城市规划结合的途径。  相似文献   

当前城市规划的技术管理体系与行政决策特征 我国经济社会发展经历了从建国初期的计划形态到当前的市场形态日益健全的过程,城市规划技术管理体系也历经了适应于20世纪50年代的计划特征、适应于80年代的市场经济确立与经济恢复特征,以及应对于90年代面临城市变革转轨和快速城市化时期等三次转变.在长期的理论和实践中,在全国层面基本形成了以宏观战略规划、各类专项规划以及直接指导实施层面的详细规划等为主体的三级规划编制体系,也成为规划管理部门指导和调控城市发展的核心技术管理体系,其中总体规划始终是宏观战略层面指导与调控城市发展建设、保护和管理城市空间资源的重要依据和手段.  相似文献   

城市规划管理体制如何应对全球气候变化?   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
城市是全球温室气体排放的重要源头,通过规划、建筑设计施工、交通、城市产业结构调整、能源供求规划等领域,城市的建设过程可以提供有效及必要的控制温室气体排放的手段。城市规划的思维也要因此而作出改变,向如何可以通过城市发展创新模式和决策,在"减缓"(mitigation)和"适应("adaptation)两大战略方向应对气候变化。本文先对全球气候变化问题,特别是其对城市发展建设带来的挑战作出表述,同时也分析了当前世界上其他城市的应对方法及手段作为参考。最后,本文建议以低碳城市为目标的整合城市规划决策体制框架,对目前传统城市规划过程作出目标及方法上的修改,以达到控制气候变化及温室气体排放的城市规划目的。  相似文献   

市场经济中的城市规划   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
市场经济中的城市规划应该放弃传统的那种按照理想方式为城市量体裁衣的简单作法 ,而要以实现城市空间与经济发展的动态适应为高层次目标。虽同为资源配置手段 ,战略层面的规划任务主要是维护城市发展的外部效益 ,在此前提下 ,实施层面的规划则应充分满足微观行为的内部经济性要求  相似文献   

何明俊 《城市规划》2005,29(12):40-44
城市规划行政权是政府对城市发展的引导与控制的公共管理权力。在市场经济条件下,城市规划面临利益多元、未来的难预测等多种问题的挑战。城市规划行政权应是积极的和有效率的,并在政府、市场和公民的互动的基础上,维护公共利益。指导性规划应具备较强的回应性,以适应社会经济的发展要求。法定的城市规划应相对的具有稳定性,以保护各类财产权。公民权和公众利益的有效维护方式是公众参与。公众参与的有效性和规划行政权的效率取决于规划过程的设置。  相似文献   

1986年,北京市委市政府为了切实加强首都的城市规划和规划管理工作,适应政府机构体制改革需要,决定将原北京市城市规划管理局一分为二,把规划设计业务与规划行政管理工作分开,分别组建新的北京市城市规划管理局和北京市城市规划设计研究院.北京市规划院的主要职能是,草拟、编制、修订城市总体规划、详细规划和各项基础设施专业规划,参与北京城市经济社会发展战略研究,承担有关部门下达的课题研究和建设单位委托的工程项目的规划设计任务等.2001~2003年,市政府对北京市城市规划系统的机构体制又先后作了调整,但北京市规划院的工作职能基本没有大的变化.  相似文献   

在深圳特区建立二十周年之际,我们编辑了这期“深圳市城市规划与建设”,以记录、展示深圳的城市规划与建设的过程、经验和成就。 深圳城市规划机制当下已趋成熟,完全改变了以往那种“规划规划,墙上挂挂”的陈腐局面。深圳市城市规划成果的开拓性与探索性、现实性与前瞻性,特别是规划工作的法制化,意义深远,它必将在全国范围内产生积极影响。深圳城市规划工作的实际成果告诉我们规划并不仅仅是按照某些特定的要求来划分土地,规划必须是规划发展。规划工作本身就是一个不断调整的、动态发展过程,它应服务于城市的发展战略,塑造城市整体形象,保护与改善城市生态环境。  相似文献   

基于科学网络引文数据库(WOS),本文采用CiteSpace知识图谱软件,梳理了1990—2016年国外气候变化与城市规划的研究热点和发展趋势。研究发现:在经历了20世纪七八十年代的迅速发展,1990年代初、中期的研究停滞以及1990年代末期以来的复兴后,研究视角和方法更加多元化,呈现学科交叉化与内容广泛化的趋势;研究内容主要趋向于气候复合效应与城市系统的互动机制、基于气候变化的城市系统分析评估以及城市规划应对气候变化策略三个方面。最后,论文评论指出,基于气候变化的城市规划研究正沿着内容体系多元化与综合化、方法体系从静态到动态模拟分析、重心倾向于规划行动的政策体系研究的路径发展。今后这一领域将深化气候多效应综合作用的适应性规划的研究,建构动态协作式规划方法。这一研究对我国未来城市空间发展应对气候变化的研究进展和关键技术的提升具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Urban planning can contribute to reducing vulnerability to the impacts of climate change (including the expected increased occurrence of extreme weather events) in metropolitan areas. However, lack of urban governance and planning focusing on the metropolitan area as a whole, and decisions that do not take into account sufficiently the occurrence of such events, can substantially increase the cost of recovery from weather-related disasters. This policy study connects climate change adaptation, urban planning and metropolitan governance issues in the Hungarian context, focusing on the June 2010 floods in the town of Fels?zsolca, in the Miskolc metropolitan area. A review of key literature is provided on the impacts of climate change in cities and on governing climate action in metropolitan areas. Events leading up to and following the June 2010 Fels?zsolca floods are analysed from the perspective of urban planning. Based on evaluation criteria including effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, institutional capacity, transparency, political feasibility and time, four policy options are identified for climate action-related governance and planning in metropolitan areas, in the Hungarian context. Based on the above criteria, formalized horizontal partnerships between local authorities within the metropolitan area are chosen as the most favourable and currently most feasible policy option in Hungary.  相似文献   

徐海韵  刘栗  丁鹏   《风景园林》2022,29(10):53-66
气候变化已成为城市可持续发展的关键挑战。面对该问题,越来越多的学者和从业者关注了基于生态系统的适应(EbA)概念,将其作为管理区域生态系统服务、提高生态系统服务适应能力的高效并且可持续的手段予以推广。然而,目前鲜有研究关注EbA措施在气候变化适应性城市建设中在多尺度上与各利益相关者的合作规划实践。通过定性方法弥补EbA在城市多尺度气候适应计划实践这一领域应用研究的缺失,以欧洲著名的气候变化适应性城市以及欧洲绿色首都哥本哈根市为研究对象,分析了EbA如何纳入当地气候变化适应计划并在多个尺度上予以实施。回顾了EbA发展与其在欧洲的应用现状,分析了哥本哈根市气候变化适应政策以及EbA在市域、社区、单体建筑3个尺度的合作应用,并且通过分析哥本哈根市第一个气候弹性社区的案例,阐释哥本哈根市如何通过政府、企业、公民等多方利益相关者的合作规划将EbA措施应用于当地气候变化适应性城市建设。最后,总结了哥本哈根市多尺度气候变化适应合作规划中的EbA实践经验:1)项目前的深入数据准备和分析;2)EbA措施与城市空间景观设计的紧密结合;3)多个利益相关方协调,促进公众参与。加深了对EbA提升城市生态系统服务建设适应气候变化的城市的理解,并在面对气候变化挑战问题上,为包括中国城市在内的其他城市提供了启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

As global climate mitigation actions increasingly appear to be unable to curb global emissions, there has been a corresponding increase in climate adaptation planning undertaken by governments and communities. Along with an increasing number of adaptation studies, there has been an increasing complexity of adaptation studies as practitioners attempt to plan the adaptation of whole communities, cities and in some cases nations. These studies are commonly underpinned by increasingly complex climate change vulnerability studies that also attempt to encompass concepts such as resilience and adaptive capacity. Owners and operators of infrastructure assets and networks also need to consider climate change. This need has been met by an increasing number of climate change risk and adaptation studies of major infrastructure. The approaches used for these assessments are commonly derived from assessments of whole communities and policy development studies, and apply terminology that is often inconsistent with established engineering asset management methods and approaches. As a result the uptake of these studies has been less than desirable in many cases. To this end, the work presented here proposes a set of principles for undertaking the assessment of climate changes impacts on assets and infrastructure.  相似文献   

城市局部气候分区研究进展及其在城市规划中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着气象学、地理学、城乡规划学等多学科的交叉融合,以及新的数据信息、技术工具和算法手段的出现,分析和测度城市热岛效应并提出城市规划举措的视角和方法日趋多元,局部气候分区便是新兴的研究走向之一。文章通过相关文献的剖析,梳理了局部气候分区的发展历程、技术特点及应用领域等,以期对我国城市规划领域中的局部气候分区应用提供方法参考和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

Faced with two existential threats – nuclear war and climate change – planners have responded by proposing sweeping reforms for city-regions, often deploying the newfound rationales to re-package earlier ideas about ‘the good city’. This paper analyses how mid-twentieth-century planning discourses regarding Cold War urban dispersal in the USA might help us understand contemporary conversations about urban climate change adaptation. We apply Kingdon's Multiple Streams Analysis and his concept of policy entrepreneurs to show how planners frame problems and shape policy agendas. We propose a subtype of ‘design-policy entrepreneurs’ who use the spatial and visual tools of planning and design to advocate for preferred policies. By analysing the rhetoric and visual representations made by planners and designers from 1945 to 1965, we examine how they repurposed long-standing ideas about urban deconcentration into ‘dispersal for defence’ proposals. Such proposals for dispersing urban settlements into separated and ‘self-contained’ units received a dysfunctional partial acceptance: housing and transportation legislation embraced the dispersal part but resisted the complementary elements aimed at limiting damages from nuclear attack by concentrating development into distinct nodes. We conclude by asking how the perils of such partial policy-making success might play out on the terrain of climate change adaptation.  相似文献   

李鑫  张琰 《中国园林》2020,36(4):73
长期气候变化和极端天气事件给中国城乡可持续发展带来考验,而城乡地区自身的适应性规划体系不完善及生态环境恶化让城市适应性提升面临压力。因此,以"无悔"设计和可持续发展为基础的生态适应性(Ecological-based Adaptation,EbA)理念和措施逐渐引起国内学者的研究和关注。在收集和总结相关国际案例及应用的基础上,对Eb A理论、理念及研究进展进行深入分析和探讨。以生态适应性规划为着眼点,对分析的成果进行归纳,从研究和决策2个方面提出新的本地化解读、未来研究趋势及应用特点。同时结合中国开放空间规划体系的改革现状,提出适用于中国城乡可持续发展及韧性体系构建的本土化理念框架和相关建议。  相似文献   

应对气候变化的城市规划与设计——前沿及对中国的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着全球变暖和极端气候事件频繁发生,全球气候变化及其不利影响日益成为人类共同关心的问题。文章首先介绍了国外已有的相关研究,并以国外前沿研究为启示,分析了中国气候变化现状、影响及应对措施,认为中国面临的气候形势极为严峻,从而提出了减缓和适应气候变化的城市空间、规模、交通规划理念,又对各类灾害多发区制定了相应的设计法则,并提出了"气候·多规融合"的想法。  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(3):213-235
Different patterns of urban development may have widely varying long-term effects on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To investigate such effects, we used UPlan geographic information system–based software to model three 2050 urban-growth scenarios for Yolo County, a predominantly agricultural area near Sacramento, California. Two scenarios correspond to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s A2 and B1 storylines. We also added a third, infill-only scenario called AB32-Plus that assumes continued strong climate change policy in California and highly compact urban development. Results show dramatically different levels of GHG emissions from transportation and residential-building energy use in the three scenarios, especially when compact urban development is combined with strong assumptions about energy efficiency and population. The preservation of farmland is also an important climate mitigation and adaptation benefit of the compact-development alternative.  相似文献   

Problem: Even if significant reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions are achieved, some amount of climate change appears to be inevitable. Local, regional, state, and federal planning and regulation should begin to address how to adapt to these changes.

Purpose: This article presents a policy synthesis of adaptation planning issues, using California as a case study. We examine the institutional and regulatory challenges and tradeoffs that climate change poses in six particularly vulnerable areas: water resources, electricity, coastal resources, air quality, public health, and ecosystem resources. We discuss obstacles to adaptation planning and successes overcoming these barriers, and suggest how planning can incorporate adaptation.

Methods: This article presents a policy synthesis of adaptation planning issues, drawing on our recent research on California's experience and related literature. We summarize the results of six studies that draw on quantitative and qualitative information gathered through surveys, interviews, and literature review.

Results and conclusions: Planners should use forward-looking climate data that include higher water and air temperatures, sea-level rise, and increased numbers of extreme events like heat waves, floods, and wildfires when making decisions about future development, infrastructure investments, open-space protection, and disaster preparedness. Climate change will exacerbate conflicts between goals for economic development, habitat protection, and public safety, requiring stronger interagency coordination and new laws and regulations.

Takeaway for practice: Local and regional planners can help society adapt to a changing climate by using the best available science, deciding on goals and early actions, locating relevant partners, identifying and eliminating regulatory barriers, and encouraging the introduction of new state mandates and guidelines.

Research support: Partial support for this research was provided by Pacific Gas and Electric, The Nature Conservancy, and Next 10.  相似文献   

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