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1949~1978年城市住宅规划设计思想的发展及反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究的对象是1949年到1978年的中国城市住宅发展。通过对社会经济背景、城市住宅发展政策、和住宅建设发展的描述,作者试图分析和明确存在于这个时期宏观社会经济发展与城市住宅领域变化发展之间的关系与规律。  相似文献   

杨舢 《建筑师》2021,(4):38-50
欧洲有悠久的住宅合作社传统.合作社源起于19世纪中期的无政府主义传统.它们不只是提供另类的住宅形式,同时也是政治、经济、社会体系的实验.无政府主义的合作社实践不但催生了现代规划学科,同时也促成了1920年代的福利社会的住宅资助政策体系的成形.从19世纪末开始,住宅合作社的空间实践大致经历了"前期酝酿""第一次高峰期""被纳入国家治理体系""复兴与创新发展"四个时期.近年来欧洲住宅合作社正处于"复兴与创新发展"期,其空间实践既继承早期实践的"家务劳动社会化"和"保证私密性的集体交往"特点,也在"融入城市""社会多样性"以及"参与式设计"三个方面出现明显的创新.  相似文献   

近代时期,城市发展变迁与住宅建筑变化紧密相连,体现在三个方面:(1)住宅建设密度加大进而影响到城市空间形态生成;(2)相较于传统居住方式,出现了新的城市住宅建筑类型,反映出社会生活的变迁;(3)单体住宅建筑细节改变,隐含着时代价值观念和具体运行方式的信息,因此城市住宅受到具有高度时代敏感性的建筑师们的关注,无论中外。李英年建筑师正是这样一位建筑师,他敏锐地感受到了居住方式随着时代变迁而发生的变化,并对此进行了研究和实践探索。  相似文献   

依据城市发展动力的主次与强弱,可将中国城市发展分为三个历史时期,即古代农业社会政治军事主导时期、近现代工业社会经济支配时期及20世纪末期以来信息社会文化决定性制约时期。文章重点分析了前两个历史时期城市的不同发展途径、发展模式和发展水平,考察了文化在当今城市可持续发展道路中的特殊地位与作用, 并进一步强调了实施文化战略的重要性。  相似文献   

本文从政策、规划思想和开发实践3个方面系统分析了伦敦码头区改造的发展过程,深入探讨了这一改造与英国总体经济结构变化尤其是伦敦城市经济发展的内在联系.一方面,伦敦码头区改造在开发上的成功为后工业的伦敦开辟了一个新的经济发展空间;另一方面,以市场为导向的改造开发严重冲击了城市规划与社区建设,这种现象引起了学术界和社会对城市规划与社区在私有化的后工业时代的命运的深思.  相似文献   

1960年代是英国城市规划的分水岭,自此英国城市规划开始从以物质空间为主导的规划转向以社会经济政策为引导的规划时代。以1968年城市计划为开端,迄今为止英国政府推出了诸多的城市发展政策,这些城市政策在总体社会经济目标框架下被称为城市更新、城市再生或城市复兴运动。今天看来,更新、再生、复兴,这三个仅有一字之差的措辞用语事实上代表了不同社会转型阶段英国城乡规划发展理论与实践的探索和创新。本文的研究便是从历史出发,简要分析英国自1960年代以来其城市更新、城市再生、城市复兴等不同城市政策制定的社会历史背景、发展思想、采取的政策形式、相应的社会效应等,目的是明晰当代城市发展理论实践整体的社会逻辑。  相似文献   

1960年代是英国城市规划的分水岭,自此英国城市规划开始从以物质空间为主导的规划转向以社会经济政策为引导的规划时代。以1968年城市计划为开端,迄今为止英国政府推出了诸多的城市发展政策,这些城市政策在总体社会经济目标框架下被称为城市更新、城市再生或城市复兴运动。今天看来,更新、再生、复兴,这三个仅有一字之差的措辞用语事实上代表了不同社会转型阶段英国城乡规划发展理论与实践的探索和创新。本文的研究便是从历史出发,简要分析英国自1960年代以来其城市更新、城市再生、城市复兴等不同城市政策制定的社会历史背景、发展思想、采取的政策形式、相应的社会效应等,目的是明晰当代城市发展理论实践整体的社会逻辑。  相似文献   

英国近代工业与城市的扩张给城市滨水空间带来了经济繁荣,同时也产生了环境污染,使城市滨水空间的活力丧失殆尽。随着后工业时代的到来,20世纪70年代,英国进入城市复兴的发展阶段。滨水区的复兴成为城市复兴的重要组成。所谓"知者乐水,仁者乐山。"该文通过对英国布里斯托的实地考察,对其发展脉络进行梳理并对码头区现阶段的活力来源从生态活力、文化活力、社会活力与经济活力四个方面进行探析,总结滨水区活力塑造策略及方法。  相似文献   

李欣  薛晓荣 《山西建筑》2009,35(19):52-53
结合社会的发展和变迁,站在历史和社会的角度,阐述了英国集合住宅的发展历程,对中、英住宅发展进行了比照,指出英国集合住宅的政策理论和开发实践为我国当前正在进行的住房制度的改革和完善积累了经验。  相似文献   

如何拯救深陷“收缩”困境的老工业城市,成为一项极具挑战性的任务。在当今西方国家的城市化进程中,受经济转型、资源枯竭、郊区化等诸多因素影响,一些传统老工业城市呈现出日益严峻的收缩现象,并引发一系列复杂的社会问题。基于全球化挑战地方响应策略的理论分析表明,如何促进日渐“收缩”的老工业城市实现顺利转型,对长期以来增长管理为导向的城市规划传统理论提出了严峻的挑战,并且体现为全球化背景下,企业家主义或环境主义的地方响应范式之争。针对英国曼彻斯特和利兹的案例比较发现,尽管前者采取的企业家主义导向经济复兴战略加剧了经济增长与环境保护之间的矛盾冲突,但是后者尝试超越企业家主义范式的新探索带来了实现经济环境双赢的新希望,且近年来可持续城市的理论探索也逐渐形成了新的发展方向。通过英国老工业城市转型的理论分析与实践比较,为我国的老工业城市发展转型提供了诸多的有益启示。  相似文献   

Important changes in the pattern of new building, investment and ownership of social rented housing in Britain in the period since 1989 can be seen as moves towards a more European style of provision. Similarly, reductions in general subsidy and a switch to greater reliance on personal income related forms of assistance with housing costs are consistent with developmentselsewhere, as is concern to contain public expenditure by placing more emphasis on private finance. The themes of the paper are the growth and transformation of housing associations in Britain. The importance of stock transfers from local authorities has grown to the point where they have become the major source of growth, and it is argued that within the foreseeable future the majority of the social rented sector may be owned by housing associations or other registered social landlords. The paper looks at finance, development and governance issues, concluding that housing associations have been drawn into an ever closer relationship with the state.  相似文献   

Social housing in Britain has traditionally been provided in a very different way to most other European countries, with municipal authorities having a dominant role. Recently, a number of local authorities have transferred the whole of their housing stocks to new landlords, ceasing to be housing providers. This process of ‘Voluntary Transfer’ is described and analysed, with particular attention paid to the interests of the government, tenants and taxpayers. Voluntary Transfer is an important aspect of the current policy approach in Britain which aims to reduce the role of local authorities as managers and providers of social housing, and to increase the relative importance of housing associations and other organisations. An assessment is made as to whether Voluntary Transfer should be seen as part of a general move towards convergence with the way in which social housing is provided elsewhere in Europe. On balance, it is found that differences between the British and continental approaches continue to be more important than similarities, reflecting institutional, political and historical factors. Nevertheless, social housing organisation in all European countries faces similar pressures in resolving conflicts between economic and social aims.  相似文献   

This paper draws on studies of the black minority ethnic voluntary housing movement and of squatters to develop some perspectives on the aims, characteristics and interpretation of 'social welfare movements' in the period since 1960. While much has been written on so-called 'new social movements' in Europe and North America, connections remain underdeveloped between social movement theories and collective action in specific UK policy fields. At the same time, British housing scholars do not often link their detailed empirical material with any of the key strands of contemporary theoretical debates on social movements. This paper suggests that the notion of social welfare movements is potentially applicable in the housing field in Britain, and that particular housing histories may be helpful for further development of propositions or theories about movements.  相似文献   

在1950至1970年代的城市化快速发展时期,法国在城市边缘和郊区进行了以大型住区为主要形式的大规模社会住房建设,虽然有效缓解了战争破坏和人口增长带来的住房短缺,却因廉租性社会住房在城市特定地区的大量集聚,以及大型住区本身存在的选址远离中心、建筑形式单调、空间尺度夸张、建设质量低下、设施配套缺失等不足,在1960年代末和1970年代初引发了居住空间的社会分化现象,并在1980年代随城市社会经济结构转型而不断加剧,迫使法国城市不得不从社会、经济、环境、设施和住宅建设等多方面入手,通过实施一系列城市政策和项目计划,对其进行综合整治和更新改造,以抵制社会排斥,鼓励社会混合,促进城市整体和谐发展。文章通过梳理法国社会住房的发展历程,特别是城市快速发展时期社会住房的建设发展,总结其中的经验教训,旨在为当前处于快速发展时期的中国城市的社会住房建设提供有益的启发和借鉴。  相似文献   

Analyses of the impacts of the use of private finance by housing associations (HAs) across Europe regularly align with the hybridity in the social housing sector, linking private finance to a range of negative consequences related to the loss of social purposes by HAs. This article examines some of the implications of institutional investment for HAs in Britain to meet their economic and social goals. Using a combination of interviews with HAs and institutional investors and a round table discussion, the study shows how such investment has facilitated HAs as hybrid organisations which adopt a pragmatically ‘fit-for-purpose’ approach that combines social benefit with profitability. For institutional investors, investing in social housing is a profit-oriented business as well as a corporate social activity that creates public relations benefits. Importantly, the study shows how government regulations can affect the form of institutional investment (bond finance rather than equity investment) in social housing and help HAs balance the opportunities and risks in combining business and social orientations.  相似文献   

The role of housing policy has been largely ignored in the debate on social fragmentation in Western societies. Only in Great Britain has this aspect attained prominence on the research agenda. Investigations there have shown that the mode of housing provision mitigates the effects of social fragmentation. Research elsewhere might help to clarify how and why the housing market amplifies or diminishes these effects. The case of the Netherlands is particularly illuminating because of the drastic housing policy reforms made there in recent years, allowing for a before-and-after assessment. This paper traces the effects of policy - and its reforms - on the range of housing conditions. In addition to dealing with the country as a whole, it investigates the changes in cities because of the specific nature of the urban housing stock. The analysis of how the housing conditions of various population categories changed during the period leading up to and following the announcement of the housing reforms of 1989 constitutes the core of the paper. The results show that housing conditions were already changing in the direction of the new policy aims during the 1980s. This casts doubt on the autonomous contribution of housing policy to changing housing conditions. The paper ends with a discussion of the implications of these results.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s housing associations have supplanted local authorities as the major providers of new social housing in Britain. This development has been criticised as threatening to introduce particularism and socially constructed definitions of deserving/undeserving status in place of democratically accountable provision. However this article argues that fears about the actions of “unaccountable” housing associations are based upon a falsely grounded nostalgia for local state housing. For example the concept of local authority accountability has been largely notional for minority ethnic communities who have been marginalised and excluded from access to local authority housing. Therefore the potential for housing associations to develop more responsive policies is examined. Primary research from a major British housing association is used to focus upon the opportunities and constraints facing minority ethnic communities as a result of the discretionary role of social gatekeepers. However, it is noted that even the sensitive use of officer discretion may still represent paternalistic provision for minority ethnic communities. Consequently it is suggested that state provision throughout Europe should respond to difference by embracing the potential of a pluralistic housing policy. This would include facilitating opportunities for minority ethnic self-provision of housing alongside universal provision.  相似文献   

Policy makers have increasingly highlighted the role of social housing in restricting the job-related mobility of tenants. This paper, drawing upon in-depth interviews with residents of the Manor estate in Sheffield, discusses the strength of housing-based explanations of worklessness. It finds that residents have responded to economic transformation by drawing on locally concentrated social networks and are unwilling to sever these close ties in order to access jobs that are frequently experienced as exploitative and demeaning. Consequently, their inertia can be viewed as a rational response to the low paid, chronically insecure jobs available in the post-industrial labour market. The author concludes that the significance of housing-based explanations of labour immobility is that they are simultaneously congruent with welfare reform that uses a compulsive strategy to enforce work habits and provide ammunition for those antagonistic to the principle of social housing.  相似文献   

The switch of state subsidies away from support for public housing investment and towards an intensification of market processes is no longer the prerogative of Western countries, but, in the 1980s, has also become a feature of some state socialist societies. However, given the contrasting social, political and economic character of these societies, does the apparently similar process of privatisation in fact have the same characteristics, meaning and social consequences?

In this paper Britain and Hungary have been chosen as countries representative of the two social systems and in which market processes have intensified. The comparison begins by examining the social meaning of'owning’ and ‘renting’, the historical context of the development of housing policy, the allocation systems, rents, and subsidies. Focusing on the social housing sector the paper contrasts current housing issues. Particular attention is given to the “Right to Buy” policy which is a common feature in the 1980s of housing policy in both countries.

As a result of their mainly empirical comparison the authors conclude that privatisation in Britain and Hungary occurred in housing systems which have been similar in their tenure structure but very different in historical context. Because the broad social‐political context of privatisation is different, particularly the economic and institutional interests rooted within this issue, it is not inevitable that the regressive social consequences of measures which promote the privatisation process (which are common to both countries) are automatically negative in terms of the general sociological assessment.Thus comparison can help in the preparation of policy options and the assessment of new possibilities, but only as background. Strategies should be evaluated primarily against the social‐political context of each country and against the current policy objectives.  相似文献   

本文从政策、规划思想和开发实践3个方面系统分析了伦敦码头区改造的发展过程,深入探讨了这一改造与英国总体经济结构变化尤其是伦敦城市经济发展的内在联系。一方面,伦敦码头区改造在开发上的成功为后工业的伦敦开辟了一个新的经济发展空间;另一方面,以市场为导向的改造开发严重冲击了城市规划与社区建设,这种现象引起了学术界和社会对城市规划与社区在私有化的后工业时代的命运的深思。  相似文献   

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