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从对消费社会背景分析出发,对当前城市公共空间失落的产生原因、具体表现进行简要的论述,以上海大拇指广场为例,提出社区商业广场空间设计中的几点策略来促进消费空间与城市公共空间的融合。  相似文献   

周沁 《城市住宅》2021,28(3):154-155
近年来,城市空间私有化程度不断加深,公共空间则存在着明显的缺失和不足,其所承载的公共生活也因公共空间的失落而失落,因此,公共空间的转型和重建成为各个领域共同关心的话题之一.解释了公共空间的多样性概念,并从人本主义的角度出发分析目前城市公共空间存在的问题和原因,从而给出了空间模糊化、设计者多样化、设计持续化3个初步建议.  相似文献   

快速城市化过程中,我国公共空间面临总量不足、布局不佳和可持续性差的严峻形式,这与我国城市土地财政现象、空间资源配置不合理和城市人口快速增加等状况是密切相关的。在复杂的环境中,城市中出现了一种兼有购物消费和公共休闲功能的新型空间——商业公共空间,并成为我国城市空间的重要组成部分。从城市空间类型、经济属性、市民消费行为特征和空间资源配置的角度,结合空间生产和新城市主义功能复合理论,对该类空间的界定、形成和作用进行分析研究,指出商业公共空间有助于解决我国城市公共空间的困境,能够通过空间收益的经济关系提高市民群体的社会地位,使城市空间更好的满足市民生活需求。  相似文献   

曹海婴 《新建筑》2010,(2):61-65
从分析社区和居住区概念的关联性着手,通过考察我国居住区公共空间布局结构的转变,探讨了居住区公共空间不同的运行方式和作用。指出:与传统社区单向的公共性不同,当代住区公共空间具有双重的公共性,因此模拟传统社区生活的规划思路无助于弥合当代城市社会空间的裂痕。最后本着建立和谐城市社会的原则,对住区公共空间规划策略作了初步的讨论。  相似文献   

消费时代城市空间的生产与消费   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着消费时代的来临,消费社会的城市空间在发展过程中表现出了明显的商品印记。主要表现为两方面的转变:首先,空间中的生产与消费正转变为空间本身的生产与消费;其次,空间消费正从小范围和使用意义上的消费向大众参与和更广泛意义上的空间消费转变。这些变化已成为中国当代城市发展的重要文化语境。  相似文献   

王成武 《山西建筑》2007,33(4):36-37
介绍了城市公共空间的产生与演变过程,从消费水平与消费需求、消费需求层次、消费水平对城市公共空间的需求等方面进行了分析,指出处理好消费水平与城市空间两者的关系对提升城市的建设水平、创造良好的生活环境具有一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

徐晓燕  叶鹏 《规划师》2008,24(2):72-74
随着当代全球化资本运行对消费环节依赖程度的加深,消费对公共空间的侵占逐渐加剧,公共空间正逐渐由公有向私有转变,成为一种被消费的商品.公共空间的异化在一定程度上加剧了城市空间与社会的分离.  相似文献   

姚存卓 《城市规划》2021,45(6):30-37,62
后现代主义都市里,抽象地讨论公共生活的"公共性"已经很难适应人群的生活状态,有必要加入日常生活因子,从而形成对公共生活"公共性"的完整认识.将日常生活理论引入后,可构成四个日常公共生活图式:匠人劳动、日常公共消费、日常公共交往、日常政治.加入网络社会的时代维度,能够形成研究当代日常公共生活的较为明晰的理论框架,并选取上海若干城市公共空间进行初步的实证检验.  相似文献   

岳华 《华中建筑》2014,(11):109-114
城市公共空间是市民社会重要的公共领域以及城市人居环境中重要的构成要素。自20世纪中期美国城市更新运动以来,伴随着当代美国市民社会的发展,高品质城市公共空间成为市民公共生活的重要的空间载体,其市民性日益得到广泛关注。该文以美国芝加哥千禧公园为样本,探讨了当代城市公共空间之市民性及其空间表述,以期对当前中国城市公共空间建设有所启示。  相似文献   

文章从城市集体公共空间的成因和定义出发,指出了它与共享性之间的联系,从"入口空间"和"漫步道空间"两个关键词切入,阐明了它们在城市集体公共空间设计中的重要性,并结合国内外当代建筑和城市公共空间设计实践分析在该语境下城市集体公共空间的特征以及共享性对设计的促进作用,以期为未来相关城市议题的探索提供参考。  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(4):373-405
The global public spaces literature has been critical of contemporary manifestations of public space on a number of grounds. This article reports on a research project that attempted to gauge the validity of these critiques through an examination of new and regenerated public spaces in London. The article introduces the dominant critiques around public space before outlining the mixed-methods approach used to interrogate them. The key findings from this work are summarised before the nature of contemporary public space is re-theorised in a more avowedly positive and pragmatic manner than is often the case, one that celebrates a return of a public spaces paradigm through tentatively advancing a new narrative and set of normative principles for public space generation. The work concludes that a more balanced view of public space is required, one that recognises the multiple complex types, roles and audiences for public spaces in cities today.  相似文献   


The exclusion of ‘the public’ from public space has been a growing source of concern in Australian and international urban research. A variety of models of ‘good’ public space are employed to criticise a range of ‘bad’ spatial arrangements and security technologies in contemporary public space. These models often receive less attention than the spaces themselves, but are a fundamental part of any project attempting to ‘put the public back into public space’. This paper compares four models of public space commonly employed by analysts of contemporary public space. Some of the models of ‘good’ public space are themselves inequitable and exclusionary in important respects. Iris Marion Young's“Justice and the Politics of Difference” (1990) develops a multi‐public model which has the potential to address some of these deficiencies, and the paper suggests ways in which this model might be improved.  相似文献   

The exclusion of 'the public' from public space has been a growing source of concern in Australian and international urban research. A variety of models of 'good' public space are employed to criticise a range of 'bad' spatial arrangements and security technologies in contemporary public space. These models often receive less attention than the spaces themselves, but are a fundamental part of any project attempting to 'put the public back into public space'. This paper compares four models of public space commonly employed by analysts of contemporary public space. Some of the models of 'good' public space are themselves inequitable and exclusionary in important respects. Iris Marion Young's“Justice and the Politics of Difference” (1990) develops a multi-public model which has the potential to address some of these deficiencies, and the paper suggests ways in which this model might be improved.  相似文献   

In 1748, Giambattista Nolli published a large map of Rome, which accurately depicted the form and system of public space in the city. This graphic presentation has become a powerful tool for urban space research. However, given the increasingly abundant types of contemporary urban spaces and diverse functions of public buildings, the application of the drawing principle of the Nolli map to contemporary cities remains uncertain. Taking the Laochengnan area in Nanjing as an example, this study investigates the mapping of urban public spaces based on the Nolli map method. On the basis of a field survey, the public and private spaces in the blocks are identified. By comparing the graphic information of the Nolli map and that of the Nolli-type map in terms of public, private, and green spaces, this work also reveals the similarities and differences between traditional and modern urban spaces. Urban spatial mapping methods, including the figure-ground map, street map, and Nolli-type map, are explored and compared using complementary mapping techniques. The practicality and effectiveness of each technique are also discussed. Results show that the Nolli map method is effective in mapping contemporary urban public spaces and provides an effective tool for urban designers and architects to depict and analyze urban public spaces.  相似文献   

Public authorities that seek to transfer the cost of managing green spaces to the private sector face apprehension about the extent of community input in managing of public green spaces in cities. In practice, the governance arrangements for managing public green spaces are neither a purely private or public sector responsibility. They are part of complex and contested governance schemas that involve multiple stakeholder groups with varying interests and responsibilities. This paper proposes a simple framework to support different modes of governance appropriate for the management of public green spaces in cities. The framework classifies stakeholders’ desires for engagement based on ecosystem service characteristics defined on a spectrum of excludability and rivalry. The framework is applied to case studies in Australia and Canada. Finally, we discuss the new insights for governance arrangements for public green space management in cities.  相似文献   

吴韶集  胡一可 《风景园林》2022,29(2):106-111
公共空间是当代城市的重要组成部分,基于人群空间行为的研究可为其优化设计提供参考.当前,利用视频数据获取行人轨迹进而评估公共空间的研究方法开始出现,但使用的方法具有运算速度慢,无法实时获取结果等缺点.使用Python编写基于深度学习的计算机视觉算法,可实时获得研究场地上行人的轨迹数据.以天津大学卫津路校区内的3个公共空间...  相似文献   

论述并分析了当代城市公共空间在1978年改革开放以来经历的三个阶段的转变中设计理念的演变,分析了导致这3次演变的动因,并讨论了经济、文化等社会因素与我国当代城市公共空间发展的关系以及人对于城市公共空间的影响。  相似文献   

以健康生活导向视角追溯西方发达国家城市公共空间发展历程,基于各自不同历史背景、医学模式、公共空间类别及健康生活实现方式,将其归纳为3个重要阶段:神圣敬畏的“公共园林”启蒙期、改善公共健康的城市公共空间发展期、开启多元健康的生活方式成熟期;由此揭示健康生活导向下西方城市公共空间呈现从“单一维度”到“多维融合”、从“消极被动补给”到“积极主动引导”、从“公共”到“共享”的3个发展转变趋势。旨在推动我国以人民健康幸福生活为导向的公园城市建设健康有序发展。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the connection between the planning of public space, social justice and the politics of difference. I argue that, to remedy injustice in public spaces, planning must be informed by a critical politics of difference, which can distinguish between various kinds of social difference. The article outlines some important dimensions of a critical politics of difference with reference to three recent conflicts in Australian public spaces: over graffiti, a women's pool and the policing of public spaces in Perth.  相似文献   

席宇 《住宅产业》2020,(3):39-41
日益加快的城市化进程下,相应地提高了人们生活品质,而我国消费结构及商业产业结构也面临转型升级。推进现代城市公共空间设计,不但能使空间与大众间的交流增强,同时也能实现环境风貌的优化、空间活力的激发,有助于城市文化形象的提升。城市将自身地域特色对外展示时,几乎都是将商业综合体公共空间作为主要载体,本文围绕中小城市商业综合体公共空间设计展开研究,期望能为和谐美丽的城市建设提供帮助。  相似文献   

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